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“Booming -“

The majestic and luxurious palace was instantly burst, and even the surrounding palaces suffered!

The dust is flying and rumbling.

I saw a huge pig with golden mane appear out of thin air in the cluster of palaces.

The height is ten thousand meters, the length is ten thousand zhang, the huge ears are like tents, and the fangs are like steel thorns.

The most amazing thing is that a terrifying divine might radiated from this big pig, and arrogantly impacted the hearts of the people of Imperial Capital.


Everyone felt that the heart seemed to be caught by something, it was extremely uncomfortable!

“Dragon God above!”

“In the end what happened?”

People are trembling in fear, panic!

“Divine might!”

“This is divide might!”

“From the Imperial Palace!”

The busy Chahman and Sanir complexion greatly changed and even moved towards Imperial Palace flew!

“This… this is…”

2 people suddenly suck in a breath of cold air.

What a horrible divine might!

What a huge body!

This is definitely a Magic Beast of God level!

“Dragon God above! This is Divine Beast!”

“Netherworld God, what did I see?”

The 2 Demi-Gods were completely shocked!

“Pei pei pei!”

There was a sound of spitting, and the two of them looked at it in amazement, and saw Monray crawling out of the ruins, covered in dirt, a little embarrassed!

“Master … Master?”

Chahman and Sanir are a little confused!

“Damn! This Simple-minded Pig body is so big, it’s a miscalculation!”

Monray rose into the sky and looked at the body of Divine Beast, who was a huge zhang. He was a little staggered: “How long will a pig be so big for me?”

“Honorable Master, did you get this Divine Beast corpse?”

Chahman and Sanir flew over and asked in surprise!

“Yes! Isn’t the price of pork going up recently? I bought a pig and tried it myself!”

Monray slightly nodded: “Would you like to take some home and make some sausages?”

“Don’t! Don’t! This is the corpse of Divine Beast, how dare we covet it?”

2 People waved their hands quickly, but the desire and greed in their eyes were hard to conceal!

Divine Beast, meat!

The proper item of great nourishment, not to mention the taste, the value alone is immeasurable!

If you eat a piece, your strength will not skyrocket?

“I can’t finish it, so please divide it up!”

Monray waved his big hand, Blade of Dimension suddenly appeared, and instantly cut to the tail of Simple-minded Pig.


In the sound of metal collision, a string of sparks splashed, and the pig’s tail was intact!

“I’m going! So hard?”

Monray took a breath, God Killing Spear appeared in his hand, and a spear thrust passed.

With a sound of “puchi”, the pigtails of several hundred meters were all broken!

“Get it!”

Monray took back God Killing Spear: “You can use this pig tail to make sausages!”

“Master, this…isn’t it great?”

2 people swallowed wildly!

“Take it away!”

Monray threw the pig’s tail over and flew to the Simple-minded Pig, figuring out where to take the mouth. The Divine Body of this pig is hard, so it’s not easy to mouth!

“Thanks to the great Master!”

When the 2 people saw it, there was no pretense anymore, one by one, raising the pig’s tail and ran, for fear that it would be slow, Monray regretted it!

“Don’t patronize eating pork, things have to be done well!” Monray’s voice came from afar!

“Yes Yes Yes!”

“2 Consolidation!”

God Killing Spear is really not good at mouth, the muscle tissue is very flexible, and it is very difficult to cut meat. God Killing Spear is suitable for stabs, but the meat cutting effect is not good!

Monray tried various tools, but even the pig skin of the god pig couldn’t be cut.

Finally, I took a bloody scimitar and cut through the flexible pork!

“This knife is so sharp?”

Monray startled, “If I remember correctly, this knife was just picked up, right?”

“System, what is this knife called?”

“Back to the host, this is Abyssal Saber Demon’s companion scimitar!” System replied coldly!

“Abyssal Saber Demon’s companion scimitar!”

Monray couldn’t help being overjoyed. When he just picked it up, he didn’t care. He thought it was some rubbish. Didn’t expect it to be so sharp. He didn’t know what it was!

“Good knife!”

Monray very pleased in one’s mind, with one knife, 2 knives and 3 knives, which easily broke the god pig…

Then set up the grill, take out the seasoning, and cook with Divine Fire.

Rao is so, and it took a long time to roast the god pork!

“It smells so good!”

Monray grabbed a piece of roasted meat and stuffed it into his mouth. His mouth was fine, it was so delicious…


“It’s so fragrant!”

“It’s so delicious!”

“A bit of magical pork entered the mouth, and it felt like it bounced into the teeth. Every time you chewed, the meat bounced in your mouth. It was too chewy!”


“Not only is it chewy, this meat also contains a rich Life Essence!”

“The surging life energy disperses into 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, and the whole body is warm…”

“One word: beautiful!”

It was the first time that Monray had such a delicious barbecue and couldn’t stop it.

The powerful digestive function of Godeater Rat was perfectly demonstrated in this brief moment. Monray swallowed wildly and did not feel full.

After eating pork several times his own body weight, 6 of his abdominal muscles did not turn into one…

After eating from morning to night, Monray gave up, “hu ~~~ so cool!”

After burping, lying on the Imperial Palace square, stroking his belly, Monray couldn’t help but think of his food friend-Many Arms Behemoth Zacas!

“I haven’t seen this product for many days. How is it? Is it still alive?”

“Would you like to go to Lost Continent to see it? Nothing to do now anyway…”

Thinking of this, Monray waved his hand to put away the remaining pork, then Teleportation left, and when he reappeared, he had arrived at the Dragon God Church!

“Supreme Dragon God, save your humble servant…”

The Dragon God Church was full of believers who came to pray, including high-ranking officials, Draconian Noble, and more ordinary Humans!

They knelt in front of the Dragon God Statue, or worshipped loudly, or prayed devoutly, all in fear and anxiety, as if the end was coming!

Monray is slightly frowned, it’s not surprising that the turmoil will cause panic and panic will spread. The current Imperial Capital is indeed shrouded in an atmosphere of anxiety and panic!

When frightened, believers will naturally run to the church. This is normal, but it is the Pope of Dragon God Church that makes Monray unhappy.

This old bastard even preached that Demon was born, describing him as an evil Demon from Hell Abyss, who is doing harm to the world!

“The cruel Demon is here!”

“A terrible disaster is about to sweep Continent!”

“I see the near future!”

“Loss of life, Demon is raging!”

“Giant Dragon falls, the country is ruined and the family is destroyed!”

“Corpses everywhere across the field, 1000 miles from Chidi!”

“Just as the devil is raging and the disaster is about to destroy Continent, the great Dragon God has arrived!”

“He bathed in divine glow, holding a scepter, pedaling 7-color Giant Dragon, emerging victorious in a hopeless situation, bringing the storm to an end, life-saving spirit in water and fire…”

“Is there enough Fudge!”

Monray appeared suddenly, staring at the pope with awkward eyes!


The pope stopped abruptly, then looked at Monray blankly: “You…you are…”

“I am your uncle!”

Monray was coldly snorted, and he had a blood bond with this old fool and old god stick.

“From today, you will be the first pope of my Monray Church!”

“Remember, Dragon God is the Demon who harms the common people, and I… Savior!”

“Yes, my noble Master!”

The Pope crawled deeply under Monray’s feet, licking Monray’s stinky shoes, like licking honey!

“Good job!”

Monray left a word and disappeared!

The pope got up, raised his hands, loudly shouted: “I was wrong just now, the great Great God Monray came…”

“(⊙o⊙) …”


Monray has come to Lost Continent again!

Compared with the 10000 animal roar before, the vigorous scene, the current Lost Continent is depressed, quiet and a little scary.

“Where is Zacas?”

The divine sense spread, everything within a radius of 100 li was hidden, and the clear feedback was in Monray’s mind!


Teleportation appeared 100 miles away!

“still none!”

Teleportation for ten times in a row.

Monray finally found Zacas in Golden Bay. This product was lying on the beach and was sleeping, with an astonishing number of bones piled up next to it. Obviously this product was left behind!

“Master, where are you, Zacas misses you…”

Zacas slapped his mouth and talked in dreams from time to time, like a silly beast!

“This guy……”

Monray was amused, flew quietly to Zacas’s ear, and then roared:

“Zacas, get up!”


Zacas was suddenly shivered, his mane erected, his muscles tense, and he was frightened!


Upon seeing this, Monray clutched his stomach and laughed heartily up, his stomach hurts!


Hearing laughter, Zacas turned his head and looked over, tears bursting into his eyes.

He fell directly at Monray’s feet and howled Continent, crying like a giant baby!


“Boss, where have you been?”

“Go home!”

“Then will you leave?”

“You can go together if you want to go!”

“I’ll go wherever the boss goes!”

“Gu lu ~~~”

“Zacas, your stomach screams!”

“Hehe, hungry!”

“Then eat something before leaving!”

“Boss, wait, I’ll catch seafood!”

“No! I have something good!”

The meat of Divine Beast is naturally not covered. When the aroma came out, Zacas’s saliva almost flooded the endless deep sea next to it!

However, when the pork was cooked, the sad thing happened and Zacas couldn’t bite!

With its dignified Sacred Territory level of violence, Many Arms Behemoth, you can’t chew pork!

Zacas was so anxious that he almost cried, but the delicacy cannot be tasted at the moment, so I am very angry!

“Zacas, it seems you are not lucky enough to enjoy it!” Monray shook his head slightly: “Forget it, let’s have some dragon meat!”

Monray waved his hand and took out a 100-meter-long Golden Dragon corpse!

“Golden Dragon!!!”

Zacas’s eyes are almost staring out, Golden Dragon is comparable to Golden Behemoth, the boss actually wants to bake it?

Is it too extravagant?

Even so, Zacas did not relentlessly, and gobbled it up, stupefied that he had eaten up most of the Golden Dragon, and was properly possessed!

“I’m full, it’s time to go back!”

Back to the Imperial Palace, a group of acquaintances came!

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