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The hot lava was like a surging sea, which instantly submerged Monray. The terrifying heat burned Monray and melted the Earth Guard Sacred Armor. I wanted to burn Monray to ashes!


Upon seeing this, the Red Rock Fire Demon roared triumphantly, and then they prepared to return to Lava Lake to continue to sleep!

From their point of view, Monray is dead. Impossible can survive their lava attack. No one can. The Outsider who died in their hands is more than 100000000 10000?

But next moment, Red Rock Fire Demon were shocked!


He stood in place intact, even the magic robe on his body was brand new, without any damage!


Red Rock Fire Demon are startled!

At this moment, Monray has already turned into a stream of light, lasing towards the Red Rock Fire Demons!

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

In the sound of collision one after another, the heads of the Red Rock Fire Demons burst open like a watermelon with a scoop!

The gravel flies, lava 4 splashes!

“Ding! Kill 1 Red Rock Fire Demon and get 640010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Red Rock Fire Demon and get 637010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Red Rock Fire Demon and get 629010000 Gold Coin!”


“roar roar 吼 -“

The remaining Red Rock Fire Demons turned pale with fright, rushing into the lava lake to try to avoid Monray’s attack, but it was useless!

Snap your fingers lightly!

A huge boulder with a diameter of several hundred meters suddenly appeared in the sky, and then hit the lava lake fiercely!

“Booming -“

Amid the loud noise of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, the huge boulder fiercely hit the center of Lava Lake, and large swaths of lava splashed, revealing the Red Rock Fire Demons lurking in Lava Lake!

The unlucky eggs were crushed into patties, and the ones with good luck were sent into the air by Juli, and then they were cut off by Monray!

Although I did not encounter Sacred Territory Magic Beast, Monray must admit that these Red Rock Fire Demons occupying the 21st floor are indeed quite strong and occupy a geographical advantage!

Against them, even a 9-level Peak powerhouse like Francis is definitely surrounded by perils, with a risk of 10000 points!

If one is not careful, it may be folded on this layer!

But Monray is different!

Even if the Red Rock Fire Demons have geographical advantages and quantitative advantages, in front of him, there is still a group of fragile leeks, let him harvest at will!

9 level!

Sacred Territory!

the difference between one level!

World gap!

“shua ——”

Lava Lake gradually returned to calm, but the Red Rock Fire Demons who just raged and roared fell asleep forever!

They were all killed, none of them survived!

“78100000000 Gold Coin, here you are!”

Monray smiled, and a fist sized fiery red crystal appeared in his hand: “If you count 128 Red Rock Fire Demon magic cores, the 21st floor is the most lucrative time since I entered the Dragon God Tower!”

“Tsk tsk, it’s better to hunt Magic Beast for money!”

“Well, go to the next floor!”

“I hope I can meet Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“shua ——”

Level 22!


Level 23!


Level 24!


Monray like a hot knife through butter all the way, clearing one level every half an hour on average. The speed is incredible. After 5 hours, he has reached the 30th floor!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Monray turned into a flash of lightning, constantly wandering and attacking, and around him, there was a weird Magic Beast that was completely composed of mud and mud, resembling earthworms and leeches!

At a glance, it is densely packed and countless!

It is the Level 9 Peak Magic Beast-Immortal Mud Grasshopper!

The level 9 Magic Beast is nothing great, but what makes Monray crash is that Immortal Mud Grasshopper is completely unkillable Xiaoqiang!

Fist hit!

magic bombing!


It’s useless at all!

Can’t kill them at all!

“Brat, you must find the weaknesses of Immortal Mud Grasshopper before you can kill them! Otherwise, they will slowly exhaust your physical and magic power, and finally kill you!”

The old man reminded in due course!

“I know looking for weaknesses, but does this kind of guy really have weaknesses?” Monray is also thinking about this issue!

Starting from the 21st floor, Sacred Territory Magic Beast did not encounter it, but encountered a group of super abnormal 9-level Magic Beast, not only the number is amazing, but also extremely difficult!

Either defense metamorphosis, it’s hard to kill!

Either life is amazing, and you can’t kill it!

Either continuously, endlessly!

These are that’s all, Monray patiently solves them one by one, but on the 30th floor, the group of Immortal Mud Grasshoppers he encountered made him feel particularly tricky!

It broke up and returned to its original state!

A piece of magic goes down and burnt, chopped…

It’s okay again after a few breaths!

Physical attack is invalid!

magic attack immunity!

How else is this special?

“Physical attacks and magic attacks are invalid, then try Mind attacks!” The old man reminded: “Any creature has weaknesses, except for Immortal Mud Grasshopper impossible!”

“I am also doing this!”

Monray was heavily nodded, mental power spread out like a tide, and moved towards the nearest Immortal Mud Grasshopper crushed away!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Monray’s mental power surged to the extreme, madly impacting the Sea of ​​Consciousness of Immortal Mud Grasshopper. What surprised Monray was that the Mind of Immortal Mud Grasshopper was much weaker than imagined!

A small Mind impact easily shattered the Sea of ​​Consciousness of a few Immortal Mud Grasshoppers. These Immortal Mud Grasshoppers rolled their eyes and fell soft in an instant!

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Immortal Mud Grasshopper and get 940010000 Gold Coin!”


Monray Mind shakes, keep attacking!

“Puff puff puff ——”

Immortal Mud Grasshopper is like harvested leeks, falling in pieces, and in a short while, all Immortal Mud Grasshopper is killed!

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Immortal Mud Grasshopper and get 949010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 head of Immortal Mud Grasshopper and get 962010000 Gold Coin!”

The system’s prompt sound kept ringing, Monray could not help but relax as he watched the corpses of Immortal Mud Grasshopper smashing into the quagmire!

“Old Dean, I finally understand now why everyone says Dragon God Tower is difficult to break through!”

“The first 10 floors are simple!”

“At the 11th floor, level 9 Magic Beast began to appear, and the difficulty gradually increased!”

“On the 21st floor, there are more and more level 9 Magic Beasts, more and more perverted, more and more difficult, and the difficulty increases exponentially!”

“Below Sacred Territory, even the 25th floor is hard to pass!”

“You just realized it!”

old man lightly said with a smile: “The first ten floors are the easiest, and ordinary geniuses can pass through with gritted teeth!”

“Starting from the 11th floor, it was a little difficult. 90% of the exchange contest players will be stuck on these 10 floors and it is difficult to make progress!”

“As for the 21st to 30th floors, especially the 5-Layer behind, the 9th powerhouse is almost impossible to pass!”

“Facing the amazing number and super difficult level 9 Magic Beasts, even Pureblood Dragon has to kneel!”


Monray slightly nodded!

“So, most of the people who can pass the first 30 floors are Sacred Territory or have Sacred Territory battle strength!”

The old man said with a smile: “I can get to this step, enough to be listed in the Dragon God Genius List!”

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Monray startled, surprised: “So, my name has appeared in the Dragon God Genius List?”


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