You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

A magical scene happened!

Abbe’s face little by little became plump and rosy, and the weak aura became stronger again…

“It works! The branches of Tree of Life work!” Monray couldn’t help but relaxed: “Abbe, how do you feel?”

“Monray, you shouldn’t save me!”

Abbe regained his fascination, staring at Monray in a daze, a mist of water appeared in his beautiful eyes: “You shouldn’t save me!”

“We are also roommates and classmates anyhow. If we can’t save ourselves if we can, we can’t justify!”

Monray haha ​​smiled and helped Abbe up: “Go, get out of here, and talk to a safe place!”


Abbe didn’t say anything more, leaning his head on Monray’s chest, listening to the powerful heartbeat…

Abbe suddenly felt that Monray’s chest was so safe, so strong, so warm…

At the same time, Paladin Legion also rushed over and rescued more than 100 other players. Of course, the players did not receive Abbe’s treatment. Whether they can survive or not depends on Heaven’s mood!


“Take the players out of here!”

Golden Dragonoid urged loudly!

“Since you have come in, don’t leave!”

At this time, that old voice sounded, and an astonishing scene happened. Countless golden lights appeared out of thin air, and they gathered into a golden shield, covering everyone in!


Monray hit the golden shield and was directly bounced away. The same was true for everyone else. Each and everyone was bounced back into place by the golden shield. Complexion was greatly changed!

“what happened?”

Monray flustered and exasperated: “Old Dean, the seal was broken by me, why did it appear again?”

“Laozi doesn’t know either!”

The old man is also a little crazy!


“Barrier has appeared again!”


“Everyone immediately attacked the Barrier!”

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

The Imperial Family Paladin Legion has started a crazy attack again!

“Abbe, wait a minute!”

The dark golden heavy hammer appeared in Monray’s hand again, his eyes gushing with anger, his whole body’s strength poured in, and the hammer smashed over!


The dark gold hammer hit the golden shield, a terrifying counter-shock force came out, and Monray was directly blown out!

The golden shield didn’t even shake, let alone be defeated!

“impossible !”

Monray roared angrily: “Come again!”




A hammer!

2 hammers!

3 hammers!

The golden shield is as solid as a rock, completely motionless!

“How could this happen?” Monray’s eyes were bloodshot: “Why is the golden shield so strong?”

The old man’s voice was low and trembling: “Monray, we might be fooled!”


Monray was shocked!

“Little Brat, don’t waste your effort!”

The old voice sounded again, and a giant human face appeared on the trunk of Mother Tree of Life!

The giant face’s mouth opened and closed: “This is the Domain Barrier of this Deity, how can you break a Sacred Territory?”

“Mother Tree of Life!”

Monray suddenly turned around, and everyone else looked towards the giant face that appeared on the trunk!

Under the eyes of everyone, the little by little golden chains all over Mother Tree of Life disappeared, and eventually all disappeared!

The seal… is gone?

At the same time, a grandiose divine might radiated from Mother Tree of Life, oppressing everyone’s hearts!


Everyone fell to the ground one after another, shoulders like Mount Tai, chest like a weight stone, and heart like being grasped, breathing hard and very uncomfortable!

“Fucked! We were fooled!”

The old man crazy roar: “It hasn’t been sealed! Stinky brat, the so-called seal doesn’t exist at all! It lied to us! It lied to us!”

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Monray couldn’t understand: “How tyrannical the dignified Demi-God is. It only needs a single thought to kill us! Why do you have to spend so much time and effort to make such a conspiracy?”

The old man shook his head vigorously, he really didn’t know this!


Monray stared at Mother Tree of Life: “Why do you want to do this? You are dignified Demi-God!”

“Demi-God? Not True God after all!”

Mother Tree of Life can’t say anything with a smile: “You must be very puzzled, why did this Deity make all of this?”


Monray, ask!

“because of you!”

Mother Tree of Life faintly smiled!


Monray startled and immediately sneered: “I’m just a Sacred Territory, is it worth your pains?”

“Of course you are not worth the pains of this Sovereign, but there is something in your body that is worth this Deity!”

Mother Tree of Life indifferently said: “In order to get it, it is worth paying for it! Now, the thing is returned to the original owner!”

“One thing?”

Monray pointed to himself with a dazed look!

The old man is also dumbfounded!

Others also looked at each other in blank dismay!

“What are you talking about, I don’t understand?” Monray frowned and shouted: “You are talking about your fruit?”

“Cunning Human, don’t pretend to be garlic with this Deity!”

Mother Tree of Life coldly snorted and said: “Since you first came to Lost Continent, I have sensed that thing! This Deity knew that it was something that this Deity had long lost!”

“It’s finally back, this Deity is very happy!”

“But this Deity is very angry again, because you, Human, are too cunning. Instead of returning it to this Deity, you hide in hiding and avoid this Deity at all times!”

“This Deity is very angry, so I can only take great pains and make the best move! Fortunately, it turned out to be Perfection!”

Mother Tree of Life’s voice became high-pitched: “Cunning Human, quickly hand over what belongs to this Deity in your sea of ​​consciousness!”

“Otherwise, don’t blame this Deity for picking it up personally! But then, not only you, all of them will have to die!”

“Something in the sea of ​​consciousness? You are talking about…”

Monray shook his whole body, and suddenly thought of something, besides the soul flame, there was only one thing in his sea of ​​consciousness!

That golden leaf!

This golden leaf from the parchment has been entrenched in his sea of ​​consciousness. Apart from bringing him the super Wood Element magic talent, Monray knows nothing about it!

What is it?

Monray hasn’t figured it out yet!

But as you can imagine, it is definitely not a thing!

Is it… Mother Tree of Life?

“Monray, what does it mean?”

The old man asked quickly!

“Golden leaf!”

Monray did not hide the old man!

“Just that golden leaf?”

old man startled: “That’s Divine Artifact, how could it be Mother Tree of Life?”

“It shouldn’t be, it doesn’t match Mother Tree of Life’s aura at all! Let me go! This is a golden leaf, so I want to snatch it?”

“Don’t tell me, it’s really possible!”

Monray suddenly became angry. Keep on saying Your thing, your feelings is that you have discovered Laozi’s Divine Artifact and want to make money and kill you!

Not to mention that this thing is a Divine Artifact, Laozi can’t bear to give it to you at all, even if Laozi wants to give it to you, he can’t make it!

The golden leaf is entrenched in Monray’s mind, except that it no longer absorbs the Wood Element elements in the world all the time, no bird is a monray!

Hand it over?

Fart, Laozi got into his sea of ​​consciousness by himself, will you pick it out for you?

Stupid stuff!

“Monray, you really took the Mother Tree of Life stuff?”

Everyone has been staring at Monray and changing Monray’s expression to take in the entire scene. Many people suddenly became angry: “What did you take Mother Tree of Life? Hurry up!”

“Yes! You are too courageous, how dare you snatch a Demi-God powerhouse?”

“It’s fine if you take it, don’t bother us, look at the Imperial Prince Barbarossa, they are about to be killed by you…”

The players trapped in the golden shield have accused Monray and vented all their resentment qi on Monray!

The faces of the members of the Imperial Family Paladin Legion are also unsightly. The headed Golden Dragonoid said solemnly: “Your Excellency, for your safety, I’d better hand over that thing!”

“Hehe! haha!”

Monray extremely angry laughed back: “I harmed you? If you hadn’t snatched the fruits of the sacred tree, would you end up in such a situation?”

“To blame, I can only blame you for greed, and to blame, I can only blame you for having only oneself to blame, Laozi, what a shit?”

Speaking of which, Monray looked towards Mother Tree of Life, sneered: “Don’t say I didn’t take your things at all, I just took them. If I get what I have, can you still return it?”

“Human, you are provoking the majesty of a God!”

Mother Tree of Life has a low voice, grandiose’s divine might hiding the sky and covering the earth pressing towards Monray: “Lastly give you a chance!”

“Hand over something like that, this Deity can spare you all! If not, don’t blame this Deity for being merciless!”

“Monray, return the things to Mother Tree of Life! Everyone’s lives are in your hands!”

“Monray, give it back!”

“Just as I beg you, will it work? My eighteen generations single pass, I can’t die here, otherwise, my family will be dead!”

“Monray, I have a 200-year-old mother who needs to support me, and a 3-year-old child waiting to be fed…”

Hearing the threat from Mother Tree of Life, many players were frightened, or verbally abused, threatened, or begged…

Monray must hand over the golden leaf!

“A bunch of idiots!”

The old man cursed secretly: “Monray, don’t listen to them! If you hand over the golden leaf, Mother Tree of Life will not let you go!”

“That’s Divine Artifact. Once you get it, Mother Tree of Life will definitely kill you all!”

“This Evil God doesn’t even care about the life and death of countless Magic Beast followers. Does it care about your life and death?”

“Wag your tail?”

“It’s just the imagination of these idiots that’s all!”

“Mother Tree of Life!!!”

A flash of madness flashed through Monray’s eyes, and he shouted hysterically: “Don’t be your mother’s daydreaming! Even if it is either the fish dies or the net splits, you can never take a hair off Laozi!”

Tone barely fell, Monray burst out all the power in his body, holding Hammer of Destruction, and slammed into Mother Tree of Life frantically!

“Human, ignorant!”

Mother Tree of Life is angry: “You rejected a God’s last kindness, prepare to accept God’s anger!”

“Domain of God !”

A wave of terror presses Monray instantly, and Monray seems to have been punctuated, and instantly froze in place, unable to move even a finger!

“It’s over! It’s all over!”

The old man sighed!

“It’s not over! It’s not over yet!”

Monray’s eyes are bloodshot and he looks like a madman: “system, improve my Godeater Rat Bloodline fusion!”

“do not stop!”

“I can improve as much as I can!”

“All wealth, until the end of Krypton!”

“Ding! The host has a total wealth of 73.2 Law Source Crystal, which can increase the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline by 7%. Does it increase?”


“shua ——”

Wealth points instantly shrink by 70Law Source Crystal!


PS: Ask for a ticket?

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