You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Zacas, you hide here, I’ll go too!”

Monray turned into a stream of light and flew into the battlefield!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Alligator Eagle Albatross shot in the sky. The ice blade is only a low-level magic, but it has amazing power in Monray’s hands!

“Puchi puchi ——”

“Puchi puchi ——”

In the endless light sound, the ice blades penetrated the head of Alligator Eagle Albatross with unparalleled precision, harvesting the life of Alligator Eagle Albatross!

Moreover, Monray is more of a chicken thieves, and specializes in the powerful Alligator Eagle Albatross, such as the 9th Level 8.

“Ding! Kill 1 Alligator Eagle Albatross and get 190010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Successful integration, constitution +1987!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Alligator Eagle Albatross and get 67910000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Successful integration, magic power +498!”


Listening to the cold system hint, Monray is like listening to the sky, humming the tune of “The Most Dazzling National Style”, following the beat, releasing the ice blade!

“the vast horizon is my love!”

“Flowers are blooming at the foot of the rolling green hills!”

“What kind of rhythm is the most…”

Take a stroll in the courtyard, leisurely!

It’s a pity that it’s too chaotic here. Monray, the dog group, is not at all unremarkable, not at all attracting the attention of others!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The slaughter continued, a large number of Alligator Eagle Albatross violent death, this behavior finally angered Alligator Eagle Albatross King!


There was a sharp and high pitched sound that almost pierced the eardrum of a person’s eardrums. A giant Alligator Eagle Albatross with a wingspan of over 100 meters and a golden crown shot out of the cave!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Countless Wind Blade hiding the sky and covering the earth

“Alligator Eagle Albatross King!”

“It’s Alligator Eagle Albatross King, be careful everyone!”

“Alligator Eagle Albatross King is the Sacred Territory Magic Beast, everyone worked together to behead this beast first, and then slowly discuss how to divide it?”

“it is good!”

“It can only be so! Facing the Sacred Territory Magic Beast, you can’t be paralyzed!”


Except for a few lone rangers like Monray, the other fifty-sixty players are obviously divided into several teams. They made a choice after a little exchange!

Then, kill the Alligator Eagle Albatross King together!




The Draconian Warriors vibrated their wings and rose into the sky, and the Mages sang incantion and released the High Level magic!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The attack of hiding the sky and covering the earth flooded the Alligator Eagle Albatross King!

“xiu – ”

A dazzling golden light also flew out, passing the head of Alligator Eagle Albatross King among all the attacks!

“Ding! Kill 1 Alligator Eagle Albatross King and get 117100000000 Gold Coins!”


Alligator Eagle Albatross King froze in the air for an instant, and the wings that covered the sky and the sun became weak and weak in this brief moment, and then his head softened and crashed into the ground!

Finally, it’s motionless!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“what’s the situation?”

“Is this dead?”

“Our attack is so sharp that even Sacred Territory Magic Beast was killed directly?”

The players looked dumbfounded, but their reaction was not slow. Each and everyone flew at the Alligator Eagle Albatross King at lightning speed and pounced at the Sacred Territory magic core!

“The magic core belongs to me, so don’t grab anyone from me!”


The players are all red!

“xiu – ”

Just then, the mutation is steep!

With the sharp sky-splitting sound, a golden light flashed, and Alligator Eagle Albatross King was already in front of another person!

Dazzling blond hair!

Wearing golden armor!

Firstborn Golden Double Horns!

Step on the golden giant sword!

Handsome, handsome and domineering!

The whole body exudes an incomparable noble temperament, and the investment room shows a gentleman’s elegance!

Domination and elegance coexist!

Both handsome and powerful!


“It’s the Imperial Prince Barbarossa!”

All the players froze in place and did not dare to step forward!

“This Sacred Territory magic core, I want it!”

Barbarossa expressionless, golden eyes swept across the audience, casually uttered this sentence, then turned and flew towards the Alligator Eagle Albatross King, not paying attention to everyone!


All the players looked at each other in blank dismay, only to feel extremely aggrieved, but no one dared to come forward and stop!

Not to mention the terrifying power of Imperial Prince Barbarossa, his identity alone makes everyone afraid to act rashly!

Ranked 148th in the Genius List for terrifying power!

Destined to ascend the throne as a powerful emperor!

Who wants to have trouble with him for a Sacred Territory magic core?

Forget it!

Can not afford to offend, can afford to offend !

At the same time, what happened here was also happened to be seen by Your Majesty the Emperor and the others who are far away from several li!

It is said to be right, but it is not really suitable!

The melee that took place in front of the cliff was too fierce. In fact, it had attracted Frederick 32th’s attention a long time ago, and he specially made people switch here!

The appearance of Barbarossa was purely an accident, not a special concern!

However, after seeing the performance of Imperial Prince Barbarossa, flattery praises one after another, and praises and praises are endless!

“Kill the Sacred Territory Magic Beast Alligator Eagle Albatross King with one sword!”

“With a single word, I will quit the fifty-sixty players!”

“This is the power of the Imperial Prince Barbarossa?”

“As expected of the Imperial Prince Barbarossa!”

“The blessing of the empire…”

Hearing the compliments of the courtiers, Frederick 32th couldn’t deny a smile, ready to let people switch the magic light curtain to see other players!

Unexpectedly, at this time, an accident happened!

“Where did you come out, dare to snatch my magic core?”

A clear and peaceful voice suddenly sounded, especially clear in front of the silent cliff!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

The players suddenly froze, looking towards the sound Master in disbelief!

Just flying to the Alligator Eagle Albatross King, the Imperial Prince Barbarossa, who was about to pick up the magic core, was also slightly paused, turning his head and looking over!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

In an instant, two eyes of fifty-sixty fell on Monray at the same time, looking up and down!

“Who is this?”

“Who is he?”

“Where’s the kid?”

“Is there a pit in my head?”

“Does he dare to stop Imperial Prince Barbarossa?”


The players looked at Monray, all a little speechless, thinking that it was some kind of fierce guy, didn’t expect just a arrogant and ignorant kid!

At the same time, there is dead silence in front of Dragon God Church!

The emperor, the Imperial Prince Princess, the Sacred Territory powerhouse, and the noble ministers all looked at the young boy on the magic light curtain with a look of surprise on their faces!

“This brat…”

Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean looked at each other and smiled bitterly: “I knew there would be such a day, but didn’t expect it to come so soon…”

“This brat is too rash. This time it is the Imperial Prince Barbarossa. Not to mention the identity of the Imperial Prince Barbarossa, just its strength…”

War Dragon Academy Dean shook his head slightly, his face full of solemnity!

Dean Fred silently nodded, a little worried!

“This Sacred Territory magic core belongs to me, do you have an opinion?”

Barbarossa glanced at Monray, his expression indifferent!

“You said yours is yours? Who do you think?”

Monray immediately laughed: “I also said that the space ring in your hand and the golden giant sword under your feet are mine, will you give it to me?”


Barbarossa eyes slightly narrowed ……

If you want to know what’s going on, let’s listen to the next breakdown!

Gā gā gā ……

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