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With the divine sense spreading, Monray could clearly see the plants and trees within a radius of 100 miles, ranging from mountains and rivers to small mosquitoes, flies and insects, all delicate hair was completely shown!

Before, I could only see it!

Now, as long as Monray is willing, you can “take” these things out of thin air, or send them over!

“What a magical ability!”

“Try it!”

Monray found something in the underground sedimentary rock, thoughts move, and sent it over. It turned out to be a rusty treasure chest.

Monray smiled openly. This ability is so easy to use. If it is used to dig treasures, steal treasures, and rob treasures, it is not an ordinary magic!

“Master, what is this?”

Seeing Monray stood there for a while, there was an extra box in front of him, Barbus asked curiously.

“Nothing! Experiment with new abilities!”

Monray put away the box and looked towards Mother Tree of Darkness: “Mother Tree, thank you for your generosity. This ability is very useful and I love it!”


Mother Tree of Darkness is unclear, but Dark Elf Empress is complexion greatly changed: “Could it be…”

“Haha! Just as Empress expected!”

Monray smiled triumphantly and was in a very good mood: “Your Excellency Goddess, my matter has been settled, we can continue!”

“Human, get out before this King gets angry!” Spider Goddess pretty face Hanshuang: “Otherwise, this King doesn’t mind leaving you behind!”

“Your Excellency Goddess is so majestic!”

Monray sneered: “I really want to see and see, how do you keep me!”

“courting death !”

Spider Goddess was angry, stretched out 5 fingers, and grabbed Monray like lightning!

Monray disappeared in an instant, and the weirdness appeared behind Spider Goddess, slashed down.


The Scarlet Scimitar hit the Spider Goddess back firmly, and it spattered a string of sparks. In addition, it failed to injure Spider Goddess at all.

“So hard?”

Monray stepped back in surprise. This Abyssal Saber Demon’s accompanying machete could even cut the Divine Beast Simple-minded Pig, but it didn’t hurt Spider Goddess!

Is silicone on her back, so hard?

“Damn monkey, you angered me!”

Spider Goddess complexion ashen, his body exudes extremely cold murderous intention: “Death!”

“Xiū xiū xiū ——”

Dozens of blood-colored steel needles appeared abruptly and shot towards Monray at lightning speed.

Each blood-colored steel needle was shining with a gloomy green light, which was obviously poisoned!

“Your Excellency Goddess, this Human can Teleportation!”

Dark Elf Empress reminded loudly: “This kind of attack is not effective against him!”


Spider Goddess coldly snorted, 10000 1000 white spider silk spewed out, woven into a huge funnel, covering a radius of 1000 meters!

“Brat, in my Divine Territory Space, I see how you want to Teleportation!”

Spider Goddess sneered, controlling dozens of scarlet steel needles to continue to stab Monray.

Monray seemed to be unable to Teleportation anymore, and was directly overwhelmed by the scarlet steel needle!

“Dead monkey, you are dead!”

Spider Goddess licked his sexy red lips, showing a smug smile.

These blood-colored steel pins are made of her leg hair, no stronghold one cannot overcome!

Moreover, it is poisoned. Seeing the blood seal the throat, Demi-God will die if he encounters it!

“Ding ding ding ~ ——”

However, what Spider Goddess did not expect was that the blood-colored steel needle was nailed to Monray, as if a nail was nailed to a steel plate, making a crisp metal collision sound!

Then, they all fell on the ground and stopped moving!

“What? Didn’t pierce?”

Spider Goddess is incredible!

“Spider Goddess, your attacks are also ineffective against me, are you disappointed?”

Monray tore off the robes that had been pierced into a sieve, revealing her smooth skin.

Soft skin and tender meat, smooth and silky, well-defined muscles, well-proportioned body, just no wounds!

“Your Divine Body is so tenacious!”

Spider Goddess was really shocked!

“To each other!”

Monray moved his muscles and bones and made a crackling sound: “I have been using weapons recently, and I haven’t moved my muscles and bones for a long time!”

“Come on, fight with me for 300 rounds!”

“xiu – ”

The voice is still reverberating around, Monray has disappeared, next moment, suddenly appeared in front of Spider Goddess, raising his hand is a punch!


The violent power erupted, Spider Goddess flew out, and Monray followed him!

“Boom ~ boom ~ ——”

Fists are like dense raindrops, one after another strikes on Spider Goddess.

Spider Goddess threw it over and fell over like a baseball, without the effort to fight back!


“Spider Goddess was crushed and beaten, am I dazzled?”

The 6 Demi-God subordinates were shocked!

Dark Elf Empress was stunned!

The 10000 Dark Elf were also stunned!

Can’t believe the scene before me!

Who is Spider Goddess?

The oldest and most terrifying Demi-God in the underground world. It exists in the same era as the 4 Great True Gods. It is recognized as the strongest Demi-God underground!

Such a character was actually crushed and beaten, it was incredible!

“You have only this strength?”

“I give up Divine Artifact, no need!”

“Not to use Divine Fire!”

“You are still not my opponent!”

“Too let me down!”

Monray ridiculed while beating, the angry Spider Goddess lungs exploded!

“Insect, go die for me!”

“Divine Ability: Charm!”

A burst of pink Divine Power spewed from Spider Goddess, and instantly flooded Monray.

In a moment, a beautiful picture appeared in Monray’s mind!

The peach blossoms are in full bloom, the petals are all over the floor, and the Spider Goddess act coquettishly with red fruits…

Monray’s eyes are dull, drooling!

“good chance!”

Spider Goddess seized the opportunity and suddenly stretched out 8 blood-colored spider spears from behind, like Tang 3’s 8 spider soul bones, stab Monray like lightning!

“xiu – ”

However, just as the Scarlet Spear was about to stab Monray, Monray disappeared!


Spider Goddess looked surprised.

“Your Excellency Goddess!”

Monray appeared 100 meters away, with an admiring smile on his face: “The picture just now is really exciting. I like it very much. If you want, we can have a good conversation in private! Forget it now, there are too many people! “

“You broke free of my Charm Divine Ability!” Spider Goddess looked ugly!

“That’s Charm?”

Monray sneered: “Laozi has gone through the baptism of 10000 7450 calamities and spent 108,000 setbacks. He has long been trained into the Diamond Indestructible Body, Hundred Venoms Immunity, and 10000 Evil Avoidance. What are you?”


Spider Goddess angry gnashing teeth, embarrassed: “I killed you!”

“Divine Spell: Imprisonment!”

The dazzling golden Divine Power gushes out, covering a radius of 1000 meters instantly.

Monray only felt a horrible Imprisonment pressure on him, and he couldn’t move!

“Divine Territory Space, plus Imprisonment Divine Spell, actually restricted my actions!”

Monray was surprised!

“Go to death!”

Spider Goddess arrived in a flash, and 8 spider spears pierced out like lightning from behind!

“Never mind, give you something cruel!”

The corners of Monray’s mouth cocked, and at the moment when the 8 spider spears stabbed, a thick black flame spewed out of his body, and it burned violently!


The 8 spider spears stabbed Monray at the same time, but still failed to pierce Monray’s skin, but the black flames stuck to Spider Goddess!

“It’s over!”

“Spider Goddess is dead!”

When the 6 Demi-Gods who watched the battle saw this, they were all secretly sighed in their hearts and were glued to the Netherworld Divine Fire. The solution of this battle is doomed!

Sadly, Spider Goddess not at all discovered this. Seeing that 8 spider spears failed to pierce Monray, she was unwilling to pierce 2 more times!

As for the black flame sticking to her body, she did not take seriously. How tenacious is her Divine Body, how can trifling fire hurt her?

“Damn it! Why is it so hard?”

Spider Goddess is very unwilling, countless spider webs appear out of thin air, instantly entwining Monray’s body, twisting Monray into rice dumplings!

“Human, don’t think that Divine Body tenacious I can’t kill you!” Spider Goddess said coldly, “I have a way to kill you!”

“Kill me? You shouldn’t see it anymore!”

Monray shook his head and smiled: “Your Excellency Goddess, I promise you will die before me!”

“Dare to die before you die!”

Spider Goddess sneered, suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my chest, and the black flame stretched to my chest, burning wildly!

“Damn! How is this possible?”

Spider Goddess screamed and slapped the flames on his body desperately, but it was useless. The Netherworld Divine Fire was incombustible.

As the fire became more prosperous, she was soon covered by the Netherworld Divine Fire!

“Accept your fate, Your Excellency Goddess!”

Monray burned the spider silk on his body and stood up: “This is the Netherworld Divine Fire. Even if your Divine Body is ten times tenacious, it can’t resist it!”

“Netherworld Divine Fire? Is this Netherworld Divine Fire?”

Spider Goddess looked shocked: “How could you as a Human use the Netherworld Divine Fire of Hell Divine Beast Netherworld Divine Phoenix? This is impossible!”

“It does not matter!”

Monray shook his head.


Spider Goddess both shocked and angry, but all struggles are destined to be in vain…

The end result was that she was burned into a huge black widow with a height of thousand zhang, and black hair all over her body!

And dance in the black flames, send out mournful scream, send cold shivers down one’s spine!

“Spider Goddess, just say hello if you want to survive, I still have tender, protective feelings for the fairer sex!”

Monray shook his head slightly, then looked towards the 6 Demi-God subordinates: “You go to the treasure house of Dark Elf Race. If you find it, tell me!”

“Yes, Master!”

How can the 6 Demi-God subordinates dare to neglect, and even took their orders. After the previous battle, the power of Monray was deeply imprinted in their hearts. They completely acknowledged allegiance, and they dare not have any resistance to it!

Indestructible Divine Body!

Speed ​​like a ghost!

Nothing is inflammable black flame!

How can a Human Demi-God be so strong?

“Human, what do you want?”

Spider Goddess whispered roar, she was almost unable to support it!

“Simple, submit to me!”

Monray hands behind ones back, lightly said with a smile: “Only acknowledge allegiance can we survive!”

“You dream!”

The spider girl was hysterical: “I was burned alive, burned to ashes, burned into a ghost, and I will never acknowledge allegiance to you!”

“Then you go to die, go slowly and not send it away!”

“Come back…I acknowledge allegiance!”

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