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Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Godeater Rat Bloodline)

wealth points: 15688Law Source Crystal

constitution: Demi-God Body (High Level)

Mind: Demi-God Soul (Low Level)

Divine Power: 0.1Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension: Basic Law (100%)

Now look at the personal attributes panel, Constitution, Mind, Law Comprehension can not spend gold!

Only Divine Power is left, and I am still struggling to maintain the glory of the system’s last spend gold!

But Divine Power is too expensive, 110000 Law Source Crystal can only be exchanged for 1Divine Crystal, krypton can’t afford krypton!

Therefore, how to improve the strength in the future is a very serious problem!

“In other words, the top priority now is to spread the faith, and rely on Power of Faith to promote Divine Soul?”

“Divine Soul is the foundation of a God, and splitting Divine Soul will do great damage to Divine Soul!”

Dodora shook his head and said, “At this time, treasure is needed to repair Divine Soul!”

“How to repair the treasure of Divine Soul is too rare! Faith is the only way!”

“This is also an important reason why that many God is keen to spread the faith!”

Speaking of this, Dodora said with a smile: “Faith is a good thing. It can not only strengthen Divine Soul, but also transform Divine Power. It’s so important to God!”


Monray slightly nodded, a bright glow flashed under his eyes: “I am going to set the belief in Dragon God Empire. It is to stop me, kill without mercy!”

“Very good! As a God, what is the difference between not fighting for faith and salted fish?”

Dodora fears that the world will not be chaotic: “So, the first test left to you by the great God of Time is to compete for the faith in Dragon God Empire!”

“Test time: 3 years!”

“Test Reward: Confidentiality!”

Monray was a little speechless: “Are you sure that this is the test God of Time left me, not something you made up by yourself?”

“What is making up, I don’t like to hear it!”

Dodora chuckled said: “I am the Tower Spirit of Tower of Time. I am responsible for keeping God of Time’s wealth. Of course I have the right to set a test. This is also the task God of Time left me!”

“I can’t tell you!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “If nothing else, I will go out first!”

“By the way, try not to hunt down Magic Beast in Tower of Time in the future!” Dodora said suddenly!


Monray suddenly frowned and didn’t hunt Magic Beast in Tower of Time. Where did the money come from?

Isn’t this breaking Laozi’s money?

“Maintaining the Law of Time in Tower of Time requires the consumption of Divine Crystal of Time!”

Dodora explained: “After the fall of God of Time, Divine Crystal of Time uses a little less. After a long time, Divine Crystal of Time is running out, so save it!”


Monray was completely speechless: “Then I want Tower of Time to have a fart?”



Monray is not in a good mood. He originally planned to kill Magic Beast in the tower when he was okay to earn pocket money!

It’s good now, can’t kill!

How bad is this?

“Laozi is too unlucky!”

Monray cursed secretly, out of Tower of Time!

“The thief, die!”

At this moment, an angry roar sounded, and the golden light blasted all over the sky, instantly flooding the Monray who had just exited the tower and the golden armor bodyguards stationed outside the Tower of Time!


The mournful scream sounded immediately, and soon fell into silence. When the golden light dissipated, only a dozen dead bodies were left in the same place!

Blood flowed, bloody and tangy!


The students surrounding the Tower of Time were suddenly taken aback, and they all moved back!


“The courage is too big!”

“Dare to kill people here?”


A golden robe old man suddenly appeared, looking coldly at the broken body in front of Tower of Time!

“Who is he?”

Everyone looked at the golden robe old man in amazement!


golden robe old man looked at 4 places, the killing intent in his eyes rolled: “Thief, get out of this Deity!”

“who are you?”

Monray appeared quietly, looking at the golden robe old man, with a trace of killing intent in his eyes!

“This Deity Goblen Frederick!”

golden robe old man stared at Monray, coldly said!

“Goblen Frederick?”

“This name is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere?”

“Goblen?? I remember! Isn’t he the No. 3 genius on the Dragon God Genius List?!”

shua ~ shua ~ shua ~ ——

Everyone looked at!

3rd place: Augustine Crocker, Human Race, 30 years old, 76th floor

“No! It should be 4th now!”

Everyone was speechless, even looked towards the 4th place!

No. 4: Goblen Frederick, Golden Dragon, 75th floor

“He is No. 4 Goblen? That’s amazing!”

“Isn’t Goblen a historical figure from 30,000 years ago, is he still alive?”

“Lived for more than 30000 years? Dragon God above, this is not an Old Turtle…”

People are whispering, discuss spiritedly!

Suddenly, a Golden Dragonoid with two horns growing on the head squeezed into the crowd and fell to his knees with a plop: “Old Ancestor! Unscrupulous descendants have seen Old Ancestor!”

“Old Ancestor?”

Everyone was astonished!

“Bold! Don’t you hurry to kneel down?”

Golden Dragonoid screamed: “Old Ancestor is our Dragon God Empire Tenth Emperor, and one of our Dragon God Empire 5 Legendary emperors…”

“Old Ancestor is now the demi-god of Demi-God, and it is also the Demi-God with the strongest strength, the highest level and the most respected status in my Golden Dragon lineage!”

“You waited to see Old Ancestor, did you kneel down quickly?”

“Tenth Emperor?”


“I have seen Old Ancestor!”

“I have seen Old Ancestor!”

“I have seen Old Ancestor!”

When everyone heard the words, they were all shocked, and they knelt to the ground and bowed loudly!

Most of them are Dragon God Academy students, teachers, and tourists who visit!

For them, they had to bow down when they saw the emperor, let alone the legendary emperor who is now the demi-god!

Even more bows!

“Didn’t expect that for so many years, some people still remember this Deity!”

golden robe old man slightly nodded, the anger on his face is slightly lessened: “Let’s be flat!”

“Thank Old Ancestor!”

Everyone got up one after another, with excitement and admiration in their eyes. As the students and teachers of Dragon God Academy, they have never been in contact with Sacred Territory!

Only Demi-God exists in biographical legends and bardic poems, but it has never been seen before!

But at this moment, they saw it!

I saw Firmament Continent’s highest battle strength and God walking in the world!

Who is not excited?

Who does not worship?

Who is not excited?

“Goblen Frederick, No. 4 on the Dragon God Genius List?”

Monray was the only one who didn’t bow down. He looked at the Dragon God Genius List with a hint of interest on the corner of his mouth!

“If I remember correctly, you seemed to be Ranked 3rd before? Why did you fall to number 4?”

“Okay! So I went to the first place!” Monray shook his head!


The former Golden Dragonoid looked at Monray and shouted angrily: “Old Ancestor is in front of you, how can you speak, don’t you kneel?”

“Your Majesty?”

Monray glanced at him, and a golden glow shot out. The head of this Golden Dragonoid suddenly rose to the sky, and his head was in a different place!

“Are you talking here?”

Monray twitched his lips and looked towards the golden robe old man hanging high in the air: “You just sneaked on me, you better give me a satisfactory explanation!”

“A bold rebel!”

Goblen Frederick burst into anger, with murderous intention 4 overflowing in his eyes: “You killed the emperor, and you slaughtered civil and military ministers, and killed more than 1000 Sacred Territory!”

“The sins are terrible, and the evil is unforgivable!”

“Today, this Deity will chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades to 10000 pieces of your corpse, to warn the world!”


“What is Old Ancestor talking about?”

When Goblen Frederick said this, it could be said that one stone caused 1000 waves!

All the students are dumbfounded!

All Teachers are horrified!

All tourists pee!

Kill the emperor?

Slaughter civil and military ministers?

Kill more than 1000 Sacred Territory?

How is this possible?

How can Monray have this strength?

fake! It must be fake!

Old Ancestor must be mistaken!

Everyone shook their heads vigorously, and couldn’t believe this fact at all. This is sensational!

However, Monray’s next answer ruthlessly shattered their fantasy!

“It’s just a bunch of decaying Magic Beasts. Kill it if you kill it. What about it?”

Monray curl one’s lip, serene!

“Dragon God above!”

“Dragon God above!”

“Dragon God above!”

“This is this…”

“It turned out to be…really?”

“How dare he? How dare?”

Everyone was shocked and shocked!


Goblen let out a low growl, and the golden light shot out from the sky, hiding the sky and covering the earth, shooting towards Monray!

“This trick again, nothing new!”

Monray shook his head slightly and stepped forward, and he was already behind Goblen. Hammer of Destruction blasted out and hammered Goblen’s midfielder!

“Look at Laozi not to hammer your old waist!”


The hammer was too fast, and the fast Goblen couldn’t react. The old defensive midfielder was hit hard and flew out directly!


Goblen fiercely hit Tower of Time, and hit Tower of Time 3 shakes!

“I’ll go! Don’t crash me!”

Monray was shocked when he saw this, and thoughts moved quickly to control Tower of Time!

An amazing scene happened:

Standing in the Dragon God Academy, the Dragon God Tower, which hasn’t moved a bit for 410000 years, actually rose into the sky, then shrank rapidly, and finally shrunk Small Accomplishment into a pocket-sized Little Pagoda, which fell into Monray’s hands!




“Dragon God above!!!”

“This is this…”

“Dragon God Tower…how…”

Everyone was shocked!

Dragon God Tower is the Nation Protecting Divine Artifact of the Empire. It has stood firm and towering like a rock for 410000 years!

Now… what happened?

And even flew to Monray?

Have you made a mistake?

“Bold thief, put down Dragon God Tower!”

Goblen Frederick got up from the ground, with a smear of blood on the corner of his mouth, but the aura spewed, and the divine might was mighty, obviously the injury was not serious!

He looked at the pocket Dragon God Tower in Monray’s hand, a little hysterical: “Quickly put down the Dragon God Tower! Otherwise, this Deity is irreconcilable to you…”

“Let it go? Why do you want to let it go?”

Monray overturned the Tower of Time and said separately: “Dragon God Tower was originally my thing, but it is temporarily stored here. Now I want to take it back. Have a problem?”


“Evil thief!!!”


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