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Facing the siege of 6 people, the 50-meter-long Golden Dragon roared again and again, or bit by teeth, or breathed out dragon’s breath, or slapped by sharp claw, Dragon Might is mighty and powerful!

It’s a pity that the six besiegers are also not simple. Not only are they terrifying in strength, but they also cooperate with each other very well. They just press Golden Dragon to fight!

“This Her Highness the Princess, hand over the golden fruit!”

“As long as you hand over the fruit, we will never embarrass you!”

“His Royal Highness, you are already the Sacred Territory, the fruit is no longer useful to you, as long as you hand over the golden fruit, we will immediately…”

The 6 people were besieging while doing ideological work. To be honest, they were under a lot of pressure. After all, the Golden Dragon in front of them is the Princess of the Empire!

If this is not an exchange game, if the golden fruit is not so important, they will not dare to besie the Empire Princess if they are so bold!


The Golden Dragon roared up to the sky, and did not respond at all. The golden dragon’s breath spewed out of the mouth, and it furiously attacked the 6 besiegers!

Seeing this scene, 6 people’s faces became colder!

“Her Highness the Princess, if you are so uncooperative, don’t blame us for being impolite!”


“Subdued her first!”

“The fruit is ours!”


The 6 besiegers no longer keep, and have burst out the strongest killer moves, their attack power has doubled several times compared to before!

At this time, the Golden Dragon finally couldn’t stand it any longer, surrounded by perils…

In the end, the countless green vines were firmly imprisonment in place, unable to move!

“Her Highness the Princess, offended!”

“Jasmine, go get her space ring!”


A female besieger squatted down and searched the Golden Dragon, and quickly found 2 space rings!


6 people are happy, ready to withdraw!

“I want to leave after hitting someone. Is there such a cheap thing in the world?”

At this time, an indifferent voice sounded, and the 6 people complexion changed and immediately displayed the Defensive Array type!

One of them was a burly Black Draconian robust man holding a giant sword and shouted loudly: “What kind of ability is it to hide the head and show the tail? Get out!”

“The ability is not big, the tone is not small!”

A teenager dropping from the sky, falling to the ground like a leaf, watching 6 people calmly!

“who are you?”

The six besiegers were slightly stunned. It seemed that they had unexpectedly come to be so young, but they were not paralyzed!

The exchange competition has been going on for so many days, how can there be an easy generation of players who can survive? The weak ones have long been eliminated!

“It’s him!”

At the same time, the Golden Dragon, who was trapped on the ground by the vines, was shocked and looked at the young man with an incredible expression!

“It doesn’t matter who I am!”

This boy is Monray, he said indifferently: “The important thing is that you should know what I am going to do! So, what should I do, don’t I need to say more?”

“Want to snatch our magic core?”

“It depends on whether you have this ability!”

6 people are sneaked up with aura gushing on them, and they are ready to attack. There are 6 of them and they are not afraid of Monray!

“overestimate one’s capabilities !”

Monray shook his head slightly, grabbed the void, 6 leaves appeared in his hand, holding the leaves, and shaking gently: “Go!”

The fluttering leaves became extremely sharp, pierced the air, and issued a stern sky-splitting sound, directed at the 6 besiegers!

“A few leaves want to beat us?”

“bully intolerably !”

The 6 people were furious and felt humiliated. How strong are they? Feihuazhaoye wanted to deal with them?

This is simply humiliation!

However, the speed of the leaves was beyond their imagination, and before they could respond, the leaves swept their necks!

There was a sting!

6 people stretched out their hands, full of blood!


The 6 people were horrified and horrified. They looked at Monray with horror, only to find that Monray had disappeared and they did not know where they were!

Then, there was a muffled sound!

“shua ——”

Monray floated back to the original place, but the 6 besiegers have all fallen to the ground, either holding their belly, or holding their arms, or holding head…

Howling bitterly, groaning bitterly!

Where is the imposing manner just now?

“A group of slag!”

Monray shook the head, so he ignored these six embarrassed guys, and walked towards Golden Dragon instead!

Golden Dragon Prince Barbarossa is one size smaller, but it is still a huge monster. Monray standing in front of her is just a small thing!

“This aura, can’t be wrong!”

Monray looked at Golden Dragon with a smile on his face: “Although I don’t know what you went through, you suddenly became a Sacred Territory, but I feel It shouldn’t be wrong!”

“Abbe, long time no see!”

With that said, Wind Blade flew out and cut the countless green vines that were tied to Golden Dragon!

The Golden Dragon dragon body was shocked, and the complex colors flashed in the dragon’s eyes, the body shrank quickly, and soon returned to its human shape!

Monray was stunned!

Tall and graceful figure, crystal clear and near-transparent skin!

Use strength to bully the weak 5 official, Hao Ruo Xingchen’s pupil!

Noble and gorgeous dragon horn, refreshing fragrance!

This is a beautiful suffocating face!

This is an uncontrollable stunner!

Even though Monray has seen countless natural, pornographic, and plastic beauties in his previous life, he dare to say that none of them can mention on equal terms with the woman in front of him!

She is like the noble Elf from a fairy tale, pure, flawless, noble… and beautiful!

One word: beautiful stayed!

“You…you are not Abbe?”

Monray swallowed, Abbe, man!

“My name is Asabel!”

The beauty opened her lips lightly, her voice was a little cold!

“Abbe’s voice?”

Monray was a little confused: “Who are you anyway?”

“I am Abbe!”

Abbe sighed: “Monray, long time no see!”

“Are you really Abbe? But isn’t Abbe a man?” Monray was even more daunted: “Also, you don’t look right!”

“you really……”

Abbe was speechless, then took out an emerald necklace, next moment, a magical scene happened!

A thin layer of water mist appeared on the surface of the skin, and the original beautiful face became an ordinary face!

Monray is familiar with this face and can no longer be familiar with it, it is Abbe’s face!

“It’s really Abbe!”

Monray was a little speechless: “Aren’t you a man before? Why did you suddenly become a woman? Which one is the real you?”

“I am a daughter!”

Abbe explained quietly: “When I was studying at Fire Dragon Academy before, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I cross-dresser!”

“Okay! No wonder being so indifferent to me, it turned out to be a woman!”

Monray shook his head and continued: “You are Golden Dragonoid, and the development of Golden Dragon Bloodline has reached this point. It should be Empire Princess?”

Abbe was silent for a moment before nodded and said: “I rank 1001, and I am the 1001th child of the Imperial Father!”


Monray couldn’t help taking a breath: “Your Majesty the Emperor is really capable of giving birth to you, so many brother sisters!”

“Brother sister?”

Abbe laughed at himself and didn’t say much!

“But you can also pretend. We have been roommates for half a year, upstairs and downstairs. Although I don’t talk much, I really didn’t see that you are a female, let alone a Princess!”

Monray sighed: “If I knew you were Princess, maybe I would treat you well, maybe?”

“Fuck up? Do you think I will believe?”

Abbe rolled the eyes: “You only care about training, even if you know that I am Princess, you are afraid that you will not bird me!”

“Haha, what that said…”

Monray called haha ​​and broke the subject: “Yes, if I remember correctly, a few months ago, you were just a Level 7 Warrior, why now…”

Just 2 or 3 months ago, after Abbe turned into a Golden Dragonoid, she was worthy of a Level 7 Warrior and was beaten by a few Lesser Giants. If she hadn’t shot herself, she would have died!

Now it’s good!

incarnation Golden Dragon!

Exuding the aura of Sacred Territory!

Level 7 !

Sacred Territory!

The changes before and after are too great!

Behemoth is absolutely abnormal!

“I have been to Dragon Transformation Pond!”

Abbe tasted nothing, and after uttering the 3 words Dragon Transformation Pond, he stopped saying more, obviously there was no explanation!

Monray can only ask the old man: “Old Dean, what is Dragon Transformation Pond?”

“Dragon Transformation Pond, is the center of Dragon Race!”

The old man explained: “There is pure Ancient Dragon blood essence inside. As long as the Lesser Dragon enters the training, it can greatly purify within the body Dragon Race Bloodline and turn it into a dragon! Just…”

“What is it?”

Monray asked again!

“Under normal circumstances, only Lesser Dragons entering the Sacred Territory are eligible to enter the Dragon Transformation Pond! Below the Sacred Territory, even the emperor’s sons and daughters can hardly enter the Dragon Transformation Pond!”

The old man was a little puzzled: “It’s not that the Dragon Race is stingy, but that the Dragon Transformation Pond is very dangerous. The Lesser Dragon below the Sacred Territory can’t withstand the impact of the Ancient Dragon blood essence. I really don’t know how this little girl managed to survive? “

Monray was stunned and couldn’t help taking a deep look at Abbe!

“what happened?”

Abbe has some doubts!

“It seems that you have experienced a lot in the past two months! But fortunately, you finally survived!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Forget it, let’s not talk about it, where are you going next, or withdraw with me!”

“No! I will continue to search and collect the fruits of the sacred tree. If possible, I will also find the Mother Tree of Life, kill it and take all the fruits from it!”

Abbe’s eyes are revealed!

“You are already a Sacred Territory, why are you so persistent in collecting the fruits of the sacred tree?” Monray was startled!

“Because golden fruit is great for me!”

Abbe whispered: “Before I came to this Continent, I was only a Level 9 Peak, and I couldn’t incarnation the Golden Dragon!”

“But when I accidentally ate a sacred tree fruit, not only did I successfully break through the Sacred Territory, but also within the body Golden Dragon Bloodline was greatly purified!”

“I know that golden fruits have a great effect on me. As long as I can take more golden fruits, I might become a true pure-blooded Golden Dragon!”

“Golden fruit is still useful for this?”

Monray was overwhelmed: “But you can already incarnation the Golden Dragon, why do you want to purify the Bloodline?”

“It’s far from the real Golden Dragon!”

Abbe shook his head: “I need more golden fruits, I want to purify the Golden Dragon Bloodline within the body as much as possible!”

“Incarnation Giant Dragon and Pureblood Dragon are two concepts!”

The old man explained: “Under normal circumstances, as long as Draconian within the body’s Giant Dragon Bloodline fusion degree reaches 70%, it can incarnation Giant Dragon, but it is obviously not 100% Pureblood Dragon!”

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