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The breeze is blowing slowly, like a slender jade hand of a beauty, gently stroking people’s cheeks.

Gentle, light and comfortable.

However, Fallen Titan Barbus was uncomfortable. He looked at the two headless corpses, leaving only fear in his heart!

Chimera Queen!

Golden Dragon Lion!

It’s so dead!

Dark Elf Empress also escaped!

2 Flee!

Now, I’m left!

How to do?


Can’t escape!


Can’t beat it!


I don’t want to die!

Is it necessary to acknowledge allegiance?

Do not!

I am the noble Fallen Titan!

Just die, just be chopped up ten-thousand times by a thousand blades, just jump from here, I will never acknowledge allegiance!


Monray looked over!

“I acknowledgment allegiance!”

The Fallen Titan hurriedly knelt down on one knee, lowered his noble head, and then took the initiative to release Divine Soul Source, which was very happy!

Monray stunned slightly: “Barbus, you made a wise decision!”

“Thanks to the great Master!”

The Fallen Titan stood up and looked at Monray with complicated eyes.

He knows that from now on, his life and death will be completely controlled by Monray!

Monray let him live, he live!

Monray let him die, he died!

No more chance to stand up!

“Big guy, you disappointed me so much!”

Chahman was very dissatisfied: “As a noble Fallen Titan, how can you acknowledge allegiance? Shouldn’t you fight to the end, rather than surrender?”

“Evil Undead Demi-God, stay away from Barbus!” Fallen Titan stared at Chahman disgustedly: “Otherwise, I will blow your head with one blow!”

“Jié jié! cracking a joke!”

Chahman glanced at the huge fist of Fallen Titan, and said with a smile, “Since the acknowledge allegiance is now, it is a friend!”

“Barbus, welcome to join!”

“Hmph! That’s the truth!”

Fallen Titan lightly snorted, his complexion slightly eased a lot!

Monray slightly smiled: “Barbus, do you know where the Golden Dragon Lion Race is?”

“Master, Golden Dragon Lion Race is located in Golden Archipelago, where there are more than 0/5000 large and small islands, all of which are the territory of Golden Dragon Lion Race!” Barbus replied respectfully!

“Golden Archipelago?” Monray slightly nodded: “You should know the way?”

“Golden Archipelago is located in the East Sea Territory of the endless deep sea. It will fly eastward along the Blue Dragon Kingdom for nearly 310000 kilometers and you will reach the Golden Archipelago!”

Barbus respectfully said: “300 years ago, I visited the Golden Archipelago, and I met Tackray at that time!”

“Since you know the road, it will be easier!”

Monray is satisfied with nodded: “You will accompany me to the Underground World first, then to the Sunset Mountains, and finally to the Golden Archipelago!”

“Master, this…I’m afraid something is wrong!”

Barbus hesitated!


Monray slightly frowned!

“The underground world is incredibly complicated, and there are all kinds of evil God and Demon heads entrenched! These Evil Gods are fierce and evil, and extremely exclusive. If we enter the underground, we will easily be attacked by them!”

Barbus explained: “For example, the Spider Goddess that Dark Elf Race believes in is a very evil and vicious Evil God!”

“If you go to trouble with Naga Rose, Spider Goddess will not sit idly by!”

“Spider Goddess?” Monray eyebrow raised: “Is she True God, or Demi-God?”

“Spider Goddess has not yet achieved True God, but it is a very old Demi-God, even as old as the 4 Great True Gods!”

Barbus explained: “It is said that if it weren’t for Dragon God, Beast God, Elf Goddess, Titan Giant God 4 True Gods to jointly expel to the underground world, Spider Goddess would have become True God!”

“But even so, Spider Goddess is still the deepest and unmeasurable Demi-God, Master should not provoke it!”

“Spider Goddess…”

Monray squinted his eyes slightly: “Listening to what you said, I suddenly wondered, did Dark Elf Empress come under the orders of Spider Goddess?”

“It’s very possible!”

Barbus slightly nodded: “As the oldest Demi-God, Spider Goddess is only one step away from the position of True God! It can be said that it requires faith more than any Demi-God!”

“It coincides with the slaughter of Dragon Race Demi-God and the fat faith territory of Dragon God Empire is vacated. How could Spider Goddess let it go?”

“In other words, even if I don’t bother with Spider Goddess, it will find me!”

Monray smiled: “In that case, it’s better to take the initiative to kill the door and kill it, so that it will not trouble me in the future!”


Barbus hesitated.

“It’s nothing! Dragon God Empire is mine, no one wants to get involved!”

Monray waved his hand: “Not to mention the old garbage like Spider Goddess, it should stay in the underground world struggling on whilst at death’s door instead of running to provoke me!”

Barbus smiled bitterly when he heard the words, and didn’t know what to say. This Master didn’t even pay attention to Spider Goddess.

“Master, when are you going to leave?” Chahman respectfully asked!

“Just today!”

Monray thought for a while!

“In that case, I will first wish Master won instant success and win the game!” Chahman said with a smile.

“I hope as you wish!”


At this time, Sanir flew over with Philip 32th!


Philip 32th looked at Monray, barely squeezing a smile.

“Your Majesty !”

“This is Your Majesty!”

Fred, Dirk Norwy, Hades and the others all looked over, looking nervous and confused.

“Your Majesty, we meet again!”

Monray looked at the Fire Dragon King and felt quite complicated. The first time he saw the Fire Dragon King, he was aloof and remote, accompanied by more than 100 Sacred Territory, and he was invincible, and he was just a small 9-level Archmage!

Never thought that after so much time, Felit has become an insignificant nobody.

The changes in the world are unpredictable for cause and effect.

“It’s an honor for me to see Lord Monray!” Philip 32th was panicked.

“Your Majesty, I want you to go to the new Dragon Island, why don’t you go?”

Monray frowns: “Instead of not going, but also looking for my relatives and friends, what do you want to do? Plead? Or threaten me?”

“No no no! Not like this!”

Philip 32th’s forehead oozes cold sweat: “Lord Monray, I will go to the new Dragon Island, I will go to the new Dragon Island immediately!”

“Unfortunately, I have already given you the opportunity, but you did not grasp it!”

Monray waved his hand and said indifferently: “Barbus, you have not eaten breakfast all the way here, I will send him to you!”

“Thank Master!”

Barbus was overjoyed and couldn’t help licking his tongue with a cruel look on his face!

As Titan, he has a lot of food, but Giant Dragon is definitely the most delicious dish!

However, even if he is Demi-God, he dare not risk offending Dragon Race and eat Giant Dragon!

So, he hasn’t eaten dragon meat for a long time, and now he can open meat, how can Barbus not be happy?

“Lord Monray, you can’t do this!”

Philip 32th was horrified, but Monray didn’t even look at him, so he could only ask Sanir: “Old Ancestor, save me, you are Demi-God, as long as you ask for mercy, you can definitely save me…”


Sanir smiled bitterly, Laozi is just a mount, I have a face like a fart!

Let me intercede for you?

You should die!

“I don’t want to see him!”

Monray waved his hand.

“Yes, Master!”

Barbus gave a grinning grin, grabbed Philip 32th’s head and put his body in the space ring!

Install it first and eat slowly later!


Fred slowly closed his eyes and couldn’t bear to look again, he didn’t even plead from start to finish.

Fred knows very well that Monray has an unprecedented heart in killing Giant Dragon, and it is useless to intercede!

“His Majesty the King just died like this?”

Dirk Norwy, fatty, Hades and the others took a breath, and a chill rose behind them.

Until now, Fire Dragon King is aloof and remote and unattainable in their hearts!

But just now!

Right in front of them!

The unattainable King was directly caught and exploded. This is something that I never dreamed of before!

But it just happened!

“This is Monray now!”

“This is Old Brother now!”

the first time!

Fatty, Hades, Jona and the others have truly seen Monray’s power.

The so-called King and the so-called Monarch of the entire Country are not farts in Monray’s eyes, they can be destroyed easily!

“Chahman, Sanir!”

Just as the entire group was thinking about it, Monray spoke: “After I leave, you two will take care of the empire. I hope I can hear the good news from you when I come back!”

“Definitely worthy of Master’s trust!”

Chahman and Sanir should say yes!

“And my friends, you also have to take good care of you, don’t neglect!”

Monray pointed to Fred and Hades and the others, and specifically ordered!

“Yes, Master!”


“Master, the underground world is intricate and complex, similar to a maze. If there is no one to lead, it is easy to get lost. Even our Demi-God will be very troublesome!”

“Lead the way? It’s easy!”

Two people were super fast, and it took only 2 hours to traverse the Dragon God Empire to the Magic Beast Forest!

“Little Gold, can you hear me?”

Monray got in touch with Little Gold through Soul Contract.


Little Gold was surprised and delighted.

“It’s me! I’m here in the underground world!”

“Really? Very good!”

Little Gold was very happy: “Boss, where are you? I’ll go and find you right away!”

“Magic Beast Forest!”

“You wait, I’ll be right here!”

Cut the connection, Monray said with a smile: “My friend will come over soon, if it leads the way, there is no need to worry about getting lost!”


Barbus was puzzled.

“Come on, eat something first!”

Monray took out the corpse of Simple-minded Pig and started grilling. I was idle and idle. Eat more magical pork to supplement nutrition!

It was also the first time Barbus saw Divine Beast’s body, and was shocked for a while!

However, when the roast pork exudes a tempting fragrance, all the shocks turned into desire and hope.


“Master, can I eat?”

“Why not?”

“Thank Master!”

The wind swallowed Barbus, almost swallowing his tongue.

Monray ate too: “Barbus, I heard that you raped the Titan Empress?”

“Master, this is slander!”

Barbus retorted: “Yasli is my childhood sweethearts lover, Hazeus is the third!”


Monray was taken aback: “Tell me carefully!”

“The despicable Hazeus coveted Yasli’s happiness, forced Yasli to marry him, and broke us apart!”

“I had no choice but to secretly try Yasli, but Hazeus eventually found out, and Hazeus ordered Yasli to be executed!”

“In my anger, I chose to rebel!”

“However, they are weak, defeated, suppressed, and 4 limbs severed and corpses thrown into the wilderness!”

“At that time I was desperate, but the fire of vengeance made me fall at the last minute!”

“In the dark, I sensed the distant fallen Plane-Demon World!”

“By absorbing the Darkness energy of Demon World, I was resurrected and became a Fallen Titan!”

“You love Yasli very much, right?”

“Of course! She is the love of my life!”

“The moment she was put to death, my heart died, and revenge for her became my motivation to live!”

“I swear, must cut off Hazeus’ head with his own hands and avenge her!”

“Hazeus is still alive?”

“Alive! He became Demi-God too!”

“so that’s how it is !”

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