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This is a dirty swamp!

Large tracts of dry trees grow in mud puddles, the bare bark is all gone, and the turbid and yellow lake water exudes bursts of rancidity!

The whole swamp is a dead place, barren and silent, without the footprints of creatures, and no sound can be heard!


A huge black shadow struck from a distance, and finally hovered over the swamp. It was covered with thick mane and strong muscles. It was Behemoth Zacas!

“Boss, this is the territory of Submerged Red Silk Snake!”

Zacas turned his head: “Submerged Red Silk Snake is a very powerful group of snakes in Lost Continent, with a huge number!”

“How is the strength?”

“Strength varies, some are Level 6-7, some are eight-nine, and Submerged Red Silk Snake Sovereign is Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“In general, the strength of the Submerged Red Silk Snake clan is not inferior to the Golden Corpse Insect Race. They are all social groups!”

“Not bad!”

Monray waved his hand with satisfaction: “Go, call Submerged Red Silk Snake Sovereign!”

“Yes, boss!”

Zacas complied, then grabbed a piece of dead wood and threw it into the swamp. The smashed swamp splashed and the mud rolled!


Two minutes later, a 20-meter-long snake with reddish-brown markings all over the body got out of the swamp and crawled here crookedly!

“Boss, this is Submerged Red Silk Snake!”

Zacas stared at the Submerged Red Silk Snake: “This clan is too greedy and has eaten up all the creatures in this swamp!”

“So, Submerged Red Silk Snake is always hungry, just a little movement can attract them out!”

“Look over there!”

Monray looked at it and saw that there were large and small Submerged Red Silk Snake in other places, and the number was increasing. There were 10000 snakes coming out of the cage!

“Really a group of starving ghosts!”

Monray flexed his fingers, like a piano, one after another Wind Blade shot out, greeted these Submerged Red Silk Snake!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

Amidst the endless noise, Submerged Red Silk Snake was cut off one by one, killing one after another!

Blood 4 splashed, decapitated and flew away!

In a flash, all the Submerged Red Silk Snake that crawled out were killed, blood stained dozens of swamps, and a faint smell of blood slowly drifted away!


of course not!

As if smelling the smell of blood, more and more Submerged Red Silk Snake sprung out like bamboo shoots after a rain!

10, 50, 100…

In less than a few breaths, the originally silent swamp suddenly became lively and lively. Submerged Red Silk Snake, who did not know where to hide, appeared on the stage, crawling all over the swamp!

Sweep away at a glance, scarlet everywhere!

All the sights are big snakes!

“Tsk tsk, if there is no 10000, there are 8,000!” Monray clicking one’s tongue in wonder: “Just right, one pot end!”

“Absolute Zero!”


The white cold current spewed out, and it enveloped the ten thousand meters all at once. In the crisp sound of crack cracks, everything around was frozen at this moment!

The scarlet swamp has become a country of ice and snow, and all the Submerged Red Silk Snake within ten thousand meters have become lifelike ice sculptures!

“Ding! Kill 1 Submerged Red Silk Snake and get 130010000 Gold Coin!”

“Ding! Kill 1 Submerged Red Silk Snake and get 39710000 Gold Coin!”

Monray soared into the sky and continued to move towards the swamp to fly deeper, Zacas followed suit, following closely!

In this way, the two people went all the way, beheaded all the way, corpses everywhere across the field, countless ice sculptures!

When the two people came to the center of the swamp, a deep pool appeared in front of it, like an ancient well, standing in the center of the swamp. The deep water was clear and jade green, and it was not bottomless, completely different from the muddy water of the surrounding swamp!

A powerful Sacred Territory Magic Beast coercion radiated from the deep pool, making people no doubt that there is definitely an ominous beast lurking in the deep pool!

“Zacas, call someone!”

“Yes, Lord!”

Zacas grabbed a giant tree and threw it directly into the deep pool. At the same time, he yelled at him: “Albin, you are the first to be a fool, let Laozi get out…”

“Crash-bang ~~~”

I don’t know if it was the giant tree that alarmed the ominous beast in the deep pool, or the abuse by Zacas played a role!

“oh la la ——”

In the huge sound of breaking water, a huge snake head jumped out, biting at Zacas in the sky with lightning speed, and opened its mouth wide, assaults the senses!

“hmph! ”

Zacas had been prepared for a long time, and the sharp claw was rounded up at the moment the snake’s head pounced, and fiercely caught it!

Unexpectedly, at the moment when it was about to touch the snake’s head, the snake’s head shook in an S shape, bypassing Zacas’s sharp claw, and bit on Zacas’s waist!

“Crash-bang ——”

Next moment, the huge snake body bullied itself and entangled at lightning speed, one circle, two circles, two and a half circles…


As a violent Behemoth, how can Zacas make a giant snake do what he wants, looking up to the sky, angry roar, 6 sharp claw fiercely barbs over 2 meters long to grab the snake body!

“Stabbing -“

“Stabbing -“

The sharp claw is like an iron hook. Every time it is grabbed, a deep gully is caught. The blood is thrown out, dyeing the body of the snake red, and the deep water below it!

“si si 嘶~~~”

The giant snake was in pain, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit into Zacas’s neck. Two sharp fangs flashed with a green glow under the sun, fiercely stabbing Zacas’s body!

Upon seeing this, Monray couldn’t help shaking his head and chuckles. Zacas’s body was so hard that even a Forbidden Spell attack might not be able to break it. How could the 2 fangs of trifling hurt it?

“puchi -“

However, next moment, an unbelievable scene happened. Only after hearing puchi, two fangs pierced Zacas’s skin, fiercely stabbed in!


A large amount of venom was injected, and then quickly spread, Zacas’s body stiffened, and the sharp claw that was waving frantically gradually slowed down, obviously poisoned!

“I rely on it !!!”

Monray startled, even preparing to step forward to rescue, Zacas is his confidant, loyal and loyal. He can’t just watch that love will be poisoned to death by snake venom!

“xiu – ”

Unexpectedly, at this time, mutation suddenly emerged!

A stern sky-splitting sound abruptly sounded, and a green streamer shot at an unimaginable speed. In a flash, it penetrated the 7-inch of the giant snake!

The giant snake rolled his eyes, and his huge body immediately froze in place, seeing that he couldn’t live!

At the same time, Green Liuya kept coming, passed through the head of the giant snake, and continued to shoot towards Zacas’s throat!

Green Liuzhi’s power hasn’t weakened much, and Monray can’t guarantee that it will penetrate Zacas’s neck!

This bet!

Can’t afford to bet!


Monray caught it, and after Godeater Rat Bloodline’s integration was increased to 2%, his speed brought it up a level, and he came to Zacas in an instant!


After all, one step too late!

“puchi -“

Green Liu Shi’s penetration power reached a terrifying point, easily piercing Zacas’s super defense, and shot into Zacas’s throat!

“pu ——”

Blood splashed, falling into the sky, Zacas wailed, the blood in his throat gushing like a fountain crazily, instantly dyeing the thick mane on his chest!


Monray almost ran away, but Mian kept the last trace of sanity. Instead of killing the sneak attacker, he released the Wood Element Forbidden Spell-Blessing of Life!


The Wood Element elements within ten thousand meters gathered crazily, forming a 100-meter-diameter funnel covering Zacas, and the Wood Element elements with surging life force quickly repaired Zacas’s throat!

Under the repair of the blessing of life, Zacas’s throat injury was recovering completely at a speed visible to naked eye. After a few breaths, the blood gradually stopped and the wound was almost healed!

“Swallow it!”

Monray took out another Sacred Territory Wood Element Magic Beast Core of Life and stuffed it into Zacas’s mouth, continuing to repair the injury!

“Thanks… Boss!”

The successive blows made the strong Behemoth of Zacas a little weak, and his voice was no longer as fierce as before!

“I can only heal your wounds, but I can’t remove the snake venom from you!” Monray’s face was heavy: “Can you survive it?”

“Boss, don’t worry!”

Zacas grinned, with a weak voice: “Submerged Red Silk Snake Sovereign’s snake venom is nothing but poison. It’s not dead to me. We, Behemoth, are immune to most snake venom!”

“You let me slow down a little bit, and I will be alive and kicking again after a while!”

“That’s good!”

Monray relaxed, and his condensed brows also stretched out. Pats Zacas’s shoulders were relieved and said: “Get a good rest and leave the rest to me!”

“Yes, boss!”

Monray turned around, his eyes had been replaced by the killing, he looked at the direction where Green Liuya shot, and the murderous intention 4 overflowed in his eyes: “Hidden heads and exposed tails, get out of them!”


In the angry roar, endless black flames suddenly dropping from the sky, covering the jungle!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The black flame is like the fire of the sky. Everything it goes by burns and turns into a raging flame. In a blink of an eye, the jungle becomes a black fire sea!

“xiu – ”

A green shadow flies out of the fire sea, with its toes lightly in the void, like a green butterfly landing on the ground, agile and light, like a dust Fairy!

Pointy ears, slender figure, beautiful and exquisite face, skin that can be broken by blows, and a pair of jet-black eyes are gentle and moving, as if they can speak!

Coupled with the emerald green armor that only covers the vital parts, the skin of other parts is all exposed to the air, which is pure and sexy, full of endless temptation!

Faced with such a stunner, anyone or man would be moved by it. Monray was also a little surprised, but he was more angry, burning anger!

“You sneak attacked my prey and killed my mount? You are so bold!”

“All the Magic Beasts on this Continent are my prey, and these two Sacred Territory Magic Beasts are certainly no exception!”

The stunner opened her vermilion lips lightly, and her voice was crisp and sweet, as if it trickled into the heart: “You go, they are mine!”

“He he he he …”

Monray laughed, and the eerie laughter echoed over the swamp!

“If I don’t leave?”

PS: I went to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in the morning. The Chinese Medicine Department of the Chinese Medical Center was linked to the pharmacy that opened from 8 in the morning until 3 in the afternoon. It was 4 o’clock when I got home, and I started writing after a meal…

until now!

Hope for your understanding, alas. . .

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