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Dragon God Tower, 32st floor!

This is a vast and boundless silver plain!

Look at it at a glance!

No weeds!

No trees!

No mountains!

No life!

This seems to be the forbidden zone of life, above the silver earth, the wind is raging, and it sounds wail like ghosts and howl like wolves!

Above the sky, there is a roaring thunderbolt running through the clouds, roaring, and the momentum is terrifying!

“This earth… is made of metal!”

Monray stands proudly among the worlds, looking at the lonely world raging by the wind and thunderbolt, with a faint look of expectation in his eyes!

On the 31st floor, he met Sacred Territory Magic Beast as he wished. Although there was only one Golden Back Bullsnake, he made 1 Gold Coins!

Coupled with its magic core, this is double benefits!


“I hope this layer will not let me down!”

Monray licked his lips and swept towards the strongest place of magic element. Starting from the 31st floor, there is no need to use magic flying carpet!

His speed is not fast or slow, unconsciously across a long distance, to the strongest place of magic element, a big silver mountain comes into view!

Like the surrounding earth, this lofty silver mountain is made of silver metal. The whole body is silver-white, with several hundred meters tall!

“Hu ~~~”

“Hu ~~~”

There are two caves halfway up the mountain, and two sturdy tornados sprayed out from the within cave, blowing towards the distant earth, and wailing wu wu!

“Sacred Territory Magic Beast hiding in a cave?”

Monray landed in front of the cave, looked at two almost identical caves, and did something provocative!

Just throw it away, throw a Fireball in, and he wants to blow out the Sacred Territory Magic Beast inside!


The Fireball exploded, and the whole mountain trembled, and a thick smoke burst out from the within cave. In the next second, Monray was shocked!

“hong long long -“

In the muffled sound of hong long long, the mountain suddenly shook, the ground began to tremble, and at the same time roars came!

“I go!”

Monray realized something, his body suddenly retreated, and at the same time he looked at the rising mountain, with a look of shock in his eyes!




What kind of mountain is this?

He is clearly a metal giant!

It’s just that this giant is too tall, right?

1500 meters?

Or is it 2000 meters?

Monray looked dumbfounded: “What Magic Beast is this?”

“This is the Steel Wind Ape that is rare in the ape Magic Beast, Metal and Wind Elements Sacred Territory Magic Beast, strong as an ox, very difficult to deal with!”

The voice of the old man sounded: “Be careful, you can run away if you can’t beat them, don’t be slapped to death by Steel Wind Ape!”

“Steel Wind Ape?”

Monray raised an eyebrow!

Steel Wind Ape glared at Monray, and an angry flame burst out of his elephant-sized eyes: “Damn Human, how dare you disturb Bradley’s dream, courting death!”

Tone barely fell, it opened its mouth as big as a bus, and spit out a tornado of ten several meters thick!

“xiu – 鈥?/p>

Facing the tornado that swept over, Monray stood still, even somewhat absent-minded!

Because at the moment Steel Wind Ape launched its attack, several dazzling light balls fell from it!

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Does it matter? Pick it up!”

“Ding! Successful integration, host constitution +3038!”

“Ding! Successful integration, forbidden Spell [Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion]!”

“Ding! The integration is successful and the Forbidden Spell [Blade of Dimension] is obtained!”

“Ding! Successfully merged, get a fragment of Law of Wind!”

“I go!!!”

Listening to the system hint sounds constantly in my mind, Monray is suddenly excited!

A Forbidden Spell!

A fragment of Law of Wind!

This time it really exploded. He had never dropped so many good things during the battle with the Sacred Territory Demons!


And at this moment, the terrifying tornado directly submerged Monray, and countless sharp Wind Blades cut his body. The magic robe on his body didn’t last long before he was cut into powder by countless Wind Blades!

Then there are underwear and panties!

Also not spared…

But the magic is that after the sharp and sharp Wind Blade slashed on Monray, it looked like it was on a steel plate, except for a string of sparks, it could not cut a trace of the skin!

And Monray also didn’t feel the pain, letting Wind Blade slash, I didn’t move!

“The wind’s lightness, agility, and violent…”

“The soft breeze is blowing, destroying heaven extinguishing earth!”


One after another The insights and information about Law of Wind appeared in Monray’s mind. Monray browsed like a movie and quickly knocked on the door of Law of Wind!

“This is… the wind!”

a long time!

Monray slowly opened his eyes, flashes through a bright light in his eyes, and then disappeared into the tornado. When he appeared again, he was behind Steel Wind Ape!

“It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives!”

“You taste my style too!”

Monray opened his mouth and spit out, a light and transparent airflow suddenly ejected from his mouth and shot at the back of Steel Wind Ape’s head like lightning!

“xiu – 鈥?/p>

After the light airflow came into contact with the air, the speed suddenly increased, and in a flash turned into an extremely sharp Wind Blade fiercely cut on the back of Steel Wind Ape’s head!

“ka-cha -“

Amid the sound of metal collision, a small crack was cut directly from the back of Steel Wind Ape’s head, and a strange black blood came out!


This small crack is nothing compared to Steel Wind Ape’s huge body, but it made Steel Wind Ape feel pain. It roared and turned fiercely and slapped Monray with a slap, seeming to smash Monray!

“xiu – 鈥?/p>

Monray disappeared in an instant, and strangely came to Steel Wind Ape’s shoulder when he reappeared, “Big guy, your defense is good, but the speed is too slow!”


Steel Wind Ape turned his head quickly, and slapped it again. Although this speed was fast enough, it fell into Monray’s eyes, as slow as an 80-year-old lady!

“too slow!”

Monray flashed slightly and reached the top of Steel Wind Ape’s head again. Until then, Steel Wind Ape’s giant palm was slapped on his shoulder. With a bang, Steel Wind Ape staggered a shot of himself!


Monray couldn’t help but smile: “Are all the attribute points added to the size and defense? This speed is no one!”

“Nonsense! If Steel Wind Ape is fast enough, can it appear here?”

old man coldly snorted: “But then again, your speed is too fast. The Sacred Territory Magic Beast of the agile department is not as fast as you. Only when Steel Wind Ape catches up with you will you have a ghost!”

“Haha! That’s natural!”

Monray smiled triumphantly, his heart said that more than speed, Laozi’s defense is also super awesome, is Godeater Rat Bloodline the name of Lang?

PS: It鈥檚 been a long time since I asked for a ticket, please ask for a ticket!

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