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Either kill me or be killed by me!


As soon as this statement came out, it was no less than a magnitude ten earthquake, shocked by the great court officials, more than 1000 Sacred Territory, and the rich and powerful, both shocked and angry!


He’s crazy!

Everyone sucks in a cold breath and looks at Monray like a madman!

A 16-year-old little Sacred Territory!

A child with hairs not even grown yet!

How dare to say such things in the most prestigious part of the empire in front of so many Sacred Territory!

What kind of madness is this?

How awkward is this?

How stupid is this?

“Yellow mouth child, dare you be so impudent?”

Frederick 32th slapped the Broken Dragon case with a palm, and roared angrily: “Where is the golden armor guard? If you don’t take him down, when will you wait?”

“As you bid!”

A dozen golden armor guards responded loudly, and then swarmed towards Monray!

“be honest!”

“Kneel down for me!”

“Obediently surrender!”

As the guards of the great hall, they all have the strength of the Half-Step Sacred Territory. They work together, even if the Sacred Territory has to bow their heads!

But now, they are doomed to tragedy!

Just as the golden armor guards baring fangs and brandishing claws rushed over, Monray suddenly burst into a surging counter shock!


The amount of violent violence suddenly erupted, and the golden armor guards were instantly shocked, and then the blood spout from mouth, motionless, was directly shocked to death!



Everyone in the hall was shocked!

“How dare you…how dare you?”

Frederick 32th angry complexion ashen, face looks sinister, snarled hysterically: “Take him! Take him for me!!!”

“Dean Fred, this is the good student your Fire Dragon Academy has cultivated!”

He shot out by himself, first gave Dean Fred a cold look, then glared at Monray!

“You totally crazy and ridiculous idiot, you are so bold and obediently surrender!”

“who are you?”

Monray looked at the black hair Black Horn old man who appeared in front of him!

“Black Dragon Kingdom, Black Dragon Academy Dean…Angus!”

Angus indifferently said: “Bold lunatic, immediately kneel and kowtow, and ask Your Majesty to forgive me! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being impolite!”

“You’re welcome? What an unkind way?”

Monray flicked his fingers and said separately: “I really want to see and see!”

“Bold !!!!”

Angus’s eyes widened, and he was not angry but rather happy: “Brat, since you are courting death, then I killed you on the spot, and no one would say anything!”

“shua ——”

Before the words were over, Angus suddenly killed off, and in a flash arrived in front of Monray!

There are no other extra moves, only a simple violent punch!

This fist is enough!

“It was even preempted by this one!”

The other Sacred Territory who were ready to take action stopped their bodies, feeling somewhat upset in their hearts!

Although they are dissatisfied with Angus taking the lead, they still admit Angus’s strength!

Angus is a veteran Sacred Territory and has been famous for 100 years. He is deep and unmeasurable!

In particular, he is a pure-blooded Black Dragon, and his body is extremely powerful. There are not many people who dare to say that he will be able to defeat him, and if he takes the shot, nothing else will happen!

However, at the next moment, everyone’s eyes widened, as if they had seen a ghost!

I saw Monray not evasive, stretched out his right hand at will, and grabbed Dean Angus’ fist in his hand with a light grab like a ping-pong ball!


All the imposing manner!

All the power!

All the rage!

In this brief moment all disappeared, as if it did not exist!

“How… how is it possible?”

Angus was terrified!

“Black Dragon Academy Dean, just this!”

Monray shook the head, kicking out his right foot at random, with a muffled sound, Angus flew out like a cannonball out of the chamber, screaming!

Then he slammed his head against the dragon wall above the emperor’s head, and knocked out a hole in the monster Giant Dragon mural made of gold, and the whole person was embedded in it!


The whole scene is dead!

Everyone stared at Angus inlaid on the dragon wall blankly, each and everyone looked dull and dull!

one strike……

Just knocked away Dean Angus?

Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean and the others in the crowd looked at each other, and they both saw shock and disbelief in each other’s eyes!


War Dragon Academy Dean swallowed his saliva: “When did Monray have such strength?”

“I…I don’t know!”

Fred muttered to himself, his face was wonderful!


Angry roar heard, Angus pulled himself out, with blood on the corners of his mouth, glaring at Monray, angry flames bursting into his eyes!

“I underestimated you just now!”

Angus wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth: “However, you successfully angered me, kid!

“Dare to go outside the temple?”

“Why not dare?”

Monray raised his eyebrows and shot the great hall first!

Angus coldly snorted, followed by flying out!



“Don’t let him run!”

When everyone in the hall saw this, they hurriedly chased them out. When the entire group came outside the spot, they saw Monray and Angus standing proudly in the sky, facing each other far away!

“Boy, I admit that you have a strength far beyond the ordinary Sacred Territory, and I also admit that you are even more Monster than the number one Timon Barton in history!”

“But…you are just as dying!”

Angus roared, his voice like a billowing muffled thunder, which exploded loudly, and he turned decisively!


A huge Black Dragon with a length of more than 60 meters, black scales, sharp claw cold glow, and sharp fangs suddenly appeared!

A pure Dragon Might burst out, like a fire beacon rising to the sky, instantly sweeping the entire Imperial Palace and spreading towards all directions!

“Black Dragon!”

“That’s a pure blood Black Dragon!”

“What happened over there?”

The others in the Imperial Palace were shocked and looked at Angus in the sky!


Angus opened his mouth and spouted a pitch-black as ink dragon’s breath, which instantly swept towards Monray!

Black Dragon Dragon’s Breath is a kind of terrifying acid, which contains amazing corrosive power. Once it is stained, even the Sacred Territory powerhouse will be corroded into dry bones. The power is amazing!

“On this point?”

Monray shook his head slightly, and shook his body slightly, avoiding the black dragon’s breath that came on the face!

Then step by step towards Angus, the speed seems to be slow, but in fact it is almost to the extreme, in a flash is on top of Angus!

“Dean Angus, goodbye!”

Monray step on it gently!

“Not good !”

Angus startled, he was about to vibrate his wings to avoid it, but just when the thought came up, Monray’s big feet floated and stepped on his head!


A great force broke out, Angus didn’t even have time to make a scream, the dragon’s head was kicked and exploded, like a sledgehammer hitting a watermelon!

Brains 4 splash, blood flutters away!


The huge dragon body descended from the sky and fell on the flat square, smashing the square into a huge hole!

The dragon body motionless is obviously completely dead, only the exploded dragon head is extremely dazzling!




At this moment, everyone was stunned!

“Angus, was actually killed by an instant?”

“What kind of strength is this?”

“Dragon God above!”

After a brief consternation and sluggishness, there was an uproar on the square!

Each and everyone watched the dragon head burst, and was instantly killed by Dean Angus. He couldn’t help but suck in a cold breath!

Dean Angus!

That’s the 100-year-old Sacred Territory!

It is the pure blood Black Dragon with the purest Bloodline!

A strong suit, close to Sacred Territory Late Stage!

Actually… I was kicked to the head, and instantly killed!

What kind of strength is this?

If someone else kills him, that’s all. The key to killing him is just a 16-year-old kid!

16 year old kid! ! !

Who can believe?

Who can believe it?

How to believe it?

For a moment, Your Majesty the Emperor, the princely ministers, the dignitaries of meritorious service, and the 1000 Sacred Territory all looked at the silhouette standing peacefully in the sky, with incredible colors in their eyes!

“It is said that!”

Facing everyone’s gazes like monsters, Monray spoke!

The sound was flat, but it reverberated over the Imperial Palace, clearly spreading into every corner of the Imperial Palace!

“I heard that in our Dragon God Empire, there is no Dragon Slayer! Because all those who dare to covet Pureblood Dragon are all dead!”

“Today, I killed a Black Dragon. Does it mean that I became the only Dragon Slayer in our Dragon God Empire?”

“Dragon Slayer?”

The corners of their mouths twitched when everyone heard them, and the anger in their hearts was too arrogant and arrogant!

“Fuck! Damn you!”

Frederick 32th trembled with anger, his face distorted: “Kill him! Kill him! I want him to die!”

“I want him to chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, and Ling Chi to death! I want him to die without a burial site!”


Many Sacred Territory suddenly hesitated, Monray kicked the instant kill Angus, showing the terrifying power of the instant kill Sacred Territory Late Stage!

Wouldn’t they go up and die for nothing?

“Dean Luke, do you want to watch this impudent barrier be so impudent?”

Frederick 32th looked towards Dean Luke Several people roared with anger!

Dean Luke is definitely the strongest among all the players in the room. Who will do it if you don’t?

“Your Majesty, from my province!”

Dean Luke slightly nodded, body flashed came to Monray, his face was indifferent!

“Monray, you are a Fire Dragon Bloodline and a member of the Imperial Family, yet so completely crazy and ridiculous, slaughtering Pure Blood Dragon wantonly…”

“Okay! Don’t talk about the extra nonsense, I can’t hear it!”

Monray waved his hand to interrupt Dean Luke, who was filled with indignation: “See the truth under your hand!”


Dean Luke complexion ashen, a magic staff suddenly appeared in his hand!


In an instant, the Wind Element elements within a few kilometers of a radius quickly gathered, and an azure Wind Blade ten meters long was formed!

“Blade of Dimension, go!”

Dean Luke is coldly snorted, azure Wind Blade strokes shatter void, shoots at Monray at lightning speed, speed to the pinnacle, naked eye is hard to distinguish!

“As expected of Peak Holy Archmage!”

Seeing the Blade of Dimension coming from the laser, Monray showed admiration on his face, then stretched out his right hand and grabbed it at will!

“What does he want to do???”

“Hardly connect Blade of Dimension!”


“He is simply a lunatic!”

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