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incarnation Giant Dragon!

Pureblood Dragon!

These are 2 different concepts!

“In other words, as long as you take more fruits of the sacred tree, you can continue to purify your Golden Dragon Bloodline within the body, allowing you to keep getting closer to the pure blood Golden Dragon?”

“It is like this!”

“Can this thing purify Bloodline?”

Monray palmed his hand, and there was a golden-bright and dazzling sacred tree fruit in his hand. The apple-sized golden fruit shined with golden light under the sunlight, like a golden apple made of pure gold!

“I wonder if this thing can purify my Godeater Rat Bloodline and Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline within the body?”

Regarding this question, Monray is skeptical. The fruit of the sacred tree can purify Giant Dragon Bloodline, but it does not mean that it can purify other Bloodline!

After all, he within the body contains 5 kinds of bloodlines!

“Old Dean, what will happen if I eat the fruit of the sacred tree?” Monray asked the old man for advice!

“Don’t eat it yet!”

The old man shook his head: “Although the fruit of the sacred tree is amazing, I don’t recommend you to take it until you figure it out!”

“Take it away first! I’ll talk about it after I’ve figured it out thoroughly. What does it matter if I take morning and evening clothes? Also unhurried for a while!”

“It makes sense!”

Monray is slightly nodded, he prefers system spend gold to enhance his strength compared to this unsafe thing!

“The fruit of the sacred tree!”

Abbe stared at the fruit, eyes shining with desire: “You also got the fruit of the sacred tree!”

“Yes, good luck!”

Monray laughed. At this moment, the sky-splitting sound abruptly sounded, and dozens of Wind Blades were shot out!

At the same time, all directions are attacked!

On the left is a giant dragon with 100 meters long flame!

On the right is a Stone Bullet with 100 basketballs!

In front are dozens of water spears about one zhang long!

Behind is a robust man holding a giant axe!

“Not good! Someone sneak attack!”

Abbe pretty face changed slightly, and the incarnation Golden Dragon was about to fight, Monray waved his hand: “don’t be impatient, a group of clay chickens and pottery dogs that’s all, don’t be afraid!”

With that said, throw a Forbidden Spell!

Absolute Zero!


The white cold current appeared, centered on Monray and Abbe, spreading towards all directions!

in a flash, shrouded in ten thousand meters!

Giant Dragon of flame is frozen!

100 Stone Bullets are frozen!

Dozens of water spears freeze!

giant axe robust man freeze!

The surrounding trees and weeds were also frozen. The 6 guys who besieged Abbe before were no exception. They were frozen into popsicles!

At a glance, it was white!

All around, become the world of ice!

“Absolute Zero, and it’s instant!”

Abbe took a breath: “Instead of narrowing the gap between us, it’s getting bigger and bigger!”

“Not that big, have you also been promoted to Sacred Territory!”

Monray snapped his fingers softly, and everything within ten thousand meters of the ice sculpture was shattered, turning into ice scum and falling to the ground!

Only the 6 besiegers stayed in place with the guys who had just launched the sneak attack. At a glance, it was clear that there were 5 sneak attacks in total, including the giant axe robust man!

It’s just that the 5 people at this time have become ice sculptures, and each and everyone still maintains a strange posture!

Or look horrified, or sing incantion, or exhilarating… Different expressions and different expressions!

“Sneak attack me, you can only count as unlucky!”

The next thing is self-evident, search the body, find the space ring, and then take it for yourself!

“Hey, these 5 guys are pretty good, they got so many magic cores, yes, there is a golden fruit!”

Monray laughed like a chrysanthemum. Leaving aside the golden fruit, the magic core in the space ring alone is amazing. These can be sold for money!

“I don’t know how you train?”

Abbe’s eyes were full of envy: “It has only been more than 2 months since I haven’t seen you, so you are so strong! See you next time, did you break through Demi-God?”

“Demi-God? This is too far away!”

Monray put away the fruit and the space ring, said with a smile: “I’m leaving, you leave with me, now this Continent is very dangerous, it is not safe to stay here!”

“No! I will continue to search for the fruit of the sacred tree and the Mother Tree of Life!” Abbe refused: “the fruit of the sacred tree can purify my Bloodline, and I will not give up anyway!”

“Your idea is too dangerous!”

Monray frowned: “I suspect that Mother Tree of Life is a Demi-God exists, what conspiracy is brewing, you go find it, how different is it from courting death? Let’s leave!”


Abbe is a huge shock!

“All the creatures on Lost Continent believe in Mother Tree of Life, and Mother Tree of Life is probably a Demi-God!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “It’s too dangerous to stay in a Demi-God territory! Also, even if you get the fruit of the sacred tree, don’t eat it anymore. This thing is not safe!”

Abbe’s face suddenly showed unwillingness, and a moment later it was shook the head: “Monray, thank you, but I won’t leave!”

After speaking, she soared into the air and left directly!


Monray opened his mouth, and finally didn’t stop her. Abbe is a stubborn person, Monray has already learned it!

“Forget it! Love it!”

Monray shook his head: “I have also reminded you who should be reminded. It’s up to you to listen or not!”

After speaking, he also left!

“Brat, why don’t you follow her?”

“Such a beautiful woman is still the Empire Princess. How many people want to be her flower protector but can’t! You gave up such a good opportunity!”

“I’m more and more suspicious that you brat you are not open…”

“Old Dean, you say 2 less words that no one considers you a dumb!”

“Zacas, let’s go!”

After Monray left, Abbe walked out from behind a tree and looked at Monray’s back, faintly said: “Monray, I want to leave with you, but I can’t…”


One day later, Monray finally returned to the shore of the sea and came to the place where he first landed!

“Wait! Two days later, you can leave!”

Monray found a remote beach, took out the ten meters big golden pot, and prepared for another hot pot feast!

“Boss, want to eat seafood hot pot?”

When Zacas saw this, he went to catch seafood!

after an hour!

The bonfire is rising, the soup is rolling, the aroma is tangy, a man and a beast sitting around the hot pot, gorgeous oneself!

“Boss, I want to eat abalone!”

“Boss, give me that geoduck!”

“Boss, yes! I still want…”

Time flies quickly, one day has passed, and there is only one day left before the January period of the exchange contest!

Monray is lying on the soft beach, basking in the gentle sun, waiting for the end of the exchange game!

“Booming -“

The earth trembled suddenly!

“Booming -“

There was a tremor again!

“Booming -“

Immediately afterwards, the earth vibrated rhythmically, like ten thousand horses galloping and running over like a tank. The whole Continent was roaring and shaking!

“what’s the situation?”

Monray suddenly rose into the sky and came to 4 places above the sky to look around. At this sight, he was shocked!

In the center of the distant Continent, stands a huge tree of unknown zhang high and how many meters thick!

It is like a Heavenspan built wood, and like a World Tree, rooted on the earth, perpendicular to the World, the towering trunks are like the Great Dao of Connecting Heaven, and the towering canopy covers ten thousand li!

Looking from a distance, clouds and mist are lingering!

Xiaguang shines, weather 10000 1000!

The most incredible thing is that the giant tree is surrounded by golden chains, wrapping it like a fishing net!

A mighty and sacred majesty radiated from the giant tree of Heavenspan, arbitrarily oppressing Monray’s nerves, giving Monray a kind of acknowledgement allegiance, the impulse to prostrate oneself in admiration!

“Born…Mother Tree of Life!” Monray exclaimed in a low voice: “Old Dean, is that Mother Tree of Life?”

“It’s it! It’s Mother Tree of Life!”

The old man came out: “This aura is divine might! Although divine might is very weak, it is definitely divine might! Can’t be wrong! I guessed it, it really is Demi-God!”

“It’s really Demi-God!”

Monray in ones heart trembled, there is an impulse to return to Transmission Array immediately and escape, facing a giant Demi-God Level tree, he really has no confidence at all!

As for the Many Arms Behemoth of Zacas, the moment he saw Mother Tree of Life, he had long been crawling on the ground, tears of excitement filled his eyes, and prayed and praised loudly!

“Nothing! This Demi-God’s aura is so weak, even worse than the Sacred Territory Limit, what’s the situation? The distance is too far?”

The old man brows tightly knit, staring at the giant tree for a long while, then suddenly whispered: “The golden chain…I understand, this Mother Tree of Life has been sealed! It has been sealed!”


Monray stayed!

“Have you seen the golden chain around Mother Tree of Life? That is the seal! Mother Tree of Life is sealed, so the divine might it emits is so thin!”

The old man slapped his forehead: “I’ll just say, you wantonly slaughter its followers in its territory of faith, it has been indifferent!”

“It’s not that it wants to be indifferent, but it is sealed, and it is basically impossible to move even a little bit. This is the root cause!”

Monray stared blankly: “What kind of existence is it that can seal the Demi-God Level’s Mother Tree of Life?”

“There is Heaven beyond the Heaven, there is Person beyond the Person, there are so many creatures stronger than Demi-God, Firmament Continent is after all a small pond that’s all!”

The old man shook his head slightly and frowned suddenly: “Monray, are there many black spots floating around Mother Tree of Life?”

Monray looked over, even though the distance was very far away, he did see a lot of small black spots!

These little black dots are floating around Mother Tree of Life, like mosquitoes and flies floating around Willow Tree in summer!

“What are those black spots?”

Monray also wondered!

“It’s too far, you can’t see clearly, you get closer!” Old man said solemnly: “Don’t be afraid, it is sealed, as long as it is not too close, it can’t help you!”


Monray hesitated and flew over there!

As we approach, the black spots get bigger and bigger, and after reaching a certain level, we can see clearly!

The densely packed black spots turned out to be players participating in the exchange competition. In addition, there were many more unfamiliar silhouettes!

They are wearing golden armor, holding giant swords, and stepping on golden monsters. They are all golden armor Knights!

As we continue to approach, we can see in a blur that there is a thin golden shield around Mother Tree of Life!

Monray saw that some of the players were shrouded in the golden shield, while all the golden armor Knights were frantically attacking the golden shield, seeming to save the players!

“What are they doing?”

Monray is a little confused!


“They are fooled! They are attacking the seal! Once the seal is defeated, Mother Tree of Life will come out!”

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