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“History first!”

“Monray is number one in history!”

“so amazing!”

“He actually managed to surpass Timon Barton a 10,000 years ago and became the first in history!”

“Human Race actually has such a genius!”


In front of the Dragon God Tower, the students looked at the name of the successful summit, with a look of shock in their eyes!

1st place: Monray, Human Race, 16 years old, 79th floor!

“16 years old, 79th floor! I really don’t know how he did it?”

“Yes! How did it do it?”

“Starting from the 30th floor of Dragon God Tower, you cannot go to the Sacred Territory; the 60th floor, without Sacred Territory Late Stage battle strength, is almost impossible! The 70th floor, at least the Sacred Territory Peak!”

“Sacred Territory Peak, 16 years old?”

“Is he the devil…”

People are shocked!

People are confused!

People can’t imagine!

However, the next thing tells them: this is just an appetizer!

After 5 minutes, 80 floors!

10 points 钟后,81层!

After 15 minutes, 82 floors!

Then, the 83rd floor, 84th floor…

Monray like a hot knife through butter all the way, without stopping, successfully reached the 91st floor!

At this time, the students in front of Dragon God Tower were completely numb, with only one thought:

Can he pass the level?


Dragon God Tower, 91st floor!

This is an extremely hot world!


No weeds, no trees, no rivers, only hot rocks and scarlet earth!

The foot stepped on it, making a chi chi sound, the sole of the shoe was melted, and the surface temperature reached an alarming level!

“Only fire magic element?”

“Only the Law of Fire exists?”

Walking on the hot and vast ground, Monray is looking for the magic array to the next level!


Suddenly, there was a crisp neigh in the sky, countless Fireball dropping from the sky!

Monray looked up and saw one of the suns spitting out Fireball like a machine gun!

Fireball dropping from the sky, falling on the ground, making a hong long long explosion!

Seeing this, Monray smiled immediately and flew towards the sun in the sky!

As for the big Fireball that keeps falling, you can avoid it casually, you can’t hit him at all!

After a while, Monray came to the sun. The so-called sun is not the real sun, but a huge bird with a flame burning all over and a wingspan of more than 100 meters!


Monray clicking one’s tongue in wonder!

Sunbird is the Sacred Territory Magic Beast of the fire type. Its knowledge in flames is far superior to that of the ordinary fire type Magic Beast. It is called the flame Sacred Beast!

眼前这10头Sunbird ,个个媲美Sacred Territory Peak 、乃至Sacred Territory Limit !

尤其在91层这种环境中所爆发出的battle strength ,稳稳超过了被Monray 杀死的10头Golden Dragon !

It’s a pity, it’s useless!

“go with!”

God Killing Spear shot out!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

凄厉的嘶鸣声中,10头Sunbird 没有任何意外的陨落了,在Monray 这尊Demi-God 面前,它们连反抗的机会都没有!

随着10头Sunbird 坠落大地,天空之中出现了一座magic 阵!

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”

“Ding! Falling objects are detected, do you pick them up?”


“Ding! The fusion is successful and you get a fragment of Law of Fire!”

“Ding! Successful integration, host constitution +4869!”

“Ding! Successfully merged and won the fire system Forbidden Spell [Grand Sun Covering the Sky]!”

Monray stepped into the magic array and reached the 92nd floor!

10 points 钟后,第93层!

After 20 minutes, the 94th floor!

After 30 minutes, the 95th floor!

An hour later, Monray reached the 99th floor!

In front of the Dragon God Tower, no mathematicians gathered, and even many teachers rushed over after hearing the news!

Level 99!

Someone has climbed to the 99th floor of Dragon God Tower. Is this the rhythm of climbing to the top?

To the top!

This is definitely an unprecedented major event in history. Everyone wants to witness this great historical moment with their own eyes!

“The 99th floor is really amazing!”


“With Monray’s clearance speed, climbing to the top is not a problem!”

“这倒是,平均一层只需10 points 钟,这速度也是没谁了……”

People sighed very much, ordinary people stumbled on floors 20-30, Monray fell well!

All the way to the 99th floor!

Is the gap between people so big?

Dragon God Tower, 99st floor!

盘踞在第99层的Sacred Territory Magic Beast 是10头Sacred Territory Limit Magic Beast ——Golden Eyed Lion !

Golden Eyed Lion, the offspring of a lion and Divine Beast Suanni, looks like a lion, with firework-like flames burning all over, and has golden eyes!

10头Sacred Territory Limit 的Golden Eyed Lion 固然强大,但依然威胁不到Monray ,只用了10锤,Monray 就将他们统统锤爆!

“Ding! Successfully merged, get a fragment of Law of Metal!”

“Ding! The integration is successful and you get the Metal Element Forbidden Spell [Ultimate Alchemy]!”

“Ding! Successfully merged, get a fragment of Law of Metal!”

“Good harvest!”

Monray 满意nodded ,准备步入Dragon God Tower 第100层时,意外发生了!

A majestic man suddenly appeared in the magic array and blocked Monray’s way!

Apart from his strong body, this man looks ordinary, he belongs to the kind that can not be found in the crowd!

But after Monray saw him, he felt tremendous pressure, just like the feeling of seeing Sacred Territory Magic Beast for the first time!




“who are you?”

Monray squinted his eyes slightly!

“Dragon God!”

The majestic man speaks amazingly!

“Are you Dragon God?”

Monray eyes shrank, the body is tight instantly, and the stormy sea is set off in the heart!

Dragon God, why does it appear here?

“My descendants, see this God why not kneel?”

The majestic man’s tongue was thunderous, and every word he uttered was like thunder on a dry land, deafening and blasting!

At the same time, a series of terrifying divine might press on Monray like Mount Tai crushing the top, trying to crush Monray on the ground!

“His Excellency Dragon God, you are wrong, I am not your descendant!”

Monray faintly smiled, sweeping around Dragon God: “If there is nothing wrong, please get out of the way, I want to continue climbing the tower!”

“Bold !!!!”

Dragon God glared: “trifling Demi-God, dare to be disrespectful to this God?”

“This God? It’s just a Divine Power projection. I really take myself seriously!”

Monray sneered, Hammer of Destruction appeared and hit it with a hammer!

“impudent !”

Dragon God was furious, raised his right palm directly, and slapped Monray!

The Divine Power surged in the palm of the palm, and the law gathered, it was actually a law attack containing Divine Power!


Monray was not afraid at all, Hammer of Destruction greeted him!


The hammer’s palm collided, and the roar of destroying heaven extinguishing earth erupted, and Monray was directly shocked!

On the other hand, Dragon God is actually Motionless As Mountains, still standing firmly in place!

“A Divine Power projection is so powerful, it deserves to be the existence of True God!”

Monray licked the blood at the corner of his mouth, and the eye-catching rays of light shot out!

“The humble ant, how dare you provoke the great Dragon God and accept the sanctions of this God!”

Dragon God slowly rises into the air, bursting out surging Divine Power fluctuations all over!

Immediately afterwards, he raised a finger slightly and pressed it against Monray!


The small index finger instantly turned into a huge Heavenspan pillar, on which Divine Power spewed, Law flowed, and a finger pierced the sky with a terrifying power!

“Can’t harden!”

Looking at the crushed giant finger, Monray felt the dead aura and immediately communicated with the system!

“System, spend gold immediately! Increase Godeater Rat Bloodline integration by 50%!”


Wealth shrank instantly by 500Law Source Crystal!

At about the same time, the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline soared!

11%, 12%, 13% …

21%, 22%, 23%

in a flash, Godeater Rat Bloodline’s integration soars to 60%!

At the same time, sticky azure black flames spewed out from Monray within the body, frantically transforming and strengthening Monray’s body!




“The power of horror!”

Constitution has exploded at an unprecedented rate, as if riding on a rocket!

Feeling the power of within the body continuously, Monray suddenly rushed up against his giant finger!


Hammer of Destruction collided with the giant finger, just like spark hit Earth. In the huge rumbling sound, the giant finger exploded and Monray flew upside down!

“You actually caught it?”

Dragon God staggered slightly, looking at Monray in shock!

The attack just now was the strongest attack he could send, and it was actually caught by Monray!

“Hehe! Catch it!”

Monray 双眸闪闪,眼底闪过一抹疯狂:“既然要氪,那就氪个彻彻底底吧!system ,Godeater Rat Bloodline 融合度提升至100%!”


Wealth shrank again 400Law Source Crystal!


Monray snarled up to the sky, and the azure black flame entwined around him became real!


The aura on Monray has started to skyrocket again!

“Is it stronger again?”

Dragon God feels a touch of danger!

“Die, the great Dragon God!”

Monray smiled cruelly and disappeared in place!

“eat my hammer !”


The hammer came too fast, and Dragon God couldn’t react, and was directly hit to his head by the hammer!

Hey, you are sick!

Monray was unrelenting, bombarded, hammer after hammer, hammer after hammer!

“Damn! Damn! Damn!”

Dragon God roared with anger, but helpless, Monray’s speed was so fast that it completely pressed him against him, and couldn’t make any move!

Under such an attack, the Divine Power projection of Dragon God became weaker and weaker, and was finally smashed into pieces, turned into divine light and disappeared in the world!

“Stupid mortal, you will regret it!”

Dragon God’s unwilling roar echoes all around, for a long time!

“Regret? Thinking too much!”

Monray sneered. No matter how powerful you are, Firmament Continent can’t come. What can I do?

随后,Monray 步入magic 阵,来到了第100层!


Monray was stunned!


No land, no sea!

No snow, no lava!

You can’t see the sky above, and you can’t touch the ground below!

Only endless clouds and mist filled the void, and in the void, there was a small island suspended!

Monray stepped out and came to the floating island, with soft grass under his feet, and the fragrance of flowers in 4 places…

“Welcome, the new Master of Tower of Time!”

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