You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Monray and the others entered Dragon God Tower 7 8 hours later, the time came to 3 4 pm!

The teachers who led the team were hosted by Dragon God Academy and after participating in the wind reception banquet, they also started free activities!

Some teachers led the team directly to the Dragon God Tower, including Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean!

In previous years, there is nothing to see. After all, there is no decent genius. What’s the point of watching other people perform!

But this year is different!

Very looking forward to it!

“With Monray’s strength, be cautious, passing the first 30 floors is not a big problem, enough to be on the list!”

“Not to mention the first 30 floors, as long as you pass the 22nd floor, it is possible to be on the list. Francis, this brat is also very promising…”

Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean chat all the way, and soon came to the Dragon God Tower!

At this moment, people are already standing in front of Dragon God Tower. People pointing fingers and discussing spiritedly are very lively!

“I’m going! 15 Kingdoms and 48 Duchy are really good this year, and several of them are on the list!”

“Isn’t it! The best one is ranked 487th, 487th in history, awesome!”

“Tsk tsk! This is the 30th floor, awesome!”

“If I remember correctly, it’s been less than 8 hours since they entered the Dragon God Tower, right?”

“Seems to be……”

Hearing people’s comments, Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean looked towards the giant magic light curtain together, and then all the way up!

No. 972, Francis Matthew, Frost Draconian, 28 years old, 23 floors!

“Did you see, Francis really made the list!” Dean Fred laughed: “This brat is really good, it’s not ashamed of you!”

“Make do, it’s incomparable to Monray!”

War Dragon Academy Dean is very modest, but the smile on the corner of his mouth can’t hide it. Don’t look at the low ranking of No. 972, but it is enough to show that Francis is amazing talent!

You know, the Dragon God Genius List has been the list that all geniuses have competed together for nearly 410000 years!

How fierce competition is to elect 410000 people out of 1000? How many people still want to be on the list but can’t?

Being able to be on the list is a symbol of strength!

Being able to be on the list is a symbol of talent!

It is no exaggeration to say that anyone who can be on the list is a genius with a long history!

Great potential!

Sacred Territory can be expected!


Dean Fred laughed, keep looking up!

“Yeah! Isn’t this Fred and Zhanlong?”

A gloomy voice suddenly came from behind!

“Why is this old bastard again!”

Dean Fred 2 people are frowned by appointment. They only listen to the sound and they know who the person is. Besides the annoying old Black Dragon, who else?

“Why are you two also interested in following the Dragon God Genius List?”

The visitor was the Dean of Black Dragon Academy, Angus. He looked towards Dragon God Genius List and his face suddenly turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile: “Isaiah, this brat hasn’t let me down yet! No. 692, 28th floor, worthless of me Some cultivation!”

Upon hearing this, Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean couldn’t help but looked towards the 692th place: 692th, Isaiah Thomas, Black Draconian, 26 years old, 28th floor!

“26 years old!”

“28th floor!”

“This guy is very talented!”

Dean Fred 2 looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes!

To pass the 28th floor, you must have at least Level 9 Peak strength and Power of the World Great Accomplishment!

I have such strength at the age of 26!

Absolutely stunning talents!

“I heard that your Academy has also produced a few talents. I don’t know if they are on the list. Where is their position compared to our Academy’s Isaiah?”

Angus laughed and asked: “You Fire Dragon Academy and War Dragon Academy have been elite academies with geniuses since ancient times. There must be geniuses out of the ordinary in this year?”

“Angus, you don’t want to be here!”

Dean Fred is a straight-tempered, can’t help but coldly snorted and said: “Isn’t it 692? What’s so great!”

“Yes! It’s really nothing great!”

Angus was not angry either, said with a smile: “Fred, since you said that, you must have a better genius in Fire Dragon Magic Academy?”

“Hehe! That’s natural!”

Dean Fred was coldly snorted and quickly looked towards the position of 487 people. He believed that Monray must be in this position!

But he was disappointed!

487th place, Derek, Golden Dragonoid, 30 years old, 31st floor

“Not Monray?”

Fred looked dumbfounded. He thought the 487th genius must be Monray. After all, among the geniuses of 15 kingdoms and 48 duchy, Monray is definitely the best!

Therefore, Monray must have the highest ranking. Who is besides Monray at 487th place?

The fact is…not Monray!

“What the hell is happening on this brat?”

Dean Fred was a little flustered, and at this moment, there were bursts of exclamation in his ear: “I’m going! That guy just went to 469!”

“469? So fast?”

“Is this guy taking violent potions?”

“469 people?”

Upon hearing this, Dean Fred, War Dragon Academy Dean and the sturdy old man Angus looked towards the 469th place almost at the same time!

From this look, the reaction of 3 people have nothing common with each other!

Dean Fred let out a long sigh of relief, and War Dragon Academy Dean exclaimed, with such an expression!

The strong old man Angus was sucked in a breath of cold air, just like seeing a ghost: “16 years old, 32 floors? Wait! 16 years old? How is this possible?”

The exclamations around him were no less than him, and everyone who noticed the 469th place was shocked!

469th, Monray, Human Race, 16 years old, 32 floors

“To pass the 32nd floor of the Dragon God Tower, at least have the strength comparable to the Sacred Territory. In other words, this 16-year-old Little Brat already has the strength of the Sacred Territory level?”


“Sacred Territory?”

“Is that human being?”

“Monster, right?”

“I really don’t know where this perversion came from. I became a Sacred Territory at the age of 16. It’s a proper top ten in history. No, other monsters before Level 3 in history!”

“It must come from 15 kingdoms and 48duchy! Otherwise, geniuses like this kind of first few levels in history have long been on the list, how can they wait until today to enter the Dragon God Tower!”

“It’s reasonable, but I don’t know which kingdom he comes from…”

Hearing the exclamation of the crowd, the sturdy old man Angus looked complicated: “We didn’t expect our 15 kingdoms and 48 duchy to have such a Monster. It’s really incredible!”

The 16-year-old Sacred Territory!

It’s worse than Timon Barton, the number one in history!

The 2nd in the proper history!

How amazing is the second person in 410000 years?

Hearing Angus’ exclamation, Dean Fred’s face turned into a chrysanthemum with a smile: “Monray this brat finally didn’t disappoint me. It’s 469th, 32nd floor. It’s worth my cultivation!”

“Although it can’t be compared with the genius of the Black Dragon Academy, it is not bad!”

War Dragon Academy Dean glanced at the strong old man Angus, cynically said!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

The sturdy old man Angus’s face suddenly stiffened: “Fred, is this pervert at No. 469 from your Fire Dragon Magic Academy?”

“Yes what’s the matter?”


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