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The silence in front of Dragon God Church is terrible!

Going up to the princes and nobles and down to the ministers of civil and military affairs, they were all shocked and inexplicable. No one expected that this was the result in the end!

The Imperial Prince Barbarossa, who crushed the golden pendant and increased its strength several times, is still not Monray’s opponent!

2 Is the gap between people so huge?

“The interval between each Myriad Manifestations of the Forest is no more than 3 seconds!”

Emperor Frederick 32th exclaimed: “With a time interval of 3 seconds, Forbidden Spell is almost equivalent to instant. Is this Little Brat so knowledgeable in Law of Wood?”

Everyone nodded in agreement!

Ordinary magic can be cast instantly!

Forbidden Spell, of course!

But to cast Forbidden Spell instantaneously, the caster must have a very high understanding of World’s Law, so that he can build a strong house and know it at a glance!

Normal Holy Archmage can never do it!

Monray can do it, which is enough to show that his understanding on Law of Wood has reached a terrifying realm!

“This one……”

Dean Fred smiled bitterly at this!

“Dean Fred, isn’t this Sovereign wrong?”

Frederick 32th has doubts on his face!

“Your Majesty, frankly!”

Dean Fred helplessly said: “Just before, I didn’t even know that Monray had Wood Element magic talent!”

“You don’t even know this?”

Frederick 32th slightly frowned!

“Your Majesty, I only know that Monray has the three elements magic talent of thunder, fire, and ground, but I really don’t know the Wood Element magic talent!”

Dean Fred obediently and honestly replied!

“Thunder, fire, earth, and… wood?”

“Four elements?”

“Monray actually has four elements magic talent?”

“Hi! Horror! Horror!”

“With Golden Dragon Bloodline and Fire Dragon Bloodline, and four elements magic talent! Great Dragon God, do you love this guy too much?”

People can’t help being sucked in a breath of cold air, each and everyone is shocked by Monray’s terrifying talent!

Double Bloodline!

four elements talent!

Either of these two is enough to make people jealous that the qualitative wall is separated, let alone appearing on the same person at the same time, the illegal child of Dragon God should not be so perverted!

“So talent should be the most shocking and stunning Imperial Family member in 10000 years, this Sovereign is very gratifying!”

Frederick 32th exclaimed sincerely!

At the same time, Lost Continent!

The battle in this brief moment is over, no matter how reluctant Barbarossa is to admit it, it is indeed over!

“You lost, Imperial Prince!”

Monray said these words meaningfully, and then ignored the angry Barbarossa who was about to kill. He put away the body of Alligator Eagle Albatross King and left here!


“This guy is finally gone!”

“Too strong! Too terrifying!”

“Which one of you knows this guy, where did he come out, and why is he so strong?”

“I’m afraid this level of strength is enough to contend with the four abnormalities of the Academy…”


“Brat, now you are completely famous!”

“Tsk tsk! Hang the Imperial Prince, this is something I wanted to do but I couldn’t do it!”

“But then again, why did you awaken Golden Dragon Bloodline, why did I never know? How much did you brat hide from me?”

Lie down on Many Arms Behemoth again, and continue on the road, Monray himself and the old man have a gossip chat!

About half an hour later, a huge canyon appeared in front of him, and Many Arms Behemoth Zacas stopped!

“Boss, in front of you is the territory of Golden Corpse Insect Race-Golden Corpse Canyon!”

“Golden Corpse Canyon?”

The canyon is wide and deep, rugged and winding, you can’t see the head at a glance, and the valley is filled with smoke and exudes an amazing stench!

And at the bottom of the canyon, there are countless corpses, some just decayed, and they are covered with mosquitoes and maggots; some are old corpses with only dense bones…

Before getting close, looking at the remains of the corpses from a distance, and the smell of the sky, Monray felt his stomach upset, almost vomiting it out overnight!

“Zacas, why did you bring me to such a place?”

Monray was holding his nose, a little dissatisfied!

“Boss, aren’t you looking for Sacred Territory Magic Beast?”

Many Arms Behemoth Zacas explained: “The Sovereign of the Golden Corpse Insect Race is the closest Sacred Territory Magic Beast to us, and it lives in this Golden Corpse Canyon!”


Monray pinched his nose: “Is there a way to get the Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign out? I don’t want to go into the canyon and be smoked to death by the smell!”


Zacas grabbed a huge boulder and threw it fiercely into the gorge. The wall shook and the rock fell!

“Boris, your mother, get out of Laozi, you don’t know who Laozi wants to beat you!”

Zacas slapped his chest and let out a thunderous roar, the sound resounding for a long time like billowing thunder within the valley!

“Compared with Clara, Zacas is simple and rude!”

Monray couldn’t help laughing. He asked Horned Rose Python to call someone. That guy is always cowering. He is afraid of wolves and tigers. It looks ashamed!

In contrast, Zacas is much more violent!

“weng weng weng -“

After a while, bursts of buzzing sound broke through the air, and a golden cloud floated out of the canyon!

With Monray’s eyesight, it is natural to see clearly what golden clouds are here. It is clear that countless golden bugs gather together to form a scene similar to a locust crossing!

Densely packed, gold pressed one piece!

“Boss, this is Golden Corpse Insect!”

Zacas shrank his head: “A nasty bug with a tiny body but an amazing destructive power!”

“What level of Magic Beast is Golden Corpse Insect?”

Monray stared at the brilliant golden clouds and couldn’t help asking!

“Boss, a single Golden Corpse Insect is comparable to the level 9 Magic Beast, but their mouthparts can easily pierce the scales and skin of the overwhelming majority level 9 or even the Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

Zacas explained: “A large group of Golden Corpse Insects gathered together and can gnaw a Sacred Territory Magic Beast in a few minutes!”

“So, it’s very dangerous!”

“Until as a last resort, I definitely don’t want to come to this damn valley to provoke these damn Stinking Insects, they are too terrifying!”

“The thought of them crawling all over my body and getting into my hair makes me tremble!”

“Haha, look scared you!”

Monray laughed dumbly, but his heart moved: “Every Golden Corpse Insect is a level 9 Magic Beast. How much money do so many Golden Corpse Insect earn?”

“weng weng weng -“

Just as Monray was thinking about it, the golden clouds gathered by Golden Corpse Insect finally flew over, and then gathered and formed into a giant bug!

The giant worm is 100 meters tall, ferocious-looking, like a magnified version of lice, but it is golden in color, with double wings on its back, and scaly armor. It is extremely hideous!

“Zacas, you dare to come to my Golden Corpse Canyon? What a bravery!”

The giant worm spit out, and the sound was like rolling thunder: “Since you dare to come, then I will eat you today, let you know that my Golden Corpse Canyon is not a place where big guys like you can set foot!”

“Little ones, swallow it for me!”

“weng weng weng -“

The giant insect dissipated in an instant, turning into a sky full of golden clouds and pounced on Zacas!


Zacas roars up to the sky, showing the appearance of a tyrant, but it has no effect on the Golden Corpse Insect hiding the sky and covering the earth. The Golden Corpse Insect sometimes disperses, sometimes gathers, sometimes humanoid……

In a flash, kill Zacas!

“roar roar 吼 -“

Zacas roared again and again, sharp claw waved, boulders smashed, and his power was violent to the extreme, but there was a feeling that Old Hu was eating a hedgehog and couldn’t get his mouth down!


In the face of such a group of tiny bugs, what is the use of its violent power?

Seeing to be surrounded by the Golden Corpse Insect hiding the sky and covering the earth, and then like the remains of the Golden Corpse Canyon deposited, swallowed up by the Golden Corpse Insect, and then rot, putrid, and reduced to mosquitoes and maggots. food!

“Absolute Zero!”

At this moment, Monray shot!

“ka-cha -“

The white cold current spewed out, and instantly flooded the golden clouds all over the sky. Amid the crisp sound of crack cracks, the golden clouds were frozen!

At the same time, the white cold current continued to extend forward, spreading towards the Golden Corpse Canyon, wherever it passed, everything was frozen, and the smelly sky and corpses were no exception!

After a while, the former Golden Corpse Canyon has disappeared, replaced by a white glacier!

Of course, there are countless Golden Corpse Insects frozen in the air and motionless!

“not dead?”

Monray was a little surprised, because the system’s not at all sounded, which is enough to show that the completely frozen Golden Corpse Insect has not died, they have not been frozen to death, none of them!

“This is amazing!”

Monray suddenly clicked one’s tongue in wonder!

“Golden Corpse Insect is the Metal and Ice Elements Magic Beast, almost immune to the Golden Ice 2 magic!” The old man’s voice sounded: “Absolute Zero can’t kill them!”

“No wonder!”

Monray slightly nodded: “Since you are not afraid of Absolute Zero, what about Heavenly Fire Alights the Prairie?”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Thoughts move, large black flames floated down from the sky, instantly covering a radius of 1000 meters, and also covering the Golden Corpse Canyon behind you!

“Puff puff puff ——”

black Wherever the flame reaches, everything burns, even the ice that exudes astonishing coldness!

“Puff puff puff ——”

The ice was burned, not at all melted into water, but turned into fuel for the black flame, making the black flame burn even more violent!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Flames are burning!

“Ding! Kill 1 Golden Corpse Insect and get 100010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Golden Corpse Insect and get 100110000 Gold Coin!”


The system hint sound immediately sounded, and it is endless!

“This is right!”

Monray satisfied nodded!


“Damn badard!”

“How dare to slaughter my children like this, you damn it!”

A sound like a night owl neighing sounded, and a Golden Corpse Insect full of baby fist sized was seen flying out suddenly, glaring at Monray, gnashing teeth!

“Boss, it is Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign-Boris!”

Many Arms Behemoth reminded in due course!

“Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign?”

Monray couldn’t help but look over!

The ordinary Golden Corpse Insect is small and pitiful, about the same size as the date nucleus, but this Golden Corpse Insect is dozens to 100 times the size of other Golden Corpse Insects, and it is as big as a fist!

“This is also Sacred Territory Magic Beast?”

Monray was astonished: “The big fist Sacred Territory Magic Beast, this is the smallest Sacred Territory Magic Beast I have ever seen…”

At this point, two golden light groups fell from the Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign!

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”


“Ding! The fusion is successful and you will get a fragment of Law of Metal!”

“Ding! The integration is successful and the Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign Bloodline is obtained. Is it a fusion?”

“Fuse the fragments of Law of Metal!”

“Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign Bloodline, forget it!”

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