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Dragon Island is a mysterious place!

The magic element inside is ten times richer than Firmament Continent, and World’s Law is several times clearer than Firmament Continent. It is an excellent training Holy Land!

Dragon Island all around, is the endless blue sea, with countless islands dotted around and dotted on the vast ocean!

Some are big and some are small, but on all islands, there are countless Magic Beasts, and there are ocean Magic Beasts in the ocean!

Sadly, all the Magic Beasts here are the food of Dragon Race. They cannot control their own life and death, let alone Ruler’s own Fate!

There is only one ending in the end:

Eaten by Giant Dragon!

Each island has a Pureblood Dragon or Sacred Territory Lesser Dragon. They Ruler the island, Ruler the death of the creatures on the island!

The size of these islands can fully reflect the strength of Giant Dragon and its status in the race!

The high-status and the strong, occupy larger islands and have more food!

vice versa!

“xiu – ”

Suddenly, a stream of light crossed the ocean and came to the sky over a big island!

There is a high mountain standing on the island, and there is a cave halfway up the mountain. The thunderous grunts can be heard from the cave, and it can be heard far away…

“Old Ancestor !”

The golden streamer came to the cave, and putong knelt down. It turned out to be a golden dragonoid with double horns and strong body!

“Old Ancestor, major event!”

Golden Dragonoid has a sad voice!


The snoring in the cave suddenly paused, and then, a roar with endless anger sounded!

“Dare to disturb this Deity’s dream, if you don’t give this Deity a satisfactory reason today…hmph!”

“Old Ancestor, a thief killed Your Majesty the Emperor and slaughtered our Dragon God Empire high-level!”

Golden Dragonoid grieves 10000 points: “civil and military ministers, more than 1000 Sacred Territory, countless princes and nobles have been killed…”

“what did you say?”

A huge dragon head came out of the cave, and the dragon’s eyes contained endless killing intents: “Say what you just said again!”

“Old Ancestor, a thief attacked the Imperial Palace…”

“Bold! How dare to deceive this Deity!”

The huge dragon head roared angrily: “I, Dragon God Empire Megatron Firmament Continent, which thief dare to be so bold to do such a wicked thing?”

“Old Ancestor, really, this is true!”

Golden Dragonoid quickly explained and took out a magic crystal ball after speaking!

I saw a dozen dragon corpse corpses on the spot, countless ice crystal fragments everywhere, and the tragic scene of the Imperial Prince Princess kneeling and crying!


“Who is it?”

“Dare to kill my Dragon Race like this and provoke me the power of Dragon God Empire?”

The huge dragon head roared in anger, and the sound of dragon’s roar was like a muffled thunder rolling, scaring the Magic Beasts on the island to crawl to the ground, shiver coldly!

“Old Ancestor! The culprit is called Monray!”



Dragon God Empire, Imperial Palace!

“wu wu wu ~~~”

“Imperial Father, your death is terrible!”

“Imperial Father ……”

The square outside the great hall has become a large-scale mourning scene. More than 1000 Imperial Prince Princesses, 10000 harem concubines, and 1000000 Court Eunuch court ladies cried in unison!

The voice is mournful, sad, the listener is crying, the listener is sad, and those who don’t know think the emperor is dead!

In a corner of the square, the Imperial Family Paladin Legion looked at this side in a daze, with a look of disbelief!

“How could this be?”

“We only left for 2 days, did this kind of tragedy happen to the Empire?”

Abbe was among them, and she was picked up from Lost Continent by the Imperial Family Paladin Legion!

She quietly looked at the 12 dragon corpse and the ice slag everywhere, her face was calm, without joy or sorrow!

“I heard that the murderer was called Monray?”

Paladin Legion Leader Bruno said: “His Royal Highness, is this Monray the one who saved you at Lost Continent?”

“I do not know either!”

Abbe shook his head slightly, not seeing much sadness!


“Welcome, the new Master of Tower of Time!”

The old voice sounded, the clouds and mist all over the sky gathered, forming a huge face about 1000 meters in size, towering in the void!

“Tower of Time? New Master?”

Monray looked at the giant human face and asked, “Isn’t this Dragon God Tower? When did it become Tower of Time?”

“Dragon God Tower? The fart Dragon God Tower, this tower is called Tower of Time!”

The giant face opens and closes: “It was created by the great God of Time at the expense of countless rare treasures, world spirit materials, and Divine Stone Divine Crystal. It has nothing to do with Dragon God!”

“God of Time?” Monray was shocked: “Who is God of Time?”

“God of Time is not a human being, he is one of the greatest gods in the universe!”

The voice of the giant human face roared: “His greatness is like the scorching sun in the sky, illuminating the earth; like the Abyss lighthouse, guiding countless gods forward; like the unattainable mountain, immortal…”


Monray face full of black lines: “So, can you tell me how great this great God of Time is? Where is the greatness? How does it compare to Dragon God?”

“Dragon God? Dragon God is just a fart!”

The giant face is very dissatisfied with Monray’s words: “God of Time is a vast world, countless Plane world, only one God who has mastered Law of Time! With Great Perfection High God, battle strength is not inferior to Overgod!”

“Great Perfection High God? Not inferior to Overgod?”

Monray was a little confused: “Great Perfection High God is God? What is Overgod?”

“You don’t even know this?”

The giant face showed a look of contempt: “Mountains have heights, trees have lengths, and God, as a High Level life, also has 3 6 9 grades, different strengths!”

“According to the strength and Divine Spark level, from low to high, it is divided into: Lower God, Intermediate God, High God, and Supreme, which is above the gods…Overgod!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray knew it, and asked, “What level of God does Dragon God belong to?”

“Dragon God? It’s just an ordinary Intermediate God, Void World counts as 100000000 million!”

The giant human face is very disdainful: “It’s just that’s all in the ordinary Material Plane. If it’s in Void World, he will be shit!”


Monray is a bit speechless, Dragon God is feces, what is he?

“Although God of Time is Great Perfection High God, but because I realized Law of Time, one of the Supreme Laws, battle strength is not inferior to Overgod!”

The giant face is full of admiration: “Therefore, he is called God of Time! Some places even call him Overgod of Time, alongside the Overgods of aloof and remote!”

“God of Time is so awesome?”

Monray took a breath: “You just said that the Dragon God Tower was built by God of Time, so why is it here? It has become the Dragon God Tower?”

“I’ll correct it again, this is Tower of Time, not some shit Dragon God Tower!”

The giant face glared at Monray: “The reason why Tower of Time is here is because after the fall of God of Time, Tower of Time crossed the space turbulence, and was finally lost in this Plane, and was acquired by Dragon God!”

“Fall? God of Time is dead?”

Monray was a little shocked: “Didn’t you say that God of Time battle strength is comparable to Overgod? How could he fall? Who can kill him?”

“Mortal, you have too many questions!”

The giant human face suddenly changed its complexion and became cold: “Peeping into God’s secrets is not a good habit!”


Monray twitched his lips, secretly thought this guy has a really big temper!

“You just said that I became Dragon God… Well, what’s the matter with Tower of Time’s new Master?”

Monray was a little puzzled: “What about Dragon God, isn’t he the Master of Tower of Time?”

“No no no! Dragon God has never become the Master of Tower of Time, although he dreams of it all!”

The giant face decisively rejected: “Tower of Time is lost in this Plane, Dragon God a waterside pavilion gets the moonlight first, it is temporarily borrowed!”

“After a long time, the weak Intermediate God of Dragon God wants to refine Tower of Time more than once and become the Master of Tower of Time!”

“But obviously, he has never succeeded, he will never succeed, everything is just his delusion that’s all!”

“Dragon God is Intermediate God, even he can’t refining Tower of Time?”

Monray was a little shocked: “I have what skills and abilities have become Tower of Time’s new Master?”

“The great God of Time left the Oracle before the fall: Only those who successfully climbed to the top before the age of 30 and possessed [Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light, Darkness] 5 series of magic talents can become the new Master of Tower of Time!”

The giant face opens and closes: “You are 16 years old this year, and you have successfully come here. During the process of reaching the summit, you showed these 5 kinds of magic talents, which are fully qualified for inheritance!”

“This condition is too harsh, right?”

Monray is completely speechless!

It is impossible to reach the top at the age of 30, let alone someone with these 5 magic talents!

The 2 conditions are superimposed, it is almost Hell difficulty, who can meet the standard?

“Because of the harshness, for more than 410000 years, only you have achieved it!”

The giant face shook his head and said: “In fact, in 110000, that Little Brat is very likely to succeed, but it was ordered to be killed by Dragon God!”

“10,000 years ago ?难道是Timon Barton ?”

Monray squinted slightly: “He really was killed by Dragon Race. He really is a group of shameless people!”

“It’s normal! Dragon God deliberately wants to get Tower of Time, how can others get involved?”

The giant face said with a sneer: “Didn’t you also meet him just now? If you are not strong enough, you will be killed by him, and you will die halfway!”

“Dragon God! I remember him!”

Monray clenched his fists, a murderous intention flashed in his eyes: “You will look good in the future…”

“Okay! Let’s talk about revenge later!”

The giant face said indifferently: “I ask you, would you like to inherit Tower of Time and become the new Master of Tower of Time?”

Monray was silent for a moment and asked, “Before that, you have to answer me a question!”


“Inheriting Tower of Time, what are the advantages and disadvantages!”

Flashes through a bright light in Monray’s eyes: “First, I’ll talk about the stakes, and then I will consider whether to inherit Tower of Time!”

“Tower of Time is a High God Artifact, which stores the wealth of God of Time, and also contains the inheritance of God of Time!”

“The most important thing is that Tower of Time has the training method of Law of Time!”

“This is the benefit!”

“The drawback is that after inheriting Tower of Time, you will offend a big figure!”

“Very good! It’s OK to make it clear!”

“I am willing to be the new Master of Tower of Time!”

“Congratulations, mortal!”

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