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An angry roar resounded through the void, and the surging divine might swept the entire Imperial Capital!

All the people in Imperial Capital were crushed on the ground, shiver coldly, and frightened!

“Dragon God above! What happened?”

“Did the end come?”

“Great Dragon God, save your humble child…”

At this moment, there are two figures floating above the Dragon God Empire and the Imperial Palace. An old man is wearing a dragon robe and a Purple Gold crown. The aura is majestic and the divine might be mighty!

He looked at the 12 dragon corpse on the Imperial Palace square and the complexion ashen everywhere, with angry flames in his eyes!

“How dare to provoke my Dragon God Empire so much, it’s absolutely rebellious, unforgivable, and should be broken into 10000 pieces, chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, and sentenced to death!”

The side Golden Dragonoid knelt to the ground, trembling with fear, my heart was terrified to the extreme!

But he still has to remind him, because he is the last Elder of the Elder’s Council and the Sacred Territory with the strongest strength and highest status in the empire!

“Old Ancestor, Your Majesty Dragon Returned to Heaven, civil and military ministers have been slain, and the most urgent task is to establish a new monarch, revitalize the court, and preside over the overall situation!”

“Create another new monarch?”

golden robe old man angered a little: “Did this emperor leave a pure-blooded heir? If so, he can be established as the new emperor and become the new emperor!”

“Reporting to Old Ancestor, Imperial Prince Barbarossa is also dead!” Golden Dragonoid smiled bitterly!


dragon robe old man gnashing teeth: “You immediately go to Dragon Island, summon Briggs, let him come to the empire, ascend the throne, and preside over the overall situation!”

“Yes, Old Ancestor!”

Golden Dragonoid did not dare to hesitate and flew towards Dragon Island. He knew in his heart that Old Ancestor, as the former Dragon Sovereign, was the only Demi-God of Golden Dragon lineage!

His words are the golden rule, one word can invalidate the emperor, and he can also appoint a new emperor at will. He said who is the emperor, who is the emperor, no one dares to violate it!

“Tell me, where is Monray?”

golden robe old man with a thunderous voice, staring at a group of people kneeling on the ground, asked in a cold voice!

“Back… back to Old Ancestor, I heard that Monray is rushing into the Dragon God Tower!” One person trembled!

“Kill me the Emperor Dragon God Empire and civil and military ministers, but still in the mood to break into the Dragon God Tower? This thief is really bully intolerably, seeing me as no one in Dragon Race!”

The golden robe old man became even more angry and went straight to Dragon God Academy!



“Old Ancestor finally left!”

“Hu ~~~ I was scared to death just now!”

Seeing the golden robe old man leaving, all those kneeling in the Imperial Palace such as the amnesty!

“Old Ancestor went to Monray!”

Abbe pretty face changed slightly and quietly left the Imperial Palace!


“How could you be a descendant of Godeater Rat?”

“Godeater Rat belongs to the mutant Divine Beast, it is difficult to form a group, and the number is very pitiful!”

Dodora was shocked: “And you are just an ordinary human of Firmament Continent, and you can’t reach the Godeater Rat 8 of Void World. Why do you have Godeater Rat Bloodline?”

“I don’t know about this!”

Monray half-cracking a joke said: “Maybe my ancestor is a descendant of Godeater Rat!”

“Forget it, it doesn’t make sense to pursue this! Godeater Rat Bloodline is the most important thing!”

Dodora was very excited: “The heir of didn’t expect Tower of Time actually owns the Godeater Rat Bloodline. This must be God of Time blessing!”

Monray rolled his eyes. God of Time blessed him. Was it Laozi’s initiative to send him to the door?

“You can be completely Godeater Rat, Godeater Rat Bloodline should be completely awakened, right?”

Dodora circled Monray, clicking one’s tongue in wonder: “You are now High Level Demi-God Body, equivalent to Godeater Rat in the juvenile stage!”

“Juvenile?” Monray was taken aback: “Mao’s boy, I’m almost an adult!”

“You are almost adult, but compared to the Godeater Rat, it’s just a young Godeater Rat that’s all!”

Dodora said with a smile: “Godeater Rat is a very powerful mutant Mouse-type Divine Beast, which is comparable to the Sacred Territory Magic Beast just born!”

“Infant Godeater Mouse is comparable to Demi-God!”

“Young Godeater Rat can compete with True God!”

“In adolescence, it is enough to compete with Intermediate God!”

“When it comes to maturity, that’s a metamorphosis. It’s no longer a problem to devour High God!”

“In other words, I don’t do anything, just eat and sleep, sleep and eat, and wait until I reach adulthood, so I can compete with High God? It’s too abnormal!”

Monray was a little horrified. Although he learned from the system that Godeater Rat was abnormal, he absolutely did not expect that Godeater Rat would be abnormal to such an extent!

Adult… Devouring High God?

Is it maddeningly cool?

Compared with the Godeater Rat, the Golden Dragon, who is the Sacred Territory Magic Beast in adulthood, is simply scum!

“Yes, pervert!”

“So because of Heaven’s Jealousy, you can’t form a race, you can only appear through the Bloodline mutation with a small chance!”

“Otherwise, how do other creatures play?”

Dodora shook his head and said with a smile: “However, the growth cycle of Godeater Rat is quite slow. When you grow up naturally, it is estimated to be several 100,000 years!”

“How many 100,000 years? This is too slow, is there a way to speed up the growth rate?”

Monray hasten to ask!

The fusion of Godeater Rat Bloodline has reached 100%, which means that you can’t spend gold. The next step is to improve the Divine Body, which must be very slow!

How many 100,000 years?

Monray can’t wait!

“Godeater Rat is a Mouse-type Divine Beast. There is only one way to shorten the growth cycle: eat!”

Dodora said with a smile: “Eat heavenly materials, earthly treasures, Law Source Crystal, Elemental Crystal, True God Divine Body, even Divine Spark!”

“Just eating continuously is enough, simple, right?”


Monray suddenly smiled bitterly, raising a system is expensive enough, and now he has to raise a Godeater Rat. Isn’t he afraid of being exhausted?

“Brat, don’t worry, the wealth God of Time leaves you is enough for you to use it to adulthood, provided that you can get it!”

Dodora raised an eyebrow: “If you want to inherit the wealth of God of Time, Divine Body alone is far from enough. The main thing depends on Law Comprehension!”

“Law Comprehension?”

Monray’s eyes are bright!

“God of Time’s biggest reliance is Law of Time. This is also the most precious treasure he left for you. You must inherit it anyway!”

Dodora said, “To inherit Law of Time, you must fully understand [Lightning, Fire, Wind, Light, Darkness] these 5 kinds of Law!”

“This is a prerequisite!!!”

Dodora looked at Monray full of smiles: “Tell me about your understanding of these 5 Laws!”

“These 5 kinds of Law’s understanding?”

Monray could not help looking towards the personal attributes panel!

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Godeater Rat Bloodline 〈100%〉)

wealth points: 16688Law Source Crystal

constitution: Demi-God Body (High Level)

Mind: Divine Soul (Low Level)

Divine Power: 0.1Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension:

Law of Earth (0.1%), Law of Water (0.1%), Law of Wind (0.2%), Law of Fire (0.5%), Law of Wood (0.1%)

Law of Metal (0.2%), Law of Lightning (0.2%), Law of Light (0.2%), Law of Darkness (0.1%), Law of Ice (0.1%)

The property panel has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down, which is all brought by the Dragon God Tower!

From the 30th to the 99th floors of the Dragon God Tower, there are an astonishing number of Sacred Territory Magic Beasts!

Sacred Territory Early Stage to Sacred Territory Limit!

Flying in the sky and swimming in the water!

There is everything, countless!

After completing the customs all the way, not only the wealth points soared to 16688 Law Source Crystal, but Ten Elements Law also has different degrees of understanding!

The most important point, besides Godeater Rat Bloodline, the other 4 types of Bloodline… are gone!

Monray is very confused about this. The explanation given by system is:

When the integration of Godeater Rat Bloodline reaches 100%, other bloodlines within the body will be automatically eliminated!

Otherwise, the fusion of Godeater Rat Bloodline will not reach 100%!

Monray doesn’t have too much entanglement with this, just remove it. It’s no pity, it’s a pity that is Golden God Slayer Ant Bloodline!

Golden God Slayer Ant is the space and refined Pantheon Magic Beast, Monray has been looking forward to, after raising the Bloodline of Golden God Slayer Ant to 100%, you can also get the super large stomach space like Little Gold!

Now, I can only think about it!

“Why? You have a poor understanding of these 5 kinds of laws?”

Seeing Monray did not speak, Dodora slightly frowned: “It’s worse, you are only 16 years old and majoring in Divine Body, Law Comprehension is almost normal!”

“I major in Divine Body?”

Monray was speechless: “Who told you that I majored in Divine Body? My Magic and Martial Training did not fail to train on Divine Body and Law, okay!”


Dodora was a little surprised: “Then you are talking about the understanding of these 5 kinds of Law!”

“I have understood all of these Laws!”

Monray smiled proudly and said with a loud voice, how many 100 Law Source Crystal things, also called things?


Dodora was taken aback, and immediately sneered again and again: “Understand all? Brat, do you think I am mentally retarded?”

“Not like!”

Monray shook his head!

“Then you dare to bossing in front of me?”

Dodora was angry: “At your age, you can fully understand a kind of Law is already very Monster!”

“Do you still understand all 5 kinds of Law? You boasting and don’t draft it!”

“No! You got it wrong!”

Monray shook his head again and again!

“Let’s see! I saw it through! In the future, don’t boasting in front of me!”

Dodora coldly snorted: “The salt I have eaten is longer than the road you have traveled. Boasting in front of me, you just wait to get slapped!”

“I mean! Not 5, but 10!”

Monray rolled the eyes: “I comprehended 10 kinds of Laws, one is not bad, one is quite a lot!”

“Dare to boasting, it’s endless, right?”

Dodora is really angry this time: “Brat, be serious! I’m understanding your real training situation in order to give the best training plan. I have no time to crack a joke with you!”

“Your Excellency Dodora, then I will tell you very seriously!”

Monray sighed and said solemnly: “I really comprehended all 10 kinds of Law, Earth, Water, Wind, Fire, Wood, Metal, Lightning, Light, Darkness, Ice, all of them are comprehended, no one falls!”

“Brat, are you serious?”

Dodora is staring at Monray!

“I’m serious, I didn’t crack a joke!”

Monray is also very serious!

“This… how is this possible?”

“This is absolutely impossible!”

“You are only 16 years old, how can you comprehend all 10 basic laws? No one can do it in the vast world!”

Nothing impossible!

Check it out!

Monray said silently!

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