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Under Mother Tree of Life, inside the golden shield!

Everyone was desperate, and many of them sprinkled hatred on Monray!


“It was all he killed! If it weren’t for him, how could we end up in this situation?”

“We were so miserable by this fool!”

“It’s over! It’s over!”

“Poor this stupid idiot, who wants to resist? Funny! Funny! Sad…”


However, at this moment, Monray, who was in the same place by the Domain of God Imprisonment, and even his fingers were unable to move, suddenly burst into countless azure black air currents!

Like a blazing azure fire flame, and like a thick fire beacon billowing, it instantly enveloped Monray’s body!

“Booming -“

The aura on Monray is soaring and swelling like a rocket!

10, 50, 98, 99…


The watch burst instantly!

In just a few breaths, Monray’s aura has increased more than 100 times and 1000 times?

The terrible coercion spread, sweeping all directions, oppressing the hearts of everyone!


Everyone only feels that it is difficult to breathe, such as a load of 100000000 million tons Mount Tai, and their eyes are full of consternation and horror!

“what’s the situation?”

“What’s wrong with this idiot?”

“Monray, is it breakthrough again?”

Abbe beautiful eyes glitter!


Mother Tree of Life said softly: “This cunning Human has a breakthrough? Interesting!”


A scream that pierced human eardrums and almost penetrated everyone’s soul suddenly sounded!

Everyone’s ears buzzed, and they were shocked to see that a furry creature illusory shadow appeared above Monray’s head!

Glossy hair!

Black skin!

Sharp fangs!

Cold eyes!

“What is this?”

Mother Tree of Life is lowly cried, I don’t know why, but from this illusory shadow, it actually feels a deep-seated fear and soul-shattering fear!

It feels like…

It’s still weak, just like the powerful Sacred Territory Magic Beast, weak, helpless, and pitiful…


“This Deity is dignified Demi-God!”

“Nothing can scare this Deity!”

“Yes! No creature can fear this Deity!”

Mother Tree of Life dispelled that fear and fear, and the murderous intention 4 overflowed in the words!

“No matter who you are, no matter what kind of bloodline you are carrying, you will die for this Deity!”

The divine might hiding the sky and covering the earth is all oppressed on Monray, and a golden branch volleys!

“xiu – ”

In people’s impression, the branches are often very light, dexterous, and tender, but the golden branch of Mother Tree of Life is extremely heavy and extremely fast!

The quality of horror, coupled with the speed of horror, can imagine how huge the kinetic energy contained in this branch!

If hit by a golden branch, Demi-God will die if you touch it. As for Demi-God, no one knows!

“Stabbing -“

The golden branches tore the air, and in a flash came to Monray, who was about to beat Monray!

“xiu – ”

At the crucial moment, Monray, who was originally occupied by Imprisonment, disappeared, disappear without a trace!


Mother Tree of Life lost her voice: “It disappeared in the Imprisonment of the Domain of God of this Deity, how… how is it possible?”

“Nothing impossible, old tree demon!”

When Dawson’s voice rang, Monray suddenly appeared in front of Mother Tree of Life!

Holding up the Hammer of Destruction in his hand, he hammered the storm entanglement, roared wildly, and then crashed down!

“Booming -“

Hammer of Destruction contains the destructive power of incomparable, which is heavily hit on Mother Tree of Life!

With a loud noise, Mother Tree of Life trembled violently, and the tree body was smashed into a huge hole!

Of course, compared to Mother Tree of Life, which is not known as zhang high or how many meters thick, the so-called giant pit is like a small pore on a person’s body, which is insignificant!

“No! This is impossible!”

But Mother Tree of Life turn pale with fright!

It is a Demi-God creature, and it is a plant-like Demi-God life. The tree is indestructible. Demi-God of the same level would never want to hurt it, let alone trifling a Sacred Territory?


Monray did it!

A Sacred Territory actually hurt it!

Mother Tree of Life both shocked and angry

“Damn Human! You completely angered this Deity!”

Mother Tree of Life hair stands up in anger, countless golden vines are flying all over the sky, turning into golden whip shadows hiding the sky and covering the earth. They are drawn in swarms, seeming to pump Monray to pieces!


Monray is in the shape of electricity, freely shuttled in the whip and shadow of the sky, struggling horizontally and horizontally, despite the golden vines lashing wildly, he did not touch the corner of his clothes!

Really has been in the bushes of 10000 whips, the film does not touch the body!

“Old tree demon, die!”

Passing through the shadows of the heavy whips, Monray once again slammed in front of Mother Tree of Life, another blow of earth shattering’s anger!

“Hu ~~~”

The wind roars, the tornado cloud!

“Booming -“

Another huge pit appeared!



“This Deity!”

“This Deity is angry!”

Mother Tree of Life is going crazy!

It is a dignified Demi-God, a creature standing at the top of the Firmament Continent Pyramid!

There is nothing I can do with a Sacred Territory. Where does it put its face as a Demi-God?

“Domain of God !”

Mother Tree of Life angry roar, madly suppress Monray!


Monray’s figure is slightly paused, frozen in place!


10000 1000 golden The whip shadow is drawn!

“xiu – ”

Monray is able to move again and disappears in place again!



The third giant pit appears!

“(⊙o⊙) …”

“This smelly brat… actually…”

“Dragon God above! Am I dreaming?”

“An illusion? It must be an illusion!”

“False! This is false! How could Monray be Demi-God’s opponent? He is just a Sacred Territory!”

Everyone was stunned!

The old man was stunned!

Abbe was stunned!

The other players were stunned!

Thousands of Paladins were stunned!

Who can think of the scene before me?

Who could have imagined that as the Mother Tree of Life of dignified Demi-God, it can’t be the Monray of trifling Sacred Territory!

Besides, Monray, the Sacred Territory, is only…16 years old!

“Why does this happen?”

Everyone couldn’t understand it, only the old man’s mouth twitched, and his heart turned overwhelming: “This smelly brat is mysteriously stronger again! Isn’t this too ridiculous?”

“God thief! This Deity wants you to die!”

Mother Tree of Life, my lungs are almost exploding!

“Domain of God !”

Monray’s figure pauses slightly and is imprisonment again!

“Divine Spell: Life Deprivation!”

Mother Tree of Life let out a low roar, 10000 1000 golden light spewed out of it, turning into a thick golden beam, and instantly enveloped Monray!

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious force penetrated into Monray’s body and instantly acted on Monray’s body, madly Peeling Monray’s life force!

“Divine Spell! This is Divine Spell!”

The old man reminded loudly: “Brat, Divine Spell uses Divine Power as its driving force, and it has absolute effect on any creature without Divine Power!”

“Think of a way, think of a way!”

“You must break free from the shackles of the Domain of God anyway! Otherwise, waiting for Divine Spell to show its power, you will definitely die!”


“Move me!”

Monray roared in a low voice, madly driving his body, but sadly discovered that this Domain of God’s might is exceptionally large, and his body simply doesn’t listen to it!

“That’s the only way it can be!”

Monray let out a low growl, his forehead bursting with blue veins: “Godeater Rat…transformed!”

“Puchi sneer—”

When the voice fell, Monray’s body was like a deflated inflatable doll, and suddenly began to shrink. In just a few breaths, only half a meter was left!

At the same time, countless azure black hairs appeared on the surface of his body, 2 black beards extended on each side of his cheeks, and a slender long tail grew behind his thighs!


All the black azure air currents wrapped around the body, and a surging baleful aura burst out!

The ten fingers became sharp claws, the eyes black shine, and the two front teeth became slender and sharp. They turned into Godeater Rat people!


Monray shook his body slightly, shook away the shackles of the Domain of God, and disappeared directly into the envelope of the golden beam!

“So sensitive speed!”

“Good horrible defense!”

Feeling the lightness and dexterity of the body so many times, how many times the defense has been increased, Monray overwhelmed by emotions, feeling uncontrollable, self-confidence has never been expanded!

At this moment, he didn’t even fear Mother Tree of Life anymore, there was nothing but surging fighting intent and murderous intention of side leakage!


Hammer of Destruction disappeared!

Monray shook slightly, just like Teleportation, weird appeared on the trunk of Mother Tree of Life!

Sharp claw lightly grabbed it, and with a loud “stab”, it caught a deep claw directly on Mother Tree of Life!

“What a sharp claw!”

Monray himself was shocked, and immediately his eyes lit up, and his hands waved again and again, and a deep pit appeared in the crisp sound of “Prickly Prickly”!



Drops of golden tree sap oozes out of the deep pit, exuding the refreshing fragrance, which makes Mind tremble and refreshed!


Mother Tree of Life let out a cry, 10000 1000 golden vines slapped me crazy!

Monray looked at the countless vines drawn by the volley, and his eyes rolled around. “Since the sharp claw is so sharp, why don’t I…”

Thinking about it this way, Monray decisively got into the deep hole just dug!

“Stabbing -“

“Stabbing -“

Double claws cut continuously, the pit is getting deeper and deeper!

Then, he slipped in!

“Bastard! What do you want to do? Ah—”

Mother Tree of Life turn pale with fright, immediately uttered a mournful scream, the huge tree body trembled violently, the trunk shook, and the leaves tremble, just like a ecstasy!

“I plan!”

“I plan!”

“I plan to plan!”

“Compared to the defensive bark, the inside is relatively soft!”

“Good sap, can you drink it?”

“Smelly brat, You’re quite something!”

The voice of the old man sounded, containing endless excitement: “Quick! Find its Core of Life!”

“Mother Tree of Life is also plant life! As long as you find its Core of Life, it is possible to kill it!”

“Although it is only possible!”

“But now, it’s worth the risk! If you can get rid of it, you will make a lot of money!”

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