You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“It’s actually a Many Arms Behemoth!”

Looking at Zacas standing in the sea, looking at the thick mane and strong body, Mond Aston’s eyes light up!

“Many Arms Behemoth, comparable to Golden Behemoth’s Behemoth, if you can take it as a mount, how much face?”

Who doesn’t want to have a majestic and terrifying mount? Mond Aston is no exception!

It’s a pity that most Magic Beasts can’t get into his eyes! It just so happens that the Many Arms Behemoth in front of you is one of them!

“Little darling, brother is here!”


Zacas felt a little bit, then suddenly turned his head and saw a robust man full of smiles wrapped in tiger skin looking at him!

“Another fish that I seduce?”

Zacas grinned and beat his chest hard: “Boss, come on, another silly fork has been hooked!”

“(⊙o⊙) …”

Mond Aston is a little confused. Why is the situation different from what he expected? But it doesn’t matter, no matter what, can the Many Arms Behemoth in front of you be fake?

“Many Arms Behemoth, I fell in love with you!”

Mond Aston raised his chin slightly and said indifferently, “Oh, how about going with me, how about being my mount?”


When he heard the word “Mount”, Zacas suddenly showed a fierce look, rolled up his sleeves, and prepared to blast the damn Human in front of him!

At this time, Monray appeared!

2 Anyway, Absolute Zero throws it out!

The white cold current gushes out, and Mond Aston is directly frozen by the crisp sound of ka-cha ka-cha!

“Stupid! I want Laozi to be your mount, dream, I will always be the boss’s most loyal little brother!”

Zacas snorted, then turned around, salivating his face, and looked at Monray like a husky: “Boss, look at me to seduce another fish, isn’t it…”

It took a look at the hot pot, the meaning is self-evident!

“Go, the rest of the seafood is yours!”

Monray was picking his teeth with a toothpick and said generously. Anyway, there is not much meat in the pot, and there is still leftovers. Why not give it to you?

“Wow ka ka, thank you boss!”

Zacas was overjoyed and ran towards the hot pot, his thick thighs stirred the sea and set off a monstrous wave!

“This guy……”

Monray laughed, then turned his head and looked at Mond Aston, who was frozen in ice, and said separately: “Come out! Absolute Zero of this level shouldn’t stop you!”

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

Cracks appeared on the hard ice tufts, and more and more, and eventually broke apart and turned into ice crystals in the sky!

“I thought who was the sneak attack on me, didn’t expect a kid with hairs not even grown yet!”

Mond Aston raised his chin, eyes full of jealousy: “Boy, immediately cancel the contract on that Many Arms Behemoth. I can ignore your sneak attack and let you go. How about?”

“Friend, do you pretend to force your parents to know?”

Monray sneered and said separately: “Hand over all the space ring on your body. I can spare you a small life without prosecuting you for pretending to be in front of me.”

“Hehe ……he he he ……hahaha ……”

Hearing Monray’s words, Mond Aston seemed to hear a big joke, laughed heartily, laughed like thunder, and burst into laughter!


His laughter stopped abruptly, his face was full of solemnity: “I am Mond Aston so far, no one has ever dared to talk to me like this!”

“xiu – ”

At the next moment, he abruptly appeared in front of Monray, looking straight into Monray’s eyes: “Those who dare to talk to me like this have already got off Hell and fell into the arms of Death God, do you know?”

“Really? Then I am honored to be the only person alive!”

Two people’s eyes and 2 eyes are facing each other, and at a distance of a few centimeters, Monray can clearly feel the horrible baleful aura from Mond Aston, but he is not afraid!

“Alive? Not necessarily!”

Mond Aston sneered: “As you are a kid, I can let you do it first, lest others call me bully the weak!”

“In that case, I’m not welcome!”

Monray’s voice was still reverberating all around, but the others quietly disappeared in place, a series of afterimages passed by, suddenly killing in front of Mond Aston!

Then punched out!


This fist was almost at its extreme. Mond Aston was a little unresponsive, so he was hit on the stomach with a punch, only to hear a muffled sound, Mond Aston’s face instantly changes!

“How about, is my this fist alright?”

Monray slightly smiled, appearing strangely behind Mond Aston like a ghost, a whirling kick of momentum is big, power is deep hitting Mond Aston’s chin!

“ka-cha -“

Mond Aston flew out directly!


Being in the air, feeling the piercing pain from the abdomen and chin, Mond Aston both shocked and angry again!

He realized that he had missed it!

This kid who looks at harmless to human and animals is definitely a deep and unmeasurable expert. Regardless of speed or strength, it is far from comparable to ordinary Sacred Territory!

“Where’s the kid, so perverted…”


Monray not at all stopped and continued to attack, punch after punch, kick after kick…

Use both hands and feet!


Unfolded a surging blow!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

After a set of combo punches came down, Mond Aston was stupefied without a chance to fight back, just as if he fell to one side!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“How could this be?”

The people in front of Dragon God Church looked at each other in blank dismay.

What about wonderful collisions?

What about the pointed tip to the Maimang?


All shit!

Is this a battle between dragons and tigers?

Obviously it is unilateral sling + rolling!

“Dean Luke, what do you say now?”

Fred looked towards Dragon God Institute Head with a sullen look!

“Mond Aston underestimated the enemy so much that he lost the first move. This has led to the current situation!”

Dean Luke’s face turned dark: “As long as he adjusts in time, the outcome of this battle is still unknown!”

“Hehe, I’m afraid I won’t have this chance!”

Fred shook his head and chuckled and continued looking towards the magic light curtain. He actually understood in his heart that Dean Luke was right. As long as Mond Aston adjusts in time, the outcome is still uncertain!

Mond Aston is really extraordinary!



After a series of fat beatings, Mond Aston finally broke out. His body suddenly changed like Heaven and Earth turning upside down. His speed suddenly increased and he was out of Monray’s attack range instantly!


Mond Aston stood proudly in the air, his eyes fixed on Monray, his eyes seemed to swallow Monray alive!


Monray sighed, Mond Aston has changed so much, it is exactly the same as before!

With double wings on the back, black and white on the left, a pair of tiger ears on the top of the head, a few tiger whiskers on the cheeks, a black and white mane on the body, and a tiger tail hanging down on the bottom…

There are five meters in height, muscle masses like rocks bulge, and the whole body is full of explosive power!


“Mond Aston has transformed!”

“There is a good show here!”

Seeing the changes in Mond Aston, the audience in front of Dragon God Church cheered and was very excited!

They don’t like to watch the one-sided hanging; they don’t like watching the genius of their own Academy being hanged by someone!

They love to watch dragons fighting each other, evenly matched, Danger Land counterattack, and more love to watch their own geniuses beating others!

“Come on! Mond Aston!”

“Take out your strength and let this countryman see how good you are!”

“Mond Aston!”

“Mond Aston!”

Many Imperial Prince Princess and powerful ministers shouted in a low voice, cheering for Mond Aston, shouting and cheering!

“Dean Fred, just warming up just now, the real battle is only now beginning!” Dean Luke said meaningfully!

“Maybe it’s over!”

Dean Fred faintly smiled!

“What is Bloodline?”

Monray looked at Mond Aston, who had wings on his back and stood proudly in the sky, and said with a little surprise!

“Looks like Netherworld White Tiger Bloodline!”

The old man’s voice sounded: “But the power is more terrifying than the pure Netherworld White Tiger, it’s a bit strange!”

“Netherworld White Tiger Bloodline…”

Monray whispered to himself, “This one black one white, it’s splattered around, it looks like a panda!”

“Brat, I admit that I underestimated you!”

Mond Aston’s cold and severe eyes, open a pair of tiger eyes exudes a harsh murderous intention: “But that’s it, I will double the humiliation you just imposed on me and return it to you!”

“xiu – ”

His wings shook slightly behind him, and a bunch of afterimages passed by!


A tiger roar, a punch!

“So fast!”

“The speed has increased a lot!”

Monray heart shivered with cold, his body burst back!

“Want to go? Can you go?”

Mond Aston grinned, his speed surged again, the breakthrough was several times the speed of sound, and he hit Monray’s face with a punch!


At this time, Monray failed to escape, and took a solid punch. The pain hit, Monray flew upside down instantly!

“Brat, accept my sanction!”

Mond Aston screamed, and the attack came down like a gust of wind and rain. This time, it’s Monray’s turn to turn into a sandbag!

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

“This guy’s speed is so fast, my speed in human form is actually slower than him? Unbelievable!”

Monray was surprised!

After Godeater Rat Bloodline’s fusion is increased to 2%, his speed and defense have reached an astonishing level, even the speed-type Sacred Territory Magic Beast can’t match him!

10000 Unexpectedly, this guy who appeared suddenly was faster than him. It couldn’t help but shocking!

“Unfortunately I can’t be Godeater Rat!”

“Otherwise, it must be faster than him!”

“If so, then continue to improve!”

“System, increase Godeater Rat Bloodline by 1%!”


Wealth shrank by 1000100000000 instantly!

PS: It seems that there are readers in other books. I also set up a play. Those who are interested can come in and play, and those who are not interested are free!

Group number: 277854195.

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