You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

“That… that is…”

Not far away in the sky, Sanir stopped suddenly and looked at the five silhouettes standing proudly above the Imperial Palace, with a look of shock on his face!

“Old Ancestor, what’s wrong?”

Sanir also carries a person in his hand, the golden robe crown, it is Fire Dragon King Philip 32th!

“Four Demi-God!”

Sanir’s face was solemn: “Four Demi-Gods appeared above the Imperial Palace and they are besieging Monray!”

“Four Demi-God? Siege Monray!”

Philip 32th ecstatic: “So, Monray, the rebel is dead? Haha, Dragon God bless, Dragon God bless!”

“He is dead, are you happy?”

Sanir sneered again and again!

“of course!”

Philip 32th showed hatred: “This rebel has committed trouble!”

“Kill me Dragon Race Dragon Sovereign, slaughter my Dragon Race Demi-God, and cholera my Dragon Race Saji!”

“The sin is serious, the sin is terrible!”

“I can’t wait to drink its blood, eat its flesh, sleep its skin, chopped it up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, and put it to death in Ling Chi to vent my hatred!”

“If he dies, I will drink it for 3 days and 3 nights, and the whole country will celebrate for half a year!”

“Drinking for 3 days and 3 nights?”

“The whole country celebrates half a year?”

Sanir complexion ashen: “If he dies, Laozi will kill you first!”

“Old Ancestor, you…what do you mean?”


The 4 Demi-Gods were angry, and divine might spread out, hiding the sky and covering the earth, pressing towards Monray!


The aftermath of the spill hit everyone’s hearts like a heavy hammer.

Fortunately, Fred, Hades and the others are unlucky, and are directly pressed on the ground!

When Chahman saw this, he released the Domain of God and enveloped everyone, Hades and the others stood up tremblingly!


“too terrifying!”

“Is this God?”

Hades and the others gasped, like walking around the gates of hell!

“Brat, since you refuse a toast only to be forced to drink a forfeit, then don’t blame this King for being merciless!”

Tackray coldly snorted: “Kill you, we dominate Dragon God Empire!”

“Human brat, you are too arrogant!”

The Fallen Titan urn roared, the black mist tumbling all over, fiercely staring at Monray.

“Since the little friend Monray is ruthless, then don’t blame your servant for the meaninglessness!”

Chimera Queen has a charming voice, and a huge rare beast illusory shadow surrounds her head!

“No one can stop the rise of Dark Elf!”

Dark Elf Empress holds a dagger, his face is cold and severe!

“Being a bitch, I want to set up an archway!”

Monray sneered: “Want to resolve a difficult situation and leave worries behind for me? Yes! Offer your Divine Soul Source and become my slave, I can barely accept it!”

“courting death !”

“Nonsense, kill!”

Dark Elf Empress directly turned into a black mist, disappearing in the same place instantly, before 0,01% of the second arrived before Monray.


The blood-colored dagger burst into a cold glow, flashing across Monray’s throat.

“Lady Empress, your speed is too slow!”

Monray’s voice came from behind, and Dark Elf Empress looked at it in amazement. There was only an afterimage in front of him.

“So fast!!!”

Dark Elf Empress was shocked, and even turned into a black mist and flew out 100 meters, avoiding Monray’s attack!

“Dark Elementalization?”

Monray was a little surprised!

“Little friend Monray doesn’t know yet!”

Chimera Queen said with a smile: “Naga Rose younger sister is the Darkness element Elf, one of the top ten Elf elements, and the elementalization is her Innate Divine Ability!”

“Darkness element Elf? Innate Divine Ability?”

Monray licked his lips: “Very good ability, but it’s mine in the next second!”

“System, how much does it cost to use [Ruthless Plunder] to plunder Dark Elf Empress’s Innate Divine Ability?”

“Ding! Dark Elementalization is the unique Innate Divine Ability of the Darkness element Elf. The level category is High Level Innate Divine Ability. Dark Elf Empress has the Demi-God Middle Stage strength!”

system coldly said: “It is estimated that 100Law Source Crystal will be required to plunder Innate Divine Ability Dark Elementalization!”

“100Law Source Crystal, it’s really not cheap!” Monray stunned secretly: “Look at it!”


Wealth shrank instantly by 100Law Source Crystal!

At the same time, Dark Elf Empress, who was 100 meters away, only felt an inexplicable force covering him!

She was in a daze, as if she had lost something, but she couldn’t tell what she had lost!


Almost at the same time, Monray saw countless Darkness elements gushing out, like a tide that melted into the 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, into the musculoskeletal membrane, into every cell…

Monray has a feeling that every cell, every inch of skin, and every organ in the body has undergone a certain change silently!

Good luck!

Monray raised his right hand, and the right hand turned into a black mist, to be precise, into a black Darkness element!

“Dark Elementalization!”

As the Darkness element Elf, Dark Elf Empress is naturally very familiar with this Innate Divine Ability. Looking at the right hand of Monray Dark Elementalization, her face is full of surprise!

“Are you also the Darkness element Elf?”

“No! Wrong!”

“You are not the Darkness element Elf, I don’t feel the same aura from you!”

Dark Elf Empress shook his head vigorously: “How did you do it?”

“How did you do it?”

Monray looked at his right hand: “Just watched and learned!”

Learned by watching it?


Dark Elf Empress collapsed a bit, and the face of Tackray 3 Demi-God became serious!

Not to mention how Monray learned Dark Elementalization, this ability alone is very abnormal!

This means that to kill Monray, the increase in difficulty is not just a little bit!

“Monray actually has this ability!”

Fred and Dirk Norwy looked at each other, and both saw the shock in each other’s eyes.

I heard Monray said before that he has the ability to integrate other bloodlines, they still don’t believe it!

But at this moment, they believed it!

Even the Innate Divine Ability of elementalization can be integrated. What is strange about integrating Bloodline?

“Lady Empress, to thank you for your Innate Divine Ability!” Monray flicked his fingers: “I can leave you a whole body!”

“Who kill who must be!”

Dark Elf Empress coldly snorted: “He is faster than me, you guys be careful!”

“I hate these fast guys the most. They jump up and down like monkeys, annoying!”

Fallen Titan slightly frowned!


Golden Dragon Lion Tackray disdainful smile: “Dare to claim speed in front of our Golden Dragon Lion Race? It’s a laugh!”

“Well, today I will let you see what the real speed is!”

“xiu – ”

Disdainful words are still echoing in the void, Tackray has disappeared in the same place, and when he reappears, he unexpectedly appears behind Monray.

“Youngster showing off one’s ability is a good thing, but just after being easy to break, showing off one’s ability is easy to fall into trouble!”

“Easy to stumble?” Monray sneered. “Laozi will let you eat shit now!”


Tackray was coldly snorted, the right hand snapped out, but Monray disappeared after a Teleportation!

“Is it gone?”

Tackray is incredible!

“Old Guy!”

Monray’s voice rang behind him, and fiercely kicked it out.


Tackray flew out directly!

“Old bastard, don’t you want me to see the real speed?”

Monray walked like a shadow, reappears behind Tackray, kicked Tackray’s ass again, then disappeared, and when it reappeared, he was in front of Tackray again!

“This is your speed?”

Monray sneered and punched out, hitting Tackray’s abdomen!


Tackray cried out in pain, and was almost beaten out of the meal overnight. His body was bowed into dried shrimps, and his forehead was violent. The pain was extreme!

“Go eat shit, old bastard!”

Monray Teleportation to Tackray behind, leg raised fiercely kick on Tackray’s ass.

At this time, it was very close to the ground, so Tackray was a tragedy!

The face touched the ground first, and there was an intimate contact with the ground, and a human-shaped hole was smashed into the ground, and a sturdy dog ​​came to eat shit!

“Just this speed? Just this!”

Monray shook his head and looked towards Fallen Titan, Chimera Queen and Dark Elf Empress.

“Give you a chance, hand over the Divine Soul Source, submit to me, I don’t care about your crimes, if not, kill without mercy!”

“Brat, your speed is really fast enough, but you think you can kill me, foolish dreams!”

Fallen Titan snorted, and he has absolute confidence in his own strength. As a Titan family, he is born with Divine Power and has unparalleled defense!

In addition, he is Fallen Titan, able to communicate with the distant Demon World, absorb the Darkness energy of Demon World for his own use, repair the body, and constantly resurrect!

Kill him?


He wanted to leave, no one could stop him!

“is it?”

The corner of Monray’s mouth was cocked, and a bloody scimitar appeared in his hand. Next moment, strangely appeared beside Fallen Titan and cut it out of thin air!

“puchi -“

The fierce blood-colored blade glow soared in an instant, turning into a 400-meter knife, and instantly slashed across Fallen Titan’s shoulders, only to hear a puchi sound, Fallen Titan’s left arm broke!

Monray Teleportation returned to the original place: “Can’t kill? A 400-meter knife to find out!”

“pu ——”

The black golden blood rushed, Fallen Titan grunted in pain, but stared at the bloody scimitar in Monray’s hand!

“This is the companion scimitar of Abyssal Saber Demon! Who the hell are you?”

“It doesn’t matter who I am, what matters is that I can kill you at any time!”

Monray indifferently said: “The same sentence: hand over Divine Soul Source, submit to me!”

“If not, I don’t mind letting your head taste the 400-meter knife!”

“Only the Titan who died in battle, not the Titan who surrendered!”

Fallen Titan growled: “Want me to surrender, unless I die!”

“That’s a pity!”

Monray shook his head slightly, and raised the Scarlet Scimitar to end Fallen Titan’s life.

At this moment, Chahman suddenly said: “Master, after killing him, can you give me his body?”

“What do you want his body to do?”

Monray has some doubts!

“Fallen Titan belongs to the Darkness creature and is an excellent material for refining Undead Knight!”

Chahman licked his lips: “Master gave me his body, and I also Master a Titan with a monstrous battle strength!”

“Huh? That feeling is good!”

Monray’s eyes lit up.

“You are the evil Undead Demi-God?”

The Fallen Titan stared at Chahman, his eyes full of anger and a hint of fear.

Death is dead!

But if the evil Undead Demi-God was put on the test bench after death, it would be intolerable!

PS: Tomorrow New Year’s Day, I wish you all a Happy New Year’s Day, a healthy and healthy New Year!

On the last day of 2019, I set a small goal and hope that it can be achieved in the new year!

1. Early to bed and early to rise

2. Lose 10 pounds

3. Keep walking 10000 steps every day

4. Never think about life in the middle of the night

5. Say goodbye to your bereavement

6. No longer like someone easily

7. Successfully leave the order

You can write down your New Year’s goals and see if they can be achieved this time next year.

I wish you all happiness, okay.

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