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Facts have proved that in the face of death, no one can be calm!

No ordinary person, with eternal lifespan, not even the immortal Demi-God.

Even Demi-God is more afraid of death than ordinary person!

No, Spider Goddess, the oldest and most brutal Demi-God in the underground world, has also acknowledged allegiance.

“I knew so, why bother just now?”

Monray refining the Divine Soul Source of Spider Goddess, then removed the Netherworld Divine Fire from Spider Goddess, and officially took her under his command!

“Hello, humble!”

Spider Goddess turned into a true body, glaring at Monray, unwilling to his eyes!

“Not satisfied?”

Monray sneered said with a smile: “You can’t beat me again. The acknowledge allegiance is your own acknowledge allegiance. I didn’t force you. Why are you dissatisfied?”


Spider Goddess’ lungs exploded. You didn’t force me, but you fucking burned me, are you not pressing?

“You have nothing to say? Then shut up! Otherwise, I don’t mind turning you into a dead spider!”

Monray coldly snorted: “Listen, hand over all your wealth, Gold Coin or treasure, give it to me, if you dare to hide yourself, I will kill you now!”


Spider Goddess was so angry, but for the sake of her life, she still compromised and gave all her savings obediently!

Monray was satisfied, and then began to look at the wealth of Spider Goddess!

What surprised him, however, was that except for Law Source Crystal, they were all weird things!

“what is this?”

“Abyss Demon’s heart!”

“what about this?”

“Hell Cerberus’s skull!”

“Where is that dark one?”

“Deep Sea Demonic Whale King’s eyes!”


“Your hobby is really strange!”

After receiving all the Law Source Crystal, Monray returned the rest to Spider Goddess. These messy things were useless to him, and only weird things like Spider Goddess would like it!

“Master, we found the treasure trove of Dark Elf!”

At this time, the 6 Demi-God subordinates also brought good news!


A quarter of an hour later, the treasure house of Dark Elf was also looted by Monray!

Monray’s vision is very high now, except for Gold Coin and Law Source Crystal, he doesn’t bother to take ordinary treasures!

Rao is so, and earn a lot of money!

“Underground world really came right!”

Looking at his property panel, Monray’s beautiful snot bubbles are coming out.

Host: Monray

Race: Human Race (Origin Bloodline: Immemorial Human Bloodline <16%>, fusion Bloodline: Godeater Rat Bloodline, Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline)

wealth points: 235110000 Law Source Crystal

constitution: Demi-God Body (Peak)

Mind: Demi-God Soul (High Level)

Divine Power: 0.1Divine Crystal

Law Comprehension: Several

Innate Divine Ability: Teleportation, Dark Elementalization, Nirvana Rebirth, transmission

“Not only did I get the Netherworld Divine Phoenix Bloodline and teleportation ability, but my wealth also doubled!”

“Moreover, I have subordinated so many Demi-God subordinates. This trip is worth it!”

Monray very pleased in one’s mind.

Before his wealth was 113110000 Law Source Crystal, now it is 235110000 Law Source Crystal, more than doubled!

underground world, a worthwhile trip!

“Next there are Sunset Mountains and Golden Archipelago. I don’t know how much it can bring me? Hope not to let me down!”

As Monray was thinking about it, Dodora’s voice suddenly came in his mind: “Monray, come in quickly, that Fallen Angel egg is about to hatch!”


Monray disappeared directly in place.

Tower of Time, the 96th floor!

At this time, the 96-story rising winds, scudding clouds are turbulent, black clouds are rolling, lightning and thunder are screaming.

A giant funnel appeared in the sky, absorbing the Darkness element in a radius of 100 square meters crazily, and then rushed to the Fallen Angel egg below!

The blood-colored lines on the surface of the eggshell are like blood vessels filled with blood, emitting dazzling blood-colored rays of light, illuminating several li in the area!

“Hu ~~~”

“Hu ~~~”

The eggshell vibrates rhythmically, just like breathing. Every time it trembles, it absorbs a large amount of Darkness elements. With each vibration, the blood-colored lines on the surface of the eggshell become more dazzling and bright!

“Are you really coming out?”

Monray was a little excited.

This is Fallen Angel, a mythical creature that can rival Demi-God as soon as it is born, and is about to be born under his own eyelids!

“It’s going to be born!”

Dodora stared at the blood egg!

Sure enough, tone barely fell, the blood-colored lines on the surface of the egg shell suddenly cracked, and cracks appeared!

“ka-cha -“

“ka-cha -“

More and more cracks, and quickly spread to the surface of the eggshell!

“oh la la ——”

In the end, the egg shell broke apart, and a dazzling blood-colored beam of light rose into the sky!

At the same time, a surging blood-colored aura spread out and swept all four parties!

After all the creatures of Semi-Plane felt this aura, they crawled to the ground, panicking!

I saw a naked baby with black wings on his back appeared in the air, eyes closed, arms folded, as if sleeping soundly!

Then, slowly opened his eyes, the black pupils were dotted with a blood-colored eyeball, like a legendary writing wheel!

“This aura…can’t be wrong!” Dodora said slowly: “It’s Fallen Angel!”

“This is Fallen Angel?”

Monray was also a little surprised. The Little Brat who just appeared looked charming and lovely, like a porcelain doll from a fairy tale, but the aura on her was comparable to Demi-God!

Do you believe it?

At this time, Little Fallen Angel looked towards Monray, and a pure smile appeared on her face!

Then, he vibrated his wings and flew towards Monray. Perhaps because of his new birth, the wings were a bit stiff and flew crookedly…

But finally flew over!


Little Fallen Angel stretched out her pink arms, begging for a hug!

Pure eyes!

Hopeful eyes!

How similar to a human baby!

Monray fell in love with this Little Brat at a glance, reached out and hugged her in his arms, and then fiercely took a bite.

“Giggle -“

Little Fallen Angel smiled happily, smiling like a 1-year-old child.

“The power of the blood contract is really great, and she will only recognize Monray from now on!”

Dodora secretly praised: “Monray, give her a name!”

“Just call Kele!”

Monray blurted out without thinking.


Dodora was astonished: “What kind of strange name is this? It’s so terrible. Change it!”

“Just call Kele, I think it’s good!”

Monray teased Little Brat, with a fatherly smile on his face.

“Okay! As long as you like it!”

Dodora twitched his lips, too lazy to refute!


Little Fallen Angel, no, little Kele instigated her fingers and looked at Monray eagerly, as if to say that I am hungry and I want to eat!

Monray continued: “Dodora, what do you feed the newborn Fallen Angel?”

“After Fallen Angel is born, they usually kill each other and feed on other Lesser Fiend or similar Fallen Angels!”

Dodora said: “Her food is very simple, that is, other Lesser Fiend or similar!”

“Where can I find other Lesser Fiend?”

Monray is a little messy: “Should such a small child not be breast-fed?”


Dodora rolled the eyes: “See clearly, this is not a Human child, but Fallen Angel, milking, I didn’t think of it!”

With that, Dodora grabbed it casually, grabbed a black blood wolf from the distant forest, and cut off the blood wolf’s head.

Upon seeing this, the little Kele flew out of Monray’s arms and rushed to the blood wolf’s neck, swallowing the blood of the blood wolf!


Monray was dumbfounded.

“To make a fuss about nothing!”

Dodora hummed: “If you have a chance in the future, you can go to Demon Island in Demon World to see it. That’s really cruel!”

“100000000 10000 Demon broke out of the shell at the same time, and then killed each other, swallowed, and fed on the same kind!”

“The powerhouse is born, the weak is dead!”

“The survival of the fittest, the powerhouse survives!”

“In just half a month, 90% of Lesser Fiend will die in the hands of the same kind!”

“Only very few can really survive and leave Demon Island!”

“That’s truly cruel!”

“So, don’t underestimate this Little Brat, she is full of Demon habits in the bones!”

“Fallen Angel is really different from Human!” Monray shook his head slightly.

Little Kele looked like a small thing, but his appetite was amazing. After absorbing the blood of the blood wolf, he began to bite the blood wolf’s body again!

In less than a quarter of an hour, the blood wolf was completely eaten by it, leaving only bones on the ground.

It happened that she hadn’t eaten enough yet, and she was eagerly trying to eat. Monray was helpless and caught her a blood wolf. Little Brat ate again!

“Monray, this is not the way to go!”

Dodora shook his head and said, “Fallen Angel needs nutrition most when she was just born. You can’t always eat Magic Beast, which is a Darkness attribute, which is not good for her growth!”

“She has to eat Demon!”

“Demon is her food!”

“The question is where to find Demon?”

Monray 2 spread his hands and smiled bitterly.

“Didn’t I ask you to study Undead Magic and Demon magic?”

Dodora reminded: “You can feed her with summon Demon. Is it a trivial thing to summon a group of Demon with your strength?”

“Undead Magic does exist, but what summon comes out are skulls and skeleton soldiers!”

Monray was speechless: “Are you sure she will eat those skeletons with only bones?”

“As for Demon magic, I have never heard of this stuff, it has long been lost!”

“Stupid! Undead Magic, like Demon magic, belongs to the summon magic!”

Dodora is a bit speechless: “Undead Magic summon, Immortal Race, Demon summon Abyss Demon, Fallen Demon Race!”

“Except for the different objects of summon, everything else is the same. You can find common ground if you just research it!”

“So simple? Then I will try!”

Monray flashed out of Tower of Time, and then activated the teleport ability to teleport Chahman, who was far away in the Dragon God Empire Imperial Capital.

“Master, are you looking for me?”

Chahman is a little confused, am I not in Dragon God Empire? Why am I here?

“Teach me Undead Magic!”

Monray made a request.

“Master, do you really want to learn Undead Magic?”

Chahman was overjoyed and finally met the same kind. It was not easy. Now he talked endlessly!

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