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Standing proudly in the sky is a strong middle-aged man with a burly body and disheveled hair, with blond hair hanging down to his waist, like Super Saiyan three.

A breathtaking domineering aura radiates from this person, which is trembling in fear!

“Where is Monray?”

The blond middle-aged had an indifferent face and looked down at the people in the Imperial Palace, with thunderous voices.

“You looking for me?”

Monray rises into the sky!

“Are you Monray?”

The blond middle-aged looked at Monray up and down, and said, “Sure enough, Heroes come out from the Youth!”

“This King heard that Dragon God Empire recently released a Monster, which not only killed the Emperor, but also destroyed the Dragon Island Demi-God!”

“Who are you?”

Monray indifferently said.

“This King Golden Dragon Lion Race Tackray!”

Strong middle-aged said with a smile!

“Golden Dragon Lion Race?”

Dean Fred complexion changed!

“Dean, do you know this family?” Dirk Norwy asked quickly.

“Golden Dragon Lion Race is a very old family, second only to Four Great Empires!”

Fred explained: “The Golden Dragon Lion Bloodline that this family has inherited from generation to generation is said to be Divine Beast Bloodline!”

“Therefore, as long as members of this family can awaken the Golden Dragon Lion Bloodline, they will definitely be able to step into the Sacred Territory!”

“Divine Beast Bloodline?”

“Must step into the Sacred Territory?”

Dirk Norwy couldn’t help taking a breath!

“No one knows where the Golden Dragon Lion Race is located, and no one knows how many powerhouses this family has. They only know that the descendants of the Golden Dragon Lion Race will come to Continent every once in a while to experience, and nothing else!”

Fred sighed!

“Golden Dragon Lion Race? I don’t know it!”

Monray shook his head slightly: “Never heard of it either!”


Tackray squinted slightly, a severe light flashed under his eyes, and then said with a smile: “It doesn’t matter if you don’t know each other, you will meet today!”

“This King is here today, it’s a joy!”

“First of all, congratulations to the little friend Monray for taking the Dragon God Empire and becoming Lord of a Country since then, with 100000000 million 10000 followers, collecting faith, opening up the kingdom of God, and achieving True God is just around the corner!”

“Congratulations to me?”

The corners of Monray’s mouth curled up: “You are afraid that it is more than this, right?”

“Monray little friend Mingjian!”

Tackray smiled leisurely: “You guys should know that Dragon God Empire has a vast territory and a large number of people, but the young guys are young and weak, they may be difficult to digest!”

“So I’m here to help the little friends, help them manage the Dragon God Empire together, share worries, solve problems, and give a helping hand!”

Monray smiled, then looked towards all around: “You guys are like him, do you mean the same?”

There was silence around, no response!

“Since it’s here, come out!”

Monray indifferently said: “The deity of dignified Demi-God, hiding his head and revealing his tail is a little bit angry!”

“I was discovered by my friend Monray!”

Golden Dragon Lion Tackray haha ​​smiled and said with a smile: “Everyone, since little friends Monray found you, come out!”

“shua ——”

“shua ——”

“shua ——”

Several silhouettes flashed past and appeared beside Tackray, all auras surging and breathtaking.

“My friend Monray, let me introduce to you!”

Tackray pointed to a huge zhang beside him and said, “This is Fallen Titan Barbus!”

“Barbus was once the Dark Titan King, one of the Ten 2 Pillar Kings of the Titan Empire, with the pure Dark Titan Royal Family Bloodline flowing in his body!”

“Fallen Titan!”


Fred’s face changed drastically, and he whispered, “God, it’s him! He is still alive and has become a Demi-God?”

“Dean, do you know Barbus?”

Dirk Norwy asked again!

“Tackray is right, Barbus was indeed the Dark Titan King, one of the Ten 2 Pillar Kings of the Titan Empire, titled [Black Bear King]!”

Fred lowered his voice and explained: “But the rumored Barbus is very lustful. It is said that he sneaked into the Titan Sovereign Palace and raped the beautiful and alluring Titan Empire Empress, gave the then Lightning Titan a green hat, and launched it after the incident. Rebellion!”

“The subsequent results speak for themselves!”

“Barbus was defeated and suppressed. Not only was he deprived of the title of King Dark Titan, but he was also sentenced to capital punishment and bleed to death!”

Having said this, Fred’s face was full of shock: “Didn’t expect that he is still alive, and he has become a Fallen Titan, it is incredible!”

“Green Titan Sovereign…”

Everyone was completely speechless!

“You are a little human, but you slaughtered Dragon Race Demi-God? Unbelievable!”

The Fallen Titan stared at the large millpan eyes, his eyes full of curiosity.

“You are the first Titan I have ever seen!”

Monray also looked at Brubas, his eyes flashed with interest!

“I am very honored!”

The Fallen Titan’s urn laughed loudly, and the sound was like muffled thunder rolling in four directions.

“This is the king of the Sunset Mountains-Chimera Queen Ambrose!”

Tackray pointed to a sexy woman with a graceful figure and heavy makeup!

“Oh, little friend Monray slaughtered Dragon Race to avenge your servant, great kindness and virtue, your servant is not rewarded, how about devote one’s life to?”

Chimera Queen covered her mouth and chuckled, and her big charming eyes shot Monray.

It’s Monray temperament tenacious, and I can’t help but feel an electric shock!

“You have an enemy with Dragon Race?”

Monray is somewhat astonished.

“Little Monray knows something!”

Chimera Queen pursed her lips and explained: “Our Chimera Race originally belonged to the Dragon Race lineage, but due to appearance issues, we were eventually expelled by Dragon Race to the Sunset Mountains, and the enmity ended!”

“so that’s how it is !”

Monray suddenly realized that he couldn’t help asking: “Where is the mountain range?”

Ambrose was slightly surprised, and immediately said with a lovable smile: “Sunset Mountains are located on the Titan Plateau, the border between the Titan Empire and the Beastman Empire!”


Monray slightly nodded, looked towards Demi-God No. 4: “Who are you?”

“Naga Rose, Dark Elf Empress!”

Without waiting for Tackray to explain, the 4th Demi-God was self-introduced!

She has cascading silver hair, a bloody crown on her head, a bloody black robe, and a bloody dagger around her waist!

Sharp ears, 5 official beauty, wearing a translucent black gauze skirt, plump and graceful body faintly discernible, full of alternative Charm!

“Dark Elf Empress?”

Monray startedled and couldn’t help but look at her a few more times: “It turns out to be Dark Elf Empress, I really admire a big name!”

“We, Dark Elf, have lived in the underground world for generations. Except for the hypocritical natural Elf, few people have heard our name!”

Dark Elf Empress has a cold voice, obviously not convinced by Monray!

“I also saw a description of Dark Elf in an ancient book!”

Monray slightly smiled, his gaze swept across the 4 Demi-God one after another.

Golden Dragon Lion!

Fallen Titan!

Chimera Queen!

Dark Elf Empress!

“You four suddenly visited today, do you want to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for me?”

Monray asked with a smile!

“Ming people don’t speak secret words!”

The Fallen Titan buzzed: “When we arrive at our realm, we will train on our own, and we will become a god in the foreseeable future. It can even be said to be a luxury!”

“So, we need believers, we need to spread the faith, we need to collect Power of Faith!”

“So, maybe it is hoped to have a glimpse of God’s position and become the existence of Supreme!”

Fallen Titan stared at Monray: “You have captured the vast Dragon God Empire. I hope you can allocate 20% of the territory to me for preaching!”

“What about you?”

Monray looked towards Chimera Queen!

“The Sunset Mountains are barren and cold, with scarce resources, and at the junction of Titan Empire and Beastman Empire, suffering from the war between the two countries!”

Chimera Queen said quietly: “Besides, Chimera was originally a member of Dragon Race. Returning to Dragon God Empire and regaining everything that belongs to us is our long-cherished wish for Chimera Race!”


Monray hehe smiled!

“I hope that the little friend of Monray will have mercy on our Chimera Race and give Wood Dragon Kingdom and the surrounding wood dragon forest to our Chimera Race as a new habitat!”

Chimera Queen charming eyes were like silk, looking at Monray with hope!

“Wood Dragon Kingdom and the surrounding wood dragon forest, about equivalent to Dragon God Empire 20% of the territory, hehe, good plot against!”

Monray chuckled and looked towards Dark Elf Empress: “Lady Empress must mean the same thing, right?”

“an innocent man treasuring a jade ring becomes a crime !”

Dark Elf Empress has a cold voice: “Dragon God Empire is a piece of fat, so you should have a share!”

“See you have a share?”

Monray chuckled.

“Leaving the underground world and establishing the Dark Elf Empire has always been Naga Rose’s long-cherished wish. In order to fulfill this wish, Empress has nothing to fear!”

Golden Dragon Lion Tackray admired: “Little friend Monray, Dragon God Empire is a piece of fat. Demi-Gods from all Continents are glare like a tiger watching his prey. They can do anything for faith!”

“The wolves are waiting, the hungry tigers are in the door!”

“My friend Monray, you are in a very bad situation right now. Anyone who is not careful will be eaten by these hungry Demi-Gods!”

“So, you are here to help me?”

Monray’s mouth cocked, faint smile!

“Yes! Of course we are here to help you, and even willing to form an alliance with you!”

The Golden Dragon Lion Tackray continued: “As long as the 5 of us form an alliance, we can help each other, defend against incoming enemies, and defend the Dragon God Empire!”

“He he he!”

Monray smiled: “Sounding sounding, don’t you want to snatch the cake from me?”

Monray looked towards 3 other people: “If you do what you said, every Demi-God has to allocate 20% of the territory. Isn’t the huge Dragon God Empire not enough for you?”

“Little friend Monray, do you not agree?” Tackray brows slightly wrinkle!

“I promised fuck, you idiot!”

Monray suddenly exploded: “Tell you, Dragon God Empire is mine. No one can ever want to take an inch of territory, and the king Laozi will not come!”

“Whoever dared to reach out and snatch it, Laozi chopped his hand!”

“Who dare to watch and covet, Laozi slashed him!”

“If you want to snatch Laozi’s cake, it depends on whether your head is iron enough and your neck is hard enough!”

“Bold !!!!”

“impudent !!!”

“Arrogant !!!”

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