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The integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline is increased to 3%, and the changes brought about are still all-round!

The constitution surged by 100 to 100000000 million, reaching a staggering 340100000000 million, and the speed and defense also changed with Heaven and Earth turning upside down!

Power surge!

The speed is increasing!

Defense surge!

The moment before and after the change, Monray, the party being beaten, felt most clearly!

A moment ago, in the face of Mond Aston’s violent beating, Monray felt a terrible pain, and the whole person was falling apart!

But now, the severe pain has been greatly reduced, and it has become a normal pain, which is completely within the tolerance range!

What does this mean?

Mond Aston’s attack did not abate, but the pain eased. It only shows that Monray… is more resistant!

The defense is greatly enhanced!

“What is the speed?”

Monray eyelids twitched, avoiding the moment the fist hits, the body flashed, it is already 100 meters away!

Mond Aston smashed into nothing, staggered and almost fell to the ground. He looked at Monray 100 meters away, his face changed!

“Actually…did off!!!”

I couldn’t avoid it just now, but now I do!

“Your attack is very sharp, especially the speed. It is the fastest of all opponents I have ever seen!”

Monray stepped on the void, feeling the power continuously gushing out within the body, and couldn’t help but take a deep breath!

“It’s a pity, I am faster than you!”

“xiu – ”

The voice was still echoing in the void, a series of afterimages passed by, and Monray had already appeared behind Mond Aston!

Bend your arms, make a fist, blast!

A series of movements were fast enough, and the fast Mond Aston was punched in the abdomen before he could react!


momentum is big, power is deep!

Break 1000 Jun!


Mond Aston spurt a mouthful of blood, his body suddenly bowed into dried shrimps, almost even the cow brain flower he ate just now!

a punch!

He was seriously injured!

“Why did your strength soar so much?”

Mond Aston was shocked and horrified, stunned!


“How could this be?”

The audience in front of Dragon God Church is about to collapse. Is this TM a battle or a roller coaster? Can it be done overnight? Don’t be upset.

The heart can’t stand it!


In the face of the soaring power and speed of Monray, the outcome of Mond Aston is doomed, that is, passively beaten!

“xiu – ”

Monray looks like a ghost, sometimes appearing here, sometimes there, like a ghost, attacking frequently!

One punch, 2 feet, 3 elbows…

After a set of combo attacks, Mond Aston became a meat bag, and was once again slammed by Monray!

And this time is different from the last time!

He failed to make a comeback!

Instead, they started to get hurt!

And still seriously injured!

The kind that is getting heavier!

Looking at Mond Aston who was vomiting blood and was seriously injured, the audience in front of the church finally got their wish!

No more twists and turns in this battle!


The audience couldn’t be happy!

” Lost!”

“Mond Aston actually lost!”

“Dragon God above! Is that the devil? He is only 16 years old, and even Mond Aston is not his opponent?”

“Doesn’t Mond Aston have double bloodlines? He just turned into one type of Bloodline, right? He has another type of Bloodline that he didn’t use, why didn’t he use it?”

Hearing this, Dean Luke smiled bitterly. Mond Aston has 2 types of Bloodline. The other White Tiger Bloodline is even more powerful than the Netherworld White Tiger Bloodline!

But Mond Aston, who has been seriously injured, is Monray’s opponent even if he turns on White Tiger Bloodline?

“The outcome is already divided!”

Frederick 32th sighed slightly and sighed softly, “Mond Aston lost this battle!”

“Your Majesty Sanming!”

Dean Fred bowed slightly!

“Dean Fred, your Academy’s Monray is really outstanding!”

Frederick 32th exclaimed, and immediately wondered: “But this Sovereign is strange, why did his speed suddenly soar just now?”

“I don’t know about this!”

Fred shook his head slightly: “Maybe he has hidden his strength, or he may have a deeper understanding of a certain Law at a critical moment!”

“is it?”

Frederick 32th slightly frowned, obviously not very satisfied with this explanation, but didn’t ask much, continue looking towards the magic light curtain!

As he said, the outcome is divided!

After a few waves, Mond Aston, who was severely injured, was unable to organize an effective attack, and eventually fell to the ground with severe injuries!

“Finally done!”

Monray relaxed!

Not to mention, this guy is really difficult, if it hadn’t spent 10Law Source Crystal to improve the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline, he might fall in the sewer and be beaten by him!

“Dragon God Empire really hidden dragons and crouching tigers!”

Monray sighed with emotion: “I’ve been so open, but someone can hang me, how profound is Dragon God Empire!”

Participants in the exchange competition must be under 30 years old!

At 30 years old, for the long lifespan Sacred Territory powerhouse, it’s just a fraction!

Those under 30 years old are so perverted. How strong should those old eccentrics over 30 years old be?

“I am still too weak!”

“You have to spend gold well, and you can make persistent efforts!”

Monray picked up all the space rings on Mond Aston and gave him to his confidant!

“Zacas, lose him!”

“Yes, boss!”


Next, Monray started the salted fish mode again!

Swimming, fishing, bask in the sun, eating seafood, and occasionally robbing unlucky ghosts who are seduced… Live a happy and comfortable life!

The only regret is that apart from the increasing magic core, wealth has hardly changed. Monray can’t help but recall the years of hunting Magic Beast in Dragon God Tower!

“Compared to Lost Continent, Dragon God Tower is more suitable for me. This damn exchange contest, let’s end it soon!”

Day by day, there are fewer and fewer fish hooked. To this day, Zacas deflated from morning to evening, and even no one was able to seduce him!

“3 days!”

“In 3 days it will be a full month!”

“When the time comes, you can leave here!”

Monray lay on a rocking chair, bathed in soft sunlight, looking at the rolling waves, thinking boredly!

Suddenly, an old voice suddenly rang in my ears, as if it trickled into the depths of my soul!

At this moment, Monray felt calm down!

“My children have faith in me, I am the tree spirit of the sacred tree, the creator and Guardian of this Continent…”

“This year’s ripe fruits have been sent to Continent, I hope lucky children can get them!”

“Wish you guys good luck!”


Monray jumped up suddenly!

“Zacas, did you hear that?”

No response!

Monray turned his head and saw Zacas kneeling to the ground, looking into the distance with excitement, his eyes full of fanatical worship!

“The sacred tree! It’s the voice of the sacred tree!”

“Great sacred tree, I am your child Zacas! I sincerely offer my faith and pray for you from the bottom of my heart…”


Monray was silent, but he still contacted the old man immediately: “Old Dean, did you hear the voice just now? God tree! This is the voice of that tree!”

“heard it!”

The old man’s voice sounded: “Can’t help but hear it, and it almost locked its position!”

“What? Have you locked the position of the sacred tree?” Monray was shocked: “Old Dean, where is it?”

The old man was silent for a while before he whispered: “It’s not far from us, it will not exceed 100 kilometers!”

“So close?”

Monray trembled and looked around 4 places!

“Don’t look, you can’t find it!” The old man whispered: “Monray, I feel very upset!”


Monray startled!

“Do you remember what Horned Rose Python said?” old man said solemnly: “About the fruit of the sacred tree!”

“Remember! Horned Rose Python once said that the sacred tree bears 100 fruits every 9 years!”

“After the fruits are ripe, the sacred tree will randomly send these 9 fruits to Continent for the lucky creatures to eat!”

Monray even nodded: “I still remember that the last time the fruit matured was 25 years ago. It was 100 years away from the 75-year maturity period that Horned Rose Python said!”

“Old Dean, why did the fruit of the sacred tree suddenly mature 75 years earlier? This is a bit unscientific!”

“This is what disturbs me!”

The old man said with a heavy voice: “Before we came to Lost Continent, the fruits were 100 years old!”

“When we came, we suddenly moved ahead!”

“I suspect that this was deliberately done by the sacred tree, and there may be any conspiracy! All in all, this thing is strange!”

“What conspiracy can there be?”

Monray is very puzzled: “According to your statement, this sacred tree is likely to be Demi-God. With his dignified Demi-God, it can kill us all, so why play crafty plots and machinations with us! “

“This is what makes me 100 puzzled!”

The old man shook his head slightly: “Also, you hunted down the Magic Beast on Lost Continent, making the Magic Beast on this Continent almost extinct, and the tree of God was indifferent!”

“Magic Beast is extinct, and there is movement!”

“Weird! Too weird!”

“Old Dean, what do you mean?”

Monray asked again!

“My suggestion is to withdraw!”

The old man whispered: “Don’t you often mention such a sentence, the gentleman does not stand under the dangerous wall, the sacred tree is so abnormal, leaving now is the wisest choice!”

“go away?”

Monray hesitated: “The exchange game is not over yet. If I leave now, won’t I be eliminated early?”


The old man screamed: “What is the exchange competition? Life-saving is the first priority! I believe that with your talent, one day you can surpass me, reaching an unimaginable level!”

“By then, what can’t you get?”

“Territory, money, power, status, women…how many do you want, why care about a champion?”

“Listen to me, withdraw first!”

“In any case, first retreat to the teleportation magic array. Even if there is an accident, you can retreat immediately and safely!”

“Old Dean, I listen to you!”

Monray was moved, leg raised kicking Zacas’s ass: “Get up, let’s get out of here!”

“xiu – ”

At this moment, one after another golden streamer suddenly shot here, and it was in front of Monray in a few breaths!

1, 2, 3…

It was actually 5 golden fruits!

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