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“Core of Life!”

“Yes! Find Core of Life!”

“It is possible to kill it!”

Monray digs holes quickly!

Compared with the hard bark defense, Mother Tree of Life’s interior is relatively fragile to suck blood, and there are even many pipes filled with sap!

Whether these pipes are channels for transporting water and nutrients, Monray does not know!

But these spacious and convenient, 4-way and 8-way pipelines really provide him with great convenience, and the shuttle is very convenient!

“Good sap, can you drink it?”

Monray communicates with the old man while traveling through the pipe!

“These tree sap is the Life Essence of Mother Tree of Life, contains surging and rich life force, and they are all valuable treasures!”

The old man said: “But before killing Mother Tree of Life, I suggest you don’t drink it. 10000 one contains the Divinity of Mother Tree of Life, that is poison!”

“Can’t drink? I can always take it away! I’m all gone now, and I need to add my wealth urgently!”


Monray took out the space ring, the incarnation hardworking bee, pretended to be crazy!


A space ring is full!


The second space ring is full!


3rd, 4th, 5th!

When it was the sixth space ring, Monray was a little surprised: “This space ring is so good that it can be installed. After so long, it hasn’t been filled up yet? How big is the space…”

Monray even released the mental power to explore. At this look, I couldn’t help but sucked in a breath of cold air!

“Okay … so big!”

“This is really a piece of land!”

“Old Dean, have you seen a space ring with a diameter of tens of kilometers?”

“So big?”

The old man was a little surprised: “This is not a space ring anymore, but a Demi-God Artifact-level Space Magic Tool!”

“I’m sure, there is definitely a Plane fragment sealed in this space ring, otherwise, impossible has such a large space!”

“This is Dean Fred’s ring!”

Monray took a closer look at the appearance of this space ring, and was moved!

Dean Fred even lent him a Demi-God Artifact level space ring!

What kind of trust is this?

“It seems that your dean trusts you very much!”

The old man admired: “Plane fragments are very precious treasures, because this thing can only be formed after the Material Plane is destroyed. Under normal circumstances, Sacred Territory is hard to get!”

“A piece of Plane fragment with a diameter of 2 kilometers, worth 3 to 100 Law Source Crystal!”

“You count it yourself, how precious this space ring of Dean Fred is!”

“I understand!”

Monray silently nodded!

“Go! Hurry up!”

“Follow Life Essence!”

“Core of Life is the source of Life Essence of plant life. The closer to Core of Life, the richer Life Essence is!”

“it is good!”


“Goddamn Human!”

Mother Tree of Life’s lungs are exploding. It can’t think of it, things will develop to this step!

It dignified Demi-God, instead of killing a Sacred Territory, it got into the body within the body!


This is extraordinary shame and humiliation!

What makes Mother Tree of Life even more angry is that it can clearly sense that Monray is frantically plundering its Life Essence!

That’s its Life Essence!

Where does Monray have the courage?

“Kill him!”

“This bastard must be killed!”

“Only his blood can vent the hatred of this Deity!”


A Divine Power incarnation was formed in an instant and landed in front of Monray out of thin air!

It was actually a reduced version of Mother Tree of Life, but with legs, arms, snout and eyes!

“Damn Human!”

Divine Power incarnation glared, staring at Monray, wishing to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!

“I go!”

Monray slammed the brakes!

“This is Divine Power incarnation, don’t be afraid!”

The old man reminded: “Divine Power incarnation is less than 10000 of this Deity’s strength. Take out God Killing Spear and kill it!”

“it is good!”

God Killing Spear appeared out of thin air, slammed forward, Divine Power incarnation coldly snorted, body flashed and avoided God Killing Spear’s attack!

“Turn around!”

Monray thoughts move, God Killing Spear killed a sudden thrust, Divine Power incarnation didn’t react well, and God Killing Spear penetrated the head directly!

Then, an astonishing scene happened:


A dazzling purple thunderbolt erupted from the gun body of God Killing Spear, and then a horrible suction came out, absorbing Divine Power incarnation madly!


Divine Power incarnation dries out at the speed of naked eye visibility, and after a few breaths, it is completely absorbed and turned into a cloud of green light and dissipated!

“what’s the situation?”

Monray looked dumbfounded!

“Suck… absorb Divine Power!”

The old man couldn’t help taking a breath: “God Killing Spear can absorb Divine Power!”

“Absorb Divine Power?”

Monray stared at the place where Divine Power incarnation dissipated, and couldn’t help being shaken!

“No! This is not absorption, but plunder!”

The old man murmured to himself: “In just 2 or 3 breaths, I sucked up the Divine Power incarnation of Mother Tree of Life. What level of Divine Artifact is this?”

What level?

No one knows!

After God Killing Spear sucked up the Divine Power incarnation, he turned around as if he didn’t have enough meaning, and then returned to Monray unwillingly!

“Good treasure, and this ability!”

Monray rubbed the cold body of the gun, not at all overly entangled with the ability of God Killing Spear, white cats and black cats, and those who can catch mice are good cats!

Monray doesn’t care why God Killing Spear can absorb Divine Power. He only knows that God Killing Spear has this ability, which is definitely a good thing!

At least, it can come in handy now!

“Mother Tree of Life, I see how you fight with me!”

Monray sneered, keep going!


“Just… what happened just now?”

“Divine Power incarnation was actually absorbed?”

Mother Tree of Life is a little confused!

As a powerful plant life, it used to plunder others, suck others out, squeeze others out, feed on other creatures, and feed them!

However times change!

Change it to be absorbed!

This kind of taste is uncomfortable!

It can even be said that the egg hurts!

The pain of the egg is still second, the key information just presented makes Mother Tree of Life shudder!


What God Killing Spear absorbs is not blood, tissue fluid, life force, nor magic power, but…Divine Power!

It eats Divine Power! ! !

This is so scary! !

As a faith Demi-God who has just achieved Demi-God, Mother Tree of Life has only taken a small step on its way to God!

Neither lit the Divine Fire!

There is no Condensing Divine Spark either!

Not to open up the kingdom of God!

To put it mildly, Mother Tree of Life is just a little cute new to Divine Road!

To be uglier, it is the weakest and most irritating Demi-God! How weak is it?

Without igniting the Divine Fire, the endless Power of Faith cannot be converted into Divine Power!

This is deadly!

What is Divine Power?

Divine Power is electricity, oil, energy, and power source. It is 3 catties of pork head and 5 catties of white rice every day!

People are iron rice is steel!

Don’t eat a meal and be hollowed out!

People are so!

The same is true of God!

Demi-God without Divine Power, isn’t it the weakest god?

The biographical poems about the ability of people to slaughter gods are often chanted by the bard population, and it is this kind of gods that are often slaughtered!

of course!

As a Demi-God, Mother Tree of Life can still manufacture Divine Power, but without the Divine Fire tool, the production of Divine Power is inefficient, and every drop of Divine Power takes a long time!

So, don’t look at Mother Tree of Life, which is wide and fat, tall and tall, but there are really few drops of Divine Power!

To put it harder, it is not only the weakest Demi-God, but also the poorest Demi-God!

Because of poverty, Mother Tree of Life can’t wait for a drop of Divine Power to be used as a few drops. How can there be excess Divine Power to squander it and let it fail?

After all, his father is neither Li Gang nor Brother Ma, nor Celestial Emperor God of Creation!

So, in the face of a weapon that can swallow Divine Power, how can Mother Tree of Life not be shocked?

“What kind of weapon is it?”

“Can you eat Divine Power?”

“Is it Divine Artifact?”

“And that heavy hammer, harder than my body, at least a Demi-God Artifact!”

“Bastard! He is a Sacred Territory where there are so many Divine Artifacts? Is there any reason?”

Mother Tree of Life feels aggrieved, how respected and tyrannical is it dignified Demi-God?

Until now, it is still a poor 2 white, Monray is good, Divine Artifact one after another, irritating!

“What is he going to do?”

“That location!”

“Is it…”

Mother Tree of Life’s face changed dramatically, and she suddenly realized what Monray was going to do!

“Damn! His goal is not Life Essence, but my Core of Life!”

“Stop him! You must stop him!”

“He is holding two Divine Artifacts, and his own strength is outrageous! Once he gets close to Core of Life, my life is at stake!”

“Divine Power incarnation!”

Mother Tree of Life is aware of the seriousness of the problem, it no longer spares Divine Power, and has created a more powerful Divine Power incarnation, disdainfully killing Monray!

“Come to deliver food again?”

Looking at Divine Power incarnation of reappears, Monray 2 has thrown out God Killing Spear again without saying anything!

Divine Power incarnation is prepared, easily avoiding God Killing Spear, “Domain of God!”

A wave of terror came, Monray was imprisonment in place, “Divine Spell: Life Deprivation!”


Monray sneered, his whole body exploded, shaking away the shackles of Domain of God, Hammer of Destruction appeared in his hand, fiercely smashed into Divine Power incarnation!

“Hmph! This is my home court, how can you attack me?”

Divine Power incarnation is coldly snorted, avoiding the attack of Hammer of Destruction. Unexpectedly, with a puchi cry, God Killing Spear actually sneaked through the head of Divine Power incarnation from behind!

“What about your home court?” Monray sneered: “Flip you back and forth, you still die!”


God Killing Spear is exposed to lightning on the surface, like drinking nectar, once again absorbing Divine Power incarnation!


Divine Power incarnation roared, and was finally absorbed by God Killing Spear in unwillingness, and there was no scum left!

“Keep going!”

Monray non-stop!


The third Divine Power incarnation is here, obviously more solid than the previous 3 times, aura is more surging, and divine might be more terrifying!

Mother Tree of Life This is the blood!

However, this time, without Monray control, the addicted God Killing Spear threw himself out, chasing Divine Power incarnation and biting!


Mother Tree of Life frightened 4 places, how can there be a casual attack on Monray?

“good chance!”

It does not attack Monray, Monray will not let it go, look at the opportunity, and hit it with one hammer!


Divine Power incarnation was directly smashed and forced!

“Shy —“


God Killing Spear seized the opportunity and pierced Divine Power incarnation’s ass with a shot!

“The third Divine Power incarnation, done!”

Monray laughed, quickly moved towards Core of Life!


“Life Essence is getting stronger and stronger!”

“Core of Life must be in the vicinity!”

“Quick! Work hard! Find it!”

The old man was so excited, his voice was a little trembling!

Another rush!


A dazzling light suddenly came from the front, and the stinging Monray was a little unable to open his eyes, and he came to a huge hollow area!


It’s empty directly ahead!

And in the center of this hollow area, there is a sun-like golden bead suspended!

With a diameter of 100 meters and mysterious magic runes all over the surface, a surging life aura radiates from the golden beads. It seems that one breath can extend life for 1000 years!

Roots and whiskers spread out from the golden beads, connecting the body of Mother Tree of Life!

4 through 8 through, criss-crossed, like a neural network, and like a sheep intestine pipe!

Densely packed, countless!

“Core of Life!”

“This is the Core of Life of Mother Tree of Life!”

“Monray, the most dangerous and critical moment has come, you must be careful of its counterattack!”

“If you are not careful, you will die without a burial site!”

“of course!”

“If you succeed!”

“Congratulations, you will complete the feat of killing God! Although it is only a Demi-God!”

PS: Ask for a ticket?

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