You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Chahman acknowledges allegiance!

He didn’t even hesitate to present his Divine Soul Source, which was unexpectedly happy!

Monray thought it would take a lot of coercion and temptation to subdue this Undead Demi-God!

After all, people are evil Ancient Demon and Undead Demi-God, how can they easily acknowledge allegiance?

“Ka beng-“

“Ka beng-“

God Killing Spear stabbed frequently and easily cut the 10 chains connected to Chahman’s body. Chahman laughed excitedly once he got out of trouble.

“Jié jié jié ~~~”

It’s a pity that his laughter didn’t have the slightest power, on the contrary, it was very gloomy, just like the howling ghost from Hell Abyss!

Eerie and horrible, very infiltrating.


Monray said lightly, turned and walked out of the cave, Sanir quickly followed and kept a distance from Chahman.

Staying with this evil Ancient Demon, Sanir always feels unsafe!

“Yes, my noble Master, jié jié!”

Chahman screamed, and followed Monray 2 out of the cave!

At this moment, a Level 8 Magic Beast bloodthirsty shark happened to swim over.

Seeing this, Chahman volleyed!


A dry, green giant claw appeared out of thin air, and directly caught the bloodthirsty shark. Chahman opened his mouth and sucked sharply.

A green Life Essence floated out of the bloodthirsty shark and was sucked into the mouth by Chahman.

The bloodthirsty shark shrank at the speed visible with naked eye, and after a few breaths, it became a piece of dry skin.

Looking at Chahman again, his shriveled skin has plumped a lot, with a hint of blood.

“Jié jié jié ~~~ The smell of blood is really missed!”

Chahman licked his lips and laughed excitedly!

“Master, this demon is too evil!”

Sanir shivered Ling had a cold fight, his heart was hairy, and his voice was a little trembling.

“Is that Undead Magic?”

Monray didn’t care about it, instead he became interested in Undead Magic.

“Jié jié! Master, if you want to learn Undead Magic, I can teach you!”

Chahman jié jié said with a smile.

“I have time to study!”

Monray faintly smiled.

“It’s rare to meet someone who is interested in Undead Magic and is my Master!”

Chahman gave a weird laugh, and started a crazy “Eat” feast!

All the Ocean Magic Beast encountered along the way did not escape his clutches!

But he quickly plumped up and out of seabed, he was like a personal change.

The body is plump and strong, the skin is crystal clear and near-transparent, and the hair is black shine……

Which is the seabed or the skeleton frame, it is clearly a middle-aged Noble of an elegant gentleman!

If it weren’t for coming out of seabed together, Monray and Sanir wouldn’t dare to recognize it!

Is this Chahman?

“It looks more comfortable like this!”

Monray smiled and exclaimed.

Chahman gave an elegant Noble gift, appearing to be a gentleman: “Master doesn’t know something, but before training Undead Magic, I was a Human King!”

“However, after the country collapsed, in order to find Dragon Race revenge, I had to change to Undead Magic, and became the devil of people, ghosts and ghosts!”

Having said this, Chahman glanced at Sanir, with a look of evil in his eyes, seeing Sanir’s chrysanthemum ~ the flower tightened, and his heart felt hairy.

“Didn’t expect you to have such an experience, it’s unexpected!”

Monray said with a smile: “It just happened that I just destroyed the Dragon Race and prepared to take over the Dragon God Empire. You have experience in this area, should you be able to help me?”

“Jié jié, I am willing to serve the Master!”

Chahman was very excited: “Master, don’t worry, I have been in power for more than 40 years and have rich ruling experience. I should be able to give some advice!”

“hope so!”

Monray is pleased that nodded, he had a headache for Dragon God Empire before!

After all, Dragon Race is gone!

Civil and military ministers are all killed!

If you are not careful, the Hegemon, Dragon God Empire, may fall over at any time!

Until then, chaos is inevitable!

In the end, unlucky suffers from the flat-head 100 surname, which Monray does not want to see!

Therefore, how to control Dragon God Empire steadily while avoiding turmoil is something Monray must consider!

If possible, spread the faith by the way and let the people of the empire believe in him, even better!

Monray knows that this will be very difficult!

Fortunately, it is not difficult to control the empire!

The difficulty lies in faith!

Dragon God Empire has been established for more than 410000 years, and the belief in Dragon God has long been deeply rooted.

It is never easy for people to give up their belief in Dragon God and instead believe in themselves!

Monray also thought about this issue before, and thought of several ideas, but after all, it feels not so reliable!

Now that I have accepted Chahman, I have to discuss with him. This Old Demon has been a King and an Evil God. Should he be able to provide some help?

“Master, where do you go next?”

Seeing that Chahman had gained Monray’s trust so quickly, it was vaguely entrusted with a heavy responsibility, and Sanir was a little worried.

Obviously, he first acknowledged the allegiance Master, how come he was crushed by this demon?

“Go to Imperial Capital!”

Monray thought for a while and said.

“Okay, Master!”

Sanir complied, even vibrating wings flew towards the Dragon Island exit!

After leaving Dragon Island, Chahman looked down at everything outside, with tears in his eyes, and knelt directly at Monray’s feet.

“Seal for 510000 years and finally see the sun again, thanks to the great Master!”

“Thank you for your life-saving grace!”

Your reflection arc is too long, why didn’t you thank me when you rescued you out of the cave?

Monray murmured and said with a smile: “Congratulations on your freedom, Chahman!”

“Thank you! Thank you Master!”

Chahman cried with joy, sniffing the air, his face was intoxicated!

“This is Firmament Continent’s aura. It’s so wonderful and so missed…”


Monray pats Sanir’s back!

“Yes, Master!”

Sanir flew towards Imperial Capital.

“Chahman, I want to control Dragon God Empire, do you have any suggestions?”

“Master, I have been sealed for too long, and I am not very clear about the status quo of Dragon God Empire. Excuse me, Master, give me a brief explanation first!”

“it is good!”


“Didn’t expect that in the past 510000 years, Dragon God Empire is still the same!”

Chahman said with emotion: “Master, to control Dragon God Empire, you can take 4 steps!”

“4 steps? Come and listen!”

Monray said with interest.

“1st Step, control the imperial government!”

“Now that the high-end Dragon Race battle strength is destroyed by the Master, the remaining Dragon Race is not to be feared!”

“The top priority now is to control the government, control the driving rights of the Dragon God Empire, and stabilize the overall situation to prevent chaos!”

“It makes sense, keep talking!”

Monray slightly nodded!

“No one can’t control the government!”

Chahman smiled sadly: “Master, you said earlier that you killed civil and military ministers. I don’t believe it. If my guess is correct, in fact you only killed important ministers and high officials, right?”

“Seems to be!”

Monray slightly frowned!

“Definitely is!”

Chahman laughed: “The officials who are eligible to enter the great hall are generally the chief executives or deputies of various departments!”

“Officials with too low level are not eligible to enter the great hall, so I boldly guess that you only killed high officials and important ministers!”

“As for the lower-level officials and knives and pens who were called by others, they should all be living well, and these people are the key to our control of Dragon God Empire!”

“carry on!”

“As long as you control these people, you will equivalently control the court of Dragon God Empire!”

“And to control them, my Undead Magic is perfect!”

Chahman smiled, showing a bloodthirsty expression!

Seeing him like this, Monray knew what it was going to do: “It’s better to be gentle with the Human Race who is willing to surrender! As for diehards and Draconian Noble, it’s up to you!”

“Master is assured, I have a few in my heart!”

Chahman patted his chest and promised again!

“Talk about 2nd Step and Step 3!”

“2nd Step, promote Human Race elite, eliminate Giant Dragon Noble!”

Chahman continued: “If you control the court, you equivalent to control the tongue of the empire!”

“At this time, the Master can amend the national law and oust Giant Dragon Noble!”

“If you don’t agree, kill them all!”

“Who dares to rebel, kill it too!”

“Kill him scream!”

“Kill him a blood flowing into a river!”

“Look who dares to confront the Master?”

“I believe that without Demi-God in Dragon Race, a group of ordinary Giant Dragons can’t be a climate at all!”


“Step 3, deal with neighboring countries!”


Listening to Monray and Chahman, you are planning how to control the Dragon God Empire, Sanir is infinitely sad!

If you do exactly what Chahman said, the entire Dragon God Empire will change ownership!

Dragon God Empire, there will be no place for Giant Dragon!

Dragon God Empire will completely become the world of Human Race!

With the fertility rate of Human Race, after tens of 100 years, who still remembers Dragon Race?

“Dragon Race, will it die…”

Sanir thought in horror.

At this time, the magic communicator suddenly rang. Is it Dean Fred calling?

Monray hesitated and chose to answer!


Dean Fred has a complicated face!


Monray responded with a smile, just like before!

“Monray, where are you now?”

Dean Fred asked in a low voice!

“I just came out of Dragon Island, ready to return to Imperial Capital!” Monray said truthfully!

“So, you already…”

Dean Fred’s face changed suddenly, and his voice trembled a little!

“Dragon Race 9 Demi-Gods, except Senior Emlyn and the escaped Storm Dragon, the other 8 Demi-Gods died, and the normal Dragon Race was wiped out!”

Monray respects Dean Fred and doesn’t want to deceive him on this kind of thing, and there is no need to deceive, he believes this news will spread soon!

“It’s over! Dragon Race is completely over!”

Dean Fred staggered, as if he had lost his soul: “I have thought about a lot of results, but I absolutely didn’t expect it to end this way!”

“Nine Dragon Race Demi-God, you killed 9 of them. Without Demi-God oversee, the end of the destruction is doomed. Even Dragon Race can no longer control the entire empire!”

Fred smiled bitterly: “that’s all! that’s all! This is the end, what can I say?”

“Monray, what do you plan to do next and how to treat each King room?”

This is what Fire Dragon King Philip 32th asked you to ask, right?

Monray was silent for a long time before slowly saying, “Dean, for your sake, I can leave a way out and allow all King rooms to settle in Lost Continent!”

“If they want, Lost Continent can be their habitat!”

“Just call it the new Dragon Island!”

PS: Ask for a ticket?

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