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Dragon God Church, the whole body is white!

Majestic and majestic!

Founder, solemn!

Solemn and sacred!

In front of the Dragon God Church, there stands an altar about a hundred zhang high. It is made of gold and is as big as a mountain, like a sharpened pyramid!

A 1000 zhang high Golden Dragon statue stands on the top of the altar, the Golden Dragon scales row upon row, the ferocious and sharp dragon claw, the solemn and solemn dragon eyes…

The golden light is brilliant, divine might be mighty, exuding a connecting to heaven penetrating the earth, a sacred and inviolable imposing manner!

It is the Dragon God Statue!

At this moment, people are standing in front of the Dragon God Statue, up to the emperor of Dragon God Empire, down to every contestant…

They all stood in front of the Dragon God Statue, solemnly, and prayed sincerely. Even Monray, Husky who was among the wolves, had to pretend, mutter incantations!

“Ding! Successful integration, constitution +10086!”

“Ding! Successful integration, magic power +2345!”

“Ding! Successful integration, wealth +6666Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Successful integration, get Water Element Forbidden Spell [Tsunami Disaster]!”

“Ding! The integration is successful, and you get the Ice Element Forbidden Spell [Absolute Zero]!”

“Ding! Successful integration, Lightning Element Forbidden Spell [Three Thousand Thunder Movement]!”

“Ding! Successful integration, get Metal Element Forbidden Spell [Myriad Sword Returning to Origin]!”

“Ding! The integration is successful and you get the Wood Element Forbidden Spell [Myriad Manifestations of the Forest]!”

“Ding! The fusion is successful and you will get a fragment of Law of Lightning!”

“Ding! The fusion is successful and Golden Dragon Bloodline is obtained. Is it fusion?”


Listening to the system hints that kept coming in his mind, Monray was happy in his heart. It’s right, it’s right!

Since I came to Dragon God Church, the system hint sound has never stopped. The multi-colored light ball is like soap bubbles, densely packed, countless!

Or constitution light group!

Or magic power light group!

Or magic light group!

Or Gold Coin Light Group!

Even the Bloodline light group and the Law fragment light group have picked up several. If it is not for the system upgrade, Monray can choose whether to integrate the Bloodline!

Otherwise, he is afraid that he would integrate Bloodline early and transform into Ultraman!

“Too many Sacred Territory came today!”

“There is no 1000, there are 800!”

“This force is simply destroying heaven extinguishing earth!”

“The foundation of Dragon God Empire is too terrifying…”

There are indeed many big figures present today, including the Emperor of the Empire, Imperial Prince Princess, members of the Imperial Family, ministers of the princes, ministers of power, leaders of the Academy, and teachers leading the team…

Not less than hundreds of thousands!

Among so many people, there are countless powerhouses at the Sacred Territory level. Although they did not deliberately release coercion, so many Sacred Territory standing together and the faint aura fluctuations made the unruly players keep quiet out of fear!

Ten minutes later, the prayer is over!

Emperor Frederick thirty two stood up straight, and the court waiter immediately took the seat, and Frederick 32th sat down!

“bow down!”

The palace waiter shouted!

“Meet Your Majesty!”

Everyone one after another saluted!

Sacred Territory bow and bend over!

Kneel down on one knee below!


Frederick 32th waved his hand slightly!

“Thank You Majesty!”

Everyone got up!

“Today is the official start of the 4-year Empire Elite Exchange Tournament. Heaven’s Chosen from major academies will show off their style in the exchange tournament. This Sovereign wait and see!”

Frederick 32th is a chubby middle age person, with a peaceful voice, amiable, and looks like a good-tempered uncle next door!

If you really think so, you would be wrong!

Frederick 32th!

The full name is Howard Frederick, the 9th historical monster on the Dragon God Genius List, the pure-blood Golden Dragon, and now the Sacred Territory powerhouse!

It is no exaggeration to say that under the peaceful appearance of Frederick 32th, there is deep and unmeasurable strength!

Now he looks like an ordinary person, because the Empire Ruler has reached the realm of Return to the Natural State!

His horror is only understood by people of his time!

“In this exchange contest, there are 7848 players who signed up for the competition, which is more than the previous ones. It shows that the empire is full of talents and the national strength is booming. This Sovereign is very comforting!”

Frederick 32th’s eyes are on more than 7000 players: “This Sovereign hopes that in the next exchange competition, you can achieve excellent results and win honors for individuals, for the Academy, for the family, and for their respective kingdoms!”

“Read the will of this Sovereign!”

“Your Majesty the Emperor has purpose!”

A court attendant took out the scroll and read aloud: “Anyone who enters the top 50 of the exchange competition will be named hereditary viscount, with 50 li of land, 50 servants, and one piece of Holy Archmage Artifact!”

“The top 20 players in the exchange competition will be awarded hereditary Earl, 100 miles of territory, 100 servants, one piece of Holy Archmage Artifact, and ten kilograms of Elemental Crystal!”

“The top ten in the exchange competition will be named hereditary marquis, 500 li of territory, 500 servants, one Holy Archmage Artifact, one Law Source Crystal, and 100 Jin of Elemental Crystal!”

“The top 3 players in the exchange competition will be named hereditary dukes. They will grant 1000 miles of territory, 1000 servants, ten Law Source Crystals, 1000 jins of Elemental Crystal, and the right to reside in Dragon Island for one year!”


The waiter’s voice was not loud, but it spread clearly throughout the audience. Everyone was in an uproar, and everyone looked towards the contestants, their eyes full of envy and jealousy!

This year’s award is much heavier than previous ones!


In the past, only the champion can be named Duke. This year is good, and the top 3 will be fine!

Law Source Crystal!

In the past, only the top 3 could get the Law Source Crystal. This year it was good. There were top ten, and there were ten!

Ten Law Source Crystals!

What a great reward is this?

What is Law Source Crystal?

This is the key to Sacred Territory!

Only a small Law Source Crystal can help a level 9 powerhouse knock on the door of the Sacred Territory, saving a level 9 powerhouse how many years of hard work?

It can be said that Law Source Crystal has a fatal appeal to any 9-level powerhouse!

Any powerhouse who is stuck at Level 9 Peak and cannot afford to make an inch can’t wait for a Law Source Crystal to help his breakthrough!

Unfortunately, is this stuff so easy to get?

As for the residence right of Dragon Island, I can’t even think about it!

Dragon Island is the Giant Dragon Race and even the Holy Land of Dragon God Empire. Only Pureblood Dragon and Sacred Territory Draconian can enter. How can an ordinary person be eligible to enter?

In the past, even the champion did not receive this treatment!

And this year, as long as you enter the top 3, you will have a year of residence of Dragon Island, which is simply… completely crazy and ridiculous!

Your Majesty, what is it? Why is the reward this year so generous?

“The Little Brat’s luck this year is very good!”

Some people are so jealous that the quality is almost separated: “Why didn’t the previous time have such a heavy reward?”

“It’s a loss, it’s a big loss! I knew that, I have to participate in this exchange competition anyway…”

However, this is not over yet, just listen to the waiter continue: “Champion winner, Titaned King, grant ten thousand li territory, 10000 servants, 100 Law Source Crystal, 10000 Jin Elemental Crystal, permanent residency right on Dragon Island!”


“Titled King?”

The audience was boiling!

Even the Imperial Prince Princess and the old Sacred Territory like Dean Fred were shocked by this reward, each and everyone looked at the emperor in disbelief!

Titled King!

Empire how many years there is no Titled King?

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