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“1 Sacred Territory magic core!”

“38 9-level magic cores!

“There are countless other magic cores!”

“A woman, still act alone!”

“I have collected so many magic cores in just half a day. How many unlucky ghosts are this cloudy?”

Monray sighed with infinite emotion: “The world is going downhill, and people’s hearts are not old. There are not many honest and kind players like me!”

“Are you upright and kind?”

The old man’s mouth twitched: “You are upright and kind, why do you pretend to rob Carol and the others? You are upright and kind, why do you treat a little girl like that?”

“It’s not that I said you, you are too ruthless, too ignorant to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex. She is a good girl, but she was beaten into a pig head by you. How will you let people see people in the future?”

“Hahaha, I am doing this for her good!”

Monray smiled: “With her strength, she can’t go too far. Instead of being scrapped by Carol’s pervert, it’s better to withdraw early!”

“Then why do you want to rob someone’s space ring? You robbed all three of them in a row?” The old man squinted his eyes!

“Or for her, lest she be missed by others!” Monray said righteously, awe-inspiring!

“I believe you a ghost, you brat is very bad!”

old man lightly snorted: “However, I can rest assured! Your brat is so wicked and slippery, you can only consider yourself unlucky when you run into it!”

The two people were chatting together, and the warm sun shining on him, Monray suddenly felt a little sleepy, and said to Many Arms Behemoth and Horned Rose Python:

“You keep on going, I’ll squint for a while!”

“Yes, boss!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Many Arms Behemoth’s shoulders are very wide and covered with densely packed long hair. Monray arched out of a nest and fell asleep comfortably!

After a while, 4 snores!


Seeing Monray fall into deep sleep, Horned Rose Python approached Many Arms Behemoth and shouted in a low voice!

“What do you want me to do?”

Many Arms Behemoth took a sideways glance at Horned Rose Python!

“He is asleep, are we…”

Horned Rose Python squirmed his lips and said the word “slippery”!

“You want to betray the boss?”

Many Arms Behemoth’s voice suddenly rose, and his eyes filled with anger: “Clara, you pythons really have no faith at all!”

This voice almost scared Horned Rose Python into a heart attack: “Be quiet! Be quiet, brother! Please…”

“hmph! ”

Many Arms Behemoth groaned!

“I was forcibly intimidated by him. I neither sworn allegiance nor signed a contract. How can I betray you?”

Horned Rose Python lowered his voice: “We are the Sacred Territory Magic Beast, the creature standing at the top of the Continent Pyramid, and the king of Magic Beast. We should be free, free and unconstrained, instead of becoming his slave and mount as we are now. !”

Many Arms Behemoth Silence!

Horned Rose Python thought it was moved, and said more vigorously: “You should know that once our Sacred Territory Magic Beast falls asleep, it takes a long time to wake up!”

“He fell asleep!”

“Now is a great opportunity to escape!”

“Let’s run away together. From now on, sky is high enough for a bird to fly through, Sea is broad enough for fish to leap about, why follow him to suffer from this bird?”

“If you want to go, go, I won’t go!”

Facing the bewitching of Horned Rose Python, Many Arms Behemoth resolutely refused: “Since I was defeated by him and swore an acknowledgement allegiance, I would never violate it. Behemoth never abandons my promise!”

“Zacas, you…”

The anger in Horned Rose Python’s heart: “You are Many Arms Behemoth, comparable to Golden Behemoth’s King of Land War, just so willing to let him drive…”

Horned Rose Python was talking, her body suddenly stiffened, and she turned her head with difficulty, and saw Monray looking at herself full of smiles!


Horned Rose Python suddenly shook his body, showing a smile that was even worse than crying!

“Do you want to go?”

Monray raised an eyebrow!

“No no no! I don’t want to go!”

Horned Rose Python shook his head repeatedly: “I am willing to follow Lord forever until the sea dries up and the forest degenerates…”

“Go if you want!”

Monray indifferently said: “Now that Zacas leads the way, it is unnecessary to take you with you. If you want to go, I will not stop you!”

Horned Rose Python was a little confused: “Big… Lord, what you said is true? Are you really willing to let me go?”

“Hurry up if you want to roll!” Monray waved his hand impatiently: “Zacas, speed it up!”

“Yes, boss!”

Many Arms Behemoth complied, the speed skyrocketed, and in a flash it flew to several hundred meters away, leaving only the Horned Rose Python standing there!

“I… am I free?”

“I am free!!!”

“I am finally free!”

“Haha, I’m…bow!”

A golden glow appeared abruptly, and instantly crossed Horned Rose Python’s throat, a blood line appeared quietly, and Horned Rose Python’s head and body gradually separated!


“Sure enough, you still didn’t let it go!” The old man shook his head slightly: “Let me just say, how could you be so kind!”

“If you don’t get killed by me, you will get killed by others!”

Monray faintly smiled: “With its strength, it will live for a long time! Instead of this, it is better to be killed by me!”

“What a fool!”

The old man sighed: “Continent is now full of dangers. Players hunting Magic Beast are everywhere!”

“Especially Sacred Territory Magic Beast, it’s the fat that the players snatched. It’s safer to follow you, leave? Dead end!”

“It wants to bring about one’s own destruction, who can stop it?”

Monray closed his eyes and went to sleep!

After half an hour, I came to a cliff. The cliff wall stood 1000 ren high and stood tall and straight, looking extremely dangerous!

And on the cliff, densely packed, there are countless honeycomb-like holes, large and small, thick and thin…

However, it is very lively here!

There are even fifty-sixty players who have been attracted here, and they are hunting wildly for Magic Beast, a snow-white bird!

The body of the albatross, the mouth of the crocodile, the sharp claw of the eagle, the wingspan is more than 20-30 meters, and the white feathers are all over!

It is the gregarious Magic Beast-Alligator Eagle Albatross!

I saw countless Alligator Eagle Albatross flying out of the hole on the cliff, attacking the players frantically. As Wind Attribute Magic Beast, Alligator Eagle Albatross is quite powerful!

Generally possess the strength of Level 7 Magic Beast, a few are Level 8 Magic Beast, the well-known figure is Level 9 Magic Beast, and the king is Sacred Territory Magic Beast!

With such a group of powerful and terrifying group of Magic Beasts, it is no wonder that they can attract so many players!


“Kill them!”

“Protect Mage!”

“Quick! Don’t be robbed by them!”

The players were all red-eyed and hunted Alligator Eagle Albatross almost frantically. Even though the number of Alligator Eagle Albatross was huge, there was nothing to do with the players!

Each player has the strength of Level 9 Peak, among which overwhelming majority or Draconian, can be described as Magic and Martial Training. What is their opponent for Alligator Eagle Albatross?

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Booming -“

“Booming -“

Densely packed Wind Blade!

The flaming Fire Dragon!

Amazing thunderstorm!

The tornado that swept everything!

The surging waves!

hiding the sky and covering the earth vines!

Explosion, neigh!

Crash, roar!

“The battle situation is really fierce, this scene is much hotter than the Hollywood special effects blockbuster!”

Monray couldn’t help feeling again and again: “However, I can’t watch the fires burning across the river, sit back and become the fisherman who sweeps the benefits!”

“I have to act!”

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