You can search for the “Miaobi Pavilion” in 100 degrees to find the latest chapter!

Training to realm such as Monray, learning anything is very fast. Chahman briefly talked about the basic principles of Undead Magic, and Monray mastered it.

The principle of Undead Magic is actually very simple:

The Undead Magic division communicates with the Undead Plane through mental power, and then builds the Undead Passage to fight from the Undead Plane summon undead creatures!

3 main points:

Communicate with Undead Plane!

Build Undead Passage!

summon undead creature!

“The first point is the most important. It represents whether the early Scholar has Undead Magic talent!”

Chahman said with a smile: “The person who can communicate with Undead Plane in ten-thousand does not have one is rarer than the genius of Ten Elements of Magic. This is why Undead Magic is gradually lost!”

“But Master, don’t worry, even if you don’t have Undead Magic talent, I can still let you communicate to Undead Plane!”

While explaining, Chahman communicated with Undead Plane.

In a short while, a dark space whirlpool appeared out of thin air, exuding a strong lifelessness, undead aura!

“Master, the Undead Plane I communicated with is Hell, one of the 3 High Level Demon Planes. You can put your Divine Soul Mark into Hell, and then follow the Divine Soul Mark to communicate directly with Hell!”

Chahman pointed to Undead Passage and said.

“Let me try!”

Monray controls the strength of Divine Soul through the Undead Passage, and then sends a Divine Soul Mark into Hell to lurch.

With his Divine Soul Mark of Demi-God Soul, it is almost Undying and Inextinguishable. As long as there is no accident, it can exist in Hell forever!

This means that he can communicate with Hell at any time through this Divine Soul Mark!

“Master, try again!”

Chahman closed the Undead Passage.

Monray closed his eyes, and using the Divine Soul Mark as a bridge, he could easily sense the presence of Hell!

“1st Step completed!”

“The next step is to build Undead Passage, which is no problem for Master, because it tests the mental power of Undead Magic!”

Chahman talked about the main points of constructing Undead Passage. The Lightning God is powerful, and the Undead Passage was successfully constructed on the first pass.

“Step 3, summon undead creature!”

“Using the summon method, it is generally divided into two types: forced summon and contract summon!”

Chahman explained: “As long as your mental power is strong enough, you can force the summon undead creatures weaker than yourself to help you fight!”

“During a large-scale battle, the undead army that summon came out was forcibly coming from summon!”

Monray slightly nodded!

“Second, contract summon!”

“If your mental power is too weak, or you want summon powerful undead creatures, but cannot force summon, you need to come to Undead Plane and sign a contract with the powerful undead creatures!”

“I once had a Demi-God Level other undead Bone Dragon. It is through signing a contract that I can summon it to help fight!”

Chahman looked towards Monray: “Master, your Divine Soul is powerful, and the undead creatures below summon Demi-God are not a problem at all. As for the other undead at Demi-God Level, it is estimated that you have to sign a contract!”

“I will try to force summon first!”

Monray is not in a hurry to summon powerful undead creatures. After all, he learns Undead Magic, but just wants to use Undead Magic as a springboard to study Demon magic!

What is such a strong ghost doing?

Build Undead Passage!

Forcibly summon the undead!


A skeleton frame with a height of 2 meters holding a Bone Blade walked out of the Undead Passage. Its whole body exuded a rich necromancer aura, and a group of Ghost Fire in the skull quietly burned.

“Master is really amazing. For the first time in summon, summon made a Skeleton general with Level 5 strength. There is no one before, and there is no one to come!”

“My admiration for Master is like a torrential river, like the Yellow River overflowing out of control!”

Chahman exclaimed and slapped flattery wildly!

“Level 5 ……”

Monray blushed a little, and couldn’t help but glance at the Demi-God subordinates, and found that their faces were weird, each and everyone was holding back a smile…

“cough cough !”

Monray coughed twice, ignored the group of guys, and continued to summon the undead creatures.

Hell Illusion Fox at Level 6, Goat Demon General at Level 8, Hellhound at Sacred Territory level…

Monray’s understanding of Undead Magic continued to deepen. When he summoned the undead Bone Dragon of Sacred Territory Limit, he stopped trying to Undead Magic!

Try to get here and you are done!

“Chahman, do you know Demon magic?” Monray entered the topic.

“Demon magic?”

Chahman slightly startled: “Demon magic is exactly the same as Undead Magic and belongs to the summon magic, but I really don’t!”

“I want summon Demon!”

Monray indifferently said: “The Plane where Demon lives should be Demon World and Abyss? Do you have a way to let me communicate with Demon World Abyss?”

Chahman said with a bitter smile: “Master, I have also studied Demon magic, but unfortunately, I don’t have the talent of training Demon magic!”

Monray was a little disappointed: “So, I can only sense slowly and see if I don’t have the talent of training Demon magic?”

“It seems that this can only be done!”

Chahman smiled wryly.

“Okay! Then I will try!”

Monray was ready to feel it, and Spider Goddess, who was watching coldly, suddenly said, “Are you so interested in Demon magic?”


Monray glanced at her.

Spider Goddess was a little disappointed: “If you can let me free, I have a way to let you communicate with Demon World and keep Divine Soul Mark in Demon World!”

“real or fake?”

Monray raised an eyebrow.

“of course!”

Spider Goddess smiled confidently.

Monray smiled. It is worthy of being an old monster who has lived for 510000 years. Although his strength is average, he is experienced and knowledgeable, and he is not useless!

“Say it! Tell me your way, I don’t care about your bargaining crime just now!”

Monray indifferently said.


Spider Goddess’s angry face turned green: “Do you dare to be shameless?”

“Rose, please pay attention to your identity!”

Monray coldly snorted: “You are now my servant, all your things, including your experience, knowledge, etc., are mine!”

“This includes your loyalty!”

“A slave who actually bargained with my Master, why don’t you go to heaven?”


Spider Goddess is going crazy, if she can, she really wants to blow Monray’s head with a hammer. It’s too hateful, too hateful, too damn annoying!

“I am really blind, Rose, how can I acknowledge allegiance to someone like you?”

Spider Goddess threw away a parchment, then turned around, she didn’t want to see Monray’s face at all now!

“what is this?”

Monray caught the parchment and asked curiously.

“Demon Contract!”

Spider Goddess snorted: “As long as you sign the Demon Contract, you can summon the Demon in Demon World, you can take the opportunity to leave your Divine Soul Mark in Demon World!”

“Demon Contract…”

Monray looked at the parchment. There were strange words written on it like ghost symbols, and he couldn’t understand it at all, “Chahman, can you read it?”

“Master, this is Demon text, I can’t read it either!” Chahman shook his head!

“what about you?”

Monray looked towards others again.

All the Demi-Gods shook their heads.

“Dodora, help me see this!”

Monray comes to Tower of Time.

“what is this?”

Dodora reached out and took the parchment: “This is a Demon Contract, and it’s a Master and Servant Demon Contract. Where did you get this stuff?”

“Master and servant Demon Contract?”

Monray was shocked: “How to say?”

“The master-servant contract is the master-servant contract! As long as you sign this contract, you will become Demon’s servant, and then you can get part of the power of Demon Master. Equivalent to you sell your soul to Demon in exchange for power!”

Dodora shook his head and said with a smile: “Didn’t expect this group of Demon’s methods are still so inferior and naive, can’t they change their tricks?”

“Sell the soul!”

Monray eyes flash with a cold light, disappeared in Tower of Time, “Rose, do you know the content of this Demon Contract?”

Spider Goddess stunned: “No… I don’t know! I only know that this is a Demon Contract, and I don’t know the content!”

“Dare to lie!”

Monray was coldly snorted, God Killing Spear suddenly threw away, and instantly penetrated Spider Goddess’ chest and nailed her to the ground!

This sudden scene stunned everyone. The Demi-God subordinate stared at the cold-faced Monray, and looked towards Spider Goddess nailed to the ground. The brain was short-circuited!

What’s the situation? How come you have a good fight?

“You … what are you doing?”

Spider Goddess spurt a mouthful of blood, staring at Monray angrily.

“If there is another time, God Killing Spear will not penetrate your chest, but your head!”

Monray coldly snorted and said to Chahman: “Catch a Dark Elf here!”

“Yes, Master!”

Chahman was puzzled, but didn’t dare to ask more, and soon caught a Dark Elf.

Monray released the strength of Divine Soul to control him, and then signed the Demon Contract!

The contract came into effect, and the parchment carrying the Demon Contract ignited spontaneously without fire, turning into a Demon mark and falling on Dark Elf’s forehead!

Almost at the same time, an incomparably rich bloody smoke dropping from the sky converged into a blood-red Demon illusory shadow with spikes on its back.

An evil, bloodthirsty, and cruel aura radiated from the Demon illusory shadow. Although it was not very strong, it made Demi-God feel very uncomfortable.



Naturally opposed!

“Who is in summon the great Blood Demon Barry Adrian Edmon Ives Harlow Disraeli Esmond. Collins Lord?”

The Demon illusory shadow made a deep and long sound, but looked towards Dark Elf, who was kneeling on the ground, yawning.

“My humble servant, are you in summon the great Blood Demon Lord Barry?”

Dark Elf has been scared to pee a long time ago, how can there be courage to answer its questions?

Demon illusory shadow is not only not angry, but also very satisfied with Dark Elf’s performance.

“My humble servant, as long as you listen to Lord Barry obediently, Lord Barry will give you great power and eternal life…”

“hmph! ”

Here comes coldly snorted!

Demon illusory shadow slightly startled, turned his head a little dissatisfied, and then it started to pee with a little trembling voice: “Half… Demi-God!”

“A little Sacred Territory Demon, dare to dress up as God, playing the devil here?” Monray coldly snorted: “Hurry up?”

“Yes Yes Yes!”

Demon illusory shadow disappears without a trace instantly, for fear of running slow and being killed by Monray!

“Master, was that a master-servant contract just now?”

Chahman leaned forward, looked at the Demon mark on Dark Elf’s brow, and said in disbelief.


Monray slightly nodded.

“This damn bitch, who wants to harm the Master, is unforgivable!”

Chahman was furious: “Master, what are you doing with this scourge, why don’t you give her to me so that I can become an Undead Knight?”

“If you can kill her, you can do it at will!” Monray said indifferently.


Chahman glanced at Spider Goddess and smirked: “cracking a joke! Just kidding!”


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