You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

I haven’t seen it for a few months, Little Gold has hardly changed, it is still that big, but the aura on her body is faintly comparable to Level 8 Magic Beast, and the progress is amazing!


Little Gold jumped up in surprise, rubbing Monray intimately, as if he had seen the closest person.

“Little Gold, long time no see !”

Monray stroked Little Gold’s head and smiled happily.

“Barbus, let me introduce you, this is my friend Little Gold!”

“Little Gold, this is Barbus!”

“Hello there!”

“Hello there!”

One person and one ant greeted each other, and they were all a little surprised at their identities!

Golden God Slayer Ant?

Fallen Titan?

Master (Boss) How could there be such a friend?

“Little Gold, you should know the location of Dark Elf Race?” Monray asked with a smile.

“Dark Elf Race?”

Little Gold nodded: “Of course I know that it is Hegemon that dominates the underground world and rules the richest and most extensive area of ​​the underground world. There are countless powerhouses in the clan and it is the overlord of the underground world!”

“Just know, you take me to Dark Elf Race!” Monray said with a smile!

“Boss, what are you doing at Dark Elf Race? If you can, don’t go!”

Little Gold continued: “Dark Elf is very evil and extremely exclusive. Any creature that dares to approach them will be killed. You still…”

“Don’t worry about Little Gold, your boss I am very good now!”

Monray smiled and comforted: “Dark Elf Race is nothing, you can just lead the way!”

“This… boss, be careful!”

With Little Gold leading the way, Monray and Barbus are not so fast.

An hour later, he smoothly left the territory of the Bloodthristy Iron Crystal Ant Race and came to the territory of Kobold.

“Boss, there is a Kobold Tribe territory ahead, let’s be careful!”

“Isn’t Kobold Beastman? How could he appear in the underground world?”

“Master, Kobold’s fertility is terrible. A litter can often give birth to several litters, and several litters a year, which leads to a flood of Kobold!”

“The truth is not limited to Kobold, many races in the Beastman Empire have this situation!”

“Pigheads, bunnyheads, cats and goats are all races with amazing fertility!”

“However, the Beastman Empire is located in the extreme north of the wasteland, with lack of resources and food. Many Beastman races will find another way out in order to survive!”

“Some went to the Arctic Plains farther north, some chose to go to sea, some went into deep mountains and old forests, and some simply escaped into the underground world!”

“For countless years, Beastman’s footprints are all over Firmament Continent, it’s not surprising to appear underground!”

“It turned out to be…”

While chatting all the way, Monray saw the legendary Kobold, and sure enough the name speaks for itself.

Against the head of a dog, but with a human body with thick hair!

And the place where they live is not a house, but cave after cave.

“What an amazing race!”

Monray released the divine sense god and enveloped Kobold’s territory.

Now that you are here, you can’t go back empty-handed, you have to take something back!

However, what made Monray collapse is that this Kobold Tribe clinked so poorly that there was no decent treasure house.

It was hard to find a cave where treasure was stored, which was piled with various animal bones, jerky and magic core…

Gold Coin!

Law Source Crystal!

Not at all!

“These Kobolds are poorer than me!”

Monray couldn’t help cursing.

When Barbus heard this, he couldn’t help saying with a smile: “Master knows something, this Kobold and many races around it believe in a Black Dragon!”

“Dragon Race is greedy for money. This Black Dragon is no exception, and even more exaggerated. Most of the treasures of the believer race under its command have been scavenged by it!”

Monray’s eyes lit up: “In other words, this Black Dragon is very rich?”

“Why is Dragon Race poor?”

Barbrusi affirmed: “I have dealt with this Black Dragon. This is the most greedy Giant Dragon I have ever seen. It has to pay tolls when passing through it. The greed is extreme!”

“Greed is good, greedy is wonderful, greedy is rich in wealth!” Monray licked his lips: “Go! Go find this greedy Black Dragon!”

Under the leadership of Barbus, he soon came to the Dragon Nest of the Black Dragon, and heard thunderous purrings from far away.

“Barbus, call someone!”

“Yes, Master!”

Barbus was slightly nodded, and then slightly released the aura on his body.

The snoring inside Dragon Nest stopped abruptly, and a lazy voice followed: “Tolls, 100 Law Source Crystals!”

“100Law Source Crystal? Really greedy!” Monray shook his head slightly!

“Otherwise, it wouldn’t be called the most greedy Demi-God in the underground world!”

Barbus laughed and said, “Baxter, is that how you treat Old Friend?”


Lightly exclaimed, a huge dragon head emerged from the Dragon Nest: “It turned out to be you the rapist. You have to leave 1000 Law Source Crystal tolls to get there!”

A black line appeared on Barbus’ forehead: “Baxter, you dare to frame my innocence, believing or not, I will beat you again?”

“Barbus, have you forgotten where this is again?”

Black Dragon Baxter groaned: “This is the underground world, not your Sea of ​​the Fallen, it’s not your turn to be an Outsider impudent!”

“It’s pretty arrogant!”

Monray can’t help but chuckle!

“No way! Although these underground world Evil Gods are perverse and cruel, they are all very xenophobic, and they are very united when facing Outsiders!”

Barbus helplessly said: “I have fought this Black Dragon a few times, it is not my opponent, but this guy always calls friends to help, so…”

“So you have been cut several times. That’s right, the old and new hatreds will be reported together!”

Monray laughed and geared up: “Let’s join hands, I don’t believe I can’t take down these despicable Demi-Gods!”

“It would be even better if you could both subdue them and empty their nests!”

“Master, is this too risky?”

Barbus is a little soft: “The underground world is so huge that you can imagine it. There are so many Evil Gods here, you can’t even count 2 hands!”

“The more the better, that’s interesting!”

Monray licked his lips and flew out directly: “Robbery! Robbery! Hand over all your belongings, Gold Coin and Law Source Crystal!”

“Roar! Where did the bugs come from!”

The Black Dragon spouted a dragon breath to corrode Monray into a liquid, and the Monray body flashed, and it was in front of Black Dragon!

“Baxter, right?”

Monray faintly smiled: “I’m fond of your Dragon Nest, please get out of here immediately, I can reluctantly do it and spare you a little life!”

“Bug, I’m going to eat you!”

Black Dragon was completely angry, opened his bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl and bit it!

“Give me honest!”

Monray lightly snorted, Hammer of Destruction appeared in his hand, aimed at the bridge of Black Dragon’s nose, and hit it hard!

The powerful power of High Level Demi-God Body, plus the terrifying destructive power of Hammer of Destruction!

Hearing only the sound of ka-cha, the bridge of Black Dragon’s nose was directly smashed into a hole, the heart-piercing pain invaded the nerves, Black Dragon screamed in pain!

“Come out you!”

Monray grabbed Black Dragon’s dragon horn, violent power burst out, and directly pulled Black Dragon out of Dragon Nest, and then flew away!

“Master’s power is so terrifying?”

Barbus was a little staggered.

Black Dragon Baxter is 600 zhang long and he weighs astonishingly. Monray grabbed Black Dragon. How powerful is it?

As for Little Gold, I was scared a long time ago. The moment I saw Black Dragon, I scared to the point of shivering, it was difficult to suppress the fear in my heart.

After all, this is Demi-God!

However, what makes it even more frightening is that the boss actually flew the Black Dragon. Is this still the boss?

“Ga ga, Dragon Nest is mine!”

Monray laughed strangely, turned into a gust of wind and got into the Dragon Nest.

“The trough!”

“A lot of Gold Coin! A lot of Law Source Crystal! I posted it! Now it’s developed!”

“Close! Close! Close…”

After a frantic collection, wealth skyrocketed to 17410000 Law Source Crystal, another wave of fat.

“The family property of this Black Dragon is really rich!”

Monray very pleased in one’s mind, and then collect other treasures slowly.

The rest are mostly magic core, Demonic Crystal, luminous gems, and various gorgeous decorations and handicrafts of Human World. It can be seen that this is a Black Dragon that will enjoy life.

“Hey? What is this?”

Monray saw a bloody black stone in an unremarkable corner, it was pitch black, but it was shining with blood rays of light!

“Ding! discovered a dropped object, did you pick it up?” The cold voice of system suddenly sounded!


“Ding! The integration is successful and the [Netherworld Divine Phoenix] Bloodline is obtained, is it integrated?”

“Netherworld Divine Phoenix…Bloodline?”

Monray was taken aback and contacted Dodora: “Dodora, do you know the Netherworld Divine Phoenix?”

“Divine Beast, a Darkness attribute from Hell, has Innate Divine Ability [Nirvana Rebirth], which is immortal. Its unique Netherworld Divine Fire is quite terrifying, and it can even burn High God!”

“Moreover, Netherworld Divine Phoenix is ​​a very terrifying race in Hell, and its status in Hell is similar to the Fallen Angel Race of Demon World!”

“It’s just that the advancement of Netherworld Divine Phoenix is ​​very difficult. It takes Nirvana Rebirth 9 times in a lifetime to grow to adulthood!”

“So that’s how it is! Look at what this stone is?” Monray took out the black stone.


Dodora looked at the blood black stone carefully, and then said for a long time: “If I read it right, this should be Phoenix Essence of Netherworld Divine Phoenix!”

“Phoenix Essence?”

Monray startled: “Why stuff?”

“After the failure of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Nirvana, what is left is called Phoenix Essence, which contains the Bloodline essence of Netherworld Divine Phoenix and the remaining Life Essence of burning!”

Dodora explained: “This thing is an item of great nourishment for the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Race, but for you, it’s useless. Throw it away!”

“Nirvana rebirth?”

Monray’s eyes flickered: “system, fusion of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline!”

“Ding! Fusion of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline!”

“Ding! Fusion failed!”

“Ding! Trigger the Origin Bloodline activation condition, do you activate Origin Bloodline?”

“Origin Bloodline? What is it?”

Monray was stunned: “Activate!”


Wealth shrank instantly by 100Law Source Crystal!

“Ding! Origin Bloodline activated successfully!”

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <10%>, Fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline <100%>)

Other: some

PS: This is a Western Fiction novel. I have the final say on how Human Race came, cough cough, ask for a ticket?

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