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Sacred Territory Peak represents the apex!

Normal Sacred Territory is easy, but to achieve Sacred Territory Peak is as difficult as ascending the heavens!

In the entire Dragon God Empire, the average Sacred Territory is 1000 to 10000, there are so many!

But there are only a few Sacred Territory Peaks, and all of them are accumulated over a long period of time!

It’s good now, 9 people died at once!

Who can bear it?

No one can bear it!

“How could this be?”

Emperor Frederick 32th completely collapsed. He couldn’t figure out why Monray, who was only 16 years old, was so powerful?

Killing Sacred Territory Peak is like slaughtering pigs and dogs!

How did he do it?

“You are left now!”

Monray carried Hammer of Destruction and looked at the longest Golden Dragon: “How do you want to die?”

“You…you actually killed 9 Elders!”

The Great Elder dragon body trembled, and a flame of anger and hatred burst out from the dragon eyes, but there was a touch of panic in the anger!

Nine Elders are not as good as him, but they are also Sacred Territory Peak, instant kill Sacred Territory Peak?

He can never do it!

Monray did it!

What does it mean?

Monray is stronger than him!

Stronger than Sacred Territory Limit!

Demi-God! ! !

Only Demi-God is stronger than Sacred Territory Limit!

Thinking of this, Great Elder couldn’t help trembling, and shouted: “honored Sir, are you not afraid of Dragon Island Demi-God’s sanctions if you act so recklessly?”

“That’s my business, you don’t need to worry about it!”

Monray suddenly said with a smile: “However, if you want to worry, I can give you a chance!”

“what do you want?”

Great Elder growled!

“I’ve always had a dream, that is to travel Nine Heavens with Giant Dragon! I was weak before, so I can only think about it, but now it’s different!”

Monray leisurely said with a smile: “Although you are not a pure-blooded Golden Dragon, you are not far off!”

“As long as you sign a master-servant contract with me and become my mount, I can spare your life!”

“Sign the master and servant contract?”

“Become your mount?”

Great Elder trembled with anger: “honored Sir, you are trampling on the dignity of a Giant Dragon, and the proud Dragon Race will not let you go!”

“Don’t agree? Then die!”

Monray coldly snorted, stepped to the Great Elder and rounded up Hammer of Destruction!


Great Elder eye socket cracked, but unable to avoid the Hammer of Destruction that was hit hard!

“ka-cha -“

With one hammer, this great expert from Sacred Territory Limit was no different from the previous Golden Dragon with 9 Sacred Territory Peaks, and was blown to the head by a hammer!


The huge dragon corpse fell to the ground, the earth trembled fiercely, and then returned to peace again!

However, everyone’s mood is not calm, and even… has collapsed!

“Dead? Just die like this?”

“Even the Great Elder of Sacred Territory Limit is dead?”

“Nine Sacred Territory Peak, 9 Sacred Territory Limit, just like this?”

“Devil! He is the devil!”

“Great Dragon God, come and save your pious descendants…”

“Now, you are left!”

Monray carried Hammer of Destruction and looked at Frederick 32th and many Sacred Territory and powerful ministers!

“Guardian! Escort!”

Frederick 32th face deathly pale, shivering with fear, how can there be a bit of Sovereign grace?

“Now… no one can save you!”

Monray’s face was calm: “Are all the senior leaders of Dragon God Empire here?”

“Mon…Monray, what do you want?” Frederick asked with a trembling 32th!

“ask clearly!”

Monray faintly smiled: “One pot!”

“A pot?”

Everyone’s faces changed dramatically!

“Divine Spell: Absolute Zero!”

Monray flicks with the finger, a golden cold current bursts out and spreads forward!


Everyone was desperate and fleeing frantically, but the golden cold current was faster and spread in the blink of an eye, covering the entire square!

“Ka beng-“

“Ka beng-“

“Ka beng-“

Everything is frozen by the cold current!

Up to Frederick 32th, down to every minister, all froze in place!

Then, it became a golden ice sculpture!

Everyone kept the action of running away, and still kept the expression of horror on their faces!

Everything, freeze frame in this brief moment!

“Escape? Ridiculous!”

Monray walked into the ice sculpture group and touched it lightly, a statue fell down, and ka-cha turned into ice shards!

“Monray! Stop it! Stop it! These are the top empires, you can’t kill them!”

Dean Fred and War Dragon Academy Dean 6 are not frozen, they are staring at Monray!

“Several deans, I know it!”

Monray shook his head slightly and pushed to the second ice sculpture, then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth…

When Monray walked from one end of the square to the other, 99% of the ice sculptures were broken into slag, and only a dozen ice sculptures stood tall and vivid!

They are all pure blood Human Race!

Monray lifted Absolute Zero, and the dozen or so Human Races that were re-thawed all looked at Monray with horror, especially after seeing the debris everywhere, they were scared to tears, and the souls burst into death!


All dead?

Heavens!! !

Monray glanced at them, turned and walked towards Dean Fred 6!

“Monray, see what you did? You got into a big disaster! You smashed the sky!”

“The Empire will not let you go, Dragon Island will not let you go! Dragon God will never let you go!”

Fred 6 people are heartbroken!

“Then let them come!”

Monray flicked his fingers: “Come on, I will kill one, and ten, I will kill a dozen. If they all come, kill them all!”


Fred whispered, “How did you become like this? How can you be worthy of Dean Amos’s Spirit in the Sky?”

“No! You are wrong!”

Monray stared at Dean Fred: “Old Dean would only be happy for me if he knew what I did. I know him better than you!”

“He doesn’t belong to Dragon Race!”

“Not to be loyal to these decadent Nobles and the so-called Golden Dragon Emperor!”

“So, these guys are dead, and Old Dean won’t be angry at all!”

“On the contrary, he will support me!”

Having said that, Monray sighed: “He knows what I want, he knows why I do this, he knows I must do it!”

“Monray, what do you want to do?”

Fred hissed: “You killed Your Majesty, you killed the princes, you killed all the princes, you killed most of the Sacred Territory!”

“Tell me, what do you want to do?”

Monray looked into the distance and slowly said: “Old Dean, I am Demi-God!”

After that, I left directly!


Fred 6 people as if was struck by lightning!

Although they saw Monray slaughter all sides and instant kill Sacred Territory Limit, they all realized that Monray might have entered that unimaginable realm!

But when Monray told them in person, Fred 6 was still shocked!

“Demi-God !”

“Monray made Demi-God?”

“Heavens! He actually made Demi-God!”


After a long time, 6 people came back to his senses from the shock!

A dean whispered: “Achieving Demi-God is amazing, but being a Demi-God can be so unscrupulous? Where does he put Dragon Island Old Ancestor?”

“Yes! Did Monray think he became Demi-God so he could not fear a few Old Ancestors?”

“Too mad!”

“I don’t know if he is arrogant, but Monray is by no means a simple murder!”

Fred trembled: “He is fighting for faith! He intends to fight for faith!”

“Competing for faith?”

Everyone was in shock!


Kill the emperor!

Slaughter the top empire!

This can be regarded as completely offending Dragon Race, offending Dragon Island Demi-God, and even offending Dragon God!

It seems that this is very reckless, stupid, and irrational behavior!

The truth?

of course not!

Because just a short while ago, Monray has got rich rewards!

wealth points: 2583Law Source Crystal!

Killed more than 1000 Sacred Territory!

Net profit of 2583 Law Source Crystal!

Is this sale worth it?

The answer is yes, because so many Law Source Crystals are enough to do a lot of things!

For example, increase the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline to 100%!

For example, increase the integration of Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline by 100%!

For example, exchange 25 drops of Divine Power!

For example, use the [Unlimited Pick Up] function 2583 times!

Just ask, what is it to offend Dragon Race compared to such a generous return?

What is it to offend Dragon Island Demi-God?

Dare to attack me, kill all of you and turn them into Law Source Crystal!

As for offending Dragon God?

Monray remembers what Old Dean said:

God, who has left Firmament Continent, cannot actually come to Firmament Continent!

At most, the Divine Power projection will be lowered, and the Divine Power projection will best demonstrate the power of Demi-God!


Monray is not afraid, the adult Godeater Rat with 100% Bloodline fusion… can eat God!

So it seems reckless!

Seems stupid!

Seems irrational!

In fact, it’s not like that at all!

With so many Law Source Crystals standing by, looking at the entire Firmament Continent, Monray is fearless!

In that case, why not fight for faith?

As Monray just told Dean Fred: I have become Demi-God!

The subtext of these 4 words is… I have become Demi-God, so I need believers!

Where do the believers come from?

Of course it is Dragon God Empire!

In order to get the huge cake of faith in Dragon God Empire, the old faith must be removed!

Is it necessary for the emperor and the empire to stay?

The answer is yes!

Of course it is not necessary!

“Lianhuang Imperial Capital is dead, surely Dragon Island Demi-God will be furious, right? It’s best to come all!”

“If you kill them, you can rest assured that you can rectify the empire!”

While thinking about it, Monray came to Dragon God Tower. He wants to continue to make money in Dragon God Tower!

Dragon God Academy is still as peaceful and harmonious as usual. What should the students do? They don鈥檛 know the fact that the empire鈥檚 top leaders have been slaughtered, let alone that an unprecedented storm is about to sweep the empire!

“Quietly enjoy the last peace, children!”

Before arriving at the Dragon God Tower, Monray stepped in and soon reached the 41st floor!

The Sacred Territory Magic Beast on the 41st floor is a Sacred Territory Magic Beast, probably with the strength of the Sacred Territory Middle Stage. Monray will kill it at will, and then continue on!

The 42nd floor, the 43rd floor, the 44th floor…

The 52nd floor, the 53rd floor, the 54th floor…

The 62nd floor, the 63rd floor, the 64th floor…

Demi-God is unstoppable. Monray, like a hot knife through butter, quickly surpassed Ranked 1st Timon Barton and reached the 79th floor!

At the same time, his ranking on the Dragon God Genius List has also come to first!

This caused a huge sensation!

PS: There are surprises in the next chapter, so ask for a ticket?

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