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The breeze is blowing, rolling up ripples!

Over the deep pool, two figures are far away!

A two-eyed eye, murderous intention 4 overflow!

A face is indifferent, aloof and remote!

“Go? What if I don’t?”

Monray licked his lips, the corners of his mouth cocked!

“I don’t have time to grind with you, if you are not too stupid, you should know what to do!”

Undying Elf Miriam lightly lifted his vermilion lips, his voice was crisp and sweet: “Otherwise, I can only help you with the arrow in my hand!”

“It’s another pretending to believe oneself infallible!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “I see a lot of people like you, and you usually end up with only one!”

“xiu – ”

With a slight sky-splitting sound, Monray quietly disappeared in place. Because of the speed, it directly left a series of afterimages on the ground!

Passing all the way, afterimages all the way!

in a flash, Monray has already appeared in front of Miriam, and then kicked it!

Such a blow, really Motionless As Mountains, is thunderous, and most people have no time to react. This usually includes the powerful Imperial Prince Barbarossa!

But what Monray didn’t expect was that Undying Elf Miriam actually reacted, and a touch of anger appeared on the delicate jade face, completely irritated!

“How dare you kick me with your feet, bastard!”

2 If nothing else, raising your hand is an arrow!

Bend bow and place arrow, the action is fluent, and the speed to the pinnacle is 30% faster than the current Monray!

“xiu – ”

A green streamer shot at Monray instantly. Because it was too close, Monray couldn’t even dodge it. The green streamer shot directly at Monray’s heart!


This time, something that shocked Miriam happened. The green stream arrow hit Monray’s heart. With a muffled sound, it turned into a ball of green light spots and dissipated!

In addition, it didn’t even hurt Monray even the skin!

“Dragon God above!!!”

Miriam was so shocked that she was completely shocked. She is Holy Archer. The arrows are powerful enough to penetrate most Sacred Territory Magic Beasts, but they failed to penetrate Monray’s skin!

How strong should Monray’s defense be?

It’s terrible!

Is that human being?


Expert duel, the outcome of the battle can be decided in one or two moments. At the moment Miriam lost his mind, Monray’s big feet arrived!

Fiercely put her foot on her delicate face, Miriam let out a stern whine and flew out with a scream!

“Is this finished?”

“Big mistake!”

Monray did not intend to stop, using both fists and feet, attacked one after another, launching a crazy attack!

Foot to foot!

Punch and punch!

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Pa pa pa ——”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Because of the loss of the first move, coupled with Monray’s incomparable violent attack, Miriam did not launch a decent counterattack, but turned into a passive sandbag!

With anger brewing in Monray’s heart, he started ruthless and didn’t mean to have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex, and he was not his own wife.




After a few minutes of violent beating, Monray’s anger finally ceased. Looking at Miriam again, he became a pig’s head like a legendary man. Don’t say a kiss, Fangze, I feel like vomiting!

“Laozi is so completely unrecognizable to the Great Success Realm?”

Seeing Miriam so hard, Monray was satisfied and nodded, and the bad breath in his heart finally vented: “Let you sneak attack in secret, this… is the end!”

“you you you……”

Miriam surprised and angry crossed, wishing to eat Monray’s meat, drink Monray’s blood, and chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

She dignified Undying Elf!

One of the 4 big monsters of Dragon God Academy!

The iceberg Goddess admired by countless people!

When have you been beaten up?

Simply extraordinary shame and humiliation!

Can be biased…

“What are you? Don’t talk nonsense, and don’t hand over the space ring, Laozi will beat you up again!”

Monray coldly snorted: “Wearing so little, you are not a serious person at first glance. If you look like you, you should go to Yihongyuan early. This is not the place you should come!”

“pu ——”

Miriam was furious, spouting a mouthful of old blood, and then fell straight down!

“Pretend to die?”

Monray raised his eyebrows and pointed at it casually. The deep pool below instantly froze and Miriam fell on the ice!

Monray was worried about her fraud and froze her hands and legs, so she approached with confidence and took everything from her body…

Space ring !

Then, flash people!

“I thank the kindness of it, bitch!”

“If it weren’t for the prohibition of killing in the exchange competition, you would have been in a different place!”


“I seriously doubt if you are a man after all!”

“Such a beautiful woman, such a delicate face!”



“Devastatingly beautiful!”

“Shen Yuluoyan!”

“And you…remain unmoved that’s all, and you beat people into a pig!”

“Are you underdeveloped, or are you not a man at all?”

Leaving the Submerged Red Silk Snake swamp, Monray embarked on the journey of finding Sacred Territory Magic Beast again. Along the way, the old man whispering continued to criticize Monray’s evil deeds!


Yes, it is evil!

What Monray did to Miriam is a sinful act of anger between humans and gods. Such a beautiful woman is beaten in that way. Is this a behavior that humans can do?

“He he he!”

Monray didn’t want to care about this old man, and broke the topic: “Zacas, how is the snake venom on your body?”

“Boss, it’s almost done!”

“Well, that’s good! But I am puzzled, your defense is so strong, why can the fangs of Submerged Red Silk Snake Sovereign pierce your skin easily?”

“Boss, you don’t know anything. The fangs of Submerged Red Silk Snake Sovereign are comparable to Demi-God Artifact. They are extremely sharp, no stronghold one cannot overcome, and can pierce almost all Sacred Territory Magic Beast’s scale armor defenses!”

“so that’s how it is !”

In the next time, Monray continued to hunt Magic Beast!

Time goes by day by day!

Wealth is growing fast!

Except for rest, eating, and occasionally spending gold, Monray spends the rest of his time hunting Magic Beast!

Unconsciously, half a month passed!

On this day, Monray came to the beach!

The endless deep sea is still shrouded in vast fog, except for the sound of surging waves, no further place can be seen!

Monray went straight to a bay, the crescent-shaped bay was calm, blue and clear, just like a sapphire!

Not far from the bay, there is a jungle, between the jungle and the bay, there is a soft sandy beach, the sea sand is fine and the sun is warm!

Large crabs entrenched on the beach, spitting bubbles, basking in the sun, leisurely, so easy!

“Boss, this is the territory of Golden Crab Race-Golden Bay!”

Zacas pointed to the peaceful beach introduced: “Golden Crab Race is aggressive and brutal by nature, and is generally very powerful. It is basically an eight-nine Magic Beast!”

“Finally found a group of Magic Beasts that have not been slaughtered. It’s really hard for me!”

Monray sighed slightly: “In just half a month, Magic Beast on Lost Continent is almost killed!”

Lost Continent, with a vast area of ​​more than 1000 10000 square kilometers, is home to countless Magic Beasts!

A few days ago, when I first came to Lost Continent, Monray was very happy, and the average daily income exceeded 1000 100000000 million!

But with the passage of time, there are fewer and fewer Magic Beasts. The target Magic Beast has either been slaughtered, or is being hunted!

Earnings began to decrease sharply!

So today, it took a full day to find such a “hidden land of peace and prosperity” that has not been discovered, and a group of Magic Beasts that have not been slaughtered!

The profit in one day is only 100 100000000. Not to mention, the time of overwhelming majority is on the way…

In a word: Magic Beast is really missing!

Actually it’s normal!

100010000 square kilometers of land!

7 8,000 players!

In terms of conversion, an average person with a chassis of less than 1500 square kilometers can withstand half a month of hunting?

You know, in many territories where Sacred Territory Magic Beast lives, it is difficult to see a Magic Beast within a radius of 100 kilometers. Such a large area is almost a vacuum zone!

It wasn’t Sacred Territory Magic Beast, and it couldn’t resist the massacre of the players. After half a month, Magic Beast was almost completely massacred. It was totally reasonable!

“Without Magic Beast for hunting, in the next half a month, large-scale cannibalism will take place!”

Monray heart is like a clear mirror on this!

In Lost Continent knock-out competition, only the 100 people with the highest points are selected, and the other 7748 people have to be eliminated!

78 into 1, the ratio is too low, it is completely conceivable what will happen in the next half month!

“But what does it have to do with me?”

Without Magic Beast, you can hunt and kill Monray. Most of Monray’s enthusiasm on the road is lost. Let him chase and kill those players with Continent, it is better to wait for others to come!

Thinking of this, Monray couldn’t help but look towards Golden Bay. The sea is clear, the scenery is beautiful, the sandy beach is white, and the sun is soft. It is suitable for swimming and sunbathing. It is a seaside holiday in Holy Land!

“It seems that even Heaven wants me to stand still! Well, just rest here for a few days!”

Monray slapped his lips, one after another Wind Blade shot out, the number 100 golden bread crabs on the beach were immediately slaughtered, and the golden bread crab king was no exception!

“Transform it!”

The sea rolled and washed the blood on the beach!

Many vines are woven into lounge chairs and umbrellas!

“Haha ~~~ I am coming too!”

Monray jumped, jumped into the clear water, and took a leisurely swim!

This half of the month is either hunting Magic Beast, or busy on the road, have endured the hardships of a long journey, eating and sleeping, but he is exhausted!

This will make you relax!

After a swim, Monray returned to the shore contentedly, then lay on the green lounger, took out the drinks and fruits, and tasted it elated!

“Zacas, it’s fishing time!”

“It’s up to you to attract fish to the bait!”

“Boss, what do you mean?”

Zacas, who was swimming in the sea, looked dazed. I’m taking a bath. Can I wait for something to say?


“Just let you act as a bait!”

“Don’t say anything, deflate!”


“Laozi let you deflate, but didn’t let you fart!”

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