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The underground cave is bottomless!

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, a huge underground pool appeared, the pool was surrounded by white mist, and the temperature was amazingly low!

In the middle of the pool, there are two strange Magic Beasts that resemble baby fish. They are more than 2 ten meters in length, and they are milky white, as if they are piled up with white jade of suet. They look extremely soft, silky, white and tender, crystal clear and translucent. …

However, these two tender big guys are actually entangled together, huh, huh, and do actions that are not suitable for children. There is no shame in teaching the little child!

“Fuck! Spicy eyes!”

Monray kept his gaze intently: “Could you be a little bit more ethical, here is this 16-year-old minor!”


Hearing the sound, the bodies of the two huge monsters became stiff, stopped hehe instantly, and turned their heads to look over!

Speaking of it, maybe some are not suitable, because their eyes are closed tightly, which is obviously degraded!

But they still found Monray!

“Wow ~~~”

“Wow ~~~”

They opened their mouths loudly and made harsh and piercing noises, like children crying, making people panicked!

“Old Dean, what Magic Beast is this?”

Monray’s heart is fraught with being called!

“If there is no confession, this is the Sacred Territory Magic Beast-Body Splitting Devil Salamander that has been extinct in Firmament Continent!”

The old man said slightly surprised!

“Body Splitting Devil Salamander? Why did you get such a strange name?” Monray is a little mysteriously!

“Hehe! What you see now are 2 Body Splitting Devil Salamander, right?” The old man looked strange!

“Yeah, what’s the matter?” Monray wondered!

“In fact, they belong to the same Magic Beast!”

The old man laughed and explained: “Body Splitting Devil Salamander is a very rare hermaphrodite Magic Beast, which splits into two individuals every mating period!”

“One female and one male!”

“Then mate!”

“After the mating is successful, it will merge into one, pregnancy, pregnancy, childbirth… until the next mating!”


Monray sounded dumbfounded, and sighed for a long time: “Great Thousand Worlds, sure enough, there is no lack of strange things, there is such a strange magic Beast, it’s really helpless!”

“There are so many unimaginable creatures, what is this?”

The old man indifferent expression smiled: “You have to be careful later, the Body Splitting Devil Salamander during the mating period is the most irritable. The good things you disturb him may have already angered him!”


Monray couldn’t help but looked towards 2 heads. No, it was the “1” head Body Splitting Devil Salamander. They grinned, their nostrils sprayed, and they let out low roars, as if they were extremely angry!


Next moment, countless silver water spears flashing cold glow suddenly appeared all over its body, and it launched an attack outrageously!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

The silver water spear pierced the air and issued a stern sky-splitting sound, as if to poke Monray into a sieve!

“Level 8 magic ——Ruling of Water?”

Monray shook his head and smiled, and slowly uttered 4 words: “Absolute Zero!”


The Ice Element elements in all directions converged suddenly, and then turned into a surging white air current to rush towards Body Splitting Devil Salamander!


Body Splitting Devil Salamander gave a weird cry, and before he responded, the white air current drowned it completely!

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

in a flash, the countless water spears shot are frozen!

Body Splitting Devil Salamander is frozen!

The pool beneath it was also frozen!

Everything in the cave is frozen!

In an instant, the damp and dark cave became the Water Crystal Palace, exuding an astonishing cold air, and after a breath, it would freeze into white mist!

White mist is everywhere!

The ice is translucent!

Body Splitting Devil Salamander has become a sculpture, and the body still maintains its previous movements, just like the ice sculpture that has just been sculpted, lifelike and lively!

“Ding! Kill 1 Body Splitting Devil Salamander and get 104100000000 Gold Coin!” The system hint sounded on time!

“Absolute Zero, it’s really scary!”

The old man took a deep breath and sighed from the bottom of his heart. As for why Monray was able to release the Ice Element Forbidden Spell, he was not surprised. Are there mysteriously few things about Monray?

“Nice Forbidden Spell!”

Monray was also nodded, and gently pointed on the ice sculpture, only listening to the ka-cha, the huge Body Splitting Devil Salamander suddenly shattered and turned into ice powder!


Sure enough, there is only one magic core!

“It’s really a Magic Beast!”


Monray was amazed, then out of the cave, then out of the sinkhole, and back to the jungle!

Keep hunting for Magic Beast!

When it comes to Monray, ordinary Magic Beast is already difficult to see. His lowest goal is Level 9 Magic Beast, and the focus is on Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

As for the Low Level goods such as Level 7 and Level 8, Monray encountered random killings on the road, and Monray was too lazy to look for them specifically, it was a waste of time!

“Old Dean, have you sensed Sacred Territory Magic Beast?”

“Sacred Territory Magic Beast has not been discovered yet! However, there is a good level 9 Magic Beast in the south-east direction!”

“How far?”

“Fifty-sixty kilometers!”

“Since there is no Sacred Territory Magic Beast, just go over there and have a look!”

Monray was a little disappointed, and then swept towards the place where the Level 9 Magic Beast was. Unexpectedly, he was stopped by the old man just halfway through the flight!

“Smelly brat, wait!”


“Sacred Territory Magic Beast aura was sensed in that direction!”

“To the northeast?”


“it is good!”

Monray did not hesitate and swept towards the northeast at the fastest speed. After merging with the Godeater Rat Bloodline, his speed increased several times. This speed also includes flying speed!

His current flying speed is faster than the flying Magic Beast of the overwhelming majority Sacred Territory Middle Stage!

“xiu – ”

A stream of light passed!

100 meters in an instant!

A few minutes later, Monray came to the location of the Sacred Territory Magic Beast, but to his astonishment, the situation of this Sacred Territory Magic Beast was very bad!


I was beaten up!

Six players are surrounding it and beating it!

These 6 people are obviously not good at stubble. They have sharp swords, fierce power, and magical precision. Even if this Magic Beast skin is rough, flesh is thick, it can’t stand the 6 people’s siege!

Under the siege of 6 people, this unlucky Sacred Territory Magic Beast was struggling to cope with it and could die at any time!

“The whole body is red and beautiful, with rose petal-shaped scales, and the first horned one. This is Wood Element Sacred Territory Magic Beast Horned Rose Python!”

The old man said with a smile: “Horned Rose Python is the face value in the Python Magic Beast, Firmament Continent is rare!”

“Responsible for face value? That’s it?”

Monray rolled the eyes and looked towards the 6 people who beat Horned Rose Python: “This is the uniform of Dragon God Academy. They are from Dragon God Academy?”

“Look at the Academy uniform, it should be!”

The old man agrees with Monray’s judgment!

“It’s a pity that a Sacred Territory Magic Beast will be killed by them!” Monray shook his head and sighed!

“What pretend to be, you who don’t you have any points in your heart?” The old man looked contemptuous!

“Old Dean, you will have no friends if you are so straightforward!”

Monray twitched his lips, then dropping from the sky, and jumped into the circle of war!

“What are you doing? Why did you hurt my mount?”

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