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“hong long long -“

A ten zhang wide waterfall fell from the hundred zhang cliff and knocked out a huge pool. The deep water rolled and roared!

Next to the water pool, a small team was setting up a campfire, roasting Magic Beast meat. The golden barbecue showed signs of roasting, but the team felt like a taste!

They stared at a golden fruit not far away, surprised, excited, curious, confused, vigilant…greed!

“Have you heard that?”


“heard it!”

“Is the Master with that voice just now the Mother Tree of Life in the mouth of the beast?”

“It shouldn’t be wrong. Didn’t it say it itself? It is the creator and Guardian of this Continent. It should be the Mother Tree of Life, no doubt!”

“In other words, the golden fruit in front of you is the fruit of the Mother Tree of Life as the giant crocodile beast said?”

“A kind of magical fruit that can make a low-level Magic Beast become a Sacred Territory Magic Beast in a short time?”



“I can’t feel wrong!”

“Magic Beast can eat, can people eat it?”

The team members fell silent, each and everyone’s eyes flickered, and they didn’t know what they were thinking!

“Brothers, the origin of this fruit is unknown. Don’t be fooled by it. Once it is a poison or some other highly toxic substance, wouldn’t it suffer if it was eaten by mistake?”

A savvy short man said solemnly: “Before you can figure out the authenticity of this fruit, try to stay away from it, so as not to cause catastrophe!”

“It makes sense!”

“I don’t dare to eat such things of unknown origin!”

“Everything on this Continent is weird. This fruit is even more weird, so don’t touch it!”

“Put it away!”

“We’ll talk about it when we figure it out!”

The team members quickly reached an agreement, and then turned around and walked towards the fire, not paying attention to the golden fruit!

“shua ——”

Just when a few people walked to the bonfire and sat down to eat meat, the short man who had spoken before suddenly flashed his body and rushed to the golden fruit!

“Brothers, the origin of this fruit is unknown. I don’t know whether it is a poison or a fruit. I sacrificed myself and tried the medicine!”

The short man said, grabbing the golden fruit and stuffing it into his mouth. At this moment, a big hand appeared out of thin air, grabbing the short man by the throat, and forcibly lifting him up!

The short man said angrily: “Ned, what do you want to do?”

“Myers, do you want to swallow the fruit alone?”

The robust man coldly snorted, named Ned, took the fruit from the short man’s mouth and rubbed it on his body at random: “If I want to try, I will try first. When is it your turn?”

With that said, he also picked up the fruit and delivered it to his mouth!

“xiu xiu – ”

Several sword lights flashed past, almost simultaneously slashing towards Ned!


Ned had already expected it, his figure quickly dodged the sword light, and said angrily: “Frank, what are you doing?”

“Ned, put down the fruit!”

The other members of the team looked cold and severe: “This fruit was discovered by all of us. How to deal with it should be decided by all of us through consultation, and it is not allowed to swallow it alone!”

“Ned, put down the fruit, lest you hurt your peace!”

“Ned, we have known each other for so many years, and we broke our friendship for many years for a fruit of unknown origin. Is it worth it?”

“That is…”

“You are right, it is my fault!”

Ned seemed to be moved: “Sorry brothers, I was confused by Myers just now, so I was a little impulsive, I hope you don’t take seriously!”

As he said, he bowed and prepared to put the fruit on the ground, but as soon as it touched the ground, he grabbed a handful of sand and sprinkled it on several companions!

Then he jumped and dived into a cluster of grass next to disappeared: “Let me hand over the fruit? Dreaming! This is my hope of entering Sacred Territory…”


“Ned, you bastard!”

“Chasing! Go chasing!”


Similar scenes continue to be performed everywhere in Continent, and even more tragic than this is not rare!

The competition for the players has changed. It is no longer limited to space ring and magic core, and more importantly, golden fruit!

Golden fruit is like longevity meat, containing infinite magic power, making all the players go crazy!


Friends centrifugal!

Couples fight each other!

All kinds of phenomena are visually displayed on the magic light curtain, making all the audiences who see these scenes feel a little confused!

“what happened?”

“Are they crazy?”

“Why stab your partner?”

“What the hell is that golden fruit?”

The audience discuss spiritedly!

Teachers and Sacred Territory powerhouses have looked towards Your Majesty the Emperor. He is the person who knows Lost Continent best, and he should be the person who knows golden fruit best!

But what everyone didn’t expect was that Frederick 32th was also frowns, and his face was puzzled!

“This Sovereign sent someone to investigate Lost Continent, but I never expected Lost Continent to have golden fruit this thing!”

Frederick 32th sighed: “So, I don’t even know this Sovereign of this golden fruit!”


“Your Majesty doesn’t know?”

Teachers led the team looked at each other in blank dismay!

“Your Majesty, the players are out of control now. They are not only robbing the magic core, but more importantly, they are robbing the golden fruit. This is probably not the way to go!”

Dean Luke said: “Although I don’t know what this golden fruit is, just looking at its fatal attraction to the players is enough to explain its extraordinary thing. Let the players wantonly snatch it for fear of disaster!”

“Dean Luke makes sense!”

The Imperial Family Knight Institute Head also spoke: “And this fruit appeared too suddenly. It didn’t appear sooner or later. It happened at this time. I think it’s too strange!”

“What is the fruit, where it comes from, what purpose it has, why it appears, and what purpose does it suddenly appear, we don’t know!”

Another dean said: “This matter is too strange and must be treated with caution to avoid unnecessary catastrophe!”

“All the Aiqings are absolutely right!”

Frederick 32th slightly nodded: “Notify the Imperial Family Paladin Legion immediately and closely monitor everything on Lost Continent. Once any abnormalities are found, you must ensure the safety of the players!”

“Follow Your Majesty’s orders!”

“What is this golden fruit?”

Frederick 32th has a deep gaze: “Anyone who provokes a group of Little Brat with strength up to the 9th Peak and Half-Step Sacred Territory, do not hesitate to cast aside all considerations for face, brotherhood?”



“It’s all crazy!”

Standing on Zacas’s shoulder and looking down at everything on Continent, Monray felt a little painful!

The entire Continent is completely messed up!

Do not!

To be precise, the players are completely messed up, and golden fruit is like longevity meat, making the players all the red eyes!

The key Monray also discovered an amazing fact:

There are far more than 9 golden fruits!

He has 5 pieces in his hand, and the players grabbed more fruits than 4 pieces. How much more than 9 pieces in total?

“I feel more and more that this is a conspiracy!”

The old man said solemnly: “Suddenly throwing so many fruits, it caused a complete chaos for the players, obviously plot against OK!”

“Follow him, I’m leaving soon anyway!”

Monray shook his head: “When I return to Transmission Array, I will wait and see the changes. If there is any danger, I will run away immediately!”

“A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall!” old man said with a laugh: “Only by living, there is a future. You are doing the right thing!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

At this moment, a fierce fighting rumbling sound suddenly came from the jungle below, The earth shook and the mountain quivered, and the trees broke and broke!

Monray looked at it and saw 2 people fighting each other. There were 7 people on one side and one person on the other side. The fighting was inextricably difficult!

“It’s all crazy!”

Monray disinclined to pay attention to, along the way, he saw a lot of this kind of situation, and he was used to it for a long time, no wonder!


A loud and high-pitched dragon roar suddenly came, and the dazzling golden light shot out from the forest, Dragon Might surging!

“Golden Dragon!”

“Damn it! This guy is Golden Dragon, is she the Imperial Prince Barbarossa?”

“No! She is not Imperial Prince Barbarossa, she is obviously a woman, Imperial Prince Barbarossa is a man, I have seen Imperial Prince Barbarossa, he is not like this!”

“Then who is she? Does Your Majesty the Emperor have other pure-blood Imperial Princes?”

“It doesn’t matter who she is. The important thing is that she has a golden fruit. We must take the golden fruit. This is our guarantee for promotion to the Sacred Territory!”

“But she is the Imperial Family…”

“What about the Imperial Family? During the exchange competition, everyone competes fairly. As long as her life is not harmed, Your Majesty the Emperor will not say anything!”


“It makes sense!”

“You must grab the golden fruit. I saw Psyche ate the golden fruit and was promoted to Sacred Territory!”

“My! The golden fruit is mine!”

“Everyone is together!”



“Another Golden Dragon?”

Monray asked Zacas to stop his figure: “Old Dean, have you seen it, another pure-blooded Golden Dragon!”

“Each emperor generally only has one Pureblood Dragon offspring. It is difficult to have two. Why is there one more here?”

The old man looked down at the Golden Dragon in the grass and suddenly smiled: “Obviously, it is not pure blood!”

“Not pure blood?”

Monray startled: “Except for the smaller size, everything else is exactly the same as the Imperial Prince Barbarossa who was beaten by me with bloody nose and swollen face!”

“Body size is the best proof!”

“The Sacred Territory Golden Dragon is 100 meters long, and this Golden Dragon is less than 50 meters long, and the aura it emits is comparable to the Sacred Territory Magic Beast!”

The old man shook his head and said with a smile: “Suffices to show that he is not a pure Golden Dragon, but the form after the Sacred Territory Golden Dragonoid has purified the Bloodline and transformed into a dragon!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray suddenly realized!

“However, being able to develop the Golden Dragon Bloodline within the body to this level before the age of 30, this Little Brat is amazing!”

The old man sighed!


Monray slightly nodded, and immediately wondered: “I don’t know why, I always feel that the aura on this Golden Dragon has a feeling of deja vu!”

“Did you know each other?”

The old man startled, couldn’t help taking a closer look at Golden Dragon, and suddenly his eyes stared: “I’m going! It turned out to be her!”

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