You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Monray sat on the shoulders of Many Arms Behemoth, headed to the next Sacred Territory Magic Beast, and at the same time counted the harvest just now!

“3 Sacred Territory magic core!”

“76 9-level magic cores!

“There are countless other magic cores!”

“In less than half a day, you got so many magic cores?”

Monray didn’t believe that it was Carol and the others hunted. The only possibility is that they robbed other players like themselves. Only in this way can they collect so many magic cores in half a day!

“It’s easy to rob and kill, and the dead are seriously injured. This exchange match is really cruel!” Monray exclaimed!

“The exchange match is already cruel!”

The voice of the old man sounded: “The strong, very ruthless, ruthless; the weak, report the group to get warm!”

“In order to win, the players by fair means or foul, sneak attack behind, murder a person with a borrowed knife, crafty plots and machinations…you can’t guard against it!”

“It’s not so much an exchange match as it is a killing match. There are countless players who die in the exchange match every year! If you hadn’t been good at it, you would have been stigmatized!”


Monray smiles!

“Especially if you are on the road with 2 Sacred Territory Magic Beast, it is too conspicuous!” The old man kindly reminded: “Let’s relax, don’t fall in the sewer!”

As soon as he said this, the old man laughed: “Look! What am I talking about! Brat, let’s see how you deal with this time!”


Monray raised his brows, and mental power swept across. In the grass a few kilometers away, a young girl fell in a pool of blood…

“What’s this? Sexual entrapment?” Monray shook his head slightly: “Zacas, Clara, you are waiting for me here!”

“Yes, boss!”

Monray rose into the sky and soon came to the girl!

“help me……”

The weak boy found Monray, as if he had seen a savior, and shouted hoarsely!

The girl should be a Mage, her magic robe is in tatters, exposing large white skin!

Blood on the corners of the mouth, blood on the body…Blood all over, especially a lance penetrated her thigh and pinned her to the ground, making it difficult to move!

“I… I was attacked!”

The girl’s pretty face was pale: “They took all the magic core from me and injured me. I can’t move now. Can you save me?”

“Of course you can!”

Hearing what the girl said, Monray was nodded again and again, as if I was just licking the dog, let me lick it!

“Can you remove the lance from my leg?”

The girl pleaded, so pitiful!

“no problem!”

Monray stepped forward and grabbed Lance. Unexpectedly, at this moment, Lance in his hand suddenly turned into a little scarlet snake. It opened his mouth and bite it directly on Monray’s hand!


Monray cried out in pain, shook off the scarlet snake, pinched the bitten right hand, and staggered back!

“Giggle ~~~”

Seeing this, the weak girl chuckled immediately. The crisp and sweet laughter was especially clear in the quiet forest, unlike the pitiful appearance before!

“You…you…yin me?”

Monray face deathly pale, staring at the girl angrily!

There was no trace of misery in the young girl at this time, the blood on her body disappeared strangely, and even the tattered magic robe was restored as new, and the little blood-colored snake ran into her hand!

“Yin you? I can only blame you for being stupid!”

The girl stroked the scarlet snake, giggling: “All the means used in the communication competition are used to the extreme. An idiot like you will never survive the first day!”

With that, she looked towards Monray’s space ring, a smile suddenly appeared on her face, and she said softly: “Give it to me!”

“This is the magic core that I have hunted desperately. How can I give it to you?” Monray looked sad and indignant, swearing to his death!

“No? Then die!”

The girl complexion changed, her face turned fierce: “Do you know what kind of snake this is? This is a blood-scaled Ardent Sun snake, very poisonous! Once bitten by it, even Sacred Territory will be paralyzed for a long time, even more how you? “

“You… why are you so vicious?”

Monray turn pale with fright, frightened 10000 points!

“Stop talking nonsense! If you don’t want to die, hand over the space ring immediately, and I can give you the antidote! Otherwise, you just wait to melt into a pool of pus and die!”

The girl looked fierce!


Monray looked pale. After hesitating for a while, she finally took off the space ring and threw it away. The girl took it with satisfaction, and then checked it!

Looking at it, she immediately complexion ashen: “5 Level 1 magic cores? This is what you hunted down? Are you kidding me?”


Monray has an ugly face: “You don’t believe me!”

“It turned out to be a poor ghost, wasting my time for nothing!”

Fiercely, the young girl glared at Monray, her eyes looked like she couldn’t wait to swallow Monray, and then she turned and left!

“Hello! Where’s the antidote?”

Monray even loudly shouted!

“Go to hell, you damn poor ghost!”

The girl jumped out these words coldly, and left without looking back!

“xiu – ”

A light breeze passed!

Monray is floating!


The girl startedled and looked at Monray who suddenly appeared in front of her in disbelief!

“Little sister, you robbed me just now, now it’s my turn to rob you!” Monray frivolous, changed the misery before!

“You are not poisoned!!!”

The girl reacted quickly, her body suddenly retreated, and after she retreated to a safe distance, she glared at Monray: “You fool me! Find…”


She didn’t finish her words, Monray’s big feet appeared, kicked the girl’s face, kicked her flying!

“Can you speak? Did Laozi fool you?” Monray coldly snorted: “Laozi is called beating somebody at their own game, understand?”

“Bastard! I killed you!”

The girl was embarrassed and indignant. She rushed up from the ground and attacked like crazy. In the sky-splitting sound of “xiū xiū xiū”, the surrounding trees seemed alive and dead!

The vines turned into poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes, surrounded Monray from all directions, and then shot out in a swarm of swarms!

“Play Wood Element magic in front of me? Overestimate one’s capabilities!”

Monray sneered, a finger pointed!

one after another white air stream shot out from between the fingers, greeted the poisonous snake and poisonous snake shot from hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

In contact with the white air current, the poisonous snake wrapped a layer of white ice crystals, and then froze in place!

After a few breaths, all the poisonous snakes and poisonous snakes became lifelike ice sculptures, motionless!


Monray spit out a word!

“oh la la ——”

All the ice sculptures shattered in an instant, turned into ice slag in the sky and fell on the ground, making a crisp impact!


The girl was frightened and even thought of magic incantation, she must release the magic with greater power!

“xiu – ”

Monray appeared quietly, to the girl!

“I am a kind, considerate and gentle man. I have never beaten a woman. Don’t worry about that!”

Monray smiled gently: “However, I really want to feel the taste of beating a woman, are you ready?”

“Pa pa pa ——”

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

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