You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Monray dropping from the sky, like stepping on 5 Cai Xiangyun, the monkey born out of the sky, shocked everyone!

“Beware, someone is seizing food from the tiger’s mouth!”

A girl wearing a golden magic robe, holding a golden staff and full of golden wavy hair tenderly shouted, and the six stopped attacking instantly and looked towards Monray in full alert!

“Who am I? I turned out to be a kid with hairs not even grown yet!”

The blonde girl quietly relaxed: “Little devil, leave immediately, we can forget the past; if not, don’t blame me, you are welcome!”

“Where is the wild brat, get Laozi away!”

“Even our prey dare to snatch, courting death!”

The other 5 people also stood up straight, put down their guard, and looked at Monray coldly, with disdain in their eyes!


Monray’s face was suddenly pulled down, and he pointed to the rose one-horned python said solemnly behind him: “This is obviously my mount. You actually treat it as a prey?!”


The 6 people were slightly astonished and couldn’t help looking towards Horned Rose Python, only to find that Horned Rose Python looked at Monray with a dazed expression!

Am I his mount?

Why don’t I know?

Obviously, it doesn’t know Monray!

6 people suddenly became angry!

“Boy, you dare to fight with me?!”

A robust man with a single horn on his back and wings on his back, a robust man over 2 meters high, roared, like an angry bull, and slammed directly towards Monray!

“Marcus, start lightly, don’t kill, or you will be eliminated!” Someone kindly reminded: “Just a half dead!”

“Relax! I know how to do it!”

The one-horned robust man Marcus gave a grinning grin, raised high with the right hammer in his hand and hit it with one hammer!

“Brat, you can’t come here, go back and have some milk!”

I have to say that Marcus’s attack is very powerful, even if it is a level 9 Magic Beast, it will be smashed into meat sauce with a hammer, even more how tall is less than 1.7 metres, the lean Monray!

Just looking at the appearance, the gap between the two is not so big!

However, facing the heavy hammer that Mount Tai slammed on the top, Monray grabbed the heavy hammer casually!

Then with a little effort, he grabbed a hole with the heavy hammer, and the powder in his hand slipped and drifted away in the wind!


When Marcus saw this, his eyes almost popped out of his sockets. This heavy hammer was made from the bones of the Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

Very heavy!

Very hard!

He was caught casually!

It was caught and exploded!

Is this special person still?

However, before he was horrified, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from his stomach. Marcus lowered his head. Monray didn’t know when he appeared in front of him, punched in his abdomen!


Marcus opened his mouth and felt a strong force coming, as if he was hit by a galloping high-speed train, and he flew out directly!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

The five blonde girls were all dumbfounded, they looked at Monray blankly, as if they had seen a ghost!

Marcus is not the strongest among them, but as the Black Draconian Marcus, the strength is definitely the strongest!

Strong as Marcus, was actually killed by an instant kill, and even the proud sea whale bone hammer was crushed! ! !

What is this power?

What kind of strength is it?

Sacred Territory!

The unimposing in appearance kid in front of you is definitely a Sacred Territory, and it is the kind of powerful Sacred Territory!

Otherwise, Marcus is impossible!

Want to understand this, the 5 people were suddenly shocked!

“It’s my mount, is there a problem?”

Monray looked towards 5 blonde girls!


Five people trembled!

Although they are Half-Step Sacred Territory, coupled with the Holy Archmage Artifact in their hands, 6 people work together, barely able to kill the Sacred Territory Early Stage Magic Beast!

But in the face of a terrifying Sacred Territory who can instantly kill Marcus, where are they opponents?

“Stop talking? Then I’ll ask again!”

Monray raised his eyebrows: “This Horned Rose Python is my mount, do you have any comments?”

“Lord, it’s yours!”

The blonde girl corner of the mouth twitched, although there are 10000 reluctants, she wisely gave up Horned Rose Python!

Facing a deep and unmeasurable Sacred Territory, toughness, spine, and rigidity are definitely the most stupid performance!

“go away!”

Monray waved his hand!


The 5 people carried Marcus and left as if they were fleeing, for fear that the escape was slow, which caused Monray’s slowness!

“Now, we are left!”

Monray turned his head, his eyes fell on the bruised Horned Rose Python, and he raised his mouth!

Not to mention, the shape of Horned Rose Python is quite unique, like a pile of rose petals, it is worthy of the face value of the Python Magic Beast!

“si si 嘶~~~”

Horned Rose Python growled with horror, “You…what do you want?”

Seeing that Horned Rose Python didn’t immediately launch an attack, Monray couldn’t help being nodded. It didn’t take long to come to Lost Continent, but he discovered that Lost Continent’s Magic Beast has one characteristic, that is, it doesn’t hate Human very much!

Perhaps because they have never seen Human, they also regard Human as Magic Beast. Facing a stronger Human than them, they will be afraid, fearful, and acknowledge allegiance just like facing other powerful Magic Beasts. !

It is not like the Magic Beast of Firmament Continent, hatred, angry, unwilling, and would rather die!

“I’m wondering, is it braising you, scorching you, or freezing it into popsicles? Or skewered into snake meat?”

Monray squeezed his chin: “However, that would be too bloody. Would you like to try cutting it into slices of snake meat? Yes, slices of snake meat, I haven’t seen slices of snake meat yet?

“And your rose scales. If they are cut off and placed in a rose shape, it will be very effective for soaking girls, right?”

“si si 嘶~~~”

Horned Rose Python trembled like sifting, and his eyes were full of horror: “Big…Lord, don’t…don’t kill me, I’m just a simple little python that is not deeply involved and confused and ignorant. My meat is not delicious. It’s really not delicious!”

“Huh? Do you still beg for mercy?”

Monray was surprised: “Just beg for mercy! I ask you a question. If your answer satisfies me, I can consider letting you go!”

“Lord please say, I must know that everything is endless!” Horned Rose Python shiver coldly, nodding her head again and again!

“Are you familiar with this Continent?”

Monray asked the first question!

“Familiar! Of course familiar!”

Horned Rose Python is busy nodded: “I have lived in this Continent since I was young, and I am familiar with every corner of this Continent!”

Monray’s eyes lit up and happily said: “So, do you know the location of all the Sacred Territory Magic Beasts on this Continent?”

“Yes, Lord!”

Horned Rose Python didn’t know why, but he respectfully replied: “All the Sacred Territory Magic Beasts on this Continent are my friends. I know the nest of each of them!”

“Very good! Very good!” Monray gratified nodded: “The last question, do you want to die or live?”

“Live! I want to live Lord!”

Horned Rose Python is almost crying!

“Since you want to live, then follow me!”

Monray barked his teeth: “Take me to find your Sacred Territory Magic Beast friends, remember, every one!”

“Lord, what are you looking for?”

Horned Rose Python blinked!

“Is this something you can ask?” Monray glared. “I’m going to talk to them about life?”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

“What are you waiting for? Let’s go!”

Monray body flashed, just on top of Horned Rose Python!

“Yes, Lord!”

PS: After the last chapter was sent out, it was harmonized, and now it has been revised, which is really sorry!

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