You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“That… what is that?”

“Okay … so big!”

“There is such a majestic tree in the world, unimaginable!”

“Such a huge tree, is it extraordinary?”

In front of the Dragon God Church, on the giant magic light curtain, there appeared a giant Heavenspan tree covering the sky and the sun!

It stands in the center of Continent, tall and tall above the sea and sky, the mountains become the foil, and the old trees become the background!

It’s too big and towering!

Can’t see the top at a glance!

Can’t see the side at a glance!

The moment they saw it, everyone was shocked. They went up to Emperor Frederick 32th and down to every minister of civil and military affairs. They were all dumbfounded and dumbfounded!

Frederick 32th was shocked: “Lost Continent has such a creature, why didn’t the monitoring team find it?”

No one knows if they found out, but Frederick 32th realized that Lost Continent is far from being as safe as he knew, and the players…are in danger!

“Report -“

At this moment, a Paladin soldier wearing golden armor walked out of the Transmission Array: “reporting to Your Majesty, Demi-God creature appeared in Lost Continent, 100 players including Imperial Prince Barbarossa were arrested, and they were at stake!”


Everyone stood up at the same time, their eyes were full of shock of hard to describe, they were all shocked!

“Is this statement true?”

The emperor sternly asked!

“Reporting to Your Majesty, absolutely true!”

Golden armor Paladin disco echoed!

“Your Majesty !”

“Your Majesty !”

Sacred Territory powerhouse looked towards the emperor, the Imperial Prince Princess and the noble ministers also looked at the emperor!

Everyone knows, things are big!

Demi-God creatures appeared in Lost Continent, and more than 100 players including Imperial Prince Barbarossa were captured by Demi-God!

This is no small accident!

It is the major event that shakes the country!

Once handled properly, it will not only provoke a Demi-God enemy to the empire, but also cause irreparable losses to the empire!

very serious!

In the face of everyone’s urgent and anticipated gaze, Frederick 32th slowly closed his eyes: “I didn’t figure out the details of Lost Continent, and rashly sent all the players to Lost Continent, this Sovereign is also the crime!”

“Your Majesty !”

Everyone whispers!

“But right now is not the time to be held accountable, the top priority is to send someone to Lost Continent to save the players!”

Frederick 32th stood up: “Immediately deliver the Elder’s Council, order Great Elder, Second Elder, and Third Elder to go to Dragon Island with this Sovereign, please Old Ancestor to help!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Some ministers bowed down as they should, and hurriedly delivered an order!

“Ministers, are all gone!”

Frederick 32th looked towards everyone, Dean Luke stepped forward and said: “Your Majesty, the players are in critical condition. I am willing to go to Lost Continent to inquire about the situation first! If possible, maybe you can deal with it!”

“Your Majesty, I am willing too!”

“The students are trapped. We can’t sit here and wait. I ask you to go to Lost Continent to inquire about the situation!”

“Your Majesty ……”

For a time, all the deans and teachers who led the team asked for orders to go to Lost Continent to rescue the students!

“The heart of the ministers, this Sovereign is not very pleased, but Lost Continent has Demi-God entrenched, everyone going forward is tantamount to moth flies into the flame, and destroy yourself!”

Frederick 32th shook his head slightly: “You should wait for the good news from this Sovereign. As long as Old Ancestors are willing to make a move, trifling native Demi-God, it can be wiped out!”

“Your Majesty !”

“This Sovereign is determined, don’t say more!”

Frederick 32th flicked his long sleeves, and immediately leaped into the air and swept towards the Imperial Palace. A group of court waiters and the Imperial Prince Princess quickly followed along!


Sacred Territory looked at each other in blank dismay, sigh with each other!


Lost Continent!

“Protect the safety of all players!”

“Ensure that the exchange competition is not interfered by external forces!”

“It is the task that Your Majesty the Emperor gave to us Paladin Legion, and it is also our duty!”

Golden Dragonoid waved the giant sword and asked loudly, “Where is the responsibility?”

“Be with glory!”

“Be with glory!”

“Be with glory!”

Paladin Legion roared loudly!

“For the duty of Paladin Legion, for the glory of Paladin Legion, I order you to continue to attack!”

“Be with glory!”

“Be with glory!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The Imperial Family Paladin Legion continued to attack the golden shield. They were powerful and crowded. Thousands of attacks fell on the golden shield. The thin golden shield shook violently, and it seemed to collapse at any time!

“Evil God, let the players go immediately!”

Golden Dragonoid attacked and shouted: “The Demi-God powerhouse of our Dragon God Empire is coming soon…”

This was originally an insignificant threatening language. Unexpectedly, Mother Tree of Life seemed to be stimulated after hearing this sentence!

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Over 100 vines suddenly flew up, turning into a snake to kill more than 100 players!

These vines are not fast, just like a snail crawling. More than 100 players easily avoided the vine’s attack!

However, next moment, an old voice sounded: “Domain of God!”


Strange fluctuations are coming!

In an instant, more than 100 players instantly froze in place, as if they had been tapped, they were so stiffly frozen in place, motionless!

“xiu – ”

“xiu – ”

“xiu – ”

The vine slowly crawled over, circle after circle, entangled more than 100 contestants, and quickly entangled them into zongzi!

“what’s the situation?”

Everyone is a little confused!

“Domain of God! This is Domain of God!”

old man yelled: “A ability that can only be used by the existence of Demi-God Realm. This ability can freeze space or imprisonment 10000 objects!”

“This Mother Tree of Life is indeed Demi-God!”

“It can be confirmed now!”

“Domain of God?”

Monray was shocked!

“Monray, go, go!”

The old man urged: “The idiot just stimulated it, and the 10000 Mother Tree of Life went crazy. At all costs, the seal was broken, and you all had to die!”


Monray couldn’t help looking towards Abbe. At this look, he was suddenly clever!

The vines that entangled the players actually pierced into the players’ bodies, absorbing Life Essence crazily!


“help me!”

“I don’t want to die!”


All the entangled players shrank at the speed visible to naked eye!

Abbe is no exception. Her crystal-like jade skin lost its luster, little by little shrivelled…


Monray startled!

“Go! Smelly brat, go!”

The old man urged loudly: “You can’t save her! You can’t save her! Get out of here right away, don’t bother to see…”

“But Old Dean…”

Monray is struggling!

“It’s nothing, you and her are just general acquaintances, that little friendship is not worth your risk!”

The old man yelled: “Besides, what can you do if you rush in? Can you save her? You can’t save her!”

“Not only can you not save her, you will take your own life in vain, which…not worth it!”

“Monray, you are Sacred Territory, be rational!”

Monray is silent, his current strength is indeed a bit weak!

“Monray, leave me alone!”

Abbe shook his head vigorously: “I chose this path. I don’t regret it. You don’t need to take your own life!”

Abbe smiled suddenly, the smile on the dwindling skin, like a fading flower, exceptionally miserable!

“I was born in the Imperial Family, and I was lonely since I was a child, no one loves no one, no relatives, no friends…”

“But I met you!”

“You saved me twice!”

“In my heart, you are my only friend!”

“If you have an accident because of me, I will always live in anxiety, guilt, regret and grief!”

“Monray, go! Live! Live!”

Abbe’s eyes gradually dimmed, describing a teardrop falling from the corner of his eyes on his haggard face!

“The only friend?”

Monray took a deep breath: “Maybe, I can’t do this anymore!”

Monray licked his lips: “system, always be prepared, go crazy with me later!”

“Give me a drive!”

Monray punched the golden shield!

“Smelly brat, what are you doing?”

old man turn pale with fright: “Are you crazy?”

“Old Dean, don’t worry, I know it!”

Monray continued to attack the golden shield frantically, just like an angry bull!

“Peng~ peng~ peng~ ——”

It is a pity that the golden shield trembles violently and is about to collapse at any time. However, it has never collapsed. Monray screamed, and a dark golden hammer appeared in his hand!

“break for me !”

Monray leaped high, holding a dark gold hammer and smashed it crazily!

“Booming -“

There was a loud bang of earth shattering, and a few cracks appeared on the surface of the golden shield in the crisp sound of crack cracks!

Then more and more cracks, like spider web, instantly covered with golden shield!

“oh la la ——”

Next moment, the golden shield shattered in an instant, turning into countless light spots and dissipating between the World!



The dark golden hammer smashed frantically, and the vines entwining Abbe were all broken. Monray reached out and caught her!

“Abbe, how are you?”

Abbe at this time does not have the peerless face before, only a withered and shriveled face and folds all over the cheek!


As if hearing Monray’s call, Abbe slowly eyes opened his eyes: “Mon…Monray, don’t…don’t…just…I…go…you go…hurry up!”

“Old Dean, what do you do now?”

Monray even looked towards the old man: “Can you save her?”

“Ai, guilty!” old man faintly sighed: “The branch of Tree of Life can save her life!”

“The branch of Tree of Life? Yes, yes! The branch of Tree of Life! Why did I forget it!”

Monray even took out the branches of Tree of Life, “Old Dean, how do you use this stuff?”

“Squeeze the Life Essence out of it, give her a drink!” The old man sighed!

“it is good!”

Monray even nodded, give a strong grip!

“Abbe! Open your mouth!”

One drop, 2 drops, 3 drops …

A magical scene happened!

As if rain and dew fell on the dry river bed!

As if the spring breeze is blowing on a frozen stream!

As if the scorching sun shines on the wet earth!

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