You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Since the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline, Monray has been very picky about Bloodline. He really doesn’t look down on ordinary Bloodline!

Whether it’s Fire Dragon Bloodline, Flame Demon Bloodline, or the just-fused Golden Dragon Bloodline, it’s just tasteless!

If he can, he doesn’t even want it!

Therefore, Monray is even less interested in the Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign Bloodline just picked up!

“Fuse the fragments of Law of Metal!”

In an instant, a piece of information about Metal Element magic element and Law of Metal poured into my mind, quickly raising Monray’s perception of “Metal”!

“Jin, sharp, hard, the main killer…”

“Golden, introverted, murderous, the main change…”

After a long time, Monray slowly spits out one mouthful of impure air, and his comprehension of Law of Metal has obviously improved to a higher level!

“Many thanks to your Law of Metal fragments!”

Monray’s gaze fell on Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign: “In order to thank you, I will leave you a corpse!”

“Ice Element Forbidden Spell-Absolute Zero!”

“Wood Element Forbidden Spell-Life Punishment!”

After throwing out 2 Forbidden Spells in a row, Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign didn’t even have a chance to escape and lost his life!

“Ding! Kill 1 Golden Corpse Insect Sovereign and get 118100000000 Gold Coins!”

The corpse fell, Monray grabbed it casually, and couldn’t help feeling: “If all the corpses of Sacred Territory Magic Beast were so small, it would be fine. Don’t worry about having no place to install…”

“Zacas, look for the next Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“Yes, boss!”

Many Arms Behemoth is back on the road. Monray counts the gains as usual. If you don’t know, you don’t know, a little surprised!

“Wealth points have skyrocketed so much?”

Monray was a little surprised!

58.6 Law Source Crystal!

Converted into Gold Coin, it is 5860100000000!

“How many have you been before?”

“22.3Law Source Crystal, 2230100000000 Gold Coin!”


“A full increase of 36.3 Law Source Crystal!”

“Ah! God!”

“How could it suddenly soar so much?”

“Wait! I count!”

“1 Golden Corpse Insect is worth 100010000 Gold Coins, and 10 is 1100000000 Gold Coins!”

“36.3Law Source Crystal, equivalent to 3630100000000 Gold Coin! That is 36300 Golden Corpse Insect?”

“3.610000 Golden Corpse Insect? Worth so much Gold Coin?”

“Oh, God! Hunting level 9 Magic Beast is more profitable than Sacred Territory Magic Beast?”


It took a long time for Monray to calm down!

He understands that it is not that the Level 9 Magic Beast is more valuable than the Sacred Territory Magic Beast, but the Golden Corpse Insect that has just been hunted is too much!

Accumulate less into more, win by quantity!

This was the result of this windfall of 3630100000000 Gold Coin!

“Didn’t expect Golden Corpse Insect, which I just killed casually, brought me so much income. It seems that it is the most cost-effective way to make money by hunting the gregarious Magic Beast!”

Monray decisively issued an order: “Zacas, first go to the Sacred Territory Magic Beast territory with the race!”

“The bigger the ethnic group, the better!”

“The stronger the better!”


“Yes, boss!”


Monray is satisfied with nodded, and looked towards the huge wealth points, 58.6 Law Source Crystal. It’s a lot of money, how should I spend it?

Sweeping the attribute panel, Monray immediately had an idea: “system, first increase the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline by 1%!”

“Ding! To increase the fusion of Godeater Rat Bloodline by 1%, 10Law Source Crystal is required. Does it increase?”

The cold voice of system sounded!


Monray had a painful face, but he still gave an increase order. He had known the price before, not surprisingly!

To increase the degree of Bloodline integration by 1%, 1000100000000 Gold Coins are needed, and to increase the Law Comprehension by 1%, only 100100000000 Gold Coins are needed!

In other words, if this 1000100000000 Gold Coin is used to increase the Law Comprehension, he can increase the Law Comprehension of a certain Law by 10 100 points!

10 100 points!


It can be seen how expensive it is to upgrade the Godeater Rat Bloodline!

But Monray feels worth it!

Because of the improvement of Godeater Rat Bloodline integration, the improvement of strength is all-round, especially the improvement of speed and defense is even more terrifying!

In this Lost Continent of danger lurks on every side, it is absolutely necessary to improve speed and defense, especially there is an unknown god tree glare like a tiger watching his prey, speed and defense are too necessary!

“shua ——”

Wealth points instantly shrink by 10Law Source Crystal!

At the same time, a black azure air flow suddenly emerged from the depths of the Bloodline, and quickly flowed to the 4 limbs, 100 skeletons, bones and bones, and even every corner of the body, quickly transforming and strengthening Monray’s body!


This kind of strengthening was accompanied by intense pain. The piercing pain slapped Monray’s pain nerves like tidal water, making Monray feel biting and burning inside. It was much stronger than the previous fusion of Golden Dragon Bloodline!




Monray groaned, grabbed Zacas’s mane, if he could, he really wanted to faint!

But how can mental power be so strong that he can faint easily?

Can’t be dizzy!

Can only endure!

So bear it!

“Boss, what’s wrong with you?”

Zacas noticed Monray’s strangeness and couldn’t help asking!

“Leave me alone, go your way!”

Monray growled!


For some reason, Monray’s low roar seemed to contain endless majesty, which made Zacas feel a shudder from in the depth of one’s soul, and he kept his head on the way and stopped asking!

The entire transformation process lasted about half an hour before it was declared over. Although the process was painful, the result was gratifying!

Godeater Rat Bloodline fusion degree, successfully became 2%!

In addition, the biggest change is constitution. The item of constitution has doubled to a staggering 241100000000 billion!

Before 120100000000!

Now 241100000000!

Fully doubled!

In other words, while increasing the fusion degree of Godeater Rat Bloodline by 1%, the constitution has also increased by 120100000000!

If the constitution of 120100000000 is to spend gold, it needs 1200100000000 Gold Coin to exchange it!


Too much value!

Not to mention speed and defense, there is definitely a huge improvement!

It is no exaggeration to say that the actual benefits of Monray far exceed 1000100000000 Gold Coin!

In a word: These 1000100000000 spent are too worthwhile!

“made money!”

“The benefit is much higher than simply spending gold!”

“There is no need to spend gold constitution in the future. If you want to Krypton, you will need Krypton Godeater Rat Bloodline fusion. This is obviously much more cost-effective!”

“It’s just that the process is more painful!”

Monray took a breath, evaporated the sweat and blood on his body, and continued looking towards the personal attribute panel!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Fire Dragon Bloodline 〈52%〉, Flame Demon Bloodline 〈47%〉, Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline 〈10%〉, Godeater Rat Bloodline 〈2%〉, Golden Dragon Bloodline 〈50%〉)

wealth points: 48.6Law Source Crystal

Constitution: Sacred Territory (241, 2460, 74/10 1000100000000)

Mind: Sacred Territory (10, 2831, 4896/1000 100000000)

magic power: Sacred Territory (10, 2588, 89511000100000000)

Law Comprehension: Law of Fire (0.2%), Law of Wind (0.1%), Law of Lightning (0.1%), Law of Metal (0.2%), Light Element Law (0.1%)

Other: some

“Improved hard power!”

“Next, it’s the game’s turn!”

Monray lay down in a comfortable position, then took a deep breath, and slowly closed his eyes!

“System, I want to use the Unlimited Pick Up function!”

“Ding! 1Law Source Crystal is required to use this function, may I use it?” The system’s cold voice sounded!

“Use! Laozi has money!”

“shua ——”

Wealth points suddenly shrink by 1Law Source Crystal!

A few seconds later, the system hint sound followed: “Ding! Successful integration, wealth +10010000 Gold Coin!”


Monray is dumbfounded!

“Fortune + 10010000 Gold Coin?”

“What do you mean?”

“Laozi spent 100100000000 Gold Coin and picked up 10010000 Gold Coin?”


“The big loss!”

“This is a big loss!”

“100100000000 Gold Coin, just picked up this one?”

“Laozi disagrees!”

“Come back!”

“Ding! 1Law Source Crystal is required to use this function, may I use it?”


“shua ——”

Wealth points have shrunk again 1Law Source Crystal!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, for getting a branch of Tree of Life!” System’s cold voice sounded!

“The… branch of Tree of Life?”

Monray was a little confused, and even took it out to check, a section of a green branch about one meter long appeared in his hand!

In an instant, a surge of Life Power radiated out, Monray intuitively refreshed, and swept away the tiredness before!


Zacas felt it and turned his head immediately!

“Smelly brat, where are you this thing?”

The old man was also startled, he emerged from the space ring and looked at the green branch in Monray’s hand with surprise!

“Old Dean, do you know this thing?”

Monray couldn’t help asking!

“Nonsense! If you don’t even know this thing, wouldn’t Laozi live for 10000 years?”

The old man rolled the eyes, picked up the branch and took a breath, like an addict smelling opium, his face suddenly showed intoxication and obsession!

“The branches of Tree of Life!”

“It’s definitely a branch of Tree of Life!”

“This is a good thing. It contains an amazing life force. It is not only a bone of life and death, but also a treasure to restore magic power!”

“With such a branch in hand, not only the meditation effect is several times or even dozens of times higher than usual, but the recovery speed within the body magic power will be doubled!”

“Good stuff! Absolutely good stuff!”

“If it is put up for auction, how much can you sell?”

Monray asked again, this thing is a complete taste for him, if it can be exchanged for Gold Coin, it will not be in vain to spend 100100000000 Gold Coin to find it!

“What? You want to sell it? Prodigal stuff!”

The old man suddenly yelled: “Tree of Life is the Holy Tree of Elf Empire. It is impossible for anyone to see it, let alone get its branches!”

“However, if such a small branch is put up for auction, at least a few hundred to 100 to 1000 million can be sold at a sky-high price, right?”

“How many 100 to 1000 100000000? Fortunately, not a loss!”

Monray is long and relaxed, harvesting the branches of Tree of Life, and then contacting the system!

“Dog system, take a look at what you picked up for Laozi? You good son, are you too bad?”

“Host, Unlimited Pick Up is a random pick up function, the quality of the picked up drops is all random!”

“Random your sister!”

Monray said ill-humoredly: “Can’t you just pick up some good things for Laozi? Don’t be too bad at the worst, 100100000000 Gold Coin once, the price is too great!”

“Forget it, Laozi is gone, it’s too bad!”

“But… I’m so unwilling to pick it up twice, I haven’t even found a good thing, I’m really unwilling!”

“How about… do it again?”

“En! One last time!”

“System, do it again!”

“Ding! 1Law Source Crystal is required to use this function, may I use it?”

“Stop talking nonsense! Use it again one last time!”

“shua ——”

Wealth points shrink again 1Law Source Crystal!

“Stop pitting Laozi!”

“One more rubbish Laozi is going to run away!”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host, get Hammer of Destruction!”

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