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The fierce and sharp dragon horn!

golden light dazzling dragon scales!

The sharp dragon claw!

The surging Dragon Might!

Loud and loud dragon roar!

All telling the true identity of this huge monster!


At this moment, the horrible creature that hangs high in the sky and freely releases the Dragon Might is the King of Dragons-Golden Dragon, standing at the top of the Continent pyramid, known as “Lord of the Skies”!


The Golden Dragon roars up to the sky, the 100 meters dragon body is huge, the muscles are strong and powerful, the dragon claw is unmatched…



Both domineering and beautiful!

Power and beauty coexist!

“This is Golden Dragon?”

Monray murmured to himself: “It looks like a horse, if you have such a mount, you must be very pretending to ride…”


old man coldly snorted: “You really dare to think, if others hear this, you will be over brat!”

“That said, after all, Dragon God Empire here!”

Monray slapped a haha: “Old Dean, this guy should not be as strong as you, why is the dragon body so much bigger than you?”

“What’s so surprising about this? When an ordinary Giant Dragon reaches adulthood, it will be 20-30 meters long and doubled in size when entering the Sacred Territory, reaching fifty-sixty meters!”

The old man explained: “And as the King of Dragons, the Golden Dragon is twice the size of the ordinary Giant Dragon. This guy is also in the Sacred Territory. Isn’t it normal that he is bigger than me?”

“No wonder!”

Monray slightly nodded, and then licked his lips: “However, such a big body, but average strength! If it weren’t for the Dragon God Empire, I would really want to kill it!”

“Butchered it?”

The old man was taken aback and shouted sternly: “You brat, you want to court death 10000000, don’t drag Laozi! Also Dragon Slayer, courting death ah you!”

“Hehe, don’t you just say it casually!”

Monray chuckled!

“Brat, your idea is too dangerous!”

The old man took a cold breath: “Listen to me, don’t have similar thoughts after 10000000! Otherwise, Dragon God Empire will have no place for you!”

“Got it!”

Monray twitched his lips: “Just say it casually, are you so excited? I’m not a fool!”

“Hmph! I can’t say it!”

old man coldly snorted!

“Will not!”

Monray hehe smiled and looked towards the huge silhouette of in the sky: “Speaking of which, Golden Dragon is the Imperial Family of the Empire. Isn’t this guy’s identity very unusual?”

“More than unusual? Bloodline pass between pure blood Golden Dragons, lineage single pass has always been!”

The old man shook his head and said: “Each emperor can give birth to at most one pure-blooded Golden Dragon offspring! This guy is so young, if I guess right, he should be the only pure-blooded Imperial Prince of the current emperor!”

“Imperial Prince? This guy is the Imperial Prince?”

Monray startled, and it suddenly dawned on him: “No wonder these players chose to submit to humiliation after being robbed of magic core by him. It turns out that he is the Imperial Prince!”

“How, fear?”

old man said with a laugh!


Monray licked his lips: “Hehe, I’m about to climax with excitement, I can’t wait to rush to beat him again!”

“You are really fearless!”

The old man hummed: “In our Dragon God Empire, the emperor can only be inherited by the pure Golden Dragon from Bloodline. Do you know what this means?”


Monray has already thought of it!

“It means that this guy in front of him will become the emperor in the future, that is, the future Master of this empire!”

The old man took pleasure in other people’s misfortune: “And what about you? How dare you beat the future Your Majesty the Emperor! he he he…”

“The future emperor? Isn’t this the Crown Prince?”

Monray was completely speechless: “The first Golden Dragon I encountered in my lifetime turned out to be the Crown Prince of Dragon God Empire? I have no luck!”

“Now know that afraid right?”

The old man chuckled: “I advise you to surrender obediently, and then puck up your ass to let this His Highness the Crown Prince fiercely beat you out, maybe there is a glimmer of survival!”

“Give up? Thinking too much!”

Monray coldly snorted!

“what do you want?”

The old man raised his eyebrows!

“Since you are destined to be held accountable, just remember the hate more thoroughly. This is not too bad!”

Monray licked his lips and hehe sneered: “Just now, I was a subordinate merciful!”

“Tsk tsk! You are awesome!”

The old man laughed!


At this time, Barbarossa finally finished brewing, and his wings flicked and turned into a golden lightning-shooting towards Monray!

The wind is whistling, the dust is flying!

Unparalleled in power, Dragon Might is mighty!

“Since I debuted, I have fought various Magic Beasts, many of which are Sacred Territory Magic Beasts like Golden Winged Holy Light Tiger, and even King of Land Wars like Behemoth have been subdued by me!”

“Only Giant Dragon has never played against it!”

Monray slowly rises into the sky, his robe is fierce, long hair is fluttering, his eyes are surging, blood is boiling in his chest!

“Today, let me see the so-called Lord of the Skies, is it not just in name only, but also in reality!”

“xiu – ”

Monray also turned into a stream of light and greeted it!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“He…what is he doing?”

“Just facing the Imperial Prince Barbarossa?”

Seeing Monray’s behavior, people’s hearts are dumbfounded!

The current Barbarossa is 100 meters in length, extremely large and extremely capable, and is a well-deserved Lord of the Skies!

What about Monray?

The height can be 1.7 metres, although the long and delicate eyebrows are quite pleasing to the rich woman Old Ox, but compared with the Imperial Prince Barbarossa, they are completely elephants and ants!

Want to meet force with force with Barbarossa just like him?

“Fred, what does he want to do?”

War Dragon Academy Dean’s eyes widened and he murmured!

“You ask me, who am I to ask?”

Dean Fred is a little broken, he doesn’t understand what Monray is going to do?

In his opinion, Monray’s advantage is magic, which is an understanding of World’s Law. Monray should keep a distance and use magic to attack Imperial Prince Barbarossa remotely!

Rather than rushing up like this, moth flies into the flame, what is the difference between this and death?

“This brat, what the hell is happening?”

The distance of several hundred meters is for Monray and Imperial Prince Barbarossa, but a momentary thing, accompanied by the thunder of Heaven-shaking, Earth-shattering cry, one man one dragon crashed together!


World roars, the sound waves vibrate!

The wind is raging and the smoke is billowing!

Next moment, something stunned people happened, and the two people who collided arbitrarily retreated at the same time!

Monray exited 20-30 meters!

Barbarossa exits 50-60 meters!

At first glance, Monray lost!

But if you look closely, Monray has nothing to do, his face is not red or breathless, Barbarossa’s dragon claw has golden dragon’s blood dripping, and a painful color appears on his face!

“Imperial Prince Barbarossa was injured?”

Everyone was in an uproar, even the Emperor Frederick 32th looked sideways with a surprised look on his face!

“Dear Aiqing, who of you knows this boy, and which Academy is he from?”

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