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Those who came are acquaintances!

Dean Fred, Teacher Dirk Norwy, fatty Hart and Daniel.

This is the classmate Teacher!

In addition, more than a dozen villagers including Captain Hades, Jona, Joseph, Andrew, Uncle Leo, etc. also came!


Everyone greeted him.

“Everyone is here!”

Monray said hello one after another, and then said to Chahman: “Chahman, ask someone to get some food and drink, I want to entertain everyone!”

“Master, I have prepared food and drinks, and I can open a table anytime!”

Chahman said respectfully!

“let’s go!”

Monray waved his hand!


Chahman pats, a group of lithe and graceful court ladies walked into the palace carrying exquisite wine and dishes, and then placed them on the table!

“Sit down, everyone, eat and talk!”

Shaking off the palace maid, Monray said with a smile: “Everyone worked hard, rushed from Fire Dragon Kingdom to Imperial Capital, all are hungry, eat first!”

Eat and drink Hah!

I have had 5 dishes and 3 wines.

Monray straight to the point: “Dean, Fire Dragon King invites the big guy, what do you want to do?”

“Sure enough, I can’t hide it from you!”

Fred gave a wry smile: “Monray, Your Majesty wants you to leave a way out…”

“leave a way out ?”

Monray shook his glass: “I thought Philip 32th was a smart man, didn’t expect him to be stupid!”

“He thought I would leave a way out if he invited my friend, the villager, to intercede for him?”

“I don’t know if he did this, it will only backfire and make me even more disgusted!”


“At, Master!”

Sanir even trot in!

When I saw Sanir, Dean Fred complexion greatly changed, and even stood up and bowed to salute.

However, Sanir lowered his head and didn’t even glance at him, as if he hadn’t seen it.

“Go to Fire Dragon Kingdom and bring Fire Dragon King Philip 32th!”

Monray indifferently said: “I want to ask him, is he better than the 7th Dragon Race Demi-God, or his face is bigger than Frederick 66th?”

“Observe, Master!”

Sanir bowed, and then stepped out!

“Old Ancestor ……”

Fred looked at Sanir’s back, his heart was upset, Old Ancestor actually…

“Dean, don’t blame me for being cruel, the law of nature is cycle, retribution is unhappy that’s all!”

Monray sighed faintly: “For 410000 years, Human Race has been squeezed and exploited by Dragon Race for generations, and 100000000 million absolutely Human Race Koro has been smashed by Dragon Race!”

“Extremely oppressed!”

“Taste of exploitation!”

“Suffered discrimination!”

“No status!”

“no freedom!”

“There is no training opportunity!”

“Four ranks human system, Human Race is the cheapest!”

“How ridiculous? How cruel?”

Monray shook his head and said, “A long time ago, I took a heavy oath!”

“If one day!”

“If I have enough strength!”

“I’m going to overthrow the rule of Giant Dragon, smash this disgustingly deformed rule, and return the human race to life!”

Fred smiled bitterly, but Hades, Dirk Norwy, fatty and the others were full of enthusiasm and emotions, and only worship was left in their eyes!

“Now that I have this ability, I naturally have to fulfill my original vow!”

Monray looked at Fred: “So, Dean, don’t stop me, don’t intercede with those Giant Dragon Nobles who are wrapped in corpses, this will only hurt our feelings!”

“I understand!”

Fred gave a wry smile and sighed: “I see, you don’t need to say anything!”

“Thank the dean for understanding!”

Monray slightly nodded, and looked towards Dirk Norwy and the others: “Teacher Dirk, can you tell me what benefits Philip 32th has given you?”

“Benefits? There are so many benefits!”

Dirk Norwy haha ​​smiled: “He promised me that after it was done, he not only gave me ten Law Source Crystals to help me enter the Sacred Territory, but also canonized me as the Duke of the Kingdom and the Fiefdom for 500 miles!”

“But don’t worry, I won’t intercede with him!”

Dirk Norwy smiled triumphantly: “I won’t hide it from you. After hearing that you killed the emperor and civil and military ministers, I guessed what you were going to do!”

Speaking of this, Dirk Norwy’s eyes are full of enthusiasm and excitement: “This is my best chance to stand up and be the master in Human Race forty thousand years. If I plead with him, then I will become the sinner of Human Race. Standing among the world?”

“Teacher Dirk said well!”

Daniel exclaimed, Captain Hades and the others were even nodded.

“It’s the Teacher Dirk I know!”

Monray also laughed: “I knew when I first met you, you are a pure Human Race!”

“So, when you know that I also contain Draconian Bloodline, you must be disappointed?”

“Surely disappointed!”

Dirk Norwy did not shy away from Dean Fred, shook his head and said with a smile: “I always thought you were a pure Human Race genius, didn’t expect that you are also Draconian, and I was really disappointed for a while!”

“But having said that, don’t you also have Dragon Race bloodline, why do you attack Dragon Race so hard without leaving any affection?”

This question is also a question that Dean Fred has been struggling with. He looked towards Monray and his eyes were also suspicious!

Monray also did not hide: “I have a special ability to integrate other bloodlines into myself!”

“so that’s how it is !”

“I understand!”

Dirk Norwy and Dean Fred suddenly realized, no wonder Monray suddenly awakened Fire Dragon Bloodline, and later also awakened Golden Dragon Bloodline, it turns out that he has such a peculiar ability!

Monray flipped it through, took out 100 Law Source Crystals and handed them to Dirk Norwy.

“Teacher Dirk, you have been stuck at Level 9 Peak for a long time, these Law Source Crystals should help you!”

“Law Source Crystal!!!”

Dirk Norwy was shocked: “How can this work? This is too expensive, I dare not ask for it!”

“I went to Dragon Island this time and made a small fortune. There are so many Law Source Crystals!”

Monray explained: “Just accept it!”

“Then I’ll be disrespectful!”

Dirk Norwy was very excited: “Thank you Monray, if you have any requirements in the future, even if you ask, climb a mountain of swords or plunge into a sea of ​​fire, let’s do it!”

“Coincidentally, I really need your help!”

Monray also laughed: “Teacher, as you know, 100 people are waiting to be revived, and talents are urgently needed. If you have friends in this area, you can introduce me!”

“Relax! I’ll contact you when I get back!”

Dirk Norwy is nodded, he can probably guess what Monray is facing, and know what Monray needs!

“Then trouble the Teacher!”

Monray slightly smiled and looked towards fatty, and couldn’t help but laugh and curse: “Fatty, aren’t you hu hu hu hu hu hu hu, how come you are like quail today?”

Fatty shook his body, said with a bitter smile: “Old Brother, I also contain Golden Dragon bloodline, I’m afraid you will kill it!”

“You also count as Golden Dragon bloodline?”

Monray said ill-humoredly: “Golden Dragon never admits to clansman like you!”

Upon hearing this, fatty suddenly smiled: “I knew Old Brother, you won’t kill me, hehehe. When I came out, my old father 1000 reminded me of 10000, let me be respectful to you!”

“Why don’t you say that this is different from the past, you kill the dragon like a hemp and reject Dragon Race…”

“I knew that my old father was wrong. Old Brother, if you re-divide, you won’t kill my brother who has been with me!”

“Brother? Even with your strength, you dare to call me a brother? Don’t put money on your face!”

Monray cursed with a smile, took out a sacred tree fruit and threw it over: “Eat it, break through Sacred Territory earlier, or I won’t have your friend!”

“what is this?”

Fatty has doubts.

“The fruit of the sacred tree, something that can make people and Magic Beast breakthrough Sacred Territory!”

Monray casually explained, took out more than a dozen fruits, and gave them to Daniel, Captain Hades, Joseph, Jona and the others!

He checked these fruits, and there is no Divinity of Mother Tree of Life, so you can take them with confidence.

“Breakthrough Sacred Territory?”

“And this treasure?”

“Too expensive, we dare not ask for it!”

Everyone was shocked, and repeatedly declined!

“The fruit of the sacred tree is useless to me, so please take it with ease!”

Monray said with a smile: “Besides, you are all close to me. Who will not give it to you?”

“This… okay!”

Everyone took the fruit of the sacred tree!

Fatty was holding the fruit and almost crying with excitement: “I was insulted by someone since Fatty was born, saying that I defiled the Golden Dragon bloodline, which is a shame for Dragon Race!”

“I also said that I am like my old father, and I can only drag out an ignoble existence under the name Golden Dragon Bloodline in my life!”

“Who would have thought that I am fatty as well today! There will also be a day to achieve Sacred Territory!”

“Wu wu wu, thank you Old Brother, knowing you is the luckiest thing in my life…”

“Can you get a little bit better?”

Monray gave him a white look: “Training well and achieve Sacred Territory as soon as possible. If you can purify your own Bloodline, incarnation Golden Dragon, I will appoint you as the new Dragon Sovereign and be responsible for managing the new Dragon Island!”


The fatty tiger body shocked!

“I lied to you?”

Monray hummed softly.

“Hehe! Old Brother’s words are naturally one word worth nine sacred tripods, I believe it!”

fatty laughed!

“Captain Hades!”

Monray looked towards Hades and a dozen villagers again: “Since they are all here, don’t leave!”

“Well, take all the villagers over and live in this Imperial Palace. It’s so lively!”

“Unable! Unable!”

Hades was taken aback: “We are all mountain villagers and we are used to living in the mountains. How can we qualify to live in the Imperial Palace compound?”

“Nothing is impossible! Giant Dragon can live, why can’t you live?”

Monray waved his hand: “It just so happened that everyone moved here and we are training in this Imperial Palace!”

“The temper muscles and bones temper muscles and bones, the training battle energy training battle energy, the learning magic and the magic, wouldn’t it be better to have someone responsible for eating?”

Hades smiled bitterly, a little speechless for a while, and the others were secretly speechless!


Too fucking wayward!

Send the sacred tree fruits casually!

Yamanomura lives in the Imperial Palace!

How inflated this is!

To do such a thing?

“Where is Monray?”

At this moment, an indifferent voice suddenly came from the sky, like a muffled thunder…

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