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“Evil thief!!!”


Goblen Frederick’s angry lungs exploded!

Kill the emperor!

Slaughter civil and military ministers!

Kill more than 1000 Sacred Territory!

completely crazy and ridiculous to ridiculous!

Now take away the Nation Protecting Divine Artifact!

Bullying can’t be so excessive!

“Die, die, die, die!”

Goblen roared again and again, the mighty divine might spread, and all those who watched the game were directly oppressed to the ground, even their heads could not stand up!


Countless golden threads burst out of Goblen’s body, forming a huge golden cage, covering the void of Monray’s body!


The golden cage quickly closed and instantly imprisoned Monray!

“Evil thief! Traitor! Rebel! This Deity will chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”

Goblen angry roar, the golden cage began to shrink, and the sharp golden thread that no stronghold one cannot overcome suddenly strangled Monray!

If this is changed to someone else, even Sacred Territory Limit will definitely be cut into pieces by the golden thread!

Monray is intact!

“Completely composed of Metal Element Divine Power!”

Monray admired: “It’s so sharp, no stronghold one cannot overcome, but it’s a pity…”


Monray spit out a word!


Monray swelled up suddenly, and in the crisp sound of ka beng ka beng, the gold threads that were stuck on Monray’s skin broke one by one…

Finally, all breaks!

Looking at Monray’s body again, he didn’t even get a blood stain out!

“How can this be?”

Goblen was shocked: “How powerful is your Divine Body?”

“Without 3 2 3, how dare you go to Liangshan?”

Monray turned the Tower of Time upside down: “Don’t you want the Dragon God Tower, I will return it to you now!”

With that, Monray grabbed Tower of Time, rounded his arms and threw it over!

“Dragon God Tower!”

Goblen was overjoyed, even reaching out to grab it, but at the moment he was about to catch…

The Tower of Time instantly grew bigger, from the 20 cm pocket Little Pagoda to a towering giant tower!

“Not good !”

Goblen’s face changed wildly!

Unfortunately, it was too late, Tower of Time hit him, just like a bus hit Great Grandpa!

“ka-cha -“

In the crisp sound of broken bones, Goblen spurted blood and flew out, then hit the ground, plowing the ground into a deep gully, and then stopped!

“I can’t catch it for you. It seems that you have no relationship with Tower of Time after all, then there is no way!”

Monray shook his head slightly, following beckoned, Tower of Time shrank and flew back to his hand!

“evil creature!!!”

Goblen soared into the sky and turned directly into a giant Golden Dragon with a length of 1000 meters and a wingspan of more than 3000 meters!


A surging Dragon Might spread out, pressing the audience to vomit blood, as if was struck by lightning, the weaker even fainted!

“Humble insect! You irritated me! You irritated me thoroughly!”

Goblen roared angrily: “I will crush your corpse for 10000 segments, and I will chopped you up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades!”


Giant Dragon opened his mouth and sprayed out a golden dragon’s breath. The dragon’s breath was hot gold juice!

“xiu – ”

Monray escaped easily, and the group of students behind him were unlucky. They didn’t even scream and turned into a pool of golden water!

“Escape… Escape!!!”


The teacher next to him was almost scared to death, but he was crushed on the ground, unable to move even a little bit, he could only pray in endless fear that he would not be brought disaster to innocent people!

“What a powerful dragon’s breath!”

Monray eyes flashed, received Tower of Time, and turned to Hammer of Destruction!

“It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives! You also pick me up!”

The body flashed, appeared behind Goblen, smashed it fiercely with the hammer!

This time, Monray used 50% strength!

“ka-cha -“

With a crisp sound, a blood hole appeared, dragon’s blood was thrown, and Goblen roared bitterly, waving dragon claw to kill Monray, but couldn’t catch it!

“It is said that Golden Dragon’s dragon scales are unparalleled in defense, and now it seems that it is only this!”

“This kind of battle is meaningless, so let’s end it soon!”

Monray is like a ghost and a Flowing Light Illusory Image, appearing here sometimes, sometimes there, the speed is as fast as the wind, and as fast as lightning!

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

Goblen was completely crushed and hit, where Hammer of Destruction touched, leaving one big hole after another!

Large drops of golden dragon’s blood were thrown, staining the ground and the minds of every onlooker, horrible to see, extremely horrified!

“roar roar 吼 -“

“Divine Spell: Golden Body Protection!”

“Divine Spell: Imprisonment!”

“Domain of God !”

“Divine Spell: Destruction Golden Flame!”

“Divine Spell: Unbroken Golden Spirit!”

Goblen roared again and again, using all kinds of trump card methods, even at the expense of Divine Power, but still can’t change the outcome of the battle!

Monray one person, one hammer, appear and disappear unpredictably!

Domain of God is here, dodging, and then crazy!

Destruction Golden Flame is here, dodging, and then crazy!

Annihilation Dragon Breath is here, dodging, and smashing like crazy!

After a wave of attacks, Monray did nothing but Goblen had 1000 sores and 100 holes, and the dragon scales shattered, so miserable!


Monray likes fighting, but doesn’t like to abuse food. He decisively launched the final blow:

“Divine Spell: Ultimate Alchemy!”


A dazzling golden beam dropping from the sky, instantly hit Goblen!

In an instant, the place hit by the golden beam became stiff and golden, and finally turned into brilliant gold!

“this is……”

Feeling the change in his body, Goblen’s face changed wildly, and he vibrated his wings desperately to avoid the golden beam, Monray hit him with a hammer!

Goblen was hit and dizzy, and his brain went blank!


The golden beam spread rapidly, and in just a few breaths, it completely enveloped Goblen’s 1000-meter-long dragon body, dragon wings, dragon tail, dragon claw…

“shua ——”

At this moment, Goblen’s body was completely stiff, and it was no longer impossible to move. He immediately smashed to the ground, and then became motionless!

Monray fell in front of Goblen, knocked him on the body and made a muffled noise, very satisfied with his masterpiece!

“I received the Dragon God Tower, it’s so deserted here, so let’s use you instead!”

Afterwards, Monray flashed away and disappeared!

“End… is it over?”

The oppressed onlookers got up, panting, and felt like avoided a catastrophe, walking around in front of the gates of hell!

It was too terrifying just now!

“Very good! I’m still alive!”

“Wu wu wu! Not dead! I am not dead!”


The onlookers were terrified, and wept with joy right now, some of them cautiously walked up to Goblen!

“Old…Old Ancestor, are you…are you okay?” someone shivered and asked!

no respond!

The man was confused and touched Goblen’s body. He started to feel cold and full of metallic feel. Where is the dragon, it is clearly a Giant Dragon statue!

“Dragon…Dragon God above!”

“Old…Old Ancestor turned into a statue?”


“This old bastard doesn’t even have half a copper on him!”

Monray sits in the cloud, holding a space ring in his hand, just coming from Goblen!

He thought that he would kill a Demi-God and he could fatten a wave. Unexpectedly, there is neither a system hint nor a space ring nor it’s empty!

“I have been in a relationship for a long time, so I am busy?”

Monray is annoyed to scold his mother. If you kill a Sacred Territory Magic Beast, you can earn a lot of Law Source Crystal. Now if you kill a Demi-God, you don’t have a dime!

Really mad!

“I hit my Ultimate Alchemy but didn’t die. Laozi must have an Avatar!”

“Giant Dragon is greedy for money, but the old bastard doesn’t have a copper piece on him, most of it didn’t bring it out!”

Flashes through a bright light in Monray’s eyes: “No! You have to find this old bastard’s nest!”

“How great is the wealth of a Demi-God? Never let it go!”

“As for this old bastard’s nest…”

Monray squinted his eyes slightly: “I heard Old Dean said that Dragon Island is the base camp of Dragon Race. Overwhelming majority Pureblood Dragon and Sacred Territory Draconian are both in Dragon Island closed-door cultivation!”

“The other Avatars and old nests of old bastard are mostly on Dragon Island!”

“The question is, Dragon Island…where is it?”


At this moment, a cold voice rang in my ear!


Monray suddenly raised his head and saw a pretty silhouette. I don’t know when it will appear in front of him, like a jade skin, a beautiful face. Who else is it not Abbe?


Monray greeted him with a smile, but suddenly realized that something was wrong, he seemed to have just killed Frederick 32th!

This… This is embarrassing!

“Monray, you killed my Imperial Father!”

Abbe Monray, his eyes are complicated, there is pain, anger, but more struggle…

“Are you going to avenge him?”

Monray gave a wry smile!

“Yes! But I know it’s not your opponent! And, I can’t play!”

Abbe slowly closed his eyes, and a line of tears fell from his cheeks!

Monray sighed!

Abbe is also silent!

The atmosphere was suddenly quiet!

After a while, it was Abbe who broke the silence first!

“Monray, I am leaving!”

“Leave? Where to go?”

Monray startled!

“Far far away!”

Abbe sighed faintly, “After today, maybe we will never see each other again. Take care of yourself!”

After speaking, she turned and left, a drop of crystal tears drifting away in the wind…


Monray wanted to stop her, but finally sighed: “Abbe, take care too!”


Abbe left, leaving Monray with a deep back and an indelible guilt!

“Abbe, I’m sorry!”

“But I will never regret it!”

“If there is a chance, I will still do it, Dragon God Empire is mine!”

Monray abruptly got up, then turned and flew towards the Dragon God Empire Imperial Palace!

He walked in a hurry before and forgot a major event. He wants to go back and do it!

Monray was very fast, and after a few minutes, he returned to the sky above the Imperial Palace!

However, the scene in the Imperial Palace made him somewhat completely unprepared!

“Get out of all these damn Court Eunuchs and replace them with maids!”

“All the Empress concubines are kept, no one is allowed to leave! Yes, mine, all mine!”

“By the way, there is also the Imperial Prince Princess!”

“Princess stays, the Imperial Prince blasts away!”

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