You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“Of the 108 players arrested, 72 died on the spot, and the remaining 36 died on the way back!”

Dean Fred said in a low voice: “Dead! All dead! 108 players, all dead!”

“Among which is included Imperial Prince Barbarossa and Your Majesty’s favorite 13th Princess!”

“All of them are dead!”

Monray is silent!

“Monray, you answer me a question honestly!”

Dean Fred solemnly asked: “Does their death have anything to do with you? Did you kill them, as the surviving players said?”

“I killed it?”

Monray smiled: “If I say it has nothing to do with me, do you believe it?”

Dean Fred remained silent for a while before saying: “You can guarantee it, I believe it!”

“Okay! Since the dean believes in me so, then I tell you,”

Monray said with a laugh: “The deaths of 108 players do have something to do with me, but the main reason is their greed!”


Dean Fred slightly frowned!

“Things are like this…”

Monray didn’t conceal it either, and told the matter without omission and in detail!

Listen, Dean Fred is silent!

After a long time, he said slowly: “Listening to what you said, you really can’t be blamed for this. If it weren’t for them to covet the fruits of the sacred tree, they would not have caused such a big mistake!”


Dean Fred changed the conversation: “Your Majesty, civil and military ministers, meritorious and powerful people don’t think so. They all put the blame on you!”

“They think that if you hadn’t stolen the native Demi-God, this kind of thing wouldn’t happen!”

“All the blame lies with you!”

“So, no matter what I say, they will let me carry this pot?”

Monray hehe smiled: “It’s really ridiculous. It’s obviously the emperor’s mistakes and the greed of the players that caused this tragedy. You actually want me to take the blame?”

“Monray, Your Majesty is the emperor. We can make mistakes, but Your Majesty can never make mistakes!”

Dean Fred shouted angrily: “Moreover, among the 108 dead, not only Golden Dragon Lion Sachen, Undying Elf Miriam and the others, but also Imperial Prince Barbarossa and Thirteenth Princess!”

“One is the future emperor of the empire!”

“One is the most favored Princess!”

“Your Majesty can’t make this kind of mistake!”

“So, civil and military ministers and honorable ministers can only vent their flame hair on you!”

“So, what do they want to do?”

Monray hehe smiled and asked!

“Your Majesty has sent the Imperial Family Paladin Legion to Lost Continent to catch you!”

Dean Fred shook his head and said, “If nothing happens, you will be fully responsible for this incident!”

“Let me take full responsibility?”

A bright glow flashed in Monray’s eyes: “It’s just right! I’ve been in a bad mood recently, and I have nowhere to vent!”

“Monray, what do you want to do?”

“Back to Imperial Capital!”


Dragon God Empire, great hall for discussion!

Emperor Frederick 32th sat high on Dragon Throne, his face was gloomy and terrible!

Major deans, teachers leading the team, many Sacred Territory, and full court honors stand on the side of great hall 2!

In the center of the great hall, there are more than 100 corpses lying quietly, all wrapped in yellow cloth. They can’t see their faces, but the occasionally exposed skin shrinks and shrivels!

Obviously, these more than 100 corpses are the 108 players who have just lost their lives!

At this moment, there is absolute silence in the great hall, and the atmosphere is terribly suppressed!

Everyone was silent, no one dared to speak!

As time passed, Emperor Frederick 32th finally couldn’t help it: “Is there no news from the Imperial Family Paladin Legion?”

“Replying to his Majesty! No news yet!”

“They have gone to Lost Continent one day one night, and there is no news yet. Could Monray go up to heaven or down to Hades?”

Frederick 32th was furious: “Send someone! Send more people immediately! Be sure to bring Monray back, this Sovereign must ask in person!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

The big Chen Accepts This Order left immediately!


A golden armor guard suddenly ran in, kneeling loudly and said: “Your Majesty…Your Majesty!”

“Is there any news from Paladin Legion?”

Frederick 32th great joy!

“No! No! Monray is here!”


“Monray is here!”

The great hall was in an uproar!

Dean Fred in the crowd was even more astonished: “Isn’t Monray in Magic Beast Village? Why did you come so fast?”

“Let him come in!”

Frederick 32th Link!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

After a while, Monray stepped into the great hall under the leadership of the golden armor guards!

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

Everyone’s eyes fell on Monray at the same time, with anger, murderous intention, hatred, and confusion…

Frederick 32th looked at Monray up and down, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and he sternly asked: “Monray, are you convicted?”

“Convicted? Why am I guilty?”

Monray pretended to be astonished: “Why does Your Majesty have this question?”

“When you die, you dare to quibble!”

Frederick 32th furious, pointing at 108 bodies shouted: “Do you know who they are? Do you know how they died?”


Monray knelt down, took a look at a yellow cloth at random, then shook his head and said, “So these are them!”

“Do you recognize it? Now that you recognize it, tell this Sovereign!”

Frederick 32th yelled and roared, with a voice like Monray: “Why are you killing them? 108 people! 108 people!”

“They are all the elites of the empire, they are all the hard work of the major academies for decades, and they are the future Sacred Territory and the backbone of the empire!”

“Say! Why are you killing them?”

“I killed them? You are afraid that it was not the thief who called out to catch the thief, and deliberately framed it, Your Majesty the Emperor!”

Monray seemed to have heard a big joke, laughed heartily, and the laughter of wild waves echoed in the great hall for a long time!

“impudent !”



Everyone immediately glared at him, each and everyone glared at Monray, and they couldn’t wait to swallow Monray!

“Monray, this is the great hall of the empire. Your Majesty is in front of you. There are many Sacred Territory by your side. Civil and military ministers are all here. How can you be impudent?”

Duke Utas stood up: “Your Majesty question, you only need to answer obediently and honestly, don’t be arrogant, ignorant and bold!”

“Monray, speak up!”

Dean Fred was so frightened that he stood up and whispered!

“Well, nothing!”

Monray slightly nodded, Dean Fred’s face is still to be given!

“108 players violent death, I express my sympathy, but there are two murderers who really killed them: one is their own!”

Monray indifferently said!

“They killed themselves? Absurd!”

When everyone heard the words, they couldn’t help but sneer again and again!

“If it weren’t for their greed for the fruits of the sacred tree, how could they end up in such a situation? So, it was their greed that caused the current ending!

Monray’s voice was indifferent, staring at Frederick 32th: “Secondly, you are Your Majesty the Emperor!”

“Monray, don’t be impudent!”

Dean Fred was so scared that he was shivered all over, and quickly scolded in a low voice: “Are your brain burnt, how dare you talk to Your Majesty like this?”

“President, listen to me first!”

Monray looked at Frederick 32th sitting high on Dragon Throne: “We didn’t know the details of Lost Continent, so let us go there to play, and finally it led to the tragedy now!”

“So, Your Majesty the Emperor killed them! It was your unknown investigation that killed them! It was your paralysis that killed them!”

“What does it have to do with me…?”

“you you you……”

Frederick 32th said that his face was like pig liver, and he pointed at Monray angrily, complexion azure-white, his eyes seemed to eat Monray!


Duke Utas shouted sternly: “It is clear that you stole something from native Demi-God and eventually killed 108 players. You were bold enough to put the blame on Your Majesty. It is completely crazy and ridiculous, confusing!”

“Your Majesty !”

Utas looked towards Frederick 32th: “I ask the surviving players to enter the temple and confront Monray!”

“Call them in!”

Soon, a group of surviving players walked into the great hall. As soon as they saw Monray, they fired together like they saw their father and enemy.

“Monray! You bastard! It’s you! You killed 108 players!”

“If you didn’t steal the Mother Tree of Life, how could it hurt the killer? You have to take full responsibility for the deaths of 108 players!”


“Monray, what else do you have to say now?”

Frederick 32th took a deep breath and said slowly!

“Say? Nothing to say!”

Monray shook the head: “I have said very clearly what should be said. Whether you listen or not, it has nothing to do with me!”

“impudent !!!”

“Monray, you killed 108 players and stopped the exchange match midway!”

“Roaring at the great hall again, unscrupulously, treat this Sovereign as nothing, treat the court as a child’s play!”

Frederick 32th pointed to Monray: “Completely crazy and ridiculous, his heart can be punishable!”

“Come on, take him down, and send him to the Dragon Punishment Stage 3 days later, beheading to show the public, to warn the younger generation of the Imperial Family!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

A group of golden armor guards rushed in!

“Your Majesty, take it easy!”

When Dean Fred saw this, he was ready to intercede, but was stopped by Frederick 32th!

“Like Monray, the rebels, even though they are the Imperial Family, they are in fact with the Demon spies like Adolf birds of a feather!”

“Whoever intercedes for him will be guilty of him!”

“Your Majesty ……”

“President, this is the ring you borrowed from me!”

Monray stopped Dean Fred who was about to continue to intercede, and returned the space ring!

Then said with a smile: “Firmament Continent, powerhouse is respected, no matter how strong is not enough, it’s just the cry of the weak that’s all!”

After speaking, he turned his head and looked towards Frederick 32th and smiled: “Dragon Punishment Stage should be a place to kill members of the Imperial Family!”

“Sorry, I am not the Imperial Family!”

“So, let go now!”

“If you have the ability, I would be happy to be Timon Barton’s 2nd, unexpectedly fall!”

“If you have no ability and can’t kill me, then don’t blame me and kill you!”

“In a word: either kill me or be killed by me!”

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