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Barbarossa eyes slightly narrowed, a golden glow flashes in the eyes, a golden sword light shoots out from the eyes, slashing towards Monray at lightning speed, and it’s instant!

“such insignificant ability !”

Monray slightly smiled, shaking his body slightly, avoiding the golden sword light, and then flashed with his feet, and appeared strangely in front of Barbarossa, his knees slammed!


With a muffled sound, the knee was hitting Barbarossa’s stomach, the force burst into full force, and Barbarossa flew out!


Monray clicked on his toes and grabbed Barbarossa’s golden giant sword in his hand: “Well, it’s a lot of weight. It looks like it is made of pure gold. It should sell for a lot of money?”

Hearing this, the mouths of the players and everyone in front of Dragon God Church twitched, and 10000 fuck your mother ran past!

This is the weapon of the Imperial Prince Barbarossa, the Imperial Family saber, and the priceless Holy Archmage weapon. Others can’t wait to snatch it. You want to sell it?

Lard blindfolded you!

“This smelly brat!”

Dean Fred’s face turned dark, cautiously glanced at Emperor Frederick 32th, only to find that Your Majesty the Emperor was not angry, but looked at Monray with interest, as if he had discovered a new Continent!

Fred quietly relaxed!


The Imperial Prince Barbarossa broke out, and the whole body burst out with brilliant golden light, like a blazing golden flame!

“Huh? Transformed into Super Saiyan?”

Monray was shocked: “Super Saiyan 1 or Super Saiyan 2? It can’t be 3, right? Hair is not that long…”

At the same time, a surging terror aura erupted from Barbarossa!

“Lowly species, damn you!”

Barbarossa’s eyes were cold and he burst out of murderous intention. The Metal Element elements within a few kilometers gathered crazily, and in a flash, they condensed into countless golden lances!


A low roar!

10000 1000 golden lance got the command and shot it at Monray instantly. In the sharp and stern sky-splitting sound, the sky seemed to be split, and the power was terrifying!


“Quickly retreat!”

When the players saw this, their complexions changed wildly, and they fled to the distance. The Imperial Prince Barbarossa of Sacred Territory Middle Stage took an angry shot, which was not something they could get close to!

If one cannot be dealt with, it becomes a pond fish that has been hit, and it will die in vain!

“Imperial Prince Barbarossa is angered!”

“This bastard, he will soon know what a stupid thing he has done!”

“Imperial Prince Barbarossa’s anger is not something he can bear…”

The many powerful ministers in front of Dragon God Church were full of enthusiasm, and their eyes were full of excitement. Only Dean Fred and the others restless, a heart raised his throat!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

In the horrible sky-splitting sound, 10000 1000 golden lance only took 10% of the second, and it was in front of Monray!

That terrifying power, fierce golden glow, sharp spear tip, as if to poke Monray into a sieve, nailed to the ground, in order to vent his anger!

“Level 9 Metal Element Dragon Language Magic-Heaven Locking Golden Spear?”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Power is really scary, and the casting speed is fast enough! It’s a pity, it’s useless to me!”

The indifferent voice was still reverberating around, Monray instantly turned into golden light and dissipated in place, “xiū xiū xiū ——”, Heaven Locking Golden Spear passed by, nailing all of them to the ground!

“do you died?”

“Did you die?”

People stare!

The smoke and dust dissipated, revealing 1000 sores and 100 holes, the ground like a honeycomb, and Monray… disappeared, leaving no traces!


Someone was surprised!

“not dead!”

“Where is he!”

Everyone looked up one after another, and saw a giant fire cover with a diameter of 100 meters appeared in the sky, white flames were burning, and 9 Fire Dragons circled around!

The giant wings cover the sky, and the sky is roar!

At the next moment, the giant fire cover carries the terrifying high temperature dropping from the sky that burns everything, and Barbarossa only had time to jump out a few steps and was shrouded in it!


Monray slowly uttered a word!


The giant flame shield began to shrink, and it shrank directly from the giant flame shield with a diameter of 100 meters into a small flame bell less than ten meters!


Monray said again!


When the words were spoken, the small flame bell exploded, and amid the explosion of heaven-shaking, earth-shattering, a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the violent shock wave broke out directly, and instantly swept across several li!

The big earthquake trembled and the smoke billowed!

The cliff broke, the rock fell!


There is dead silence before Dragon God Church!

In other words, it’s terribly quiet!

The Imperial Prince Princess and the noble ministers stared at the magic light curtain completely shrouded in mushroom clouds. They only felt dry and short-circuited their brains!

Only Sacred Territory powerhouses are still sober, but they are equally shocking!

“Who knows this fire magic?”

“do not know!”

“never seen it!”


“But power definitely belongs to Forbidden Spell!”

“I don’t know, is it a Forbidden Spell?”

“Create your own…Forbidden Spell?”


The sound of suck in a cold breath sounded from the audience!

“What about the Imperial Prince Barbarossa? How is he?”

Others came back to his senses one after another, staring at the magic light curtain, eager to know the situation of Imperial Prince Barbarossa!

At the same time, the players who retreated to the distance also looked at the center of the battlefield, their necks stretched out long, and their eyes did not blink!

“hu hu~ ~~”

The sea breeze blows, and the smoke is gone!

Revealed the bombed battlefield!


Everyone sucks in a breath of cold air!

Big pit!

A huge pit with a diameter of more than 1000 meters appeared on the spot. The rays of light flickered on the wall of the pit, emitting multi-colored rays of light!

This is obviously the sand, gravel and soil that was burned into colored glaze by the high temperature at the moment of the explosion, and the colored glaze reflected the colorful colors under the sunlight!

“How high was the temperature just now?”

People swallowed their saliva and looked towards the bottom of the pit!

There was a silhouette half-kneeling at the bottom of the pit, and most of the dazzling golden hair was burned, and the golden armor of dazzling became so dark!

The point is, that handsome, domineering and noble face has also become dark, the previous nobility no longer exists, and the elegance and dominance disappeared without a trace…

If you have to use one word to describe it, it is: embarrassed!

Indeed, the Imperial Prince Barbarossa at this moment was indeed embarrassed to the extreme, with his hair burnt, eyebrows burnt, handsome face burnt, armor burnt… the whole body was burnt!

A lively picture of the ashes at the bottom of the pot, and a war movie…group performance!

“This is the Imperial Prince Barbarossa?”

People covered their mouths, some couldn’t accept it!


The audience can’t accept it, even more how the parties?

An angry and high-pitched Dragon’s roar suddenly exploded, and a terrifying Dragon Might suddenly broke out from the bottom of the pit!

At this moment, the players on the scene only felt it was difficult to breathe, their hearts seemed to be caught, and they were blocked in panic!



violent wind erupted, the sand is flying!

A huge golden silhouette burst out of the pit and rose into the sky…


PS: Ask for a ticket?

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