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Baxter’s death is not meaningless, at least as the chicken of killing the chicken to warn the monkey, he accomplished his mission very well!

“Master, my name is Marvin Baboer, and the true body is King Cuttlefish!”

“Master, my name is Klaus Troff, true body mutant Fire Dragon!”

“Master, my name is Assassin, and the true body is Alchemy Creature!”

Monray extended a great welcome to the three Demi-Gods and set off with them!

Under the leadership of 3 underground Demi-God, the next journey became easier. Monray crossed the territory of each and everyone Evil God, like a fish back in water!

In just half a day, six Demi-God’s lairs were looted, with countless treasures and a surge in wealth!

Of course, 2 Demi-God were also subdued!

Black Panther Goddess Nagya Wakanda, true body Netherworld Spirit Panther!

Lightning Queen Cesia Marie, true body Lightning Naga!

For a time, Monray’s Demi-God reached as many as six, plus Chahman and Sanir who are far away from the Imperial Capital, which is an 6-bit Demi-God. Such a terrifying power is simply rampant!

“Master, in front is the Royal City of Dark Elf Race-Darkness Forest!”

Lightning Queen Cesia pointed to the vast black forest in front of her and said.

This forest is covered with all kinds of black trees, black, as if painted with black paint.

The tree was covered with insects similar to the Fire Insect, emitting a faint light, bringing a little light to the forest.

“This is the most extensive underground space I have encountered since I came to the underground world!” Monray looked at the black forest and said with great emotion.

“This is also the richest place in the underground world, the nest of Spider Goddess is here!”

Cesia reminded: “Master must be careful, Spider Goddess is not easy to deal with, she is the oldest and most cunning Demi-God in the underground world!”

“Rest assured, I know!”

Monray slightly nodded: “Let’s find Mother Tree of Darkness first. What I am most interested in right now is not Spider Goddess and Dark Elf Empress, but this Mother Tree of Darkness!”

“Yes, Master!”

A quarter of an hour later, the Monray entire group came to a giant tree that was completely dark.

This tree is not very tall, the trunk is thick and short, crooked, a bit like the crooked neck tree in the village!

But its canopy is very large, covering a full 100 kilometers, and among the lush foliage, there are many black vacuoles dotted.

Each liquid bubble wraps a sleeping little person, like a pocket-sized person in amber, this is the Dark Elf that is still gestating.

“What a Mother Tree of Darkness!”

Monray looked at the pitch-black tree, with a look of joy on his face.

He came to Dark Elf Race this time, one is for the wealth of Dark Elf Race, and the second is this Mother Tree of Darkness.

As for Dark Elf Empress and Spider Goddess, they are just incidental, not so important!

At this moment, there is a person standing under the Mother Tree of Darkness, wearing a bloody crown and a bloody black robe, sexy and enchanting, graceful and graceful, it is the Dark Elf Empress!

In addition, no one, not even a regular Dark Elf, should have received the news in advance and left.

“Lady Empress, we meet again!”

Monray led the Demi-God subordinate to the front and said with a smile.

“How dare you come here!”

Dark Elf Empress pretty face Frost, his face is extremely gloomy!

This is the Royal City of their Dark Elf, Monray dared to kill it here, and they didn’t even look at Dark Elf!

“Not for Lady Empress!”

Monray hands behind ones back: “Lady Empress, you ran to my Imperial Palace and left in a hurry, should you give me an explanation?”

Dark Elf Empress sneered: “Human, I advise you to leave immediately, otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences!”

“What are the consequences? What are the consequences?”

Monray smiled: “I even slaughtered the Dragon Island Demi-God, not to mention you Dark Elf? Do you think that the lady Spider Goddess won me?”

“Human, please pay attention to your words!”

Dark Elf Empress pretty face changes, like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, angrily scolded!

“Forget it! I’m too lazy to talk nonsense with you!”

Monray waved his hand: “You provoke me, you must give me a satisfactory statement!”

“Otherwise, I don’t mind letting Dark Elf Race repeat the mistakes of Dragon Race!”

“Great tone!”

A cold voice sounded, and she saw a beautiful woman wearing black tulle with the Scarlet Spider mark on her brow coming out!

She stepped on the catwalk, sexy and enchanting, her long and straight legs exuded amazing elasticity, and her gestures were full of charm!

“Spider Goddess!!!”

The 6th Demi-God subordinate complexion slightly changed, with a deep look of dreading on his face!

The name of the person, the shadow of the tree!

Even though they and Spider Goddess are both underground Demi-Gods, no matter their status, status, or strength, qualifications are of the same level.

Facing Spider Goddess, the ancient and fierce Evil God, they were extremely afraid!

Monray also looked at Spider Goddess, and the smile on his face gradually faded. The Spider Goddess in front of him was different from all the Demi-Gods he had encountered before!

There is neither the slightest fluctuation in Divine Power nor a trace of aura, just like an ordinary person, harmless to human and animals, unremarkable.

However, the more this happens, the more cautious Monray is. The dog that bites does not bark, and the more invisible, the more dangerous it is. This Spider Goddess poses a great threat to Monray!

“Youngster, do you think killing Dragon Island Demi-God would be great? Stupid!”

Spider Goddess walked up to Monray: “At best, it just killed a few wastes that’s all!”

“is it?”

Monray raised an eyebrow!

“Dragon God Empire has stood Firmament Continent forty thousand years, and it has never depended on those few wastes!”

Spider Goddess’s face was very disdainful: “You will feel this soon!”

“what do you want to say in the end?”

Monray slightly frowned.

“Remind you, youngster!”

Spider Goddess looked at Monray: “The revenge of that smelly lizard will soon come, and then you will know how stupid your actions are!”

“Then I am looking forward to it!”

Monray shrugged: “I have killed a lot of Giant Dragon, and also killed a lot of Demi-God, but I have never slaughtered True God. I am already impatient and want to experience it!”


Hearing this, Spider Goddess seemed to have heard something very funny, the smiling branches trembled and the chest muscles trembled.

“You are young, you are too naive, you don’t understand the gap between Demi-God and True God!”

Spider Goddess looked pity.


Monray indifferently said: “Leave aside Dragon God’s affairs for now, let’s talk about our affairs, Dark Elf Empress provokes me, how can this be solved?”

“That’s a big deal?”

Spider Goddess didn’t care: “youngster, you can leave if you have nothing to do, I still have something to do, I won’t be far away!”

“By the way, listen to my advice, if you have a leisurely mind to play here, it is better to think about how to deal with that stinky lizard’s revenge!”


Monray smiled, and the scimitar flashed and cut the hairpin on Spider Goddess’ head!

“Spider Goddess, I’m talking to you very seriously, and I hope you take it seriously too!”

“Otherwise, the next time the scimitar will cut it is not the hairpin, but your neck!”

“Youngster, you are too impudent!”

Spider Goddess suddenly changed his face: “This is the chassis of this King, and I can’t tolerate you in the wild!”

“Really? Then I would love to try!”

Monray’s mouth cocked!

“Get lost!”

Spider Goddess roared, and the violent sound wave exploded in an instant. The space was like a broken mirror, the pieces shattered, and a bottomless black hole appeared!

Monray got too close and was instantly swept in by the black hole and disappeared.

When the 6 Demi-Gods saw this, their expressions changed drastically, and they all stepped back for fear of being involved!

After a while, the sound wave dissipated, the black holes disappeared, and everything returned to its original state!

“Where is the Master? Where is the Master?”

The 6 Demi-Gods stared at where Monray was standing, a little surprised.

Squid Demi-God Mervin whispered: “He was involved in Space Crack, I’m afraid…”


Five Demi-God’s expressions changed upon hearing this, and they were involved in Space Crack. How can they survive?

“Your Excellency, what about Human?”

Dark Elf Empress respectfully asked!

“I was banished to Space Crack!”

Spider Goddess indifferently said: “You blow that brat to the sky, I thought he was so great, didn’t expect just an ignorant fool!”

“It’s my fault!”

Dark Elf Empress knelt down and confessed his mistake!

“Go, let clansman come back!”

Spider Goddess wave his hand!

“Yes, Your Excellency!”

Dark Elf Empress walked to the Mother Tree of Darkness: “Mother Tree, send all clansman back!”

“Got it!”

An old voice sounded, a giant Darkness magic array appeared on the ground, the array lit up, and a burst of space fluctuation came!


Over 10000 Dark Elf wearing bark armor and carrying bows and arrows appeared in the magic array.

“Your Excellency !”

The Dark Elf all bowed and saluted Spider Goddess together, showing respectful expression!

Spider Goddess was slightly nodded and was about to leave. Unexpectedly, a slightly surprised voice suddenly sounded.

“This is the ability of Mother Tree of Darkness to transmit? It’s amazing to be able to transmit 10000 people at a time!”


Spider Goddess is a huge shock!

Six Demi-Gods including Dark Elf Empress and Barbus were also shocked!

Everyone followed the sound and saw a silhouette appeared in the void.

A long robe, holding a scimitar, who else can anyone not have Monray?

“You actually… actually…”

Spider Goddess was stunned!

“Your Excellency Goddess, wait a moment!”

Monray turned his head and glanced at Spider Goddess, and immediately contacted system.

“System, how much Gold Coin is needed to plunder the transmission ability of Mother Tree of Darkness?”

“Ding! Mother Tree of Darkness’s transmission ability belongs to High Level Innate Divine Ability, and can be enhanced with the increase of strength, belongs to the evolvable Innate Divine Ability!”

system coldly said: “Mother Tree of Darkness has Demi-God Early Stage strength! Price estimate: 120 Law Source Crystal is needed to plunder the Innate Divine Ability!”

“120Law Source Crystal?”

“This is OK, plunder!”

PS: Ask for a ticket?

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