You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

At the Dragon God Empire Imperial Palace, a group of strangers came, two horns growing on the head, dragon tails, wings on the back, all Draconian!

There are about 500 people, and all of them have the strength of Sacred Territory, and many of them are Sacred Territory Peak!

So many Sacred Territory, they are all centered on Briggs, with him as the head!

“Listen to this Deity!”

Briggs wears a dragon robe, a crown on his head, and a mighty aura, standing proudly above the Imperial Palace, looking down at several millions of people kneeling on the ground!

There are several millions of people including Imperial Prince Princess, Empress concubine, Court Eunuch, Imperial Family Paladin Legion and court guards!

“From today, this Deity is the new Dragon Sovereign of Dragon God Empire! If this Deity is the imperial edict!”

“Anyone who dares not to obey will be without mercy!”

The majestic and mighty words resounded inside and outside the Imperial Palace. Everyone was trembling with fear, and they were trembling with fear, but no one dared to question it!

“Now, this Sovereign issues the first decree!”

Briggs is proud of 10000 points, thinking that he is dignified and half Son of God, born with Demi-God Body!

How noble?

How revered?

But missed the throne!

How sad?

How hard is it?

Today I finally got my wish!

“Get rid of all these goddamn Court Eunuchs and replace them with court ladies!”

“Empress keep it!”

“And the Imperial Prince Princess!”

“Imperial Prince drive away, Princess stay!”

Briggs announced the first imperial decree!

Hearing this almost absurd purpose, everyone felt sad, but helpless!

The new emperor from Dragon Island is not only the demi-god, but also brings 500 Sacred Territory powerhouse!

The strength is terrifying and powerful!

Who dares to violate?

Who dares to challenge?

“Have you heard the purpose of this Sovereign?”

Briggs asked coldly, like billowing thunder!

“Replying to his Majesty, I heard you clearly!”

Everyone quickly responded loudly!

“Very good! Then do it now!”

Briggs waved his hand: “The others are gone, Empress stays! By the way, I have ordered the dining room to cook some side dishes, this Sovereign is hungry!

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Everyone, such as the amnesty, dispersed one after another, leaving only a beautiful, elegant and poised young woman kneeling there, it was the Empire Empress!

The former female Master of the Imperial Palace!

Briggs glanced at Empress and said to the 500 Sacred Territory behind him: “Go down!”

“Yes, Your Majesty!”


“Who is this?”

Standing on the cloud, Monray witnessed a scene in the Imperial Palace, and was immediately unhappy!

Laozi worked hard to kill the emperor and civil and military ministers, but Mao didn’t catch it, but it turned out to be good!

The throne was robbed by others!

“Is there still heaven? Is there still king law?”

Monray couldn’t help yelling!


Coldly shouted, several silhouettes came in an instant, surrounding Monray!

“Is it discovered?”

Monray was slightly taken aback!

“Who are you and why are you sneaking in such a place?”

A Golden Dragonoid robust man with a height of 2 meters and muscular knots suddenly asked!

“Sneaky? Are you blind? Is this sneaky?”

Monray is upset: “I’m blatantly here, OK!”

“Be bold!”

Golden Dragonoid coldly snorted: “Take it for me! Hand it over to Your Majesty!”

“Yes, Lord Clement!”

Several Draconian complied, and then pounced on Monray, Monray did not resist, let them grab and come to Briggs!

“Who is he?”

Briggs glanced at Monray, asked casually, and then continued to stare at the beautiful and alluring Empress, with greedy eyes!

“I don’t know! It should be a passing Sacred Territory!”

Golden Dragonoid Clemente respectfully said!

“Kill it!”

Briggs waved his hand, not interested in Monray at all.

“Yes, Your Majesty!”

Clement complied and waved his big hand: “Go further and kill!”


“Let go of me! Let go of me! Your Majesty, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill me!”

Monray was horrified and howled with his throat, like a big fat pig with his arm grabbed his leg, his tail tied to his mouth!

Hoarse, heartbreaking!

The listener is sad, the listener sheds tears!

“I am your great benefactor!”

“If it weren’t for me, how could you have a chance to become the emperor?”

“If it wasn’t for me, you would still be a Magic Beast on Dragon Island!”

“You can’t avenge your grievances and kill your benefactor…”


Briggs slightly frowned, with a blade-like gaze on Monray: “What did you say? What does this Sovereign have to do with you?”

“Of course it does!”

Monray even explained: “If I hadn’t killed the Old Sovereign emperor, would you have a chance to become the new emperor?”

“Your Majesty, we have not forgotten the well digger, we can’t avenge revenge!”

“You will suffer retribution in this way, and no great Dragon God will let you go…”

“You killed Old Sovereign?”

Briggs was shaking slightly!

beautiful and alluring Empress

500 Sacred Territory’s face changed dramatically!

“who are you?”

Briggs stared at Monray, killing intent in his eyes!

“Who am I? You don’t even know me? You Dragon Race really are a group of people to forget favors and violate justice!”

Monray changed his previous humility, pointed at Briggs’ nose and yelled!

“Laozi helped you kill the emperor, so that you have a chance to become the emperor, and has a gift for you to recreate!”

“Good for you!”

“Without thanking me, this great benefactor is that’s all, he actually wants to kill me!”

“Wolf-hearted, it can be described as the person of World’s First to forget favors and violate justice… No, the dragon!”

Monray went crazy: “Since you are so awkward, don’t blame me for going crazy!”

“You are Monray!!!”

The beautiful and alluring Empress, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly glared at Monray, both frightened and angry!


“Are you Monray?”

Briggs complexion changed: “You are the murderer Monray who killed the emperor, slaughtered civil and military ministers, and killed more than 1000 Sacred Territory?”

“You evil creature, how dare you call the name of the great benefactor, really crazy and ridiculous!”

Monray hands behind ones back: “Today I will kill the people and slaughter your dragon!”

“Aren’t you killed by Father God? Why are you here?” Briggs looked horrified!

“Father God? Are you talking about the Old Turtle of Goblen?”

Monray indifferently said: “If it is him, sorry, he has been killed by me!”


Briggs face changed wildly, 500 Sacred Territory also looked at Monray with horror!

Old Ancestor Goblen is Demi-God, and Golden Dragon lineage is the strongest and most respected old Demi-God!

How powerful is his strength?

Actually… was killed?

Everyone felt a deep chill!

“You to forget favors and violate justice, the evil creature who will revenge revenge, you should go to Hell and accompany your father!”

Monray coldly snorted, shoot out with one palm!


Briggs body flashed, avoiding Monray’s attack in an instant, and then transformed into a three hundred zhang-long Golden Dragon!


“Get out of here now!”

Briggs vibrated his wings and ran away. He had no intention of revenge for his father. He only hated that he had lost two legs!



Even Father God Goblen was killed by Monray. Who is his opponent in the second generation of God?

Let’s hurriedly escape!


Monray smiled and stepped forward!

In the next second, weirdness appeared on Briggs’ head, and his foot was on Briggs’ head!

“Evil creature, don’t wash my neck and wait for me to kill, where are you going?”


Briggs stopped abruptly and tremblingly said, “Big…Lord, let me go! Goblen is going to kill you, it doesn’t matter to me!”

“Goblen? Is it really okay for you to call your father’s name like this?”

Monray brows slightly wrinkle!

“Goblen, the villain, the traitor, the rebel, dare to assassinate Lord, daring, completely crazy and ridiculous, sin is unforgivable, and the crime is extremely wicked, and being killed by Lord is also death cannot wipe out the crimes!”

Briggs trembled: “I am ashamed to have such a father. I have long wanted to sever the father and son relationship with him and draw a clear line, Lord Mingjian!”


Monray was stunned: “How can there be a shameless person like you in the world? I am ashamed to be with you, you should die!”

God Killing Spear shot out of thin air, and instantly penetrated Briggs’ head!

“Ding! Kill the Golden Dragon and get 891 Law Source Crystal!”

The system hint sounds timely!

“This guy doesn’t have a Divine Avatar?”

Monray was taken aback, a little surprised!

Judging from Briggs’ size and aura, he is Demi-God, yes, Monray thought that a single blow would not kill him completely!

didn’t expect…killed!

It’s unexpected!

He didn’t know that Briggs is a child born of Goblen breakthrough Demi-God. Although he was born with Demi-God Body, the Law Comprehension is extremely different!

2 For more than 10000 years, Briggs has only comprehended the Life Source Law of Metal of Golden Dragon!

Because it is not the material to comprehend Law, there is no need to split Divine Soul, and therefore there is no Avatar at all.

Without Avatar, naturally one strike certain kill!

“It’s a surprise!”

Monray waved Briggs’ body into Tower of Time!

He is just a young Godeater Rat and needs a good supplement. Demi-God Golden Dragon meat is a good snack!

“He…He’s here!”



“Stop separately!”

500 Sacred Territory witnessed Monray killing Briggs throughout the entire process. He was so scared that he was so frightened that he ran away and fled!

“Divine Spell: Ultimate Alchemy!”

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

500 golden beams dropping from the sky, one is not many, one is not many, all fall on the 500 Sacred Territory with great precision!


Divine Power broke out, and 500 living Sacred Territory instantly turned into 500 statues, and then motionless!

“It’s 2800Law Source Crystal again, not bad!”

Monray is very satisfied with the harvest just now, the body flashed is in front of Empress!

“You… what are you doing?”

Empress was so scared that Huarong was eclipsed. After two battles, seeing Monray appear, he almost peeed!

“Answer my 2 questions!”

Monray raised 2 fingers!

“First: where the Empire Treasury is located!”

“No. 2, Dragon Island location!”

“No… no!”

The dignity of a country barely supported Empress without frightening pee: “Empire Treasury is important…”

“xiu – ”

A golden glow shot out, instantly cutting off the phoenix crown on top of Empress’s head, Empress was directly frightened on the ground!

“xu lu lu -“

A turbid yellow liquid came out…

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