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“Congratulations, mortal! Congratulations on becoming the new Master of Tower of Time!”

The giant face in the sky disappeared suddenly, and a golden spherical creature appeared!

There are noses, eyes, ears, mouths, a pair of pocket-sized Demon wings, and a long Demon tail, but no hands and feet!

Lesser Fiend?

“you are……”

Monray stared at the strange orb creature that suddenly appeared, with a look of doubt on his face!

“I am Tower Spirit of Tower of Time-Dodora!” The orb creature smiled and introduced himself: “You can call me Lord Dodora!”


Monray was a little speechless: “You are Tower Spirit, and I am the new Master of Tower of Time! Logically speaking, you should call me Master, right?”


Dodora was taken aback, and angrily said: “I won’t recognize you until you become High God! Master? Wait until you become High God!”

“Really a arrogant guy!”

Monray laughed dumbfounded, and didn’t bother with this boring question: “Dodora, what should I do to refining Tower of Time?”

“Very simple, sign a contract!”

Dodora flapped the wings of the pocket Demon: “I am the Tower Spirit of Tower of Time. As long as you sign a contract with me, it is equal to refining Tower of Time!”

“Sign it!”

“it is good!”

Dodora turned around, and dazzling golden rays of light rose behind him. When the rays of light converged, a complex and mysterious magic array appeared!

“Drip a drop of blood in!”

Dodora reminded!


Monray flicks with the finger, a drop of blood got into the magic array, and then infiltrated!


The magic array behind Dodora absorbed blood and turned from golden to blood!

The scarlet magic rose up, then shrank, and finally fell into Monray’s eyebrows!

In an instant, a huge flow of information poured into his mind, and Monray suddenly felt that he had established a wonderful connection with Tower of Time!

As long as you want, you can reach any floor of Tower of Time at any time!

As long as you want, you can explore any floor of Tower of Time at any time!

If you wish, you can kill any Magic Beast in Tower of Time at will!

As long as you want, you can even change the environment on any level, moving mountains and suppressing seas, Shenlu afforestation, Heaven and Earth turning upside down…

All in one thought!

After this moment, Tower of Time… completely became his exclusive thing for him to drive!

“100层Tower of Time !”

“The first 99 floors are all Semi-Plane!”

Monray feels Tower of Time carefully: “Every Semi-Plane is very vast, with several Lost Continents on top!”

“What’s this? Sealing Semi-Plane, normal God can do it, even Demi-God!”

“The real power of Tower of Time is the Law of Time that is filled with 99-story world!”

Dodora faintly smiled: “You have to know that once Semi-Plane is sealed in artifacts and loses contact with the outside world, time will stand still and can only be used to store dead objects, not living objects!”

“But Tower of Time is different. Every Semi-Plane can store living things, which is no different from a normal Material Plane, all because of Law of Time!”

“The time Law in Tower of Time is left by the great God of Time!”

“I can even control the time Law in Tower of Time to revive the killed Magic Beast!”

“so amazing!”

Monray tsk tsk amazed!

There was a legend before, Tower of Time can go back in time and resurrect the killed Magic Beast. Now it seems that the legend is true!

“Manipulating time is the power of Tower of Time, a Time God Artifact!”

Dodora smiled proudly: “Even so, this is not the most precious place in Tower of Time!”

“None of this? What is that?”

Monray was taken aback: “Is it the inheritance left over by God of Time? Or is it the wealth of God of Time? Or is it the training method of Law of Time?”

“We are talking about the Tower of Time Divine Artifact itself, not these foreign objects!”

Dodora 无语:“Tower of Time 最宝贵的地方在于第100层!”


Monray looked towards all around, except for the floating island underneath, all around is an endless white mist!

Besides, there is nothing else!

World’s Law?

almost none!

magic element?

Very thin!

This layer is the most precious?

I really can’t see it!

“Can’t see it?”

Dodora smiles triumphantly!


Monray shook the head!

“It’s right if you don’t see it!”

Dodora sighed, “God of Time fell because of this layer!”

“What’s the secret in this layer?”

Monray was a little confused: “Even the powerful existence of God of Time has fallen because of this?”

“This layer is very different from the previous 99 layers because it is just a seed, and it hasn’t begun to conceive!”

Dodora slowly said: “Waiting for it to be successful, it will surpass any previous level, and even surpass any ordinary Plane!”

“So exaggerated?”

Monray didn’t believe it: “So, what’s the secret of this layer?”

“This floor is Plane Seed!”

Dodora said one word, slowly said: “And it’s High Plane Seed!”

“High Plane Seed?”

Monray is at a loss, what the hell?

“The vast world, endless void, every moment a new Plane is born, and an old Plane is dying!”

“The replacement of the old and the new, the withering and rebirth, the gestation of destruction, the birth of death, are the Supreme rules!”

Dodora sighed: “Just like World 10000, Plane also has lifespan. Once it reaches the end of life, Plane will die and be destroyed!”

“But High Level Plane is an exception!”

Dodora looked towards Monray :”High Level Plane is eternal and immortal, without lifespan restrictions, it will never die, let alone be destroyed!”

“Existing forever throughout the times, Eternal Immortal! Different from ordinary Plane, also known as Eternal Plane!”

“High Level Plane…will not die?”

Monray blinked!

“Yes, it will not die!”

Dodora repeatedly nodded: “Because up to now, all High Level Planes have never died!”


Monray slightly nodded :“也就是说,第100层最终会演变成一个High Level Plane ?”


Dorala nodded!

“What is the difference between High Level Plane and a regular Plane like Firmament Continent?”

Monray asked doubtfully: “God of Time actually fell for a High Plane Seed?”

Dodora indifferently said: “There are too many differences. For example, High Level Plane’s World’s Law is clearer, with more energy, a wider area, and a higher level of life!”

“Have you heard of Ten Great God Worlds? They are the ten most famous High Level Planes!”

“Ten Great God Worlds?”

Monray was taken aback again!

“Don’t even know this?”

Dorala was speechless: “You are the most ignorant Demi-God I have ever seen, but thinking of your age, I forgive you!”

“Ten Great God Worlds are Earth God World, Ocean God World, Storm God World, Flame God World, Forest God World, Metal God World, Lightning God World, Radiant God World, Darkness God World, and Frost God World!”

“These ten High Level Planes are extremely vast, almost boundless, and each of them is more than 100000000 10000 times larger than your Firmament Continent!”

“Moreover, the World’s Law of Ten Great God Worlds is extremely clear, and the rich Divine Power fills the entire world!”

“Sacred Territory runs everywhere, Demi-God is not as good as a dog, every God World creature runs to your Firmament Continent, that is the existence that dominates the Continent!”

“So exaggerated?”

Monray swallowed!

“Exaggeration? Not an exaggeration at all!”

Dodora shook his head: “Because of this, many Gods from ordinary Plane are willing to go to Ten Great God Worlds training. The training speed is faster!”

“If you become a god in the future, you can also consider going to Ten Great God Worlds! But I don’t recommend you to do this because it is very dangerous!”

“Go to God World…”

Monray licked his lips!

“It is said that High Level Plane has another advantage, so far no one can confirm the authenticity!”

Dodora sighed: “It is because of this legend that my Master God of Time took his own life and eventually fell!”

“What legend?”

Monray asked again!

“It is said that High Level Plane can breed Overgod Spark! Overgod Spark knows that?”

Barbara trembled: “It can make people jump into the Divine Spark of Supreme’s Overgod!”

“Overgod Spark?”

Monray was shocked!

“The old Master once said that Great Perfection High God is the end of God. At this step, you can’t make any further progress, let alone become Overgod!”

Barbara sighed: “Only by integrating Overgod Spark can you become Overgod! There is no other way!”

“It is precisely after hearing this legend that the old Master stole a High Plane Seed with a big figure, and unfortunately fell…”

“God, can’t be trained into Overgod?”

Monray murmured to himself: “Can only be achieved through the integration of Overgod Spark? This is too unfair!”

“It’s not fair, but there is no way!” Dodora shook his head and said, “This is the Supreme rule!”

Monray sighed: “That is to say, as long as this High Plane Seed is matured, it is possible to give birth to Overgod Spark?”

“The legend is like this. I don’t know whether it’s true or not. I guess only Overgod from aloof and remote knows it!”

Dodora shook his head!

“How can this thing be bred?”

Monray turned his head and looked at all around!

“Do you want to breed this High Plane Seed? Let’s wash and sleep!”

Dodora glanced at Monray: “You are so weak, even if you bred it, you can’t hold it!”


Monray rolled the eyes, but it’s right to think about it. Although my strength is good, if I put it in the vast world, I’m afraid it’s a rookie!

Aside from other things, Dragon God alone cannot resist it, let alone other powerful existence!

So, think of a way to improve your strength! Improve strength…

“Dodora, since I become the new Master of Tower of Time, can I get the wealth, inheritance, and training methods of Law of Time?”

Monray beamed his eyes and looked at Dodora with excitement, a wealth of High God!

How many Divine Crystals should there be? How much Divine Power? How much Law Source Crystal? How much Gold Coin?

A wave of fat rhythm!

“The theory is like this!”

Dodora changed the subject: “But the old Master left Oracle: Only by passing the test can you get the corresponding reward!”

“Otherwise… don’t even think about it!”

“Test? There are tests!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “Let’s talk about it, what test has God of Time left?”

“Before the test! Let me know your training situation!”

Dodora looked at Monray: “Your Divine Body is quite powerful, within the body should contain some kind of Divine Beast Bloodline, let me see, what kind of Divine Beast descendant are you?”

Monray nodded, direct Godeater Rat!

“Black bear hamster? No! This aura is not right!”

“Black Rock Rat? No, the tail is not like!”

“Stone-eater? No! The stone-eater is gray!”

Dodora whispered around Monray for a long time, then suddenly yelled: “I see, Godeater Rat! This is the aura of Godeater Rat!”

“Heavens! It’s actually a Godeater Rat!”

“Why are you a descendant of Godeater Rat?”

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