You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Kill them, this Diamond Bull is ours!”

“Dare to snatch our Magic Beast, it’s time to kill!”


On the vast grassland, a melee broke out!

2 A total of more than a dozen players will fight together, blade light and sword shadows, magic full of sky, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, bleak!

And there is only one reason for them to fight so hard, and that is the 50-meter-long, pitch-black giant cow standing next to it!

It is Sacred Territory Magic Beast-Diamond Bull!


Diamond Bull looked at the dozen or so players who were fighting together ignoring his Sacred Territory Magic Beast, his temper exploded!

Okay, you guys, clamoring to hunt me Old Ox, I Old Ox is ready for a fierce battle!

It turned out to be good, you put my Old Ox aside, and you started to fight first. This is Chi Guoguo’s awesome!

Cows are tolerable, but Old Ox is unbearable!


Diamond Bull angry roar, it’s a big one!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

In the sharp sky-splitting sound, 10000 1000 blades of grass rose into the sky, turning into grass arrows hiding the sky and covering the earth, and shot out instantly!

Wood Element Forbidden Spell-Tree Soldiers!

The power of Forbidden Spell is not trivial. When the players reacted, they were already overwhelmed by the arrows of hiding the sky and covering the earth!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

In the sound of mournful scream, the players flew upside down one after another, or were killed directly by the arrow that pierced their eyebrows, or they were pierced into a sieve by the arrow, and died in a miserable state…

10000 1000 After the arrow passed, there was no one who could stand. Luckily, he was killed on the spot, and unfortunately he sighed!

“A group of slag!”

Diamond Bull fiercely made up a few dollars, and then walked away triumphantly. In the past two days, someone always wanted to hunt its life so as to inherit its magic core!

A few days later, many players died in Diamond Bull’s hands. There were more than 100 dead bodies on the grassland, stained with blood!

Diamond Bull is a little tired of this kind of meaningless battle. It wants to leave here and find a safe place!

“Hu ~~~”

At this moment, a black wind blew over, and a burly man with a height of nearly 3 meters floated to him!

Robust man wears a dazzling tiger skin, with knotted muscles on his body, burly and powerful, his eyes are piercing, like a falcon!

“One more!”

Diamond Bull was not surprised at all when he saw the people coming. Instead, he habitually looked at 4 places to see if anyone else came. He was used to seeing similar situations!

“I haven’t eaten beef for a long time, today I will take you to relieve my greed!”

The tiger skin robust man licked his lips, and appeared in front of Diamond Bull as soon as he moved. The big fist of the casserole blasted out!

“ka-cha -“

With a crisp sound, Diamond Bull was punched through the head without a whine, killing him on the spot!

The robust man drew out his fist, licked the white fist on the surface of his fist, and his eyes showed intoxication: “Sure enough, the taste of cow brain flower is the most charming!”

With that said, the tiger skin robust man was so enthusiastic that he pulled the bull’s head with brute force, and ate it bite by bite. In less than half an hour, he ate up half of the bull’s head!


After eating, the tiger-skin robust man touched his bulging belly, pulled out the magic core of Diamond Bull, and then left with satisfaction!

As the Sacred Territory powerhouse, the tiger-skin robust man’s speed is unquestionable, and soon he flew 100 kilometers to a big mountain!

“Magic Beast is getting less and less!”

“I haven’t seen a Magic Beast for so long!”

The tiger skin robust man is slightly frowned, and at this moment, a faintly discernable aura comes from a distance!

“Aura of Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

“Coming out of that direction!”

“xiu – ”

Following the aura of Sacred Territory Magic Beast all the way, after a while, the robust man with tiger skin came to a beautiful bay and saw a Behemoth who was more than 50 meters tall!

At the same time, in front of Dragon God Church!

The people staring at the magic light curtain were suddenly excited, each and everyone cheered loudly, bloody, excited Face is red!

“Right up!”

“These two perverts are finally going to match up!”

“Oh my God! I’m so excited!”

“One is Double Bloodline and Double Sacred Territory!”

“The other is also Double Bloodline and Double Sacred Territory!”

“They finally got it!”

“There is a good show here!”

Up to the Imperial Prince Princess, down to the nobles and princes, all staring at the magic light curtain, eagerly looking forward to the next battle!

Even Emperor Frederick 32th is no exception. He chuckled and asked, “Dean Luke, Dean Fred, you two think, which of these two people is better?”

Dean Luke glanced at Dean Fred and believed: “I admit, Monray is indeed talented, rarely seen in 10000 years, but he is too young after all!”

“Dean Luke meant that Monray is not an opponent of White Tiger Knight Mond Aston?”

Dean Fred faintly smiled: “You and I know very well. For their geniuses at this level, age sometimes does not explain the problem, and talent can ignore everything!”

“Dean Fred, you haven’t been in contact with Mond Aston, and you don’t know how terrible he is. He is no ordinary genius!”

Dean Luke said meaningfully: “Look at it, he will use his strength to tell all of us that no matter how strong a genius is, it takes time to grow, and Monray is no exception!”

“Hehe, let the facts tell us!”

Dean Fred doesn’t want to talk more!

“Facts will prove everything!”

Dean Luke didn’t want to say more!

“A only 16 years old, not only owns Fire Dragon Bloodline and Golden Dragon Bloodline, but also Lightning, Earth, Fire and Wood four elements Holy Archmage!”

“The other one, ranked 38th on the Dragon God Genius List, not only owns White Tiger Bloodline and Netherworld White Tiger Bloodline, but also Light, Darkness and Metal Elements Holy Archmage!”

“A talented person!”

“A shocking and stunning!”

“These two people are facing each other, it’s really like a sharp collision between the tip of a pin and a wheat mang!”

Frederick 32th sincerely praised: “This is one of the most anticipated matches of this Sovereign since this exchange match!”

“What Your Majesty said is that 16-year-old Monray and Mond Aston, who ranked 38th on the Dragon God Genius List, are both Seeded Contestants in this exchange. Their battles also make me look forward to it!”

“I thought they would meet in the next game, didn’t expect to meet so soon, it’s really exciting 10000 points…”

People are staring at the magic light curtain!

Since Monray emerged, everyone has marveled at his strength and even more of his magic talent. People are eager to see him, and Your Majesty the Emperor is no exception!

Therefore, the magic light curtain has no less lenses for Monray, almost as many as 13th Princess, Golden Dragon Lion, and Thunder Giant!

After Monray came to Golden Bay and started the salted fish mode of waiting for the rabbit, the lens on him was less!

Even so, I will pull it over from time to time to take a look!

Therefore, when they saw this beautiful bay, people recognized it. This is the Golden Bay where Monray is waiting for the rabbit!

This means that Mond Aston is about to face Monray!

“look forward to!”


“Monray and Mond Aston!”

“The two perverts surnamed Meng finally match up!”

“I don’t know who will win?”

“Fight against each other…”


On the white beach!

A bonfire is rising!

A large and exaggerated hot pot floats above the campfire. In a pot with a diameter of ten meters, the soup rolls and smells, and it is filled with all kinds of seafood!

Fresh and tender sea fish, crabs with large dustpans, lobsters with large black pigs, plump abalones, thick and slender geoduck…

Scent 4 overflows, full of color and taste!

Monray levitated cross-legged next to the hot pot, holding two long chopsticks, eating meat and drinking, not to mention it!


Many Arms Behemoth, who was “deflated” not far away, looked at this side eagerly, swallowing saliva, greedy!

“Want to eat again?”

Monray grabbed a lobster the size of a wild boar, ate the tender white shrimp, and glanced at Many Arms Behemoth!


Zacas was even nodded, and his saliva came to his lips!

“Get it!”

Monray grabbed a crab the size of a bison and threw it away!

Zacas grabbed it, not afraid of being hot, biting the tongs of the red crab and sending it to his mouth!

In the crisp sound of ka beng ka beng, the big crab of the bison failed to hold on for a few times, and then entered Zacas’s stomach, not even a crab shell was left!

Then, Zacas looked at Monray eagerly again, swallowing his saliva, his stomach rumbling again!

“Can you eat slowly?”

“You have eaten 19 crabs, 38 lobsters, 76 abalones, and 152 geoduck!”

Monray was a bit speechless: “According to your way of eating, it’s not enough to eat! It’s not that I said you, seafood needs to be chewed slowly bit by bite to taste the delicious taste, you are simply a waste of eating dates like this!”

“I see, boss!”

Zacas had a pitiful expression: “But, this hot pot is really delicious, spicy, and it’s really strong, I… I can’t help but I!”

“That’s natural, I have liked this bite since I was a kid!”

Monray was a little proud, and then threw out a large abalone: ​​”Eat abalone slowly and taste slowly, understand?”

“Know, boss!”

Zacas hurriedly responded, then grabbed the abalone and put it into his mouth with the shell and meat. Ka beng ka beng chewed…and in a blink of an eye they were cleaned again!

Then, continue to look at Monray eagerly!


Monray lost his temper completely, pointing at the vast sea and cursing: “I’m out of food, I want to eat meat and grab it myself!”

“Boss, will you do it for me if I catch it?”

“Crap! Shabu yourself!”

“ang !”

Zacas complied, and then walked towards the beach. Golden Bay is rich in materials and food, especially after Golden Crab Race is destroyed, the materials are more abundant!

Finding some seafood ingredients is really not difficult!

“A wave in the wave~~~”

Zacas was yelling at the scene of enjoying the food while quickly searching for ingredients. At this moment, a stern sky-splitting sound began, and Mond Aston appeared!

“It’s actually a Many Arms Behemoth!”

PS: It is now a chapter with 3000 words, as many words as the previous chapter 3!

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