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Titled King!

Empire how many years there is no Titled King?

2000 years?

Or is it 3000 years?

Many people can’t help but think back!

Titled King last time, seems to be more than 2000 years ago?

It is also the last time that the Titaned King, Dragon God Empire has added a duchy, from 47 duchy to 48 duchy!

Even so, the empire currently has only 63 kings, namely Ruler of 15 Kingdoms and 48 Duchy!

apart from this, there is no other king!

Can the emperor’s son be Tilted King?

Big mistake!

In Dragon God Empire, the emperor’s son is only the Imperial Prince. No matter how good, no matter how strong he is, and no matter how strong he is, he is still an Imperial Prince, and he can’t get along with the king!

Titled King!

It has a special meaning in Dragon God Empire, because the Titaned King not only means that the empire will have an extra king, but also means that the empire will appear a duchy, even a kingdom!

The territory of duchy and the kingdom is far from comparable to other Nobles. Even if the emperor wants to Titled King, he must first take out the corresponding territory!

Otherwise, the Titaned King will be in name only!

“Why did Your Majesty suddenly want the Titaned King?”

Many ministers thoughts were revolving, thinking about the emperor’s intentions, many people were confused, but a few of the emperor’s close ministers had guessed the emperor’s intentions!

“Your Majesty suddenly Titled King should be related to 13th Princess!”

“The 13th Princess is loved by Your Majesty, and it is amazingly brilliant. It is better than the talent’s most outstanding Imperial Prince Barbarossa. It is the undisputed most powerhouse among the younger generation of the Empire!”

“It’s a pity that the 13th Princess owns half of the Human Race bloodline and is destined to not inherit the throne! So, Your Majesty intends to take the second place and make the 13th Princess king?”

“The problem is, the Tilted King must have Fiefdom. Although the empire has a vast territory, it has lords. Where does Fiefdom come from…”

Just as people were thinking about it, Frederick 32th stood up and said with a smile: “Tell the public good news. Three months ago, an adventurer team found a lost Continent in the Southeast Sea Territory of the endless deep sea!”

“Lost Continent?”

Everyone startedled!

“This Continent hangs lonely above the endless deep sea, and its surroundings are obscured by clouds and fog, so it was never discovered until this adventure team accidentally broke in!”

Frederick 32th said with a laugh: “Identified by the Imperial Survey Team, this Continent vast territory and abundant resources is vast!”

“The distance between east and west is more than 0/5000 kilometers, the north and south are more than 6000 kilometers, and the area is as high as 100010000 square kilometers. The single territory is comparable to a duchy!”

“It can be said that this is another territory that the great Dragon God has given me to the Dragon God Empire, thanks to the kindness of Dragon God!”

Having said that, Frederick 32th looked towards the players, with a faintly discernable smile in his eyes: “This Sovereign promises: Whoever wins the exchange championship will be named the first-generation king of Lost Continent! “

As soon as this statement was made, the breathing of all the contestants suddenly became heavy, each and everyone’s heart beat wildly, and the emperor’s ambition was immediately roused by the emperor!

100010000 square kilometers!

What a vast territory this is!


As long as you win the championship, you can become the king of this Continent. From then on, the Ruler side will guard ten thousand li and become the Fire Dragon King, Frost Dragon King, and Black Dragon King.

What a temptation this is!

Who can resist?

Even the “urban people” like Monray have been moved, even more how people in this world with a heavier concept of territory?


“The champion is mine!”

“Don’t even want to grab it with me!”

Many players have blood red eyes, and their hearts are cruel!

“Okay! The next thing is left to Duke Utas!”

Emperor Frederick 32th looked towards a thin middle-aged man on the left, said with a smile: “Imperial Brother, the exchange match is left to you!”

“Follow the order of the Imperial Brother!”

Duke Utas bowed and saluted, then turned around and looked towards more than 7000 players, and announced loudly: “This official is in charge of Your Majesty and is responsible for hosting this exchange competition. I hope that every dean, teacher, related staff, everyone Player…”

“Finally, this exchange competition is divided into 3 sessions, namely: Lost Continent knock-out competition, Semi-Plane ring competition, and the last Dragon God Mountain challenge!”

“The first link: Lost Continent knock-out competition!”

Duke Utas explained: “Lost Continent here is the place Your Majesty just introduced!”

“After survey, Lost Continent is currently occupied by Magic Beast, up to Sacred Territory Magic Beast, down to Level 1 Magic Beast, everything!”

“Your task is to go to Lost Continent, hunt down the Magic Beast on this Continent, collect magic cores, and get corresponding points rewards!”

“Duration: One month!”

“The specific magic core reward points are as follows:”

“Level 1 magic core 1 point!”

“Level 2 magic core 5 point!”

“Level 3 magic core 10 points!


“9 points for level 1000 magic core!”

“Sacred Territory Early Stage 110000 points!”

“Sacred Territory Middle Stage 210000 points!”

“Sacred Territory Late Stage 510000 points!”

“Sacred Territory Limit 1010000 points!”

“The 100 people with the highest points advance!”

“Those who die, give up halfway, those who have insufficient points, and those who have not yet reached January will be eliminated!”

The players held their breath and listened quietly!

“In a moment, a special communication Magic Tool will be distributed to each of you. If you encounter a mortal danger, you can call this communication Magic Tool for help, but…it will be regarded as giving up halfway!”

Having said that, Duke Utas looked towards the emperor: “Your Majesty, the game rules have been introduced, do you have anything to add?”

“This Sovereign just say 2 less words!”

Frederick 32th stood up: “You are all geniuses of the empire. Anyone who dies is a loss to the empire!”

“So, let’s change the rules of knock-out competition a bit! During the knock-out competition, you can seize the magic core of others, but it is forbidden to kill others!”

“Remember, your every move is under surveillance. Whoever commits suicide against others in violation of the rules is considered eliminated!”

Speaking of this, Frederick 32th sighed: “This Sovereign temporarily revised the rules, just hope that you don’t save one from ten, as in the past, so that the empire will harm countless elites!”

Ten without one?

The players in ones heart trembled!

This probability is really low!

This year there are 7848 people in total. If ten people don’t save one, wouldn’t even 1000 people survive?

I go!

The players all felt the cruelty of previous exchange competitions!

“Thank Your Majesty for your concern!”

The players were immediately grateful!


Frederick 32th slightly nodded!

“Your Majesty is kind, Nian’er and others are not easy to train, and the rules of the game have been modified specially, but you are still not to be careless!”

Duke Utas exhorted: “There are countless Lost Continent Magic Beasts, and there are no fewer than 100 Sacred Territory Magic Beasts. There are many crises. One carelessness may kill Magic Beast. Die without a burial site, you will cherish it!”


The contestants should be loudly!

“In 1 hour, open the magic array and send you to Lost Continent! What else do you have to say, explain, and prepare, do it now!”


The players immediately boiled over and found their respective teachers!

“Black Dragon Kingdom players come here!”

“Frost Kingdom…”

The 52 contestants from Fire Dragon Kingdom including Monray, Joel and Francis were also called by 6 Dean Fred!

“The sudden change in the competition system this year is something we didn’t expect!”

The six deans have grim faces: “For Lost Continent, we were also unheard-of before, but since Your Majesty has used it as a game place…”

After some advice, 6 people asked: “Is there anything else you want to explain or prepare? If you have any, please say it quickly. We will find someone to do it!”


“It’s ready!”

“Dean, do you have any extra Space Magic Tool? Can you lend me temporarily, the more the better, the bigger the better, I want to install the Magic Beast corpse!”

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