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Dodora has some doubts about life!

Ten Elements of Magic represents ten kinds of basic World’s Law. Although it is the basic Law, each kind of Law is extremely complicated, and it is very difficult to comprehend, time-consuming and labor-intensive!

Think about it, Dragon God Empire has been established for 410000 years, and there are so many ordinary Sacred Territory, but there are so many Sacred Territory Peak!

As for the Sacred Territory Limit, it is even less messy; as for the complete comprehension of a kind of Law, the existence of Demi-God…

Over 410000 years, can be counted on one’s fingers!

It can be seen how difficult it is to comprehend Law! Not bad for Monray. At only 16 years old, he has completely comprehended ten basic Laws!

Who can believe it?

Who can believe?

How do you believe it?

“Brat, are you sure you didn’t lie to me?”

Dodora is staring at Monray!

“What good is it to lie to you?”

Monray shook his head slightly and directly communicated with the system: “system, 10 types of Law Comprehension have been increased, and all of them have been increased to 100%!”


Wealth shrank instantly by 1000Law Source Crystal!


In an instant, endless information poured into Divine Soul instantly like a flood that broke a bank, frantically enhancing Monray’s perception of 10 kinds of Law, and countless information flowed through the heart!

Monray closes his eyes, feels every kind of Law, and feels the content contained in every message!

Suddenly, the mist shrouded in my heart gradually dissipated, and the Law information hidden in the Law ocean appeared clearly!

World is like a cage!

World’s Law is this big net!

Different Laws are different chains, fiery fire, azure wind, heavy ground…

The various laws are independent of each other, but they are extremely tightly grouped together to support the cage together, just like the pillars, beams, steel, concrete…

Pillars are pillars!

The beam is the beam!

The steel bars are steel bars!

Different materials, but perfect combination!

I don’t know how long it has passed, Monray slowly opened his eyes, his eyes became extremely deep, and there seemed to be flames rising, plants growing, sea water surging, lightning and thunder…

“This is Demi-God Realm!”

At this moment, Dodora clearly feels that Monray’s temperament has changed, his cutting edge is introverted and unpretentious, Return to the Natural State…

“Are you really completely comprehended?”

Dodora’s voice is trembling!

“Yes! Completely comprehended!”

Monray sighed, like an ancient monk who has been in Dharma for 100 years, he has already seen through the falsehood and reached the realm of One with Heaven and Earth!

aura is full of restraint, completely restrained!

“How come there are people like you in the world?”

Dodora cried out strangely: “I won’t say if I have Ten Elements Law talent! I can actually understand all these ten kinds of laws at the age of 16!”


“It’s unheard-of!”

“is it?”

Monray happily!

“You haven’t ignited the Divine Fire yet?”

Dodora seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly stared at Monray: “Tell me, did you ignite the Divine Fire?”


Monray shook his head slightly!

“very good !”

Doralah suddenly fell into ecstasy, flapping a pair of pocket-sized Demon wings, jumping up and down, and she was surprised!

“I didn’t ignite the Divine Fire, are you so happy?” Monray was puzzled!

“Although I don’t know why you didn’t ignite the Divine Fire, this is a great thing! Do you know what a great thing?”

“Unimaginable, how could there be a Monster like you in the vast universe, and I met him!”

Dodora is very excited: “Thank you, the great God of Time, it is your blessing that I met this unpolished jade!”

“Don’t rush to thank God of Time!” Monray rolled the eyes: “Tell me, why are you so excited?”

“Good! I will tell you the profound mystery now, lest you ruin yourself!”

Dodora’s face became more serious than ever: “Monray, do you know how to train after Demi-God?”

“It seems to ignite the Divine Fire first, then Condensing Divine Spark, and finally open up the kingdom of God!”

Monray replied: “With Divine Fire, Divine Spark, and Kingdom of God, Demi-God is the real God!”

“Otherwise, Demi-God will always be Demi-God, not a real God!”

“Yes! Demi-God does it!”

Dodora slightly nodded: “Then do you know how to train after becoming a True God?”

“I don’t know about this!”

Monray shook his head slightly!

“Listen carefully! There are two types of God in the world: Law God and Faith God!”

Dodora said with a smile: “No need to explain, you should know that you belong to Law God, right?”


Monray nodded!

“The difference with Faith God is that after Law God achieves True God, if you want to continue to improve, become Lower God, Intermediate God, or even High God, you can only continue to comprehend Law!”

Dodora changed his words: “But the sad reminder is that once Divine Fire is ignited and condense Divine Spark becomes True God, Divine Spark itself has attributes, and it is difficult to comprehend other laws!”

Dodora explained: “For example, if you train Law of Fire to become True God, Divine Spark belongs to Fire Attribute Divine Spark! Let you understand other Laws, is it possible?”

“It seems very difficult!”

Monray thought for a while and said!

“Not very big, but very big!”

Dodora shook his head: “Fire Attribute Divine Spark can only store Fire Attribute Divine Power. Even the Divine Soul in Divine Spark is completely linked to Law of Fire. Learn about other laws?”

“Idiot talk about dreams!!!”

“This is equivalent to a fine jade. Once it is carved into a tool, it is impossible to carve it into other objects!”

“According to what you said, how does God still advance?”

Monray frowned: “Being a True God and unable to comprehend the new Law, wouldn’t it be impossible to advance?”

“So, before you ignite Divine Fire, you have to make a choice!” Dodora explained!

“What choice?”

Monray startled!

“Split Divine Soul!”

Dodora explained: “Generally, the slightly ambitious Demi-God will divide its Divine Soul into two before igniting the Divine Fire!”

“Then, choose one of the Divine Soul to ignite the Divine Fire, and the other to maintain the Divine Soul state to continue to comprehend the new Law!”

“Split Divine Soul?”

Monray startled!

“Yes! Split Divine Soul!”

Dodora certainly nodded: “Splitting Divine Soul is the only way out for Law God! Otherwise, the road to the future will be completely blocked!”


Monray silently nodded!

“The Divine Soul that ignited the Divine Fire eventually became a Divine Avatar, and the other Divine Soul continued to comprehend the new Law!”

Dodora continued: “After fully comprehending the second Law, you also have to choose: whether to ignite the Divine Fire directly or split the Divine Soul again!”

“Generally, God with great ambitions will split Divine Soul again! Let half of them ignite Divine Fire, and the remaining half will continue to comprehend the new Law!”

“So and so, every time you understand a kind of Law, you need to split Divine Soul once, generally you only need to split Divine Soul 4 times, that’s enough!”

“4 splits is enough? Why?”

Monray doubts!

“Is such that!”

“Comprehend 2 kinds of Law, and have 2 Divine Avatars, which are Lower God; Comprehend 5 kinds of Law, and have 5 Divine Avatars, which are Intermediate God!”

Dodora explained: “After Intermediate God, you don’t need to understand Law anymore!”

“So, it is enough to divide the soul 4 times and comprehend 5 kinds of laws!”

“It is enough to comprehend 5 kinds of Law? Then how can Intermediate God get to High God?”

Monray doubts!

“Intermediate God to High God requires Fusion Law to continue to improve!”

Dodora explained: “This fusion is not only the fusion of Law, but also the fusion of Divine Spark, Divine Avatar, Divine Soul, and Divine Power!”

“Divine Avatars of different attributes are merged, and you can imagine the difficulty of it!”

“It was split before, but now it’s fusion?” Monray’s eyelids twitched: “It’s really…”

“It hurts? Right!”

Dodora shook his head and smiled: “No way, this is God’s way! Not only need talent, but also need to make choices and endure great pain!”

“Not enough ambition!”

“Not enough perseverance!”

“No tenacious will!”

“It’s hard to make a big achievement!”

“To become an Intermediate God, face 1 choice, split Divine Soul 1 time!”

“To become High God, face 4 choices, split Divine Soul 4 times!”

“The pain and hardship in this is beyond the imagination of ordinary people!”

Dodora sighed!

“I comprehended 10 kinds of Laws, do I have to split Divine Soul 9 times?” Monray smiled wryly!

“of course!”

Dodora slightly nodded: “Intermediate God integrates at least two kinds of Law to become High God!”

“The more Laws you integrate, the stronger your strength!”

“Once you combine 5 types of Law, 5 Divine Avatars, 5 Divine Sparks, 5 Divine Souls, and 5 Divine Powers into one, all in one furnace, it will be Great Perfection High God!”

“It sounds so hard!”

Monray took a breath!

“Of course hard!”

Dodora sneered: “If it is that easy, everyone will become High God, Great Perfection!”


Monray slightly nodded: “I comprehended 10 kinds of Law. If it is integrated, it will be more difficult, right?”

“The difficulty is not so big!”

Dodora slowly said: “The fusion of the two Divine Avatars is very difficult, let alone 2!”

“Divine Road is so long!”

Monray sighed!

“Don’t sigh!”

Dodora snorted: “Others would like to have the potential like you, you are still arrogant!”

“Is there a possibility!”

Monray looked towards Dodora: “I am not in a hurry to ignite the Divine Fire, but try to combine 10 kinds of Laws into one furnace, and then ignite the Divine Fire…”

“Don’t think about it! There is no such possibility!”

Dodora interrupted Monray: “If this works, the world, 100000000 10000, the gods would have done this long ago, so why bear the pain of separation?”

“Why doesn’t it work?”

Monray slightly frowned, don’t understand!

“Because Fusion Law is very difficult!”

Dodora said solemnly: “It’s not as simple as pouring 2 baskets of potatoes into one basket!”

“It is to merge the two complex and mysterious Laws and Little by Little into one. This process requires Divine Soul to be very high!”

“Only by igniting the Divine Fire, Condensing Divine Spark, and making Divine Soul powerful enough, can we simulate, deduct, and try to merge!”

“In the final analysis, or Divine Soul problem?”

Monray whispered: “In other words, as long as my Divine Soul is strong enough, it is possible to fuse 10 kinds of laws before igniting the Divine Fire?”

“Brat, what you think is too simple!”

Dodora shook his head: “Demi-God’s Divine Soul has been upgraded to Demi-God Limit, and it has stalled!”

“Even if you take more heavenly materials and earthly treasures and get more Power of Faith, it’s useless!”

“So, by improving Divine Soul, the idea of ​​Fusion Law in advance simply doesn’t work!”

Dodora screamed: “I have seen too many weird geniuses, Monsters, and Gods, and put forward so many weird theories. In the end, they all obediently split Divine Soul!”


Monray twitched his lips: “So what I have to do now is to split Divine Soul into ten parts, and then ignite Divine Fire and Condensing Divine Spark respectively to achieve the top ten Divine Avatars?”

“Yes! But you have to know a little!”

Dodora indifferently said: “Your Demi-God Soul is not strong, or even average. After splitting into 2 parts, it will make you very weak, let alone split into ten parts!”

“Therefore, you have to find a way to strengthen Divine Soul, it is best to strengthen Divine Soul to the extreme of Demi-God, and then split!”

“Strengthening Divine Soul? Divine Soul can’t spend gold, can it only spread faith and collect Power of Faith?”

PS: I know that most people don’t like to read this kind of chapters, but there is no way. If you need to explain, you have to explain, forgive me!

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