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“Immemorial Human Bloodline?”

Monray stared at the attribute panel and fell into doubt. He is a Human Race, and it is easy to understand that he has a Human Race Bloodline.

What is Immemorial Human Race?

The ancestor of this body?

“System, don’t you explain?”

The system did not respond, Monray had no choice but to find Dodora.

“Immemorial Human Race? Where did you hear it?” Dodora was surprised.

“Just listen to it!”

Monray babbled.

“Immemorial Human Race is a legendary race that has perished in the course of time. Most people don’t know it!”

Dodora squinted at Monray, an expression that you continued to make up.

“Do you know Immemorial Human Race?”

Monray asked again: “If you know, just say it, don’t chirp!”

“There is no truth all day long!”

Dodora murmured and explained: “Speaking of Immemorial Human Race, you have to mention the beginning of the world. It is said that in the beginning of the universe, only one Plane was born!”

“A Plane?”

Monray was shocked!

“Yes, just a Plane!”

Dodora said: “This legendary Plane is called [Plane of Creation]!”

“It is said that after Plane of Creation was conceived, after a long period of evolution, it gave birth to the first batch of creatures. This is also the earliest batch of creatures in the vast universe!”

“These creatures are extremely powerful. They either have a terrifying Divine Body, or they control a powerful Divine Ability, or they are born in control of the Supreme Law!”

“Powerful! Horror! Supreme! All words that describe greatness can be used on them!”

Dodora looked towards Monray: “It is said that these creatures are the ancestors of all the creatures later, and Immemorial Human Race is one of them!”

“and after?”

Monray asked again.

“Later, these creatures multiplied, grew, and developed to Peak, but in the end a great battle broke out and even broke the Plane of Creation!”

Dodora said leisurely!

“Broken Plane of Creation?”

Monray was a little surprised. He was not surprised that a war broke out. There were disputes wherever there were people, and it was inevitable everywhere!

Surprisingly, even Plane of Creation was broken. How fierce this battle is!

“Yes! Plane of Creation is broken!”

Dodora slightly nodded: “Two of the largest fragments have evolved and developed into the current two Supreme Plane: Netherworld and Heaven!”

“Other fragments evolved into other High Level Planes, and even countless ordinary Planes!”

“Where are those creatures?”

Monray asked curiously.

“Those creatures died, died, died, escaped, and the lucky ones who survived moved to Netherworld, Heaven, and other Planes, and finally reproduced the current creatures!”

“Among them, Human Race is the descendant of Immemorial Human Race, but, as time goes by, Human Race, like all other races, the Bloodline is getting thinner and thinner, and it is no longer as powerful as Immemorial Human Race!”

“Immemorial Human Race, really is the ancestor of Human Race!” Monray murmured.

His body is Human Race, containing Bloodline, the ancestor of Human Race, there is no doubt about it!

But Monray did not expect that the ancestors of Human Race had such a big background!

Something unexpected!

“This is just a legend, don’t take it seriously!”

Dodora said with a smile: “The pure Immemorial Human Race has long ceased to exist, and even Plane of Creation itself is a legend, let alone the creatures bred by Plane of Creation!”

“Is Plane of Creation just a legend…”

Monray can’t help looking towards the properties panel!

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, Fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline <100%>)

Obviously, Immemorial Human Bloodline really exists. At least it can be said that Immemorial Human Race must have existed!

In other words, it has appeared before!

This is enough to illustrate some problems!

“Immemorial Human Bloodline (16%)!”

“In other words, can you spend gold?”

Monray murmured: “system, how much do you need to spend gold Immemorial Human Bloodline?”

“Ding! To increase the awakening of Immemorial Human Bloodline by 1%, 1100000000 Divine Crystal is needed!”

system coldly said!

“1100000000 ……Divine Crystal!!!”

Monray was dumbfounded for an instant. He guessed it would be expensive, but he didn’t expect it to be so outrageous. This is no longer expensive, but expensive!

1Divine Crystal =110000 Law Source Crystal.

How much is 1100000000 Divine Crystal Law Source Crystal?

Too lazy to forget it, anyway, Krypton can’t afford it!

“However, this also reflects from the side how abnormal the Immemorial Human Bloodline is!”

“If the Bloodline is 100%, I am afraid I can walk unhindered, right?”

Monray shook his head and exited Tower of Time, his eyes falling on the blood black stone.

“The integration of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline just failed, should we succeed now?”

“System, integrated with Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline!”

“Ding! Fusion of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline!”


A black flame of pitch-black as ink suddenly rose up, and instantly swept Monray’s body, wherever he went, all his clothes were burned!


The piercing pain invaded the nerves like a mountain, and Monray only felt that the flesh and blood in his body seemed to be burning!

Burning inch by inch!

Grilled piece by piece!

One after another boiling!

Strands of black smoke rose from the top of Monray’s head, 10000 1000 black flames, like a dexterous Dragon One, wandering 4 limbs and 100 skeletons, transforming every cell, every inch of flesh, every organ…



A crisp and high-pitched neigh abruptly sounded, and I saw a head full of pitch-black as ink, black feathers, chicken heads, snake necks, and big bird illusory shadows appearing on top of Monray’s head…

Sing loudly and scream up to the sky!

The sound is rolling, divine might be mighty!

“puchi -“

“puchi -“

Send cold shivers down one’s spine in the scream, black feathers crawled out of Monray. In a flash, Monray was covered with black feathers all over his body!

Then, a pair of wings came out through the body and appeared on Monray’s back, and then looked like an inflated balloon. It grows as long as it sees the wind, just 2 or 3 breaths, and it grows to 3 meters!

At this time, the black flame gradually converged into the body, and the pain gradually faded like a tide. Monray clenched his fist, and his strength became stronger again!

“This is Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline?”

Monray muttered to himself, thoughts move, a beating flame appeared at his fingertips, pitch-black as ink, arrogant and arrogant!

“Netherworld Divine Fire!”

Monray flicks with the finger, the flame flew out and landed on a boulder.

In an instant, the boulder seemed to be burning with firewood like dry wood!

“It deserves to be the Netherworld Divine Fire that even High God can burn to death. It is really scary!”

Monray exclaimed and looked towards the properties panel.

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, Fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline <100%>, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline <20%>)

wealth points: 113110000 Law Source Crystal

constitution: Demi-God Body (High Level)

Mind: Demi-God Soul (High Level)

Divine Power: 0.1Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension:…

Innate Divine Ability: Teleportation, Dark Elementalization, Nirvana Rebirth

“Divine Body or High Level Demi-God Body? Strange, I obviously feel that Divine Body has improved!”

Monray was a little puzzled: “Is it still close to the Peak Demi-God Body?”


“System, how much does it cost to improve the integration of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline?”

“Ding! To increase Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline fusion by 1%, 10Law Source Crystal is required!”

system coldly said!

“Unsurprisingly, it is exactly the same price as Godeater Rat Bloodline Fusion!”

Monray slightly nodded: “system, increase the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline integration to 100%!”


Wealth shrank by 1000 Law Source Crystal instantly, and the integration of Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline successfully reached 100%!

Monray looked towards the property panel, and he didn’t disappoint this time. The Divine Body has reached the Peak Demi-God Body as expected, which is a big step closer to the True God body!

“Godeater Rat Bloodline (100%)!”

“Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline (100%)!”

“Like Godeater Rat, I am at best a young Netherworld Divine Phoenix, right?”

“And Nirvana Rebirth, the Innate Divine Ability, how do you use this stuff? Is it going to be spontaneous…”

“Roar! Despicable Barbus, you angered the great Baxter!”

An angry dragon roar sounded: “I want to put you under the dragon’s breath and corrupt and die alive!”

“Little Black Dragon who can only run for his life, there is a kind of hardship with me!” This was Barbus’s voice.

“These two guys are fighting?”

Monray exited the phoenix state, put on a robe again, and then left the Dragon Nest, and saw fierce fighting erupting outside the Dragon Nest.


Black Dragon Baxter vibrated its wings, swallowed the dragon’s breath, fleeing and attacking.

While Barbus was avoiding the dragon’s breath while chasing the Black Dragon Baxter, although he was very active, his speed was slower after all.

He wanted to chase Baxter while avoiding the dragon’s breath, yelling in anger, helpless.

“Barbus is too slow!”

Monray shook his head slightly, then shouted, “Barbus, stop!”


Hearing the sound, Barbus stopped his figure: “Wait a moment, I must grab this damn Black Dragon and run him away!”

“When you catch up with him, the day lily will be cold!” Monray said indifferently: “Let me come, just to try my new ability!”


Barbus glared at Baxter angrily, and retreated to Monray unwillingly.

“Humble bug, who are you?”

Black Dragon Baxter no longer attacked rashly, but stared at Monray!

It saw the power of Monray just after the short confrontation, and now it is very afraid.

“Who am I? It doesn’t matter!”

Monray shrugged: “The important thing is that I just ransacked your Dragon Nest and robbed all of your wealth. Why don’t you go in and take a look?”

“what did you say?”

Baxter was shocked when he heard this, and even flew his vibrating wings towards the Dragon Nest, flying and roaring anger!

“Damn Human, if you dare to looting my Dragon Nest, I will never let you go!”

“Won’t let me go? I’m afraid you won’t have this chance!”

Monray hehe smiled, flicks with the finger when Baxter flew, a pinch of dark flames instantly fell on Baxter.

The flame spread quickly, and in just a few breaths, it spread into a large area!


Baxter screamed and flapped his wings frantically, trying to extinguish the Netherworld Divine Fire.

After a few more breaths, the Netherworld Divine Fire spread to Baxter’s body, covering it completely!

“Divine Spell: Peeling!”

Baxter used Divine Spell decisively.

Sadly, when Divine Spell fell on the body, it was as if gasoline was poured. Instead of Peeling Netherworld Divine Fire, it burned even more fiercely!

“Using Divine Spell to expel Netherworld Divine Fire? It’s really fearless. Netherworld Divine Fire is the indestructible flame that even Divine Power can burn!”

PS: Someone sprayed me today and wrote 6 comments in a row, calling me stupid, mentally retarded, and brain disabled. I am also drunk!

A comment that took a few minutes to write was a waste of traffic and your time. I deleted it in a few seconds. Why bother?

PS: I will not talk about similar remarks in the future, only this time, I apologize for taking up your reading time!

Meme Da O(∩_∩)O

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