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Hiding wealth in the people, this idiom is used to describe Dragon Island, it couldn’t be more suitable.

An ordinary Giant Dragon certainly does not have as much wealth as Demi-God. What about 100?

1000 heads? 10000 heads?

The answer is yes!

Under the leadership of Sanir, the Dragon Race traitor, Monray did a devil:

Move it, grab it, take it!

Move out Dragon Nest!

Grab all the wealth!

Take light treasure!

After some tossing, Monray’s wealth soared to 135710000 Law Source Crystal!

This is an amazing number, as for other treasures… there are countless!

It is no exaggeration to say that Monray became rich overnight on this Dragon Island trip, which made Monray a lot of joy!

When you are in a good mood, you can talk easily!

No, Sanir proposed to let Monray save these giant Dragon One lives, don’t kill them all, Monray 2 agrees without saying anything!

Therefore, Monray specially vacated a few floors in Tower of Time for these Giant Dragons to live!

Well, just keep it as a pet!

Even Monray wanted to wait for him to build an empire and put Tower of Time in the capital.

Then allow the geniuses to go in and experience, so that these proud Giant Dragons can also taste the taste of being slaughtered and hunted by others!

“Master, where are we going next?”

Sanir looked at the empty Dragon Island, wanting to cry without tears, not knowing whether to cry or laugh.

He didn’t want the Dragon Son and Dragon Sun to be slaughtered, and he didn’t want them to be raised as pets!

“Do you know where Dragon Tomb is?”

Monray suddenly asked!

“Dragon Tomb?”

Sanir complexion changed: “Master, don’t you even let go of Dragon Tomb, right? Dragon Tomb is a forbidden place, where the dead are buried…”

“Where did you think of it?”

Monray lightly snorted: “I just want to worship an elder!”

“That’s good! That’s good!”

Sanir let go, then vibrated his wings and flew towards Dragon Tomb with Monray!

Dragon Tomb is also located on an island!

The stone mountain stands on the island, with rugged rocks, among the rolling stone forest, there are tombstones, and giant dragons are buried below!

The divine sense swept across the island, and Monray began to search…

However, after searching for a while, no tombstone of Old Dean was found.

Monray’s brows gradually frowned. Senior Emlyn once said that he would bury Old Dean in the Dragon Tomb, but why not?

“I have to ask!”

Monray found Emlyn, but the answer he got startedled him!

“What are you talking about, Old Dean is not dead?”

“Big brother’s Soul Jade Pendant is not broken, it should still be alive in this world!”

Emlyn took out a blood-colored jade pendant, and a touch of sadness flashed in his eyes: “After our Dragon Race is born, we will make a Soul Jade Pendant!”

“Jade pendant is good, human life!”

“The jade pendant is broken and people die!”

“Until now, the Soul Jade Pendant, the soul of the big brother, is in my hands. It has never been broken for more than 2 years, so I have always believed that the big brother is not dead!”

Emlyn’s eyes were moist: “Even though I went to Lost Continent last time, my big brother and Mother Tree of Life perish together, but his soul Soul Jade Pendant is still unbroken!”

“I knew, the big brother is still alive!”

“Not dead! Old Dean is not dead! Very good, really very good!”

Monray said incoherently with excitement: “Since he is not dead, where is he? He was clearly with the Mother Tree of Life perish last time!”

“I guess, there should be two possibilities!”

Emlyn faintly said: “The big brother either has another Avatar; or, he is still sealed in your Divine Artifact!”

“God Killing Spear?”

Monray even took out the God Killing Spear, and divine sense penetrated it carefully to check it out. However, after looking around, there was still no discovery!

“Old Dean is not in God Killing Spear!”

Monray is extremely lost!

“Then there is only one possibility!” Emlyn said: “Big brother and other Avatars!”

“Other Avatars?”

Monray suddenly wrinkled frowned: “Since there are other Avatars, why hasn’t he come back to you for more than 210000 years? It doesn’t make sense!”

“I do not know!”

Emlyn smiles wryly!

“Old Dean!”

Monray clenched his fists: “No matter where he is, I will find him!”

“If you can find the big brother, please tell him, I’m waiting for him, please!”

Aymo touched a tear.

“for sure!”

Monray was nodded heavily. At this time, a voice like a night owl suddenly sounded:

“You ugly lizards, when Laozi goes out, they will all turn you into Immortal Races and burn your souls with Divine Fire!”

“Jié jié jié! Calcined day and night, let you not have the will to live, impossible to ask for death…”

“What is this sound?”

Monray frowned.

The sound comes from the seabed below the island where Dragon Tomb is located. To be precise, this is not a sound, but a divine sense fluctuation!

“Master, this is the voice of Ancient Demon Chahman!” Sanir replied respectfully!

“Ancient Demon Chahman?”

In Monray’s eyes flashes through a bright light, he said with great interest: “Speak carefully and listen!”

“Speaking of Chahman, we must start in front of 510000!”

Sanir faintly said: “50,000 years ago, our Giant Dragon ruled Firmament Continent and is the only Master of Firmament Continent!”

“Even the current Beastman, Elf, and Titan can only shrink in their ancestral land and live on the breath of our Dragon Race!”

“Even, the extreme north wasteland, Elf Forest, and Titan Plateau occupied by 3 Great Empires are the back gardens of our Dragon Race!”

Sanir’s eyes were full of pride: “The Firmament Continent at that time was a well-deserved Giant Dragon Continent! It’s a pity…”

Sanir gave a wry smile: “With Dragon God leaving Firmament Continent and taking away our Dragon Race high-end battle strength, our Dragon God Empire will be in jeopardy!”

“The Beastman huddled in the Beastman Palace!”

“Elf hidden in Lake of the Goddess!”

“Titan hiding in the mountain range of Xiya!”

“And other intelligent races, such as goblins, dwarves, trolls, etc., were born one after another, and even various Evil God Demons were born!”

“Overnight, the rule of our Dragon God Empire fell apart. Not only did we lose a large part of the country, but even the elite of the clan were killed and injured!”

“Ancient Demon Chahman appeared at that time. As Undead Demi-God Chahman, its destructive power is even no less than 3 Great Empire!”

“Undead Demi-God?”

Monray’s eyes lit up!

“Yes! Undead Demi-God!”

Sanir slightly nodded: “The evil Chahman, although only one person and one wand, can use the evil Undead Magic to fight countless evil Immortal Races from the distant Netherworld summon!”

“Immortal Race army is very terrible, wherever it goes, all living creatures are killed, and then Chahman transformed into undead…”

“In short, Chahman caused us Dragon God Empire to suffer heavy losses. The Empire had to send several Demi-Gods to suppress and seal him!”

“So, Undead Demi-God Chahman is sealed here?” Monray was full of interest!

“Yes, Master!”

“Go, look down!”

“Master, isn’t this bad?” Sanir quickly stopped: “Chahman is very evil…”

“Evil? Can I be evil?”

Monray glanced at him and asked back!

Sanir stopped talking!


Compared with you, Chahman is as simple as a newborn baby!

“Go down!”

Monray flew under the Dragon Tomb, but Sanir had no choice but to lead the way.

After a while, the two of them got into the sea and saw a bright cave.

A soft milk-white halo appeared in the cave, emitting surging waves of light!

“Looking at the past!”

Monray Teleportation to the front of the cave, I saw that the cave was as bright as day, and the walls were inlaid with milk-white bright Elemental Crystal.

There is an altar at the center of the cave!

Ten pillars stand on the altar. Each pillar is made of Bright Elemental Crystal. The pillars are connected with 10 chains, and the other end of the chain is connected to a person!

This person has disheveled hair, skinny and shriveled, with no extra flesh except for the dry skin, just like a skeleton frame!

10 chains passed through his arms, ribs, belly button, legs and feet, and pipa bone, nailing him to the center of the altar alive!

Neither can sit!

Can’t lie down either!

Can only stand!

Life is better than death!

However, this is nothing, the real fatal thing is the chain that crosses his forehead!

This chain sealed his Divine Soul, preventing him from mobilizing Divine Power and became a useless person!

“Jié jié jié, someone is here!”

“Rare! Rare!”

As if aware of the arrival of Monray, the skeleton slowly lifted the head, and through the hair that fell to the ground, a pair of green eyes could be seen, just like wolf eyes, very permeating!

“Undead Demi-God, Chahman?”

Monray looked at the skeletons on the altar!

“You don’t have the aura of that smelly lizard, who are you, can actually appear here?”

Skeleton stared at his green eyes, and his voice was hoarse, like a night owl!

“If you want, I can be your life saving benefactor!” Monray said leisurely!

“Save me? Who do you think you are?”

Chahman suffocated his voice, and immediately hissed and laughed: “If the smelly lizard behind you said this, I would believe it! As for you…”

“Chahman, you evil Undead Demi-God, please pay attention to your tone!”

Sanir shouted angrily: “Standing in front of you is my great Master——Lord Monray! You have to be rude to him again, and I will never forgive you!”

“Master ?”

Chahman took a stunned look at Sanir, his green eyes looked towards Monray again, a reexamination gaze.

“This smelly lizard is one of the few Demi-Gods on Dragon Island, how did you subdue him?”

“Kill other Demi-Gods, he naturally submit to me!” Monray faintly smiled: “Answer me, do you want to go out?”

“You killed the other Demi-Gods of Dragon Race?”

Chahman was stunned, and then shook his head again and again: “No… this is impossible! Although this group of damn smelly lizards are base and shameless and declining, but you want to kill them, it is impossible!”

“Tell him the truth!”

Monray looked towards Sanir!

Sanir gave a wry smile, but still without omission and in detail tells of Monray’s dragon slaying feat.


Chahman was stunned!

“I ask you one last time, do you want to go out?” Monray was a little impatient!

“You really want to let me out?”

Chahman is staring at Monray!

“of course!”

“What do I need to pay?”

“Your loyalty!”

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